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Am J Bot ; 111(1): e16272, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38247016


PREMISE: The lateral membranous expansions of fruits, commonly referred to as wings, have long been theorized to serve only dispersal functions. Alternatively, because winged fruits typically have earlier seed germination than unwinged fruits, we hypothesized that wings could increase the contact surface with water, ultimately triggering earlier germination. METHODS: We investigated this alternative hypothesis by exploring the potential role of fruit wings on germination in the heterocarpic species Anacyclus clavatus (Desf.) Pers. (Asteraceae), which produces both winged and unwinged fruits. First, we measured the speed and degree of water absorption in winged and unwinged fruits. Second, we investigated the effects of wings on germination performance, by either reducing wing size or by preventing water absorption by sealing wings with wax. Next, we tested the influence of water availability on the germination performance of winged and unwinged fruits by reducing the water potential. RESULTS: Winged fruits absorbed more water at a faster rate than unwinged fruits. The sealing of wings delayed germination, whereas germination time was not significantly altered by wing cutting. The restriction of water availability by decreasing water potential significantly delayed seed germination of unwinged fruits, whereas winged fruits remained unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our results support the effect of wings on germination and cast doubt on the unique role of wings in dispersal. Whether or not wings contribute to dispersal, we propose that they also improve seed germination and seedling establishment by facilitating water absorption after the release from their mother plants.

Asteraceae , Frutas , Animales , Germinación , Semillas , Agua
Mol Ecol ; 32(20): 5451-5462, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37724599


Parallel and convergent evolution offer some of the most compelling evidence for the significance of natural selection in evolution, as the emergence of similar adaptive solutions is unlikely to occur by random chance alone. However, these terms are often employed inconsistently, leading to misinterpretation and confusion, and recently proposed definitions have unintentionally diminished the emphasis on the evolution of similar adaptive solutions. Here, I examine various conceptual frameworks and definitions related to parallel and convergent evolution and propose a consolidated framework that enhances our comprehension of these evolutionary patterns. The primary aim of this framework is to harmonize the concepts of parallel and convergent evolution together with natural selection and the idea of similarity. Both concepts involve the evolution of similar adaptive solutions as a result of environmental challenges. The distinction lies in ancestral phenotypes. Parallel evolution takes place when the ancestral phenotypes (before selection) of the lineages are similar. Convergent evolution happens when the lineages have distinct ancestral phenotypes (before selection). Because an ancestral-based distinction will inevitably lead to cases where uncertainty in the distinction may arise, the framework includes a general term, repeated evolution, which can be used as a term applying to the evolution of similar phenotypes and genotypes as well as similar responses to environmental pressures. Based on the argument that genetic similarity may frequently arise without selection, the framework posits that the similarity of genetic sequences is not of great interest unless linked to the actions of natural selection or to the origins (mutation, standing genetic variation, gene flow) and locations of the similar sequences.

Os casos de evolução paralela e convergente apresentam-se como provas convincentes da relevância da selecção natural no processo evolutivo, já que é improvável que soluções adaptativas semelhantes evoluam apenas por acaso. No entanto, estes dois termos são utilizados frequentemente de forma inconsistente e as definições recentemente propostas diminuíram involuntariamente a ênfase na evolução de soluções adaptativas semelhantes. Nesta contribuição, examino os quadros conceptuais e definições relacionadas com evolução paralela e convergente e proponho um quadro conceptual consolidado que aumenta a compreensão destes padrões evolutivos. O objectivo desta contribuição é harmonizar os conceitos de evolução paralela e convergente juntamente com os conceitos de selecção natural e de similaridade. Ambos os conceitos implicam a evolução de soluções adaptativas semelhantes como resultado de pressões evolutivas. A distinção reside nos fenótipos ancestrais: A evolução paralela ocorre quando os fenótipos ancestrais (antes da selecção) das linhagens eram semelhantes. A evolução convergente acontece quando as linhagens tinham fenótipos ancestrais distintos (antes da selecção). Dado que uma distinção baseada na ancestralidade de caracteres levará, inevitavelmente, a casos em que a incerteza na distinção pode surgir, sugiro a inclusão de um termo geral: evolução repetida, que pode ser aplicado à evolução de fenótipos e genótipos semelhantes, assim como respostas semelhantes a pressões ambientais. Com base na argumentação de que a similaridade genética pode surgir frequentemente sem selecção, eu postulo que a similitude de sequências genéticas não é de grande interesse, a menos que esteja relacionada às ações da selecção natural ou às origens (mutação, variação genética existente, fluxo génico) e localizações das sequências semelhantes.

