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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(3): 035001, 2020 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32745413


Magnetically driven implosions are susceptible to magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, including the magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability (MRTI). To reduce MRTI growth in solid-metal liner implosions, the use of a dynamic screw pinch (DSP) has been proposed [P. F. Schmit et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 205001 (2016)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.117.205001]. In a DSP configuration, a helical return-current structure surrounds the liner, resulting in a helical magnetic field that drives the implosion. Here, we present the first experimental tests of a solid-metal liner implosion driven by a DSP. Using the 1-MA, 100-200-ns COBRA pulsed-power driver, we tested three DSP cases (with peak axial magnetic fields of 2 T, 14 T, and 20 T) and a standard z-pinch (SZP) case (with a straight return-current structure and thus zero axial field). The liners had an initial radius of 3.2 mm and were made from 650-nm-thick aluminum foil. Images collected during the experiments reveal that helical MRTI modes developed in the DSP cases, while nonhelical (azimuthally symmetric) MRTI modes developed in the SZP case. Additionally, the MRTI amplitudes for the 14-T and 20-T DSP cases were smaller than in the SZP case. Specifically, when the liner had imploded to half of its initial radius, the MRTI amplitudes for the SZP case and for the 14-T and 20-T DSP cases were, respectively, 1.1±0.3 mm, 0.7±0.2 mm, and 0.3±0.1 mm. Relative to the SZP, the stabilization obtained using the DSP agrees reasonably well with theoretical estimates.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(8)2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38065178


In this paper, we describe a technique using a crystal spectrometer, a silicon-diode detector, and a filtered photoconductive detector to monitor photon energies in the L-shell (0.9-1 keV) and K-shell regimes for nickel and copper hybrid X-pinch x-ray sources. The detectors, system cabling, and an 8 GHz digital oscilloscope in combination enable time resolution better than 200 ps for photoconductive detectors and 700 ps for silicon-diode detectors of the K- and L-shell radiation signals, respectively. We substantially improve the relative timing of signals obtained using the oscilloscope by using an x-ray streak camera with a crystal spectrometer to monitor the L-shell line spectra and, separately, the K-shell line spectra relative to the continuum burst to better than 17 ps time resolution. This combination of instruments enabled and validated a new method by which plasma conditions in nickel and copper X-pinches can be assessed immediately before and after the ∼30 ps continuum x-ray burst produced by 370 kA hybrid X-pinches. In general, the method described here can be applied to observe otherwise highly filter-absorbed radiation in the presence of a broad spectrum of higher energy radiation by combining x-ray crystals and detectors.

Phys Rev E ; 102(6-1): 063208, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33465966


K-shell x-ray spectra from Al wire hybrid X pinches have been studied using an x-ray streak camera with better than 0.1-ns time resolution together with a Focusing Spectrograph with Spatial Resolution (FSSR) spectrograph. High-intensity radiation with a continuumlike spectrum was observed in the subnanosecond initial phase of the x-ray pulse generated by the hybrid X pinch (HXP). The absence of spectral lines in this phase and the extremely small x-ray source size indicates the importance of radiative processes in the final phase implosion dynamics. Plasma parameters in the following phases of the HXP were determined from analysis of the line intensities. Point-projection radiography together with a slit-step wedge camera and an FSSR spectrograph without time resolution were used to show the number of radiation sources, and to give information on the time-integrated photon energy spectrum.

Science ; 284(5417): 1143-6, 1999 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10325219


Vesicles were made from amphiphilic diblock copolymers and characterized by micromanipulation. The average molecular weight of the specific polymer studied, polyethyleneoxide-polyethylethylene (EO40-EE37), is several times greater than that of typical phospholipids in natural membranes. Both the membrane bending and area expansion moduli of electroformed polymersomes (polymer-based liposomes) fell within the range of lipid membrane measurements, but the giant polymersomes proved to be almost an order of magnitude tougher and sustained far greater areal strain before rupture. The polymersome membrane was also at least 10 times less permeable to water than common phospholipid bilayers. The results suggest a new class of synthetic thin-shelled capsules based on block copolymer chemistry.

