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J Morphol ; 216(3): 351-359, 1993 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865432


The cardiac and pyloric glands in the gastric mucosa of the South African hedgehog, Atelerix frontalis, are described. The cardiac area of the stomach contains proper cardiac glands and lacks undifferentiated fundic glands. The cardiac glands are simple tubular, coiled, and lined with columnar cells ultrastructurally similar to those of the gastric surface epithelium. Secretory granules with varying electron densities fill the apical cytoplasm of these cells. In contrast to other mammals, these glands lack mucous neck cells. The neck of the pyloric glands contains only a single cell type, whereas the basal regions of these glands contain "light" and "dark" cells. The secretory granules in the "dark" cells and the pyloric neck cells have a moderate electron density and often contain an electron dense core. An electron-lucent cytoplasm with numerous polysomes is characteristic of the "light" cells. Some "light" cells contain electron-dense granules in the apical cytoplasm. The presence of only neutral mucins in the cardiac gland cells denotes the absence of mucous neck cells. The acidic mucins within the pyloric neck cells seem to indicate that these cells are mucous neck cells, whereas the neutral mucins within the basally located pyloric gland cells show at least a partial functional difference from the pyloric neck cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

J Morphol ; 208(3): 311-321, 1991 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865529


The wall of the stomach of the tigerfish is described and compared with that of other vertebrates. Light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics of the stomach wall correspond to a large extent to those of other vertebrates, although some differences are found. The mucosa contains (1) surface epithelium characterized by narrow columnar cells with abundant mucous granules; (2) gastric glands consisting of pepsinogenic cells of variable height, containing tubulovesicles and bearing microvilli; (3) five granulated cell types located basally in the epithelium (types 1-5); and (4) lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. Connective tissue separating smooth muscle fibers of the muscularis mucosae constitutes a stratum compactum. The submucosa contains a loose connective tissue, a tunica muscularis of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers, and a serosa of mesothelium and subjacent connective tissue. Immunocytochemical tests with antisera to five polypeptides show gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactivities in some cells of the gastric glands, and somatostatin in cells lying among epithelial cells lining the gastric luminal surface or gastric pits.