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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(7): 073601, 2024 Feb 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38427893


Transform-limited photon emission from quantum emitters is essential for high-fidelity entanglement generation. In this Letter, we report the coherent optical property of a single negatively charged lead-vacancy (PbV) center in diamond. Photoluminescence excitation measurements reveal stable fluorescence with a linewidth of 39 MHz at 6 K, close to the transform limit estimated from the lifetime measurement. We observe 4 orders of magnitude different linewidths of the two zero-phonon lines, and find that the phonon-induced relaxation in the ground state contributes to this huge difference in the linewidth. Because of the suppressed phonon absorption in the PbV center, we observe nearly transform-limited photon emission up to 16 K, demonstrating its high temperature robustness compared to other color centers in diamond.

Nature ; 543(7644): 221-225, 2017 03 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28277511


Understanding quantum dynamics away from equilibrium is an outstanding challenge in the modern physical sciences. Out-of-equilibrium systems can display a rich variety of phenomena, including self-organized synchronization and dynamical phase transitions. More recently, advances in the controlled manipulation of isolated many-body systems have enabled detailed studies of non-equilibrium phases in strongly interacting quantum matter; for example, the interplay between periodic driving, disorder and strong interactions has been predicted to result in exotic 'time-crystalline' phases, in which a system exhibits temporal correlations at integer multiples of the fundamental driving period, breaking the discrete time-translational symmetry of the underlying drive. Here we report the experimental observation of such discrete time-crystalline order in a driven, disordered ensemble of about one million dipolar spin impurities in diamond at room temperature. We observe long-lived temporal correlations, experimentally identify the phase boundary and find that the temporal order is protected by strong interactions. This order is remarkably stable to perturbations, even in the presence of slow thermalization. Our work opens the door to exploring dynamical phases of matter and controlling interacting, disordered many-body systems.

Nano Lett ; 19(8): 4904-4910, 2019 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31348669


Electron spins in solids constitute remarkable quantum sensors. Individual defect centers in diamond were used to detect individual nuclear spins with a nanometer scale resolution, and ensemble magnetometers rival SQUID and vapor cell magnetometers when taking into account room-temperature operation and size. NV center spins can also detect electric field vectors, despite their weak coupling to electric fields. Here, we employ ensembles of NV center spins to measure macroscopic AC electric fields with high precision. We utilize low strain, 12C enriched diamond to achieve the maximum sensitivity and tailor the spin Hamiltonian via the proper magnetic field adjustment to map out the AC electric field strength and polarization and arrive at refined electric field coupling constants. For high-precision measurements, we combine classical lock-in detection with aspects from quantum phase estimation for the effective suppression of technical noise. Eventually, this enables t-1/2 uncertainty scaling of the electric field strength over extended averaging periods, enabling us to reach a precision down to 10-7 V/µm for an AC electric field with a frequency of 2 kHz and an amplitude of 0.012 V/ µm.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(4): 043603, 2019 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30768351


We investigate thermalization dynamics of a driven dipolar many-body quantum system through the stability of discrete time crystalline order. Using periodic driving of electronic spin impurities in diamond, we realize different types of interactions between spins and demonstrate experimentally that the interplay of disorder, driving, and interactions leads to several qualitatively distinct regimes of thermalization. For short driving periods, the observed dynamics are well described by an effective Hamiltonian which sensitively depends on interaction details. For long driving periods, the system becomes susceptible to energy exchange with the driving field and eventually enters a universal thermalizing regime, where the dynamics can be described by interaction-induced dephasing of individual spins. Our analysis reveals important differences between thermalization of long-range Ising and other dipolar spin models.

Nano Lett ; 17(3): 1496-1503, 2017 03 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28146361


Nanomechanical sensors and quantum nanosensors are two rapidly developing technologies that have diverse interdisciplinary applications in biological and chemical analysis and microscopy. For example, nanomechanical sensors based upon nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have demonstrated chip-scale mass spectrometry capable of detecting single macromolecules, such as proteins. Quantum nanosensors based upon electron spins of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have demonstrated diverse modes of nanometrology, including single molecule magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Here, we report the first step toward combining these two complementary technologies in the form of diamond nanomechanical structures containing NV centers. We establish the principles for nanomechanical sensing using such nanospin-mechanical sensors (NSMS) and assess their potential for mass spectrometry and force microscopy. We predict that NSMS are able to provide unprecedented AC force images of cellular biomechanics and to not only detect the mass of a single macromolecule but also image its distribution. When combined with the other nanometrology modes of the NV center, NSMS potentially offer unparalleled analytical power at the nanoscale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(9): 093601, 2017 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28306313


We study the depolarization dynamics of a dense ensemble of dipolar interacting spins, associated with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. We observe anomalously fast, density-dependent, and nonexponential spin relaxation. To explain these observations, we propose a microscopic model where an interplay of long-range interactions, disorder, and dissipation leads to predictions that are in quantitative agreement with both current and prior experimental results. Our results pave the way for controlled many-body experiments with long-lived and strongly interacting ensembles of solid-state spins.

