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Phys Rev Lett ; 114(8): 080501, 2015 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768741


We introduce a new multimode cavity QED architecture for superconducting circuits that can be used to implement photonic memories, more efficient Purcell filters, and quantum simulations of photonic materials. We show that qubit interactions mediated by multimode cavities can have exponentially improved contrast for two qubit gates without sacrificing gate speed. Using two qubits coupled via a three-mode cavity system we spectroscopically observe multimode strong couplings up to 102 MHz and demonstrate suppressed interactions off resonance of 10 kHz when the qubits are ≈600 MHz detuned from the cavity resonance. We study Landau-Zener transitions in our multimode systems and demonstrate quasiadiabatic loading of single photons into the multimode cavity in 25 ns. We introduce an adiabatic gate protocol to realize a controlled-Z gate between the qubits in 95 ns and create a Bell state with 94.7% fidelity. This corresponds to an on/off ratio (gate contrast) of 1000.

Nature ; 460(7252): 240-4, 2009 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19561592


Quantum computers, which harness the superposition and entanglement of physical states, could outperform their classical counterparts in solving problems with technological impact-such as factoring large numbers and searching databases. A quantum processor executes algorithms by applying a programmable sequence of gates to an initialized register of qubits, which coherently evolves into a final state containing the result of the computation. Building a quantum processor is challenging because of the need to meet simultaneously requirements that are in conflict: state preparation, long coherence times, universal gate operations and qubit readout. Processors based on a few qubits have been demonstrated using nuclear magnetic resonance, cold ion trap and optical systems, but a solid-state realization has remained an outstanding challenge. Here we demonstrate a two-qubit superconducting processor and the implementation of the Grover search and Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithms. We use a two-qubit interaction, tunable in strength by two orders of magnitude on nanosecond timescales, which is mediated by a cavity bus in a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture. This interaction allows the generation of highly entangled states with concurrence up to 94 per cent. Although this processor constitutes an important step in quantum computing with integrated circuits, continuing efforts to increase qubit coherence times, gate performance and register size will be required to fulfil the promise of a scalable technology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(14): 140502, 2013 Apr 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166970


We develop a systematic method of performing corrected gate operations on an array of exchange-coupled singlet-triplet qubits in the presence of both fluctuating nuclear Overhauser field gradients and charge noise. The single-qubit control sequences we present have a simple form, are relatively short, and form the building blocks of a corrected cnot gate when also implemented on the interqubit exchange link. This is a key step towards enabling large-scale quantum computation in a semiconductor-based architecture by facilitating error reduction below the quantum error correction threshold for both single-qubit and multiqubit gate operations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(23): 230509, 2012 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003936


We have engineered the band gap profile of transmon qubits by combining oxygen-doped Al for tunnel junction electrodes and clean Al as quasiparticle traps to investigate energy relaxation due to quasiparticle tunneling. The relaxation time T1 of the qubits is shown to be insensitive to this band gap engineering. Operating at relatively low-E(J)/E(C) makes the transmon transition frequency distinctly dependent on the charge parity, allowing us to detect the quasiparticles tunneling across the qubit junction. Quasiparticle kinetics have been studied by monitoring the frequency switching due to even-odd parity change in real time. It shows the switching time is faster than 10 µs, indicating quasiparticle-induced relaxation has to be reduced to achieve T1 much longer than 100 µs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(24): 240501, 2011 Dec 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22242979


Superconducting quantum circuits based on Josephson junctions have made rapid progress in demonstrating quantum behavior and scalability. However, the future prospects ultimately depend upon the intrinsic coherence of Josephson junctions, and whether superconducting qubits can be adequately isolated from their environment. We introduce a new architecture for superconducting quantum circuits employing a three-dimensional resonator that suppresses qubit decoherence while maintaining sufficient coupling to the control signal. With the new architecture, we demonstrate that Josephson junction qubits are highly coherent, with T2 ∼ 10 to 20 µs without the use of spin echo, and highly stable, showing no evidence for 1/f critical current noise. These results suggest that the overall quality of Josephson junctions in these qubits will allow error rates of a few 10(-4), approaching the error correction threshold.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(10): 100505, 2010 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867501


We analyze the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics, in the strong-dispersive regime. In the bad-cavity limit and on time scales short compared to the atomic coherence time, the dynamics are those of a nonlinear oscillator. A steady-state nonperturbative semiclassical analysis exhibits a finite region of bistability delimited by a pair of critical points, unlike the usual dispersive bistability from a Kerr nonlinearity. This analysis explains our quantum trajectory simulations that show qualitative agreement with recent experiments from the field of circuit quantum electrodynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(16): 163601, 2010 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21230970


The quantum properties of electromagnetic, mechanical or other harmonic oscillators can be revealed by investigating their strong coherent coupling to a single quantum two level system in an approach known as cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). At temperatures much lower than the characteristic energy level spacing the observation of vacuum Rabi oscillations or mode splittings with one or a few quanta asserts the quantum nature of the oscillator. Here, we study how the classical response of a cavity QED system emerges from the quantum one when its thermal occupation-or effective temperature-is raised gradually over 5 orders of magnitude. In this way we explore in detail the continuous quantum-to-classical crossover and demonstrate how to extract effective cavity field temperatures from both spectroscopic and time-resolved vacuum Rabi measurements.

Nat Commun ; 3: 997, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22893121


Precise qubit manipulation is fundamental to quantum computing, yet experimental systems generally have stray coupling between the qubit and the environment, which hinders the necessary high-precision control. Here, we report the first theoretical progress in correcting an important class of errors stemming from fluctuations in the magnetic field gradient, in the context of the singlet-triplet spin qubit in a semiconductor double quantum dot. These errors are not amenable to correction via control techniques developed in other contexts, as here the experimenter has precise control only over the rotation rate about the z axis of the Bloch sphere, and this rate is furthermore restricted to be positive and bounded. Despite these strong constraints, we construct simple electrical pulse sequences that, for small gradients, carry out z axis rotations while cancelling errors up to the sixth order in gradient fluctuations, and for large gradients, carry out arbitrary rotations while cancelling the leading order error.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(9): 090502, 2009 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392502


We present measurements of single-qubit gate errors for a superconducting qubit. Results from quantum process tomography and randomized benchmarking are compared with gate errors obtained from a double pi pulse experiment. Randomized benchmarking reveals a minimum average gate error of 1.1+/-0.3% and a simple exponential dependence of fidelity on the number of gates. It shows that the limits on gate fidelity are primarily imposed by qubit decoherence, in agreement with theory.