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Nature ; 526(7574): 554-8, 2015 Oct 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26458102


Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles formed by strongly interacting photons and excitons (electron-hole pairs) in semiconductor microcavities. They have emerged as a robust solid-state platform for next-generation optoelectronic applications as well as for fundamental studies of quantum many-body physics. Importantly, exciton-polaritons are a profoundly open (that is, non-Hermitian) quantum system, which requires constant pumping of energy and continuously decays, releasing coherent radiation. Thus, the exciton-polaritons always exist in a balanced potential landscape of gain and loss. However, the inherent non-Hermitian nature of this potential has so far been largely ignored in exciton-polariton physics. Here we demonstrate that non-Hermiticity dramatically modifies the structure of modes and spectral degeneracies in exciton-polariton systems, and, therefore, will affect their quantum transport, localization and dynamical properties. Using a spatially structured optical pump, we create a chaotic exciton-polariton billiard--a two-dimensional area enclosed by a curved potential barrier. Eigenmodes of this billiard exhibit multiple non-Hermitian spectral degeneracies, known as exceptional points. Such points can cause remarkable wave phenomena, such as unidirectional transport, anomalous lasing/absorption and chiral modes. By varying parameters of the billiard, we observe crossing and anti-crossing of energy levels and reveal the non-trivial topological modal structure exclusive to non-Hermitian systems. We also observe mode switching and a topological Berry phase for a parameter loop encircling the exceptional point. Our findings pave the way to studies of non-Hermitian quantum dynamics of exciton-polaritons, which may uncover novel operating principles for polariton-based devices.

Opt Lett ; 44(19): 4781-4784, 2019 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31568441


We describe the spin-Hall effect of light (as well as the angular Goos-Hänchen effect) at a tilted linear-dichroic plate, such as a usual linear polarizer. Although the spin-Hall effect at a tilted polarizer was previously associated with the geometric spin-Hall effect of light (which was contrasted to the regular spin-Hall effect) [Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 113902 (2014) PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.112.113902], we show that the effect is actually an example of the regular spin-Hall effect that occurs at tilted anisotropic plates [Optica3, 1039 (2016) OPTIC82334-253610.1364/OPTICA.3.001039]. Moreover, our approach reveals the angular spin-Hall shift, which is absent in the "geometric" approach. We verify our theory experimentally using the method of quantum weak measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(18): 183901, 2019 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31763875


We examine acoustic radiation force and torque on a small (subwavelength) absorbing isotropic particle immersed in a monochromatic (but generally inhomogeneous) sound-wave field. We show that by introducing the monopole and dipole polarizabilities of the particle, the problem can be treated in a way similar to the well-studied optical forces and torques on dipole Rayleigh particles. We derive simple analytical expressions for the acoustic force (including both the gradient and scattering forces) and torque. Importantly, these expressions reveal intimate relations to the fundamental field properties introduced recently for acoustic fields: the canonical momentum and spin angular momentum densities. We compare our analytical results with previous calculations and exact numerical simulations. We also consider an important example of a particle in an evanescent acoustic wave, which exhibits the mutually orthogonal scattering (radiation-pressure) force, gradient force, and torque from the transverse spin of the field.

Opt Lett ; 43(5): 963-966, 2018 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29489756


Nonreciprocity and one-way propagation of optical signals are crucial for modern nanophotonic technology, and typically achieved using magneto-optical effects requiring large magnetic biases. Here we suggest a fundamentally novel approach to achieve unidirectional propagation of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) at metal-dielectric interfaces. We employ a direct electric current in metals, which produces a Doppler frequency shift of SPPs due to the uniform drift of electrons. This tilts the SPP dispersion, enabling one-way propagation, as well as zero and negative group velocities. The results are demonstrated for planar interfaces and cylindrical nanowire waveguides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(24): 243605, 2018 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29956970


Optical helicity density is usually discussed for monochromatic electromagnetic fields in free space. It plays an important role in the interaction with chiral molecules or nanoparticles. Here we introduce the optical helicity density in a dispersive isotropic medium. Our definition is consistent with biorthogonal Maxwell electromagnetism in optical media and the Brillouin energy density as well as with the recently introduced canonical momentum and spin of light in dispersive media. We consider a number of examples, including electromagnetic waves in dielectrics, negative-index materials, and metals, as well as interactions of light in a medium with chiral and magnetoelectric molecules.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(1): 013901, 2012 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23031106


We examine, both experimentally and theoretically, an interaction of tightly focused polarized light with a slit on a metal surface supporting plasmon-polariton modes. Remarkably, this simple system can be highly sensitive to the polarization of the incident light and offers a perfect quantum weak measurement tool with a built-in postselection in the plasmon-polariton mode. We observe the plasmonic spin Hall effect in both coordinate and momentum spaces which is interpreted as weak measurements of the helicity of light with real and imaginary weak values determined by the input polarization. Our experiment combines the advantages of (i) quantum weak measurements, (ii) near-field plasmonic systems, and (iii) high-numerical aperture microscopy in employing the spin-orbit interaction of light and probing light chirality.

Nat Commun ; 7: 13488, 2016 11 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27841269


Quantum weak measurements, wavepacket shifts and optical vortices are universal wave phenomena, which originate from fine interference of multiple plane waves. These effects have attracted considerable attention in both classical and quantum wave systems. Here we report on a phenomenon that brings together all the above topics in a simple one-dimensional scalar wave system. We consider inelastic scattering of Gaussian wave packets with parameters close to a zero of the complex scattering coefficient. We demonstrate that the scattered wave packets experience anomalously large time and frequency shifts in such near-zero scattering. These shifts reveal close analogies with the Goos-Hänchen beam shifts and quantum weak measurements of the momentum in a vortex wavefunction. We verify our general theory by an optical experiment using the near-zero transmission (near-critical coupling) of Gaussian pulses propagating through a nano-fibre with a side-coupled toroidal micro-resonator. Measurements demonstrate the amplification of the time delays from the typical inverse-resonator-linewidth scale to the pulse-duration scale.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4586, 2014 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25105563


Landau levels and states of electrons in a magnetic field are fundamental quantum entities underlying the quantum Hall and related effects in condensed matter physics. However, the real-space properties and observation of Landau wave functions remain elusive. Here we report the real-space observation of Landau states and the internal rotational dynamics of free electrons. States with different quantum numbers are produced using nanometre-sized electron vortex beams, with a radius chosen to match the waist of the Landau states, in a quasi-uniform magnetic field. Scanning the beams along the propagation direction, we reconstruct the rotational dynamics of the Landau wave functions with angular frequency ~100 GHz. We observe that Landau modes with different azimuthal quantum numbers belong to three classes, which are characterized by rotations with zero, Larmor and cyclotron frequencies, respectively. This is in sharp contrast to the uniform cyclotron rotation of classical electrons, and in perfect agreement with recent theoretical predictions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(13): 133901, 2008 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18851448


We study the interaction of Anderson localized states in an open 1D random system by varying the internal structure of the sample. As the frequencies of two states come close, they are transformed into multiply peaked quasiextended modes. Level repulsion is observed experimentally and explained within a model of coupled resonators. The spectral and spatial evolution of the coupled modes is described in terms of the coupling coefficient and Q factors of resonators.