La evolución paralela y convergente ofrecen algunas de las pruebas más contundentes de la importancia de la selección natural en la evolución, ya que es improbable que la emergencia de soluciones adaptativas similares se produzca únicamente por casualidad. Sin embargo, estos términos se emplean a menudo forma inconsistente, lo que da lugar a interpretaciones erróneas y confusión. Además, las definiciones recientemente propuestas han restado importancia, involuntariamente, a la evolución de soluciones adaptativas similares. En este artículo, examino diversos marcos conceptuales y definiciones relacionadas con la evolución paralela y convergente, y propongo un marco consolidado que mejora nuestra comprensión de estos patrones evolutivos. El objetivo principal de este marco es armonizar los conceptos de evolución paralela y convergente con la selección natural y la idea de similitud. Ambos conceptos implican la evolución de soluciones adaptativas similares como resultado de presiones evolutivas. La distinción radica en los fenotipos ancestrales: la evolución paralela ocurre cuando los fenotipos ancestrales (antes de la selección) de las linajes eran similares. La evolución convergente se produce cuando las lijanes tenían fenotipos ancestrales distintos (antes de la selección). Dado que una distinción basada en la ancestralidad conducirá inevitablemente a casos en los que puede surgir incertidumbre en la distinción, el marco incluye un término general: evolución repetida, que se puede utilizarse como un término laxo aplicable a la evolución de fenotipos y genotipos similares, así como a respuestas similares a presiones ambientales. Basándose en el argumento de que la similitud genética puede surgir frecuentemente sin selección, el marco postula que la similitud de secuencias genéticas no es de gran interés a menos que esté vinculada a las acciones de la selección natural o a los orígenes (mutación, variación genética existente, flujo genético) y ubicaciones de las secuencias similares.

Evolución Biológica , Selección Genética , Probabilidad , Fenotipo , Genotipo , Evolución Molecular
Mol Ecol ; 32(18): 4971-4985, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37515430


The repeated evolution of phenotypes provides clear evidence for the role of natural selection in driving evolutionary change. However, the evolutionary origin of repeated phenotypes can be difficult to disentangle as it can arise from a combination of factors such as gene flow, shared ancestral polymorphisms or mutation. Here, we investigate the presence of these evolutionary processes in the Hawaiian spiny-leg Tetragnatha adaptive radiation, which includes four microhabitat-specialists or ecomorphs, with different body pigmentation and size (Green, Large Brown, Maroon, and Small Brown). We investigated the evolutionary history of this radiation using 76 newly generated low-coverage, whole-genome resequenced samples, along with phylogenetic and population genomic tools. Considering the Green ecomorph as the ancestral state, our results suggest that the Green ecomorph likely re-evolved once, the Large Brown and Maroon ecomorphs evolved twice and the Small Brown evolved three times. We found that the evolution of the Maroon and Small Brown ecomorphs likely involved ancestral hybridization events, while the Green and Large Brown ecomorphs likely evolved through novel mutations, despite a high rate of incomplete lineage sorting in the dataset. Our findings demonstrate that the repeated evolution of ecomorphs in the Hawaiian spiny-leg Tetragnatha is influenced by multiple evolutionary processes.

Flujo Génico , Polimorfismo Genético , Filogenia , Hawaii , Fenotipo
Mol Ecol ; 30(21): 5551-5571, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34418206


Adaptive radiations have proven important for understanding the mechanisms and processes underlying biological diversity. The convergence of form and function, as well as admixture and adaptive introgression, are common in adaptive radiations. However, distinguishing between these two scenarios remains a challenge for evolutionary research. The Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) is a prime example of adaptive radiation, with phenotypic diversification occurring at various stages of genetic differentiation. One species, A. labiatus, has large fleshy lips, is associated with rocky lake substrates, and occurs patchily within Lakes Nicaragua and Managua. By contrast, the similar, but thin-lipped, congener, A. citrinellus, is more common and widespread. We investigated the evolutionary history of the large-lipped form, specifically regarding whether the trait has evolved independently in both lakes from ancestral thin-lipped populations, or via dispersal and/or admixture events. We collected samples from distinct locations in both lakes, and assessed differences in morphology and ecology. Using RAD-seq, we genotyped thousands of SNPs to measure population structure and divergence, demographic history, and admixture. We found significant between-species differences in ecology and morphology, local intraspecific differences in body shape and trophic traits, but only limited intraspecific variation in lip shape. Despite clear ecological differences, our genomic approach uncovered pervasive admixture between the species and low genomic differentiation, with species within lakes being genetically more similar than species between lakes. Taken together, our results suggest a single origin of large-lips, followed by pervasive admixture and adaptive introgression, with morphology being driven by local ecological opportunities, despite ongoing gene-flow.

