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Nature ; 576(7786): 223-227, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31802005


NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission1 recently plunged through the inner heliosphere of the Sun to its perihelia, about 24 million kilometres from the Sun. Previous studies farther from the Sun (performed mostly at a distance of 1 astronomical unit) indicate that solar energetic particles are accelerated from a few kiloelectronvolts up to near-relativistic energies via at least two processes: 'impulsive' events, which are usually associated with magnetic reconnection in solar flares and are typically enriched in electrons, helium-3 and heavier ions2, and 'gradual' events3,4, which are typically associated with large coronal-mass-ejection-driven shocks and compressions moving through the corona and inner solar wind and are the dominant source of protons with energies between 1 and 10 megaelectronvolts. However, some events show aspects of both processes and the electron-proton ratio is not bimodally distributed, as would be expected if there were only two possible processes5. These processes have been very difficult to resolve from prior observations, owing to the various transport effects that affect the energetic particle population en route to more distant spacecraft6. Here we report observations of the near-Sun energetic particle radiation environment over the first two orbits of the probe. We find a variety of energetic particle events accelerated both locally and remotely including by corotating interaction regions, impulsive events driven by acceleration near the Sun, and an event related to a coronal mass ejection. We provide direct observations of the energetic particle radiation environment in the region just above the corona of the Sun and directly explore the physics of particle acceleration and transport.

Geophys Res Lett ; 49(9): e2022GL098741, 2022 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35859815


Two distinct proton populations are observed over Jupiter's southern polar cap: a ∼1 keV core population and ∼1-300 keV dispersive conic population at 6-7 RJ planetocentric distance. We find the 1 keV core protons are likely the seed population for the higher-energy dispersive conics, which are accelerated from a distance of ∼3-5 RJ. Transient wave-particle heating in a "pressure-cooker" process is likely responsible for this proton acceleration. The plasma characteristics and composition during this period show Jupiter's polar-most field lines can be topologically closed, with conjugate magnetic footpoints connected to both hemispheres. Finally, these observations demonstrate energetic protons can be accelerated into Jupiter's magnetotail via wave-particle coupling.

Nature ; 507(7492): 338-40, 2014 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24646996


Structured features on top of nominally smooth distributions of radiation-belt particles at Earth have been previously associated with particle acceleration and transport mechanisms powered exclusively by enhanced solar-wind activity. Although planetary rotation is considered to be important for particle acceleration at Jupiter and Saturn, the electric field produced in the inner magnetosphere by Earth's rotation can change the velocity of trapped particles by only about 1-2 kilometres per second, so rotation has been thought inconsequential for radiation-belt electrons with velocities of about 100,000 kilometres per second. Here we report that the distributions of energetic electrons across the entire spatial extent of Earth's inner radiation belt are organized in regular, highly structured and unexpected 'zebra stripes', even when the solar-wind activity is low. Modelling reveals that the patterns are produced by Earth's rotation. Radiation-belt electrons are trapped in Earth's dipole-like magnetic field, where they undergo slow longitudinal drift motion around the planet because of the gradient and curvature of the magnetic field. Earth's rotation induces global diurnal variations of magnetic and electric fields that resonantly interact with electrons whose drift period is close to 24 hours, modifying electron fluxes over a broad energy range into regular patterns composed of multiple stripes extending over the entire span of the inner radiation belt.

Geophys Res Lett ; 46(20): 10959-10966, 2019 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31894168


The Jovian polar regions produce X-rays that are characteristic of very energetic oxygen and sulfur that become highly charged on precipitating into Jupiter's upper atmosphere. Juno has traversed the polar regions above where these energetic ions are expected to be precipitating revealing a complex composition and energy structure. Energetic ions are likely to drive the characteristic X-rays observed at Jupiter (Haggerty et al., 2017,; Houston et al., 2018,; Kharchenko et al., 2006, Motivated by the science of X-ray generation, we describe here Juno Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument (JEDI) measurements of ions above 1 MeV and demonstrate the capability of measuring oxygen and sulfur ions with energies up to 100 MeV. We detail the process of retrieving ion fluxes from pulse width data on instruments like JEDI (called "puck's"; Clark, Cohen, et al., 2016,; Clark, Mauk, et al., 2016,; Mauk et al., 2013, as well as details on retrieving very energetic particles (>20 MeV) above which the pulse width also saturates.