Opt Express ; 23(26): 32961-7, 2015 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26831963


Single photon sources (SPS) are crucial for quantum key distribution. Here we demonstrate a stable triggered SPS at 738 nm with linewidth less than 5 nm at room temperature based on a negatively charged single silicon vacancy color center. Thanks to the short photon duration of about 1.3-1.7 ns, by using high repetition pulsed excitation at 30 MHz, the triggered single photon source generates 16.6 kcounts/s. And we discuss the feasibility of this triggered SPS in the application of quantum key distribution.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(10): 13212-13218, 2024 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38426213


The ability to control the charge and spin states of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers near the diamond surface is of pivotal importance for quantum applications. Hydrogen-terminated diamond is promising for long spin coherence times and ease of controlling the charge states due to the low density of surface defects. However, it has so far been challenging to create negatively charged single NV centers with controllable spin states beneath a hydrogen-terminated surface because atmospheric adsorbates that act as acceptors induce surface holes. In this study, we optically detected the magnetic resonance of shallow single NV centers in hydrogen-terminated diamond through precise control of the nitrogen implantation fluence. Furthermore, we found that the probability of detecting the resonance was enhanced by reducing the surface acceptor density through passivation of the hydrogen-terminated surface with hexagonal boron nitride without air exposure. This control method opens up new opportunities for using NV centers in quantum applications.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 13991, 2022 Sep 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36068253


Accurate prediction of the remaining driving range of electric vehicles is difficult because the state-of-the-art sensors for measuring battery current are not accurate enough to estimate the state of charge. This is because the battery current of EVs can reach a maximum of several hundred amperes while the average current is only approximately 10 A, and ordinary sensors do not have an accuracy of several tens of milliamperes while maintaining a dynamic range of several hundred amperes. Therefore, the state of charge has to be estimated with an ambiguity of approximately 10%, which makes the battery usage inefficient. This study resolves this limitation by developing a diamond quantum sensor with an inherently wide dynamic range and high sensitivity for measuring the battery current. The design uses the differential detection of two sensors to eliminate in-vehicle common-mode environmental noise, and a mixed analog-digital control to trace the magnetic resonance microwave frequencies of the quantum sensor without deviation over a wide dynamic range. The prototype battery monitor was fabricated and tested. The battery module current was measured up to 130 A covering WLTC driving pattern, and the accuracy of the current sensor to estimate battery state of charge was analyzed to be 10 mA, which will lead to 0.2% CO2 reduction emitted in the 2030 WW transportation field. Moreover, an operating temperature range of - 40 to + 85 °C and a maximum current dynamic range of ± 1000 A were confirmed.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5318, 2022 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36085280


Conventional nonlinear spectroscopy, which use classical probes, can only access a limited set of correlations in a quantum system. Here we demonstrate that quantum nonlinear spectroscopy, in which a quantum sensor and a quantum object are first entangled and the sensor is measured along a chosen basis, can extract arbitrary types and orders of correlations in a quantum system. We measured fourth-order correlations of single nuclear spins that cannot be measured in conventional nonlinear spectroscopy, using sequential weak measurement via a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. The quantum nonlinear spectroscopy provides fingerprint features to identify different types of objects, such as Gaussian noises, random-phased AC fields, and quantum spins, which would be indistinguishable in second-order correlations. This work constitutes an initial step toward the application of higher-order correlations to quantum sensing, to examining the quantum foundation (by, e.g., higher-order Leggett-Garg inequality), and to studying quantum many-body physics.

