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Nat Mater ; 18(12): 1292-1297, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31548630


Quantum simulators are essential tools for understanding complex quantum materials. Platforms based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices and photonic devices have led the field so far, but the basis for electronic quantum simulators is now being developed. Here, we experimentally realize an electronic higher-order topological insulator (HOTI). We create a breathing kagome lattice by manipulating carbon monoxide molecules on a Cu(111) surface using a scanning tunnelling microscope. We engineer alternating weak and strong bonds to show that a topological state emerges at the corner of the non-trivial configuration, but is absent in the trivial one. Different from conventional topological insulators, the topological state has two dimensions less than the bulk, denoting a HOTI. The corner mode is protected by a generalized chiral symmetry, which leads to a particular robustness against perturbations. Our versatile approach to designing artificial lattices holds promise for revealing unexpected quantum phases of matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(8): 087002, 2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32909764


Recent experiments have shown that proximity with high-temperature superconductors induces unconventional superconducting correlations in graphene. Here, we demonstrate that those correlations propagate hundreds of nanometers, allowing for the unique observation of d-wave Andreev-pair interferences in YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7}-graphene devices that behave as a Fabry-Perot cavity. The interferences show as a series of pronounced conductance oscillations analogous to those originally predicted by de Gennes-Saint-James for conventional metal-superconductor junctions. The present demonstration is pivotal to the study of exotic directional effects expected for nodal superconductivity in Dirac materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(6): 067001, 2017 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949615


We investigate the transport properties of a junction consisting of an electron-hole bilayer in contact with normal and superconducting leads. The electron-hole bilayer is considered as a semimetal with two electronic bands. We assume that in the region between the contacts the system hosts an exciton condensate described by a BCS-like model with a gap Γ in the quasiparticle density of states. We first discuss how the subgap electronic transport through the junction is mainly governed by the interplay between two kinds of reflection processes at the interfaces: the standard Andreev reflection at the interface between the superconductor and the exciton condensate, and a coherent crossed reflection at the semimetal-exciton-condensate interface that converts electrons from one layer into the other. We show that the differential conductance of the junction shows a minimum at voltages of the order of Γ/e. Such a minimum can be seen as a direct hallmark of the existence of the gapped excitonic state.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(31)2022 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35617944


Topological quantum chemistry (TQC) has recently emerged as an instrumental tool to characterize the topological nature of both fermionic and bosonic band structures. TQC is based on the study of band representations and the localization of maximally localized Wannier functions. In this article, we study various two-dimensional photonic crystal structures analyzing their topological character through a combined study of TQC, their Wilson-loop (WL) spectra and the electromagnetic energy density. Our study demonstrates that the analysis of the spatial localization of the energy density complements the study of the topological properties in terms of the spectrum of the WL operator and TQC.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 19(18): 186227, 2007 May 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21691008


The effect of Rashba spin-orbit interaction in quantum wires with hard-wall boundaries is discussed. The exact wavefunction and eigenvalue equation are worked out, pointing out the mixing between the spin and spatial parts. The spectral properties are also studied within perturbation theory with respect to the strength of the spin-orbit interaction and diagonalization procedure. A comparison is made with the results of a simple model, the two-band model, that takes account only of the first two sub-bands of the wire. Finally, the transport properties within the ballistic regime are analytically calculated for the two-band model and through a tight-binding Green function for the entire system. Single and double interfaces separating regions with different strengths of spin-orbit interaction are analysed by injecting carriers into the first and the second sub-band. It is shown that in the case of a single interface the spin polarization in the Rashba region is different from zero, and in the case of two interfaces the spin polarization shows oscillations due to spin-selective bound states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(24): 245505, 2009 Jun 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19659028


Intratube quantum dots showing particle-in-a-box-like states with level spacings up to 200 meV are realized in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of low dose medium energy Ar(+) irradiation. Fourier-transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy compared to results of a Fabry-Perot electron resonator model yields clear signatures for inter- and intravalley scattering of electrons confined between consecutive irradiation-induced defects (interdefects distance