Geophys Res Lett ; 46(21): 11709-11717, 2019 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31894172


On 10 January 2001, Cassini briefly entered into the magnetosphere of Jupiter, en route to Saturn. During this excursion into the Jovian magnetosphere, the Cassini Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument/Charge-Energy-Mass Spectrometer detected oxygen and sulfur ions. While Charge-Energy-Mass Spectrometer can distinguish between oxygen and sulfur charge states directly, only 95.9 ± 2.9 keV/e ions were sampled during this interval, allowing for a long time integration of the tenuous outer magnetospheric (~200 RJ) plasma at one energy. For this brief interval for the 95.9 keV/e ions, 96% of oxygen ions were O+, with the other 4% as O2+, while 25% of the energetic sulfur ions were S+, 42% S2+, and 33% S3+. The S2+/O+ flux ratio was observed to be 0.35 (±0.06 Poisson error).

Geophys Res Lett ; 41(5): 1382-1388, 2014 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25821276


We report on the first analysis of magnetospheric cusp observations at Saturn by multiple in situ instruments onboard the Cassini spacecraft. Using this we infer the process of reconnection was occurring at Saturn's magnetopause. This agrees with remote observations that showed the associated auroral signatures of reconnection. Cassini crossed the northern cusp around noon local time along a poleward trajectory. The spacecraft observed ion energy-latitude dispersions-a characteristic signature of the terrestrial cusp. This ion dispersion is "stepped," which shows that the reconnection is pulsed. The ion energy-pitch angle dispersions suggest that the field-aligned distance from the cusp to the reconnection site varies between ∼27 and 51 RS . An intensification of lower frequencies of the Saturn kilometric radiation emissions suggests the prior arrival of a solar wind shock front, compressing the magnetosphere and providing more favorable conditions for magnetopause reconnection. KEY POINTS: We observe evidence for reconnection in the cusp plasma at SaturnWe present evidence that the reconnection process can be pulsed at SaturnSaturn's cusp shows similar characteristics to the terrestrial cusp.

Geophys Res Lett ; 41(10): 3323-3330, 2014 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26074636


We present observations of significant dynamics within two UV auroral storms observed on Saturn using the Hubble Space Telescope in April/May 2013. Specifically, we discuss bursts of auroral emission observed at the poleward boundary of a solar wind-induced auroral storm, propagating at ∼330% rigid corotation from near ∼01 h LT toward ∼08 h LT. We suggest that these are indicative of ongoing, bursty reconnection of lobe flux in the magnetotail, providing strong evidence that Saturn's auroral storms are caused by large-scale flux closure. We also discuss the later evolution of a similar storm and show that the emission maps to the trailing region of an energetic neutral atom enhancement. We thus identify the auroral form with the upward field-aligned continuity currents flowing into the associated partial ring current.

Nature ; 450(7172): 1050-3, 2007 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18075586


The concept of an electrical current encircling the Earth at high altitudes was first proposed in 1917 to explain the depression of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field during geomagnetic storms. In situ measurements of the extent and composition of this current were made some 50 years later and an image was obtained in 2001 (ref. 6). Ring currents of a different nature were observed at Jupiter and their presence inferred at Saturn. Here we report images of the ring current at Saturn, together with a day-night pressure asymmetry and tilt of the planet's plasma sheet, based on measurements using the magnetospheric imaging instrument (MIMI) on board Cassini. The ring current can be highly variable with strong longitudinal asymmetries that corotate nearly rigidly with the planet. This contrasts with the Earth's ring current, where there is no rotational modulation and initial asymmetries are organized by local time effects.