Lipossomos , Membranas Artificiais , Polietilenos/química , Polímeros/química , Fenômenos Químicos , Físico-Química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Peso Molecular , Pressão Osmótica , Permeabilidade , Fosfolipídeos/química , Tensão Superficial
Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(3): 033503, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18377006


A new imaging system for 1 MA scale wire-array Z-pinch experiments that produces up to five high-resolution x-ray images per experimental pulse has been developed. Calibrated areal density measurements of the Z-pinch plasma can be obtained from each pulse. The system substitutes five molybdenum (Mo) X pinches for the normal copper return-current conductors to provide point sources of x-rays for point-projection radiography. Each backlighting X pinch consists of four Mo wires, the x-ray burst timing of which was controlled by varying the wire diameter (mass) from 10.2 to 30 microm in the five X pinches. Typical images have a 16x8 mm2 field of view at the wire array and a magnification of about 6.5:1 on the x-ray-sensitive film. Titanium (Ti) filters in front of the films transmit continuum radiation in the spectral range of 3-5 keV. Inclusion on the Ti of a step wedge having known thickness increments of the same material as the wires enables the calibrated areal density measurements to be made of the exploding wire plasmas. Here, we used tungsten (W) step wedges with step thicknesses ranging from 0.015 to 1.1 microm to obtain accurate (+/-10%) areal density measurements of W plasmas from the spatial profile of film exposure. When imaging arrays that produce intense radiation pulses, a plastic monofilament "quencher" is placed on axis to avoid film saturation. Images have subnanosecond temporal resolution and about 7 microm spatial resolution.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(7): 073501, 2008 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18681698


COBRA is a 0.5 Omega pulse generator driving loads of order 10 nH inductance to >1 MA current. The design is based on independently timed, laser-triggered switching of four water pulse-forming lines whose outputs are added in parallel to drive the load current pulse. The detailed design and operation of the switching to give a wide variety of current pulse shapes and rise times from 95 to 230 ns is described. The design and operation of a simple inductive load voltage monitor are described which allows good accounting of load impedance and energy dissipation. A method of eliminating gas bubbles on the underside of nearly horizontal insulator surfaces in water was required for reliable operation of COBRA; a novel and effective solution to this problem is described.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(1): 013106, 2008 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18248021


A new, wide spectral bandwidth x-ray spectrograph, the wide-bandwidth focusing spectrograph with spatial resolution (WB-FSSR), based on spherically bent mica crystals, is described. The wide bandwidth is achieved by combining three crystals to form a large aperture dispersive element. Since the WB-FSSR covers a wide spectral band, it is very convenient for application as a routine diagnostic tool in experiments in which the desired spectral coverage is different from one test to the next. The WB-FSSR has been tested in imploding wire-array experiments on a 1 MA pulsed power machine, and x-ray spectra were recorded in the 1-20 A spectral band using different orders of mica crystal reflection. Using a two mirror-symmetrically placed WB-FSSR configuration, it was also possible to distinguish between a real spectral shift and a shift of recorded spectral lines caused by the spatial distribution of the radiating plasma. A spectral resolution of about 2000 was demonstrated and a spatial resolution of approximately 100 microm was achieved in the spectral band of 5-10 A in second order of mica reflection. A simple method of numerical analysis of spectrograph capability is proposed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10C109, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399882


A single channel sub-nanosecond time-resolved Thomson scattering system used for pulsed power-driven high energy density plasma measurements has been upgraded to give electron temperatures at two different times and from two different angles simultaneously. This system was used to study plasma jets created from a 15 µm thick radial Al foil load on a 1 MA pulsed power machine. Two laser pulses were generated by splitting the initial 2.3 ns duration, 10 J, 526.5 nm laser beam into two pulses, each with 2.5 J, and delaying one relative to the other by between 3 and 14 ns. Time resolution within each pulse was obtained using a streak camera to record the scattered spectra from the two beams from two scattering angles. Analysis of the scattering profile showed that the electron temperature of the Al jet increased from 20 eV up to as much as 45 eV within about 2 ns by inverse bremsstrahlung for both laser pulses. The Thomson scattering results from jets formed with opposite current polarities showed different laser heating of the electrons, as well as possibly different ion temperatures. The two-angle scattering determined that the electron density of the plasma jet was at least 2 × 1018 cm-3.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(9): 095102, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30278768


Intense magnetic fields modify quantum processes in extremely dense matter, calling for precise measurements in very harsh conditions. This endeavor becomes even more challenging because the generation of mega-gauss fields in a laboratory is far from trivial. This paper presents a unique and compact approach to generate fields above 2 MG in less than 150 ns inside a volume on the order of half a cubic centimeter. Magnetic insulation, keeping plasma ablation close to the wire surface, and mechanical inertia, limiting coil motion throughout the current discharge, enable the generation of intense magnetic fields where the shape of the conductor controls the field topology with exquisite precision and versatility, limiting the need for mapping magnetic fields experimentally.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(6): 063304, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28667999