Las radiaciones adaptativas han demostrado ser clave para entender los mecanismos y procesos responsables de la diversidad biológica. La convergencia en forma y función, así como la mezcla genética y la introgresión adaptativa, son algo común en las radiaciones adaptativas. Sin embargo, distinguir entre estos dos escenarios sigue siendo un desafío para la biología evolutiva. El complejo de especies del cíclido de Midas (Amphilophus spp.) es un ejemplo paradigmático de radiación adaptativa, con diversidad fenotípica en varias etapas de diferenciación genética. Una de las especies, A. labiatus, que tiene labios grandes y carnosos, se asocia a zonas rocosas de los lagos, y tiene una distribución irregular en los lagos Nicaragua y Managua. En cambio, A. citrinellus, es una especie similar pero con labios finos, más común y con una distribución más amplia. Investigamos la historia evolutiva de la especie de labios grandes y, en concreto, si este rasgo ha evolucionado de forma independiente en los dos grandes lagos nicaragüenses a partir de poblaciones ancestrales de labios finos, o si por el contrario se ha dispersado mediante migración y/o mezcla genética. Colectamos muestras de distintas localidades en ambos lagos y evaluamos las diferencias en morfología y ecología. Genotipamos miles de SNPs utilizando RAD-seq para medir la estructura genética, la divergencia, la historia demográfica y la mezcla genética de las poblaciones. Encontramos diferencias significativas entre especies en ecología y morfología, diferencias intraespecíficas locales en la forma del cuerpo y rasgos tróficos, pero sólo una limitada variación intraespecífica en la forma de los labios. A pesar de las claras diferencias ecológicas, el análisis genómico desveló una intensa mezcla genética entre especies, y una limitada diferenciación genómica, encontrando mayor semejanza genética entre especies dentro de un mismo lago, que entre especies de distintos lagos. Nuestros resultados sugieren un origen único de la especie de labios gruesos seguido de mezcla genética e introgresión adaptativa, e indican que la morfología habría sido modelada por las oportunidades ecológicas locales, a pesar del flujo génico.

Cíclidos , Animales , Evolución Biológica , Cíclidos/genética , Especiación Genética , Lagos , Nicaragua , Fenotipo
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 143: 106663, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31669400


The recognition of cryptic species concealed in traditionally established species may reveal new biogeographical patterns and alter the understanding of how biodiversity is geographically distributed. This is particularly relevant for marine ecosystems where the incidence of cryptic species is high and where species distribution data are often challenging to collect and interpret. Here, we studied specimens of the 'cosmopolitan' interstitial meiofaunal annelid Stygocapitella subterranea Knöllner, 1934 (Parergodrilidae, Orbiniida), obtaining data from four coastlines in the Northern hemisphere. Using phylogenetic tools and several species-delimitation methods (haplotype networks, GMYC, bPTP, maximum likelihood, posterior probability and morphology) we describe eight new Stygocapitella species. With one exception, all species are present along a single coastline, ultimately challenging the idea that Stygocapitella subterranea has a cosmopolitan distribution. We found evidence for several oceanic transitions having occurred in the past as well as a recent translocation, potentially due to human activity. No diagnostic characters were found, and qualitative and quantitative morphological data do not allow an unequivocal differentiation of the identified cryptic species. This suggests that (i) neither traditional diagnostic features nor quantitative morphology suffice to recognise species boundaries in cryptic species complexes, such as the Stygocapitella species complex; and that (ii) the recognition and description of cryptic species is of seminal importance for biodiversity assessments, biogeography and evolutionary biology.

