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Conserv Biol ; : e14314, 2024 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105482


The rapid decline of global biodiversity has engendered renewed debate about the social, economic, and political factors contributing to it. Specifically, there is little understanding of the role that political ideology within a country (e.g., nationalism, conservatism, socialism) plays in determining biodiversity outcomes. We used negative binomial generalized linear models to investigate the importance of national regime ideology in predicting threatened animal species and protected area establishment compared with other factors that affect biodiversity outcomes, such as gross domestic product, inequality, and democracy. For threatened animals, the model with the highest Akaike weight suggested adverse biodiversity outcomes arose from larger gross domestic product (ß = 0.120, p < 0.001). However, nationalism (ß = 0.371, p < 0.01) and socialism (ß = 0.293, p < 0.05) were also significantly associated with increased proportions of threatened species. For protected areas, the model with the highest Akaike weight suggested increases in democracy (ß = 0.880, p < 0.001) led to a rise in relative protected area estate. Conservative regime ideology was also associated with greater protected area estate, although this did not increase the weight of evidence in support of the best models. These findings highlight the relevance of political ideology for predicting biodiversity outcomes at a national scale and illustrate opportunities to tailor policies and advocacy to promote biodiversity conservation more effectively. By targeting appropriate messaging and political advocacy, conservationists can improve the likelihood that politicians and their nations will participate in positive biodiversity actions.

El papel de la ideología del régimen nacional para la predicción de resultados de biodiversidad Resumen El rápido declive de la biodiversidad mundial ha suscitado un renovado debate sobre los factores sociales, económicos y políticos que contribuyen a él. En concreto, se conoce poco el papel que desempeña la ideología política dentro de un país (por ejemplo, el nacionalismo, el conservadurismo o el socialismo) a la hora de determinar los resultados en materia de biodiversidad. Utilizamos modelos lineales generalizados binomiales negativos para investigar la importancia de la ideología del régimen nacional a la hora de predecir las especies animales amenazadas y el establecimiento de áreas protegidas en comparación con otros factores que afectan a los resultados de la biodiversidad, como el producto interno bruto, la desigualdad y la democracia. En el caso de los animales amenazados, el modelo con la mayor ponderación de Akaike sugirió que los resultados adversos para la biodiversidad se debían a un mayor producto interno bruto (ß = 0,120, p < 0,001). Sin embargo, el nacionalismo (ß = 0,371, p < 0,01) y el socialismo (ß = 0,293, p < 0,05) también se asociaron significativamente con una mayor proporción de especies amenazadas. En el caso de las áreas protegidas, el modelo con la mayor ponderación de Akaike sugirió que el aumento de la democracia (ß = 0,880, p < 0,001) conducía a un aumento de la extensión relativa de las áreas protegidas. La ideología conservadora del régimen también se asoció con una mayor superficie de áreas protegidas, aunque no aumentó el peso de la evidencia en apoyo de los mejores modelos. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la ideología política para predecir los resultados de la biodiversidad a escala nacional e ilustran las oportunidades de adaptar las políticas y la defensa para promover la conservación de la biodiversidad de manera más eficaz. Si se orientan los mensajes y la promoción política de forma adecuada, los conservacionistas pueden mejorar la probabilidad de que los políticos y sus naciones participen en acciones positivas para la biodiversidad.

Conserv Biol ; : e14344, 2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166825


The Pacific Islands region is home to several of the world's biodiversity hotspots, yet its unique flora and fauna are under threat because of biological invasions. These invasions are likely to proliferate as human activity increases and large-scale natural disturbances unfold, exacerbated by climate change. Remote sensing data and techniques provide a feasible method to map and monitor invasive plant species and inform invasive plant species management across the Pacific Islands region. We used case studies taken from literature retrieved from Google Scholar, 3 regional agencies' digital libraries, and 2 online catalogs on invasive plant species management to examine the uptake and challenges faced in the implementation of remote sensing technology in the Pacific region. We synthesized remote sensing techniques and outlined their potential to detect and map invasive plant species based on species phenology, structural characteristics, and image texture algorithms. The application of remote sensing methods to detect invasive plant species was heavily reliant on species ecology, extent of invasion, and available geospatial and remotely sensed image data. However, current mechanisms that support invasive plant species management, including policy frameworks and geospatial data infrastructure, operated in isolation, leading to duplication of efforts and creating unsustainable solutions for the region. For remote sensing to support invasive plant species management in the region, key stakeholders including conservation managers, researchers, and practitioners; funding agencies; and regional organizations must invest, where possible, in the broader geospatial and environmental sector, integrate, and streamline policies and improve capacity and technology access.