A new approach for a compact radio-frequency (RF) accelerator structure is presented. The new accelerator architecture is based on the Multiple Electrostatic Quadrupole Array Linear Accelerator (MEQALAC) structure that was first developed in the 1980s. The MEQALAC utilized RF resonators producing the accelerating fields and providing for higher beam currents through parallel beamlets focused using arrays of electrostatic quadrupoles (ESQs). While the early work obtained ESQs with lateral dimensions on the order of a few centimeters, using a printed circuit board (PCB), we reduce the characteristic dimension to the millimeter regime, while massively scaling up the potential number of parallel beamlets. Using Microelectromechanical systems scalable fabrication approaches, we are working on further reducing the characteristic dimension to the sub-millimeter regime. The technology is based on RF-acceleration components and ESQs implemented in the PCB or silicon wafers where each beamlet passes through beam apertures in the wafer. The complete accelerator is then assembled by stacking these wafers. This approach has the potential for fast and inexpensive batch fabrication of the components and flexibility in system design for application specific beam energies and currents. For prototyping the accelerator architecture, the components have been fabricated using the PCB. In this paper, we present proof of concept results of the principal components using the PCB: RF acceleration and ESQ focusing. Ongoing developments on implementing components in silicon and scaling of the accelerator technology to high currents and beam energies are discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(11): 113502, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29195347


Broadband, high resolution X-pinch radiography has been demonstrated as a method to view the instability induced small scale structure that develops in near solid density regions of both insulated and non-insulated cylindrical metallic liners. In experiments carried out on a 1-1.2 MA 100-200 ns rise time pulsed power generator, µm scale features were imaged in initially 16 µm thick Al foil cylindrical liners. Better resolution and contrast were obtained using an X-ray sensitive film than with image plate detectors because of the properties of the X-pinch X-ray source. We also discuss configuration variations that were made to the simple cylindrical liner geometry that appeared to maintain validity of the small-scale structure measurements while improving measurement quality.

J Inherit Metab Dis ; 29(4): 592, 2006 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16826448


Congenital disorder of glycosylation Ia is the most common defect of glycosylation and is due to mutations in phosphomannomutase 2. This leads to aberrant N-linked oligosaccharides. The phenotype of CDG Ia reflects the essential nature of glycosylation and patients typically present with multiple organs affected, with hypotonia, developmental delay, inverted nipples and abnormal fat pads. Later features include retinitis pigmentosa, stroke, cerebellar atrophy and malabsorption. Approximately 20% of patients die in the first year of life and infection is the most common cause of death. Immunological function has not previously been investigated in these patients and the critical role of oligosaccharides on adhesion molecules suggested that haematopoietic cell migration and communication could be disrupted by mutations in phosphomannomutase 2. We characterized the clinical features, performed standard immunological evaluations, and performed specific analyses of neutrophil adhesion molecules on two patients to address this question. Patient neutrophils had diminished chemotaxis but expressed comparable levels of adhesion molecules and rolled on artificial endothelium equivalently to control neutrophils. The most significant feature of the patients' immunological function was poor vaccine responses. These two affected patients were begun on intravenous immunoglobulin with some improvement in their infections.

Erros Inatos do Metabolismo dos Carboidratos/complicações , Erros Inatos do Metabolismo dos Carboidratos/imunologia , Infecções/etiologia , Linfócitos B/imunologia , Erros Inatos do Metabolismo dos Carboidratos/terapia , Moléculas de Adesão Celular/análise , Quimiotaxia de Leucócito , Pré-Escolar , Glicosilação , Humanos , Imunoglobulinas/sangue , Imunoglobulinas Intravenosas/uso terapêutico , Lactente , Masculino , Neutrófilos/imunologia , Recidiva , Linfócitos T/imunologia , Vacinas/imunologia
Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(10): 107101, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27802769


The elliptical spectrometer described by Cahill et al. [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103114 (2014)] is designed to enable absorption X-ray spectroscopy under circumstances in which the object plasma is, itself, a relatively bright X-ray emitter. An implementation of this design was developed using a doubly curved mica crystal for X-ray dispersion. The geometry of the spectrometer was verified by ray tracing calculations assuming Bragg reflection from mica in the second order. Control of X-ray reflections from other orders was an anticipated challenge and has been attempted by means of filtering and control of the source spectrum. These efforts have been found to be insufficient to allow the spectrometer to operate as designed because of the strong fifth order reflection of source radiation by the mica crystal. Potential solutions are presented that may enable a successful implementation of this novel crystal spectrometer design.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(11): 11D407, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27910685