Nature ; 439(7077): 699-702, 2006 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16467832


Strong discrete aurorae on Earth are excited by electrons, which are accelerated along magnetic field lines towards the planet. Surprisingly, electrons accelerated in the opposite direction have been recently observed. The mechanisms and significance of this anti-earthward acceleration are highly uncertain because only earthward acceleration was traditionally considered, and observations remain limited. It is also unclear whether upward acceleration of the electrons is a necessary part of the auroral process or simply a special feature of Earth's complex space environment. Here we report anti-planetward acceleration of electron beams in Saturn's magnetosphere along field lines that statistically map into regions of aurora. The energy spectrum of these beams is qualitatively similar to the ones observed at Earth, and the energy fluxes in the observed beams are comparable with the energies required to excite Saturn's aurora. These beams, along with the observations at Earth and the barely understood electron beams in Jupiter's magnetosphere, demonstrate that anti-planetward acceleration is a universal feature of aurorae. The energy contained in the beams shows that upward acceleration is an essential part of the overall auroral process.

Nature ; 433(7027): 720-2, 2005 Feb 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15716946


The interaction of the solar wind with Earth's magnetosphere gives rise to the bright polar aurorae and to geomagnetic storms, but the relation between the solar wind and the dynamics of the outer planets' magnetospheres is poorly understood. Jupiter's magnetospheric dynamics and aurorae are dominated by processes internal to the jovian system, whereas Saturn's magnetosphere has generally been considered to have both internal and solar-wind-driven processes. This hypothesis, however, is tentative because of limited simultaneous solar wind and magnetospheric measurements. Here we report solar wind measurements, immediately upstream of Saturn, over a one-month period. When combined with simultaneous ultraviolet imaging we find that, unlike Jupiter, Saturn's aurorae respond strongly to solar wind conditions. But in contrast to Earth, the main controlling factor appears to be solar wind dynamic pressure and electric field, with the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field playing a much more limited role. Saturn's magnetosphere is, therefore, strongly driven by the solar wind, but the solar wind conditions that drive it differ from those that drive the Earth's magnetosphere.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 125(10): e2020JA028144, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33133997


Understanding the energization processes and constituent composition of the plasma and energetic particles injected into the near-Earth region from the tail is an important component of understanding magnetospheric dynamics. In this study, we present multiple case studies of the high-energy (≳40 keV) suprathermal ion populations during energetic particle enhancement events observed by the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in the magnetotail. We present results from correlation analysis of the flux response between different energy channels of different ion species (hydrogen, helium, and oxygen) for multiple cases. We demonstrate that this technique can be used to infer the dominant charge state of the heavy ions, despite the fact that charge is not directly measured by EIS. Using this technique, we find that the energization and dispersion of suprathermal ions during energetic particle enhancements concurrent with (or near) fast plasma flows are ordered by energy per charge state (E/q) throughout the magnetotail regions examined (~7 to 25 Earth radii). The ions with the highest energies (≳300 keV) are helium and oxygen of solar wind origin, which obtain their greater energization due to their higher charge states. Additionally, the case studies show that during these injections the flux ratio of enhancement is also well ordered by E/q. These results expand on previous results which showed that high-energy total ion measurements in the magnetosphere are dominated by high-charge-state heavy ions and that protons are often not the dominant species above ~300 keV.

Science ; 291(5504): 619-24, 2001 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11158668


The IMAGE spacecraft uses photon and neutral atom imaging and radio sounding techniques to provide global images of Earth's inner magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. Auroral imaging at ultraviolet wavelengths shows that the proton aurora is displaced equatorward with respect to the electron aurora and that discrete auroral forms at higher latitudes are caused almost completely by electrons. Energetic neutral atom imaging of ions injected into the inner magnetosphere during magnetospheric disturbances shows a strong energy-dependent drift that leads to the formation of the ring current by ions in the several tens of kiloelectron volts energy range. Ultraviolet imaging of the plasmasphere has revealed two unexpected features-a premidnight trough region and a dayside shoulder region-and has confirmed the 30-year-old theory of the formation of a plasma tail extending from the duskside plasmasphere toward the magnetopause.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 124(9): 7413-7424, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35860291