Capacidad y potencial de la telemetría para informar la gestión de especies de plantas invasoras en las islas del Pacífico Resumen Las islas del Pacífico albergan varios de los puntos calientes de biodiversidad del planeta; sin embargo, su flora y fauna únicas se encuentran amenazadas por las invasiones biológicas. Es probable que estas invasiones proliferen conforme incrementa la actividad humana y se desarrollan las perturbaciones naturales a gran escala, exacerbadas por el cambio climático. Los datos y las técnicas telemétricas proporcionan un método viable para mapear y monitorear las especies invasoras de plantas y orientar su manejo en la región de las islas del Pacífico. Usamos estudios de caso tomados de la bibliografía de Google Scholar, las bibliotecas digitales de tres agencias regionales y dos catálogos virtuales del manejo de especies invasoras de plantas para analizar la asimilación y retos que enfrenta la implementación de la telemetría en la región del Pacífico. Sintetizamos las técnicas telemétricas y describimos su potencial para detectar y mapear las especies de plantas invasoras con base en la fenología de las especies, características estructurales y algoritmos de textura de imagen. La aplicación de los métodos de telemetría para detectar las especies invasoras de plantas dependió en gran medida de la ecología de la especie, la extensión de la invasión y los datos disponibles de imágenes telemétricas y geoespaciales. Sin embargo, los mecanismos actuales de apoyo para el manejo de especies invasoras de plantas, incluyendo los marcos normativos y la infraestructura para datos geoespaciales, operan de manera aislada, lo que lleva a que se dupliquen los esfuerzos y se creen soluciones insostenibles para la región. Para que la telemetría apoye al manejo de especies invasoras de plantas en la región, los actores clave, incluidos los gestores, investigadores, practicantes, agencias financiadoras y organizaciones regionales, deben invertir, en lo posible, en un sector ambiental y geoespacial más amplio, integrar y simplificar las políticas y mejorar la capacidad y el acceso a la tecnología.

Behav Res Methods ; 2023 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38030927


Threatened species monitoring can produce enormous quantities of acoustic and visual recordings which must be searched for animal detections. Data coding is extremely time-consuming for humans and even though machine algorithms are emerging as useful tools to tackle this task, they too require large amounts of known detections for training. Citizen scientists are often recruited via crowd-sourcing to assist. However, the results of their coding can be difficult to interpret because citizen scientists lack comprehensive training and typically each codes only a small fraction of the full dataset. Competence may vary between citizen scientists, but without knowing the ground truth of the dataset, it is difficult to identify which citizen scientists are most competent. We used a quantitative cognitive model, cultural consensus theory, to analyze both empirical and simulated data from a crowdsourced analysis of audio recordings of Australian frogs. Several hundred citizen scientists were asked whether the calls of nine frog species were present on 1260 brief audio recordings, though most only coded a fraction of these recordings. Through modeling, characteristics of both the citizen scientist cohort and the recordings were estimated. We then compared the model's output to expert coding of the recordings and found agreement between the cohort's consensus and the expert evaluation. This finding adds to the evidence that crowdsourced analyses can be utilized to understand large-scale datasets, even when the ground truth of the dataset is unknown. The model-based analysis provides a promising tool to screen large datasets prior to investing expert time and resources.

J Exp Biol ; 224(9)2021 05 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33758023


Producing colored signals often requires consuming dietary carotenoid pigments. Evidence that food deprivation can reduce coloration, however, raises the question of whether other dietary nutrients contribute to signal coloration, and furthermore, whether individuals can voluntarily select food combinations to achieve optimal coloration. We created a two-way factorial design to manipulate macronutrient and carotenoid access in common mynas (Acridotheres tristis) and measured eye patch coloration as a function of the food combinations individuals selected. Mynas had access to either water or carotenoid-supplemented water and could either eat a standard captive diet or choose freely between three nutritionally defined pellets (protein, lipid or carbohydrate). Mynas supplemented with both carotenoids and macronutrient pellets had higher color scores than control birds. Male coloration tended to respond more to nutritional manipulation than females, with color scores improving in macronutrient- and carotenoid-supplemented individuals compared with controls. All mynas consuming carotenoids had higher levels of plasma carotenoids, but only males showed a significant increase by the end of the experiment. Dietary carotenoids and macronutrient intake consumed in combination tended to increase plasma carotenoid concentrations the most. These results demonstrate for the first time that consuming specific combinations of macronutrients along with carotenoids contributes to optimizing a colorful signal, and point to sex-specific nutritional strategies. Our findings improve our knowledge of how diet choices affect signal expression and, by extension, how nutritionally impoverished diets, such as those consumed by birds in cities, might affect sexual selection processes and, ultimately, population dynamics.