We have shown that Zeeman splitting of the sodium (Na) D-lines at 5890 and 5896 Å can be used to measure the magnetic field (B-field) produced in high current pulsed power experiments. We have measured the B-field next to a return current conductor in a hybrid X-pinch experiment near a peak current of about 500 kA. Na is deposited on the conductor and then is desorbed and excited by radiation from the hybrid X-pinch. The D-line emission spectrum implies B-fields of about 20 T with a return current post of 4 mm diameter or up to 120 T with a return current wire of 0.455 mm diameter. These measurements were consistent or lower than the expected B-field, thereby showing that basic Zeeman splitting can be used to measure the B-field in a pulsed-power-driven high-energy-density (HED) plasma experiment. We hope to extend these measurement techniques using suitable ionized species to measurements within HED plasmas.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(10): 103506, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27802687


We have shown that the Zeeman splitting of the sodium (Na) D-lines at 5890 Å and 5896 Å can be used to measure the magnetic field produced by the current flowing in an exploding wire prior to wire explosion. After wire explosion, the lines in question are either not visible in the strong continuum from the exploding wire plasma, or too broad to measure the magnetic field by methods discussed in this paper. We have determined magnetic fields in the range 10-20 T, which lies between the small field and Paschen-Back regimes for the Na D-lines, over a period of about 70 ns on a 10 kA peak current machine. The Na source is evaporated drops of water with a 0.171 M NaCl solution deposited on the wire. The Na desorbs from the wire as it heats up, and the excited vapor atoms are seen in emission lines. The measured magnetic field, determined by the Zeeman splitting of these emission lines, estimates the average radial location of the emitting Na vapor as a function of time under the assumption the current flows only in the wire during the time of the measurement.

Biomaterials ; 26(6): 661-70, 2005 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15282144


The site-specific expression of selectins (P- and E-selectin) on endothelial cells of blood vessels during inflammation provides an opportunity for the targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory drugs to sites of chronic inflammation. It is well documented that the selectins mediate the initial interaction (rolling) of leukocytes in an inflamed vessel by binding to carbohydrate-presenting counter-receptors displayed on leukocytes. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that artificial capsules with the adhesive properties of leukocytes can be made by attaching leukocyte adhesive ligands to polymer microspheres (Biomaterials 23(10) (2002) 2167). Specifically, we showed that drug-loaded poly (lactic-co-glycolic-acid) (PLGA) microspheres coated with biotinylated-Sialyl LewisX (sLeX), a carbohydrate that serves as a ligand to selectins, mimic the adhesive behavior of leukocytes on selectins in flow chambers, displaying slow rolling under flow, suggesting that these drug-loaded particles can potentially target inflammatory sites in vivo. Since the effectiveness of this delivery system might depend on the degradation of polymer microspheres as well as the degradation of sLeX molecules, we measured the effect of polymer and ligand degradation on the adhesiveness of microspheres over time. We show that degrading sLeX microspheres maintain the ability to recognize selectin surfaces under flow for at least 2 weeks and that the ability to sustain recognition depends upon the extent at which microspheres are loaded. We also show that microsphere rolling velocity increases as microsphere degrade and that this increase is due to a combination of increase in average microsphere size and loss of sLeX molecules on microsphere surface--a result of microsphere degradation confirmed by flow cytometry. Control experiments show that microsphere, not sLeX, degradation limits the lifetime of our targeted delivery system; therefore, factors affecting degradation such as type of polymer, type of drug, extent of drug loading and microsphere size, provide an opportunity for engineering the time-scale of activity for the delivery system.

Anti-Inflamatórios/administração & dosagem , Adesão Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Láctico/química , Leucócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Oligossacarídeos/farmacologia , Ácido Poliglicólico/química , Polímeros/química , Biotinilação , Sistemas de Liberação de Medicamentos , Avaliação Pré-Clínica de Medicamentos , Estabilidade de Medicamentos , Selectina E/fisiologia , Citometria de Fluxo , Corantes Fluorescentes , Humanos , Hidrólise , Ligantes , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Microesferas , Oligossacarídeos/química , Selectina-P/fisiologia , Veículos Farmacêuticos , Copolímero de Ácido Poliláctico e Ácido Poliglicólico , Poliestirenos/química , Reologia , Antígeno Sialil Lewis X , Propriedades de Superfície
Trends Biotechnol ; 19(8): 310-6, 2001 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11451473


The past several years have seen accelerating growth in research directed towards the understanding and control of cell adhesion processes, from a spectrum of disciplinary approaches including molecular cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics and bioengineering. Consequently, our understanding of the mechanisms involved in cell adhesion has increased substantially. Corresponding quantitative analysis and modeling of the key molecular properties governing their action in regulating dynamic cell attachment and detachment events is crucial for advancing conceptual insight along with technological applications.

