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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(1): 64-69, 2018 01 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29255042


Gas-phase autoxidation-regenerative peroxy radical formation following intramolecular hydrogen shifts-is known to be important in the combustion of organic materials. The relevance of this chemistry in the oxidation of organics in the atmosphere has received less attention due, in part, to the lack of kinetic data at relevant temperatures. Here, we combine computational and experimental approaches to investigate the rate of autoxidation for organic peroxy radicals (RO2) produced in the oxidation of a prototypical atmospheric pollutant, n-hexane. We find that the reaction rate depends critically on the molecular configuration of the RO2 radical undergoing hydrogen transfer (H-shift). RO2 H-shift rate coefficients via transition states involving six- and seven-membered rings (1,5 and 1,6 H-shifts, respectively) of α-OH hydrogens (HOC-H) formed in this system are of order 0.1 s-1 at 296 K, while the 1,4 H-shift is calculated to be orders of magnitude slower. Consistent with H-shift reactions over a substantial energetic barrier, we find that the rate coefficients of these reactions increase rapidly with temperature and exhibit a large, primary, kinetic isotope effect. The observed H-shift rate coefficients are sufficiently fast that, as a result of ongoing NO x emission reductions, autoxidation is now competing with bimolecular chemistry even in the most polluted North American cities, particularly during summer afternoons when NO levels are low and temperatures are elevated.

Chem Rev ; 118(7): 3337-3390, 2018 04 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29522327


Isoprene carries approximately half of the flux of non-methane volatile organic carbon emitted to the atmosphere by the biosphere. Accurate representation of its oxidation rate and products is essential for quantifying its influence on the abundance of the hydroxyl radical (OH), nitrogen oxide free radicals (NO x), ozone (O3), and, via the formation of highly oxygenated compounds, aerosol. We present a review of recent laboratory and theoretical studies of the oxidation pathways of isoprene initiated by addition of OH, O3, the nitrate radical (NO3), and the chlorine atom. From this review, a recommendation for a nearly complete gas-phase oxidation mechanism of isoprene and its major products is developed. The mechanism is compiled with the aims of providing an accurate representation of the flow of carbon while allowing quantification of the impact of isoprene emissions on HO x and NO x free radical concentrations and of the yields of products known to be involved in condensed-phase processes. Finally, a simplified (reduced) mechanism is developed for use in chemical transport models that retains the essential chemistry required to accurately simulate isoprene oxidation under conditions where it occurs in the atmosphere-above forested regions remote from large NO x emissions.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(2): 590-600, 2019 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30547575


Gas-phase autoxidation - the sequential regeneration of peroxy radicals (RO2) via intramolecular hydrogen shifts (H-shifts) followed by oxygen addition - leads to the formation of organic hydroperoxides. The atmospheric fate of these peroxides remains unclear, including the potential for further H-shift chemistry. Here, we report H-shift rate coefficients for a system of RO2 with hydroperoxide functionality produced in the OH-initiated oxidation of 2-hydroperoxy-2-methylpentane. The initial RO2 formed in this chemistry are unable to undergo α-OOH H-shift (HOOC-H) reactions. However, these RO2 rapidly isomerize (>100 s-1 at 296 K) by H-shift of the hydroperoxy hydrogen (ROO-H) to produce a hydroperoxy-substituted RO2 with an accessible α-OOH hydrogen. First order rate coefficients for the 1,5 H-shift of the α-OOH hydrogen are measured to be ∼0.04 s-1 (296 K) and ∼0.1 s-1 (318 K), within 50% of the rate coefficients calculated using multiconformer transition state theory. Reaction of the RO2 with NO produces alkoxy radicals which also undergo rapid isomerization via 1,6 and 1,5 H-shift of the hydroperoxy hydrogen (ROO-H) to produce RO2 with alcohol functionality. One of these hydroxy-substituted RO2 exhibits a 1,5 α-OH (HOC-H) H-shift, measured to be ∼0.2 s-1 (296 K) and ∼0.6 s-1 (318 K), again in agreement with the calculated rates. Thus, the rapid shift of hydroperoxy hydrogens in alkoxy and peroxy radicals enables intramolecular reactions that would otherwise be inaccessible.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(19): 4562-72, 2015 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25486386


First generation product yields from the OH-initiated oxidation of methyl vinyl ketone (3-buten-2-one, MVK) under both low and high NO conditions are reported. In the low NO chemistry, three distinct reaction channels are identified leading to the formation of (1) OH, glycolaldehyde, and acetyl peroxy R2a , (2) a hydroperoxide R2b , and (3) an α-diketone R2c . The α-diketone likely results from HOx-neutral chemistry previously only known to occur in reactions of HO2 with halogenated peroxy radicals. Quantum chemical calculations demonstrate that all channels are kinetically accessible at 298 K. In the high NO chemistry, glycolaldehyde is produced with a yield of 74 ± 6.0%. Two alkyl nitrates are formed with a combined yield of 4.0 ± 0.6%. We revise a three-dimensional chemical transport model to assess what impact these modifications in the MVK mechanism have on simulations of atmospheric oxidative chemistry. The calculated OH mixing ratio over the Amazon increases by 6%, suggesting that the low NO chemistry makes a non-negligible contribution toward sustaining the atmospheric radical pool.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(20): 6260-6266, 2019 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31545897


We show that the diastereomers of hydroxy peroxy radicals formed from OH and O2 addition to C2 and C3, respectively, of crotonaldehyde (CH3CHCHCHO) undergo gas-phase unimolecular aldehydic hydrogen shift (H-shift) chemistry with rate coefficients that differ by an order of magnitude. The stereospecificity observed here for crotonaldehyde is general and will lead to a significant diastereomeric-specific chemistry in the atmosphere. This enhancement of specific stereoisomers by stereoselective gas-phase reactions could have widespread implications given the ubiquity of chirality in nature. The H-shift rate coefficients calculated using multiconformer transition state theory (MC-TST) agree with those determined experimentally using stereoisomer-specific gas-chromatography chemical ionization mass spectroscopy (GC-CIMS) measurements.

Atmos Meas Tech ; 9(9): 4561-4568, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29636831


Recent laboratory experiments have shown that a first generation isoprene oxidation product, ISOPOOH, can decompose to methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR) on instrument surfaces, leading to overestimates of MVK and MACR concentrations. Formaldehyde (HCHO) was suggested as a decomposition co-product, raising concern that in situ HCHO measurements may also be affected by an ISOPOOH interference. The HCHO measurement artifact from ISOPOOH for the NASA In Situ Airborne Formaldehyde instrument (ISAF) was investigated for the two major ISOPOOH isomers, (1,2)-ISOPOOH and (4,3)-ISOPOOH, under dry and humid conditions. The dry conversion of ISOPOOH to HCHO was 3±2% and 6±4% for (1,2)-ISOPOOH and (4,3)-ISOPOOH, respectively. Under humid (RH= 40-60%) conditions, conversion to HCHO was 6±4% for (1,2)-ISOPOOH and 10±5% for (4,3)-ISOPOOH. The measurement artifact caused by conversion of ISOPOOH to HCHO in the ISAF instrument was estimated for data obtained on the 2013 September 6 flight of the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) campaign. Prompt ISOPOOH conversion to HCHO was the source for <4% of the observed HCHO, including in the high-isoprene boundary layer. Time-delayed conversion, where previous exposure to ISOPOOH affects measured HCHO later in flight, was conservatively estimated to be < 10% of observed HCHO and is significant only when high ISOPOOH sampling periods immediately precede periods of low HCHO.