Plumas , Pigmentação , Animais , Carotenoides , Dieta , Ingestão de Alimentos , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Conserv Biol ; 33(4): 760-768, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31206825


Compassionate conservation focuses on 4 tenets: first, do no harm; individuals matter; inclusivity of individual animals; and peaceful coexistence between humans and animals. Recently, compassionate conservation has been promoted as an alternative to conventional conservation philosophy. We believe examples presented by compassionate conservationists are deliberately or arbitrarily chosen to focus on mammals; inherently not compassionate; and offer ineffective conservation solutions. Compassionate conservation arbitrarily focuses on charismatic species, notably large predators and megaherbivores. The philosophy is not compassionate when it leaves invasive predators in the environment to cause harm to vastly more individuals of native species or uses the fear of harm by apex predators to terrorize mesopredators. Hindering the control of exotic species (megafauna, predators) in situ will not improve the conservation condition of the majority of biodiversity. The positions taken by so-called compassionate conservationists on particular species and on conservation actions could be extended to hinder other forms of conservation, including translocations, conservation fencing, and fertility control. Animal welfare is incredibly important to conservation, but ironically compassionate conservation does not offer the best welfare outcomes to animals and is often ineffective in achieving conservation goals. Consequently, compassionate conservation may threaten public and governmental support for conservation because of the limited understanding of conservation problems by the general public.

Deconstrucción de la Conservación Compasiva Resumen La conservación compasiva se enfoca en cuatro principios: no causar daño; los individuos importan; la integración de los animales individualmente; y la coexistencia pacífica entre los humanos u los animales. Recientemente, la conservación compasiva ha sido promovida como una alternativa a la filosofía convencional de la conservación. Creemos que los ejemplos presentados por los conservacionistas compasivos han sido elegidos arbitraria o deliberadamente por estar enfocados en los mamíferos; por ser inherentes y no compasivos; y por ofrecer soluciones de conservación poco efectivas. La conservación compasiva se enfoca arbitrariamente en las especies carismáticas, principalmente los grandes depredadores y los megaherbívoros. La filosofía no es compasiva cuando deja que los depredadores invasores dentro del ambiente causen daño a un vasto número de individuos nativos o usa el miedo al daño por superdepredadores para aterrorizar a los mesodepredadores. El entorpecimiento del control de especies exóticas (megafauna, depredadores) in situ no mejorará las condiciones de conservación de la mayoría de la biodiversidad, incluso si los conservacionistas compasivos no dañan a los individuos exóticos. Las posiciones que toman los llamados conservacionistas compasivos sobre especies particulares y sobre las acciones de conservación podrían extenderse para entorpecer otros tipos de conservación, incluyendo las reubicaciones, el encercado para la conservación y el control de la fertilidad. El bienestar animal es increíblemente importante para la conservación e irónicamente, la conservación compasiva no ofrece los mejores resultados de bienestar para los animales y comúnmente es poco efectiva en el logro de los objetivos de conservación. Como consecuencia, la conservación compasiva puede poner en peligro el apoyo público y del gobierno que tiene la conservación debido al entendimiento poco limitado que tiene el público general sobre los problemas de conservación.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Animais , Empatia , Humanos
Anim Cogn ; 20(1): 65-74, 2017 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27778195


Establishment in urbanized environments is associated with changes in physiology, behaviour, and problem-solving. We compared the speed of learning in urban and rural female common mynas, Acridotheres tristis, using a standard visual discrimination task followed by a reversal learning phase. We also examined how quickly each bird progressed through different stages of learning, including sampling and acquisition within both initial and reversal learning, and persistence following reversal. Based on their reliance on very different food resources, we expected urban mynas to learn and reversal learn more quickly but to sample new contingencies for proportionately longer before learning them. When quantified from first presentation to criterion achievement, urban mynas took more 20-trial blocks to learn the initial discrimination, as well as the reversed contingency, than rural mynas. More detailed analyses at the level of stage revealed that this was because urban mynas explored the novel cue-outcome contingencies for longer, and despite transitioning faster through subsequent acquisition, remained overall slower than rural females. Our findings draw attention to fine adjustments in learning strategies in response to urbanization and caution against interpreting the speed to learn a task as a reflection of cognitive ability.