Sci Adv ; 8(22): eabn7192, 2022 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35658038


Negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are promising magnetic field quantum sensors. Laser threshold magnetometry theory predicts improved NV center ensemble sensitivity via increased signal strength and magnetic field contrast. Here, we experimentally demonstrate laser threshold magnetometry. We use a macroscopic high-finesse laser cavity containing a highly NV-doped and low absorbing diamond gain medium that is pumped at 532 nm and resonantly seeded at 710 nm. This enables a 64% signal power amplification by stimulated emission. We test the magnetic field dependency of the amplification and thus demonstrate magnetic field-dependent stimulated emission from an NV center ensemble. This emission shows an ultrahigh contrast of 33% and a maximum output power in the milliwatt regime. The coherent readout of NV centers pave the way for novel cavity and laser applications of quantum defects and diamond NV magnetic field sensors with substantially improved sensitivity for the health, research, and mining sectors.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 4637, 2022 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35941162


Quantum sensors are known for their high sensitivity in sensing applications. However, this sensitivity often comes with severe restrictions on other parameters which are also important. Examples are that in measurements of arbitrary signals, limitation in linear dynamic range could introduce distortions in magnitude and phase of the signal. High frequency resolution is another important feature for reconstructing unknown signals. Here, we demonstrate a distortion-free quantum sensing protocol that combines a quantum phase-sensitive detection with heterodyne readout. We present theoretical and experimental investigations using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, showing the capability of reconstructing audio frequency signals with an extended linear dynamic range and high frequency resolution. Melody and speech based signals are used for demonstrating the features. The methods could broaden the horizon for quantum sensors towards applications, e.g. telecommunication in challenging environment, where low-distortion measurements are required at multiple frequency bands within a limited volume.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(9): 093704, 2021 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598496


We developed a laboratory-size three-dimensional water-window x-ray microscope using condenser and objective grazing incidence Wolter type I mirrors, an electron-impact-type x-ray source, and a back-illuminated CCD. The imaging system was improved for practical applications in life science research fields. Using a new objective mirror with reduced figure errors, a resolution limit of 3.1 line pairs/µm was achieved for two-dimensional transmission images and sub-micrometer-scale three-dimensional structures were resolved. Incorporating a cryogenic stage into the x-ray microscope, we observed biological samples embedded in ice to evaluate the usefulness of observation in the water-window region and multi-energy observation was demonstrated using an x-ray source with multiple x-ray tubes.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 2737, 2021 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33980823


Diamond quantum sensors are sensitive to weak microwave magnetic fields resonant to the spin transitions. However, the spectral resolution in such protocols is ultimately limited by the sensor lifetime. Here, we demonstrate a heterodyne detection method for microwaves (MW) leading to a lifetime independent spectral resolution in the GHz range. We reference the MW signal to a local oscillator by generating the initial superposition state from a coherent source. Experimentally, we achieve a spectral resolution below 1 Hz for a 4 GHz signal far below the sensor lifetime limit of kilohertz. Furthermore, we show control over the interaction of the MW-field with the two-level system by applying dressing fields, pulsed Mollow absorption and Floquet dynamics under strong longitudinal radio frequency drive. While pulsed Mollow absorption leads to improved sensitivity, the Floquet dynamics allow robust control, independent from the system's resonance frequency. Our work is important for future studies in sensing weak microwave signals in a wide frequency range with high spectral resolution.

Magn Reson (Gott) ; 2(1): 33-48, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37904782


We demonstrate room-temperature 13C hyperpolarization by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) using optically polarized triplet electron spins in two polycrystalline systems: pentacene-doped [carboxyl-13C] benzoic acid and microdiamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers. For both samples, the integrated solid effect (ISE) is used to polarize the 13C spin system in magnetic fields of 350-400 mT. In the benzoic acid sample, the 13C spin polarization is enhanced by up to 0.12 % through direct electron-to-13C polarization transfer without performing dynamic 1H polarization followed by 1H-13C cross-polarization. In addition, the ISE has been successfully applied to polarize naturally abundant 13C spins in a microdiamond sample to 0.01 %. To characterize the buildup of the 13C polarization, we discuss the efficiencies of direct polarization transfer between the electron and 13C spins as well as that of 13C-13C spin diffusion, examining various parameters which are beneficial or detrimental for successful bulk dynamic 13C polarization.

ACS Nano ; 13(6): 6461-6468, 2019 06 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31140778


Nanodiamonds containing negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers are versatile nanosensors thanks to their optical and spin properties. While currently most fluorescent nanodiamonds in use have at least a size of a few tens of nanometers, the challenge lies in engineering the smallest nanodiamonds containing a single NV- defect. Such a tiny nanocrystal with a single NV- center is an "optical spin label" for biomolecules, which can be detected in a fluorescence microscope. In this paper, we address two key issues toward this goal using detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) of 4-5 nm in size. The DND samples are treated first with electron irradiation to create more vacancies. With the aid of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, we confirm a steady increase of negatively charged NV- centers with higher fluence. This leads to a 4 times higher concentration in NV- defects after irradiation with 2 MeV electrons at a fluence of 5 × 1018 e-/cm2. Interestingly, we observe that the annealing of DND does not increase the number of NV- centers, which is in contrast to bulk diamond and larger nanodiamonds. Since DNDs are strongly aggregated after the irradiation process, we apply a boiling acid treatment as a second step to fabricate monodisperse DNDs enriched in NV- centers. These are two important steps toward "optical spin labels" having a single-digit nanometer range size that could be used for bioimaging and nanosensing.