Pluto energies of a few kiloelectron volts and suprathermal ions with tens of kiloelectron volts and above. We measure this population using the Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI) instrument on board the New Horizons spacecraft that flew by Pluto in 2015. Even though the measured ions have gyroradii larger than the size of Pluto and the cross section of its magnetosphere, we find that the boundary of the magnetosphere is depleting the energetic ion intensities by about an order of magnitude close to Pluto. The intensity is increasing exponentially with distance to Pluto and reaches nominal levels of the interplanetary medium at about 190R P distance. Inside the wake of Pluto, we observe oscillations of the ion intensities with a periodicity of about 0.2 hr. We show that these can be quantitatively explained by the electric field of an ultralow-frequency wave and discuss possible physical drivers for such a field. We find no evidence for the presence of plutogenic ions in the considered energy range.

Behav Brain Res ; 187(1): 80-7, 2008 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17950474


Studies investigating response reversal consistently implicate regions of medial and lateral prefrontal cortex when reinforcement contingencies change. However, it is unclear from these studies how these regions give rise to the individual components of response reversal, such as reinforcement value encoding, response inhibition, and response change. Here we report a novel instrumental learning task designed to determine whether regions implicated in processing reversal errors are uniquely involved in this process, or whether they play a more general role in representing response competition, reinforcement value, or punishment value in the absence of demands for response change. In line with previous findings, reversal errors activated orbitofrontal cortex, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, caudate, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These regions also showed increased activity to errors in the absence of contingency changes. In addition, ventrolateral PFC, caudate, and dorsolateral PFC each exhibited increased activity following correct reversals. Activity in these regions was not significantly modulated by changes in reinforcement value that were not sufficient to make an alternative response advantageous. These data do not support punishment-processing or prepotent response inhibition accounts of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex function. Instead, they support recent conceptualizations of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex function that implicate this region in resolving response competition by manipulating the representation of either motor response options, or object features. These data also suggest that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays a role in reversal learning, probably through top down attentional control of object or reinforcement features when task demands increase.

Córtex Pré-Frontal/fisiologia , Reversão de Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Adulto , Tomada de Decisões/fisiologia , Feminino , Lateralidade Funcional/fisiologia , Humanos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Reforço Psicológico
J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 123(8): 6360-6382, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31032166


Particle injection, a major mode of plasma transport and energization throughout the magnetosphere, has been studied for decades. Nonetheless, the physical processes that lead to the acceleration and transport of very energetic ions in the inner magnetosphere during injection events are still under debate. In this paper, we analyze several injection events occurring near the Van Allen Probes apogee. Our analysis shows that the highest energy of an injected ion population depends on the charge state of that population. We show that most of the helium injected is doubly ionized (He++), while oxygen charge states are consistent with the presence of both ionospheric (O+) and solar wind (O6+) source populations. Based on the findings of our data analysis and with the use of a simple model, we demonstrate that the behavior of each injection of energetic ions near the Van Allen Probes apogee (5 < L < 7 R E) is well explained by simple adiabatic or nearly adiabatic transport within flow channels from higher L (≥10 R E) with velocities at 10 R E ranging between ~200 and 2,000 km/s and falling with inward transport consistent with fixed potential drops across the flow channels. Gradient/curvature drift during transport limits the highest energy/charge observed for each injection at the Van Allen Probes. Even at the highest measured ion energies where gyroradius and scattering effects might be expected to appear, energization depends on charge state but not on ion mass.

Science ; 362(6410)2018 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287633


The sizes of Saturn's ring particles range from meters (boulders) to nanometers (dust). Determination of the rings' ages depends on loss processes, including the transport of dust into Saturn's atmosphere. During the Grand Finale orbits of the Cassini spacecraft, its instruments measured tiny dust grains that compose the innermost D-ring of Saturn. The nanometer-sized dust experiences collisions with exospheric (upper atmosphere) hydrogen and molecular hydrogen, which forces it to fall from the ring into the ionosphere and lower atmosphere. We used the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument to detect and characterize this dust transport and also found that diffusion dominates above and near the altitude of peak ionospheric density. This mechanism results in a mass deposition into the equatorial atmosphere of ~5 kilograms per second, constraining the age of the D-ring.