Resolução de Problemas , Reversão de Aprendizagem , Estorninhos , Animais , Aprendizagem por Discriminação , Meio Ambiente , Feminino , Percepção Visual
Behav Ecol ; 35(1): arad090, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38193016


The capacity to create new behaviors is influenced by environmental factors such as foraging ecology, which can lead to phylogenetic variation in innovativeness. Alternatively, these differences may arise due to the selection of the underlying mechanisms, collaterally affecting innovativeness. To understand the evolutionary pathways that might enhance innovativeness, we examined the role of diet breadth and degree of extractive foraging, as well as a range of intervening cognitive and behavioral mechanisms (neophilia, neophobia, flexibility, motivation, and persistence). Darwin's finches are very suitable to this purpose: the clade is composed of closely related species that vary in their feeding habits and capacity to develop food innovations. Using a multi-access box, we conducted an interspecies comparison on innovative problem-solving between two diet specialists, extractive foragers (woodpecker and cactus finch), and two diet generalists, non-extractive foragers (small and medium ground finch). We predicted that if extractive foraging was associated with high innovativeness, variation would be best explained by species differences in persistence and motivation, whereas if diet generalism was the main driver, then variation would be due to differences in flexibility and responses to novelty. We found a faster capacity to innovate and a higher persistence for extractive foragers, suggesting that persistence might be adaptive to extractive foraging and only secondarily to innovation. Our findings also show that diet generalism and some variables linking it to innovation were unrelated to innovativeness and call for the development of joint experimental approaches that capture the diversity of factors giving rise to novel behaviors.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(11)2023 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37889720


Many bird species in Australia require tree hollows for breeding. However, assessing the benefits of urban nest boxes to native birds requires frequent monitoring that allows to assess nesting success. To better understand the benefits of nest boxes for native birds, we examined the impact of local habitat characteristics, invasive species (common myna, Acridotheres tristis), and native mammalian predators on urban nest box use and nesting success of native birds. We installed 216 nest boxes across nine locations in southeastern Australia (S.E. Queensland and northern New South Wales) in both long-invaded sites (invaded before 1970) and more recently invaded sites (after 1990). We monitored all boxes weekly over two breeding seasons. We recorded seven bird species and three mammal species using the nest boxes. Weekly box occupancy by all species averaged 8% of all boxes, with the species most frequently recorded in the nest boxes being the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), a native cavity user and nest predator. We recorded 137 nesting attempts in the boxes across all bird species. The most frequent nesting species were the invasive alien common mynas (72 nesting attempts). We recorded an average nesting failure rate of 53.3% for all bird species. We did not record any common mynas evicting other nesting birds, and found that several native species used the same box after the common myna completed its nesting. We recorded native possums in 92% of the boxes, and possum occupancy of boxes per site was negatively correlated with bird nesting success (p = 0.021). These results suggest that when boxes are accessible to invasive species and native predators, they are unlikely to significantly improve nesting opportunities for native birds. To ensure efficient use of limited conservation resources, nest boxes should be designed to target species of high conservation importance and limit other species of both predators and competitors.

Ethology ; 129(3): 133-145, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37082334


The ability to gain information from one situation, acquire new skills and/or perfect existing ones, and subsequently apply them to a new situation is a key element in behavioural flexibility and a hallmark of innovation. A flexible agent is expected to store these skills and apply them to contexts different from that in which learning occurred. Goffin's cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana) are highly innovative parrots renowned for their problem-solving and tool-using skills and are thus excellent candidates to study this phenomenon. We hypothesized that birds allowed to use a tool in a larger variety of contingencies would acquire a broader expertise in handling it, facilitating its transfer to new tasks. In our study, we compared the performance of two groups of captive Goffin's cockatoos (N = 13): A test group received more diverse learning and motor experiences on multiple applications of a hook-type tool, while a control group received intensive, total trial-matched, experience with a single application of the same tool. Then, both groups were tested on two novel tasks to determine whether experience with the tool in multiple contexts would facilitate performance during transfer. While both groups transferred to both novel tasks, group differences in performance were apparent, particularly in the second transfer task, where test birds achieved a higher success rate and reached criteria within fewer trials than control birds. These results provide support for the prediction that experiencing a diverse range of contingencies with a tool appears to allow birds to acquire generalizable knowledge and transferrable skills to tackle an untrained problem more efficiently. In contrast, intensive experience with the tool in a single context might have made control birds less flexible and more fixated on previously learned tool-dependent instances.