Adesão Celular
Ann N Y Acad Sci ; 589: 399-422, 1990.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2192663


The insect cell-baculovirus expression system has significant potential for producing proteins requiring some degree of posttranslational modification. T. ni cells appear to be as good a host as S. frugiperda cells for heterologous protein production as demonstrated by production of beta-galactosidase. Attachment-dependent cells of T. ni can be effectively cultured in a packed-bed reactor using glass beads. When cell in such a reactor were infected, they produced 35% of the total protein as beta-galactosidase. No cell detachment was observed even 70 h postinfection. A model of viral entry has been proposed and tested.

Vírus de Insetos/fisiologia , Insetos/citologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/biossíntese , Replicação Viral/fisiologia , Animais , Células Cultivadas , Modelos Biológicos , Cultura de Vírus
Biotechnol Prog ; 10(1): 97-108, 1994.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7764532


Receptor-mediated cell adhesion to surfaces depends on the motion of the cell prior to adhesion. We studied the hydrodynamic behavior of cells near a wall in simple shear flow using a model leukocyte system that we have also used extensively in cell-substrate adhesion studies. Specifically, we measured the velocity of rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells near a surface in a parallel-plate flow chamber and compared it to the motion of polystyrene beads and glutaraldehyde-fixed RBL cells. We found that RBL cells (13 microns diameter) travel 25% faster than polystyrene beads of 14.5 microns diameter for a wide range of shear rates (20-180 s-1); this suggests that RBL cells would travel 39% faster than polystyrene beads of equivalent size. Glutaraldehyde-fixed RBL cells travel at a velocity between those of live cells and 14.5-microns beads. These differences in velocities have been observed over both polyacrylamide gel and glass substrates. Application of a theory for hard sphere motion near a wall in simple shear flow at low Reynolds number [Goldman, A.J.; Cox, R.G.; Brenner, H. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1967b, 22, 653-660] to our measured cell velocities suggests that cells are separated from the wall by > or = 550 nm. Such large separation distances have also been predicted by others who have used hard sphere theory to analyze the effect of shear flow on cell motion near walls. However, the extensive receptor-mediated cell adhesion seen in these systems is inconsistent with these separation distances, which are approximately 30 times greater than the distance required for receptor-ligand contact. Instead, we propose that, because of cell deformability and cell surface roughness, cells remain within a separation distance that allows for molecular contact while they travel faster than the hard sphere theory predicts. Therefore, the theory of Goldman and co-workers, while adequate for hard sphere motion, is likely not accurate for cellular motion.

Leucócitos/fisiologia , Animais , Adesão Celular , Movimento Celular , Leucemia Basofílica Aguda/patologia , Ratos , Células Tumorais Cultivadas
Biotechnol Prog ; 11(2): 164-70, 1995.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7766100


The binding of viruses to cell surfaces is often mediated by cell surface receptors. The use of soluble receptors, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) for human rhinovirus (HRV), CD4 for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and CR2 for Epstein-Barr virus, for in vivo antiviral therapy is under serious investigation. A number of synthetic compounds that affect HRV attachment and uncoating (termed WIN compounds) are also being studied. However, the mechanism behind the dose-response effect of these agents in preventing infection has not been clearly demonstrated. In addition to simple blocking (by receptors) or inactivation of binding sites (by WIN compounds) on the virus surface, other mechanisms of inhibition have been proposed and demonstrated, including cooperative inactivation of neighboring sites, receptor-induced viral attachment protein (VAP) shedding, virus particle inactivation, and inhibition of multivalent virus binding. We present a simple mathematical model to predict the effect of these molecules on virus infection by incorporating only the blocking or site inactivation step of the blocking molecule and its resulting effect on attachment. The ability of the model to reproduce the response of a virus to a dose of blocking molecules is used to distinguish the role of blockers in inhibiting attachment from the other mechanisms of viral inactivation that have been proposed. The model includes both the reversible attachment of the virus to its cellular receptor and to soluble receptors or synthetic molecules (blockers).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Antivirais/farmacologia , HIV/efeitos dos fármacos , Herpesvirus Humano 4/efeitos dos fármacos , Fusão de Membrana/efeitos dos fármacos , Receptores Virais/efeitos dos fármacos , Rhinovirus/efeitos dos fármacos , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , HIV/fisiologia , Herpesvirus Humano 4/fisiologia , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Rhinovirus/fisiologia