Science ; 362(6410)2018 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287631


Saturn has a sufficiently strong dipole magnetic field to trap high-energy charged particles and form radiation belts, which have been observed outside its rings. Whether stable radiation belts exist near the planet and inward of the rings was previously unknown. The Cassini spacecraft's Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument obtained measurements of a radiation belt that lies just above Saturn's dense atmosphere and is decoupled from the rest of the magnetosphere by the planet's A- to C-rings. The belt extends across the D-ring and comprises protons produced through cosmic ray albedo neutron decay and multiple charge-exchange reactions. These protons are lost to atmospheric neutrals and D-ring dust. Strong proton depletions that map onto features on the D-ring indicate a highly structured and diverse dust environment near Saturn.

Science ; 362(6410)2018 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287634


The Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft made close-up measurements of Saturn's ionosphere and upper atmosphere in the 1970s and 1980s that suggested a chemical interaction between the rings and atmosphere. Exploring this interaction provides information on ring composition and the influence on Saturn's atmosphere from infalling material. The Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer sampled in situ the region between the D ring and Saturn during the spacecraft's Grand Finale phase. We used these measurements to characterize the atmospheric structure and material influx from the rings. The atmospheric He/H2 ratio is 10 to 16%. Volatile compounds from the rings (methane; carbon monoxide and/or molecular nitrogen), as well as larger organic-bearing grains, are flowing inward at a rate of 4800 to 45,000 kilograms per second.

Neuropsychology ; 20(2): 153-165, 2006 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16594776


Frontal lobe and consequent executive dysfunction have long been related to psychopathy. More recently, there have been suggestions that specific regions of frontal cortex, rather than all of frontal cortex, may be implicated in psychopathy. To examine this issue, the authors presented 25 individuals with psychopathy and 30 comparison individuals with measures preferentially indexing the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC; object alternation task), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC; spatial alternation task), and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC; number-Stroop reading and counting tasks). The individuals with psychopathy showed significant impairment on the measure preferentially sensitive to OFC functioning. In contrast, the 2 groups did not show impairment on the measures preferentially sensitive to the functioning of the DLPFC or ACC. These results are interpreted with reference to executive dysfunction accounts of the disorder.

Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/fisiopatologia , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Córtex Pré-Frontal/fisiopatologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/patologia , Atenção/fisiologia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Giro do Cíngulo/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Masculino , Estimulação Luminosa/métodos , Prisioneiros , Resolução de Problemas/fisiologia , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica/estatística & dados numéricos , Psicometria/métodos , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Psicopatologia/métodos , Tempo de Reação/fisiologia , Leitura , Percepção Espacial/fisiologia , Estatística como Assunto
Neuropsychology ; 20(3): 280-289, 2006 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16719621


Previous work has shown that individuals with psychopathy are impaired on some forms of associative learning, particularly stimulus-reinforcement learning (Blair et al., 2004; Newman & Kosson, 1986). Animal work suggests that the acquisition of stimulus-reinforcement associations requires the amygdala (Baxter & Murray, 2002). Individuals with psychopathy also show impoverished reversal learning (Mitchell, Colledge, Leonard, & Blair, 2002). Reversal learning is supported by the ventrolateral and orbitofrontal cortex (Rolls, 2004). In this paper we present experiments investigating stimulus-reinforcement learning and relearning in patients with lesions of the orbitofrontal cortex or amygdala, and individuals with developmental psychopathy without known trauma. The results are interpreted with reference to current neurocognitive models of stimulus-reinforcement learning, relearning, and developmental psychopathy.

Tonsila do Cerebelo/patologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/complicações , Lesões Encefálicas/complicações , Condicionamento Operante/fisiologia , Lobo Frontal/patologia , Adulto , Análise de Variância , Lesões Encefálicas/patologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Análise Fatorial , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Resolução de Problemas/fisiologia