Oecologia ; 169(2): 553-64, 2012 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22139450


Why can alien species succeed in environments to which they have had no opportunity to adapt and even become more abundant than many native species? Ecological theory suggests two main possible answers for this paradox: competitive superiority of exotic species over native species and opportunistic use of ecological opportunities derived from human activities. We tested these hypotheses in birds combining field observations and experiments along gradients of urbanization in New South Wales (Australia). Five exotic species attained densities in the study area comparable to those of the most abundant native species, and hence provided a case for the invasion paradox. The success of these alien birds was not primarily associated with a competitive superiority over native species: the most successful invaders were smaller and less aggressive than their main native competitors, and were generally excluded from artificially created food patches where competition was high. More importantly, exotic birds were primarily restricted to urban environments, where the diversity and abundance of native species were low. This finding agrees with previous studies and indicates that exotic and native species rarely interact in nature. Observations and experiments in the field revealed that the few native species that exploit the most urbanized environments tended to be opportunistic foragers, adaptations that should facilitate survival in places where disturbances by humans are frequent and natural vegetation has been replaced by man-made structures. Successful invaders also shared these features, suggesting that their success is not a paradox but can be explained by their capacity to exploit ecological opportunities that most native species rarely use.

Aves , Espécies Introduzidas , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Ecossistema , Humanos , New South Wales , Urbanização
Sci Total Environ ; 796: 148828, 2021 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271392


Theory suggests that overcrowding and increased competition in urban environments might be detrimental to individual condition in avian populations. Unfavourable living conditions could be compounded by changes in dietary niche with additional consequences for individual quality of urban birds. We analysed the isotopic signatures, signal coloration, body condition, parasitic loads (feather mites and coccidia), and immune responsiveness of 191 adult common (Indian) mynas (Acridotheres tristis) captured in 19 localities with differing levels of urbanization. The isotopic signature of myna feathers differed across low and high urbanized habitats, with a reduced isotopic niche breadth found in highly urbanized birds. This suggests that birds in high urban environments may occupy a smaller foraging niche to the one of less urbanized birds. In addition, higher degrees of urbanization were associated with a decrease in carotenoid-based coloration, higher ectoparasite loads and higher immune responsiveness. This pattern of results suggests that the health status of mynas from more urbanized environments was poorer than mynas from less modified habitats. Our findings are consistent with the theory that large proportions of individual birds that would otherwise die under natural conditions survive due to prevailing top-down and bottom-up ecological processes in cities. Detrimental urban ecological conditions and search for more favourable, less crowded habitats offers the first reasonable explanation for why an ecological invader like the common myna continues to spread within its global invasive range.

Espécies Introduzidas , Urbanização , Animais , Aves , Dieta/veterinária , Ecossistema
Mar Pollut Bull ; 169: 112475, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34022559


We examined the patterns of uptake and partitioning of metal(loid)s in Suaeda australis from three highly urbanised estuaries (Sydney Olympic Park, Hunter Wetlands and Lake Macquarie) in NSW, Australia. Of these, Sydney Olympic Park was found to be the most contaminated estuary in terms of combined sediment metal(loid) load, followed by Hunter Wetlands and lowest in Lake Macquarie (via PERMANOVA). Uptake in roots was greater for the essential metals Cu and Zn along with the non-essential metal Cd and the metalloid Se (root BCFs >1) and lower for Pb and As (root BCFs <1). Substantial barriers for translocation from roots to stems were identified for all metal(loid)s (stem TFs; 0.07-0.68). Conversely, unrestricted flow from stems to leaves was observed for all metal(loid)s at unity or higher (leaf TFs ≥ 1). Strong linear relationships between sediment and root for Zn and Pb were observed, indicating roots as a useful bioindicator.

