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Anat Cell Biol ; 54(2): 202-211, 2021 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33850060


Considering Suidae Familie as a perfect and viable experimental biomedical model for research applied to human medicine, it has been sought to describe the comparative anatomy of the digastric and the stylohyoid muscles between boars and domestic swine. Heads of Sus scrofa scrofa and Sus scrofa domesticus were dissected. The digastric muscle presented only one muscle belly as anatomical component of a tendinous origin in the jugular process of the occipital bone, and muscle insertion in the midventral edge of the caudal two thirds of the body of the mandible. Thus, its function is fundamentally associated with the lowering and the retracting of the mandible which, by the way, can deliver greater muscle power at lesser energy expense. For the stylohyoid muscle, the tendinous origin was in the laterocaudal edge of the dorsal third of the stylohyoid bone. The muscle insertion - primarily, was in the lateral and caudal edges from the mid third portion up to the ventral extremity of the thyrohyoid bone, and secondarily as a laterolateral aponeurotic blade which would unite, in a bilateral manner, an insertion that was common to the sternohyoid, the geniohyoid, and the mylohyoid muscles in a median ventral region. This morphology were similar to the two specimens studied expanding the information available, which were completely unknown for the suidae until the moment.

Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1486-1492, Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040158


In order to perform local anaesthetic blockade of the mental nerves, it is fundamentally to determine anatomical references, including the precise identification of the mental foramina; however, the literature does not present specific data on such structures in the Hoary Fox. Therefore, the objective was describing the morphometry of the mental foramina of this specie, in order to correlate its topographies with the mandibular anatomical reference points, supporting the effective technique for mental desensitization. For this purpose, four mandibles of adult bodies of Lycalopex vetulus were used. Bilaterally, three mental foramina were observed located on the rostral third of the lateral margin of the mandibular body. One of them is more caudal, positioned ventrally to the lower third premolar tooth; a medium one, is located ventrally to the lower first premolar tooth; and a rostral one, placed ventrally to the lower intermediate incisor tooth. There were no statistically significant differences between the antimeres. Therefore, it is indicated that the local anaesthetic block of the mental nerves in this species should be performed by inserting the needle approximately 4.4 mm in a ventrodorsal direction. It is necessary positioning it perpendicularly to the ventral margin of the mandibular body and juxtaposed to its lateral face, using as anatomical reference the interalveolar space located between the first two lower premolar teeth. Thus, that the point established for anaesthetic injection (caudal limit of the ventral margin of the middle mental foramen), provides greater safety for its realization since, for small animals, the recommendation for blockade is represented by needle penetration on the direction of emergence of the mental nerve and artery from this foramen, which makes these structures more exposed to iatrogenic lesions resulting from the technique.

Para realizar el bloqueo anestésico local de los nervios mentales, es fundamental determinar referencias anatómicas, incluida la identificación precisa de los forámenes mentales; sin embargo, la literatura no presenta datos específicos referente a estas estructuras en el zorro de campo común. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue describir la morfometría de los forámenes mentales de esta especie, para correlacionar sus topografías con los puntos de referencia anatómicos mandibulares, apoyando la técnica efectiva para la desensibilización mental. Para este propósito, se utilizaron cuatro mandíbulas de Lycalopex vetulus adultos. Bilateralmente, se observaron tres resistencias mentales ubicadas en el tercio rostral del margen lateral del cuerpo mandibular. Uno de ellos es más caudal, posicionado ventralmente hacia el tercer diente premolar inferior; uno mediano, localizado ventralmente hacia el primer diente premolar inferior; y uno rostral, colocado ventralmente al diente incisivo intermedio inferior. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los antímeros. Por lo tanto, el bloqueo anestésico local de los nervios mentales en esta especie debe realizarse insertando la aguja aproximadamente 4,4 mm en dirección ventrodorsal. Es necesario colocar ésta perpendicularmente al margen ventral del cuerpo mandibular y yuxtapuesto a su cara lateral, utilizando como referencia anatómica, el espacio interalveolar ubicado entre los dos primeros dientes premolares inferiores. De este modo, el punto establecido para la inyección de anestesia (límite caudal del margen ventral del foramen mental medio), proporciona una mayor seguridad para su realización ya que, para los animales pequeños, la recomendación de bloqueo está representada por la penetración de la aguja en la dirección de emergencia del nervio mental y la arteria de este foramen, lo que hace que estas estructuras estén más expuestas a las lesiones iatrogénicas resultantes de la técnica.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Zorros/anatomía & histología , Anestesia Local/veterinaria , Mandíbula/anatomía & histología , Odontología/veterinaria , Mandíbula/inervación
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 54(3): 201-208, 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-879380


The goal of this study was to describe the anatomy of the femoral artery in wild canids such as the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), the hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus), and the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Two specimens from each canid group were used. Red dyed latex was injected in the arterial system of the animals, which were then fixed in 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and dissected following the routine techniques in macroscopic anatomy. In the three canid groups, the arterial pattern was similar to that described for domestic canids, in which the deep femoral artery rises from the external iliac artery, still in the abdominal cavity, and sends its first branch, the lateral circumflex femoral artery. A few muscular branches, one or two caudal femoral arteries, and the terminal branches ­ the descending genicular artery, the saphenous artery, and the popliteal artery ­ are all originated from the femoral artery. The origin pattern of these vessels also shows similarities with those from domestic canids, sometimes forming trunks and occasionally rising individually. Thus, it can be concluded that the anatomical pattern of the femoral artery and its branches in wild canids shows similarities with that from domestic canids, but inherent variations in each species are also present.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a anatomia da artéria femoral em canídeos selvagens, como o cachorro do mato (Cerdocyon thous), a raposa do campo (Lycalopex vetulus) e o lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Foram utilizados dois espécimes de cada grupo canídeo. Solução de látex vermelha foi injetada no sistema arterial dos animais, que foram então fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e dissecados seguindo as técnicas rotineiras da anatomia macroscópica. Nos três grupos canídeos, o padrão arterial foi semelhante ao descrito para canídeos domésticos, em que a artéria femoral profunda origina da artéria ilíaca externa, ainda na cavidade abdominal, e envia seu primeiro ramo, a artéria femoral circunflexa lateral. Alguns ramos musculares, uma ou duas artérias femorais caudais e os ramos terminais - a artéria genicular descendente, a artéria safena e a artéria poplítea - são originários da artéria femoral. O padrão de origem desses vasos também mostra semelhanças com as de canídeos domésticos, às vezes formando troncos e ocasionalmente originando individualmente. Assim, pode-se concluir que o padrão anatômico da artéria femoral e seus ramos em canídeos selvagens mostra semelhanças com a dos canídeos domésticos, mas variações inerentes em cada espécie também estão presentes.(AU)

Animales , Animales Salvajes/anatomía & histología , Canidae/anatomía & histología , Arteria Femoral/anatomía & histología , Sistema Cardiovascular/anatomía & histología