ACS Nano ; 13(10): 11726-11732, 2019 10 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31538479


Nanoscale measurements provide insight into the nano world. For instance, nanometric spatiotemporal distribution of intracellular pH is regulated by and regulates a variety of biological processes. However, there is no general method to fabricate nanoscale pH sensors. Here, we, to endow pH-sensing functions, tailor the surface properties of a fluorescent nanodiamond (FND) containing nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV centers) by coating the FND with an ionic chemical layer. The longitudinal relaxation time T1 of the electron spins in the NV centers inside a nanodiamond modified by carboxyl groups on the particle surface was found to depend on ambient pH between pH 3 and pH 7, but not between pH 7 and pH 11. Therefore, a single particle of the carboxylated nanodiamond works as a nanometer-sized pH meter within a microscopic image and directly measures the nanometric local pH environment. Moreover, the pH dependence of an FND was changed by coating it with a polycysteine layer, which contains a multitude of thiol groups with higher pKa. The polycysteine-coated nanodiamond obtained a pH dependence between pH 7 and pH 11. The pH dependence of the FND was also observed in heavy water (D2O) buffers. This indicates that the pH dependence is not caused by magnetic noise induced by 1H nuclear spin fluctuations, but by electric noise induced by ion exchanges. Via our method, the sensitive pH range of the nanodiamond pH sensor can potentially be controlled by changing the ionic layer appropriately according to the target biological phenomena.

Técnicas Biossensoriais/métodos , Nanopartículas/química , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Nanodiamantes/química , Peptídeos/química
Nat Commun ; 10(1): 594, 2019 02 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30723212


Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of single spins have recently been detected by quantum sensors. However, the spectral resolution has been limited by the sensor's relaxation to a few kHz at room temperature. This can be improved by using quantum memories, at the expense of sensitivity. In contrast, classical signals can be measured with exceptional spectral resolution by using continuous measurement techniques, without compromising sensitivity. When applied to single-spin NMR, it is critical to overcome the impact of back action inherent of quantum measurement. Here we report sequential weak measurements on a single 13C nuclear spin. The back-action causes the spin to undergo a quantum dynamics phase transition from coherent trapping to coherent oscillation. Single-spin NMR at room-temperature with a spectral resolution of 3.8 Hz is achieved. These results enable the use of measurement-correlation schemes for the detection of very weakly coupled single spins.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 2664, 2019 06 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31197143


Quantum information processing requires quantum registers based on coherently interacting quantum bits. The dipolar couplings between nitrogen vacancy (NV) centres with nanometre separation makes them a potential platform for room-temperature quantum registers. The fabrication of quantum registers that consist of NV centre arrays has not advanced beyond NV pairs for several years. Further scaling up of coupled NV centres by using nitrogen implantation through nanoholes has been hampered because the shortening of the separation distance is limited by the nanohole size and ion straggling. Here, we demonstrate the implantation of C5N4Hn from an adenine ion source to achieve further scaling. Because the C5N4Hn ion may be regarded as an ideal point source, the separation distance is solely determined by straggling. We successfully demonstrate the fabrication of strongly coupled triple NV centres. Our method may be extended to fabricate small quantum registers that can perform quantum information processing at room temperature.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 5569, 2019 12 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31804489


Quantum technology relies on proper hardware, enabling coherent quantum state control as well as efficient quantum state readout. In this regard, wide-bandgap semiconductors are an emerging material platform with scalable wafer fabrication methods, hosting several promising spin-active point defects. Conventional readout protocols for defect spins rely on fluorescence detection and are limited by a low photon collection efficiency. Here, we demonstrate a photo-electrical detection technique for electron spins of silicon vacancy ensembles in the 4H polytype of silicon carbide (SiC). Further, we show coherent spin state control, proving that this electrical readout technique enables detection of coherent spin motion. Our readout works at ambient conditions, while other electrical readout approaches are often limited to low temperatures or high magnetic fields. Considering the excellent maturity of SiC electronics with the outstanding coherence properties of SiC defects, the approach presented here holds promises for scalability of future SiC quantum devices.