Chenopodiaceae , Metaloides , Metais Pesados , Austrália , Monitoramento Ambiental , Metaloides/análise , Metais Pesados/análise , New South Wales , Plantas Tolerantes a Sal
J Hazard Mater ; 414: 125515, 2021 07 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33662792


The current study represents the first attempt to analyse quantitatively, within a phylogenetic framework, uptake and partitioning patterns of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in extant saltmarsh taxa globally, and to assess associations of these patterns with various plant traits indicative of their halophytic adaptations. Despite saltmarsh being diverse taxonomically, most saltmarsh taxa accumulate metals to roots at, or above, unity (> 1). Further, there is significant translocation from roots to shoot for Cu, Zn and Cd (≤ 1), however, Pb is less mobile (TF = 0.65). Patterns of accumulation were similar among families, except greater Cd accumulation to roots in members of Juncaceae. Patterns of uptake to roots and translocation to leaves were broadly similar among plant type, plant form, habitat and photosynthetic mode. Zinc is lower in the leaves of salt-secreting species for some closely related taxa, suggesting some species co-excrete sodium (Na+) and Zn2+ through glands in leaf tissue. Salinity tolerance has no relationship to metal uptake and translocation. Translocation of Zn is greater at lower Zn sediment exposures, reflecting its active uptake and essentiality, but such bias does not affect outcomes of analyses when included as a covariate.

Metais Pesados , Poluentes do Solo , Cádmio , Cobre , Humanos , Filogenia , Raízes de Plantas , Plantas Tolerantes a Sal/genética , Zinco
Front Psychol ; 11: 1139, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32536896


"Compassionate Conservation" is an emerging movement within conservation science that is gaining attention through its promotion of "ethical" conservation practices that place empathy and compassion and the moral principles of "first, do no harm" and "individuals matter" at the forefront of conservation practice. We have articulated elsewhere how Compassionate Conservation, if adopted, could be more harmful for native biodiversity than any other conservation action implemented thus far, while also causing more net harm to individuals than it aims to stop. Here, we examine whether empathy, compassion and inflexible adherence to moral principles form a solid basis upon which to meet the goals of conservation biology as specified by pioneers in the discipline. Specifically, we examine a large empirical literature demonstrating that empathy is subject to significant biases and that inflexible adherence to moral rules can result in a "do nothing" approach. In light of this literature, we argue that our emotional systems have not evolved to provide a reliable basis for making decisions as to how best to ensure the long-term persistence of our planet. Consequently, in its most radical form, the Compassionate Conservation philosophy should not be enshrined as a legalized guiding principle for conservation action.

Integr Zool ; 14(2): 193-203, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29316266


Inference by exclusion is the ability to select a given option by excluding the others. When designed appropriately, tests of this ability can reveal choices that cannot be explained by associative processes. Over the past decade, exclusion reasoning has been explored in several non-human taxonomic groups, including birds, mainly in Corvids and Parrots. To increase our understanding of the taxonomic distribution of exclusion reasoning and, therefore, its evolution, we investigated exclusion performances in red-tailed black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus banksii), an Australian relative of the Goffin cockatoo (Cacatua goffini), using a food-finding task. Cockatoos were required to find a food item hidden in 1 of the 2 experimenter's hands. Following training sessions in which they reliably selected the closed baited hand they had just been shown open, each individual was tested on 4 different conditions. Critical to demonstrating exclusion reasoning was the condition in which they were shown the empty hand and then offered a choice of both closed hands. The performance of all birds was above chance on all experimental conditions but not on an olfactory and/or cuing control condition. The results suggest that the birds might be able to infer by exclusion, although an explanation based on rule learning cannot be excluded. This first experiment in red-tailed black cockatoo highlights the potential of this species as a model to study avian cognition and paves the pathway for future investigations.

Comportamento de Escolha , Cacatuas , Desempenho Psicomotor , Animais , Discriminação Psicológica , Feminino , Masculino
Behav Processes ; 134: 87-94, 2017 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27717852


Animals show consistent individual differences in behaviour across time and/or contexts. Recently, it has been suggested that proactive personality types might also exhibit fast cognitive styles. The speed with which individuals sample environmental cues is one way in which correlations between personality and cognition might arise. Here, we measured a collection of behavioural traits (competitiveness, neophobia, neophilia, task-directed motivation and exploration) in common mynas (Acridotheres tristis) and measured their relationship with problem solving. We predicted that fast solving mynas would interact with (i.e. sample) the problem solving task at higher rates, but also be more competitive, less neophobic, more neophilic, and more exploratory. Mynas that were faster to solve a novel foraging problem were no more competitive around food and no more inclined to take risks. Unexpectedly, these fast-solving mynas had higher rates of interactions with the task, but also displayed lower levels of exploration. It is possible that a negative relation between problem solving and spatial exploration arose as a consequence of how inter-individual variation in exploration was quantified. We discuss the need for greater consensus on how to measure exploratory behaviour before we can advance our understanding of relationships between cognition and personality more effectively.

Personalidade/fisiologia , Resolução de Problemas/fisiologia , Estorninhos/fisiologia , Animais