Poliquetos/clasificación , Animales , Biodiversidad , Filogenia , Filogeografía , Poliquetos/anatomía & histología , Poliquetos/genética , Poliquetos/ultraestructura
Am J Bot ; 106(2): 231-243, 2019 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30801674


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Ray flowers commonly observed in daisies' flowering heads are a well-known example of advertising structures for enhancing pollinator attraction. Despite this, ray loss has occurred in multiple lineages, which still rely on pollinators, suggesting that rayless phenotypes could also be adaptive for animal-pollination. Here, we investigate the benefits and costs of these specialized floral advertising structures by comparing rayed and rayless phenotypes in two hybridizing closely related species. METHODS: We assessed the advantages and costs of ray production in terms of floral visitor's attraction, pollen limitation, and female reproductive success using the broad natural variation on ray size and number at the contact zone of A. clavatus (rayed) and A. valentinus (rayless). In addition, we experimentally explored the effect of rays under controlled neighborhoods and the effect of ray removal on fruit production. KEY RESULTS: In sympatry, rayed phenotypes attracted significantly more visitors than rayless plants, in which seed production was pollen limited. However, rayed phenotypes did not show higher fruit set or seed production than rayless phenotypes. Fruit set and seed production benefited from denser neighborhood displays and larger individual floral displays, respectively. The removal of ray florets did not appear to enable resource reallocation to fruit production. CONCLUSIONS: Rayless heads compensated their lower visitation rate by means of a higher number of flowers per head achieving similar fecundity levels to rayed plants. The larger size of rayless heads might thus indicate an inflorescence-level trade-off between attraction and fertility.

Asteraceae/fisiología , Flores/fisiología , Aptitud Genética , Animales , Asteraceae/anatomía & histología , Flores/anatomía & histología , Frutas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Fenotipo
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38692838


Understanding the processes that drive phenotypic diversification and underpin speciation is key to elucidating how biodiversity has evolved. Although these processes have been studied across a wide array of clades, adaptive radiations (ARs), which are systems with multiple closely related species and broad phenotypic diversity, have been particularly fruitful for teasing apart the factors that drive and constrain diversification. As such, ARs have become popular candidate study systems for determining the extent to which ecological features, including aspects of organisms and the environment, and inter- and intraspecific interactions, led to evolutionary diversification. Despite substantial past empirical and theoretical work, understanding mechanistically how ARs evolve remains a major challenge. Here, we highlight a number of understudied components of the environment and of lineages themselves, which may help further our understanding of speciation and AR. We also outline some substantial remaining challenges to achieving a detailed understanding of adaptation, speciation, and the role of ecology in these processes. These major challenges include identifying factors that have a causative impact in promoting or constraining ARs, gaining a more holistic understanding of features of organisms and their environment that interact resulting in adaptation and speciation, and understanding whether the role of these organismal and environmental features varies throughout the radiation process. We conclude by providing perspectives on how future investigations into the AR process can overcome these challenges, allowing us to glean mechanistic insights into adaptation and speciation.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37788888


Anthropogenic impacts on the environment alter speciation processes by affecting both geographical contexts and selection patterns on a worldwide scale. Here we review evidence of these effects. We find that human activities often generate spatial isolation between populations and thereby promote genetic divergence but also frequently cause sudden secondary contact and hybridization between diverging lineages. Human-caused environmental changes produce new ecological niches, altering selection in diverse ways that can drive diversification; but changes also often remove niches and cause extirpations. Human impacts that alter selection regimes are widespread and strong in magnitude, ranging from local changes in biotic and abiotic conditions to direct harvesting to global climate change. Altered selection, and evolutionary responses to it, impacts early-stage divergence of lineages, but does not necessarily lead toward speciation and persistence of separate species. Altogether, humans both promote and hinder speciation, although new species would form very slowly relative to anthropogenic hybridization, which can be nearly instantaneous. Speculating about the future of speciation, we highlight two key conclusions: (1) Humans will have a large influence on extinction and "despeciation" dynamics in the short term and on early-stage lineage divergence, and thus potentially speciation in the longer term, and (2) long-term monitoring combined with easily dated anthropogenic changes will improve our understanding of the processes of speciation. We can use this knowledge to preserve and restore ecosystems in ways that promote (re-)diversification, increasing future opportunities of speciation and enhancing biodiversity.

Ecosistema , Especiación Genética , Humanos , Evolución Biológica , Biodiversidad , Filogenia
Trends Ecol Evol ; 38(7): 631-642, 2023 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36870806


A recurring feature of oceanic archipelagos is the presence of adaptive radiations that generate endemic, species-rich clades that can offer outstanding insight into the links between ecology and evolution. Recent developments in evolutionary genomics have contributed towards solving long-standing questions at this interface. Using a comprehensive literature search, we identify studies spanning 19 oceanic archipelagos and 110 putative adaptive radiations, but find that most of these radiations have not yet been investigated from an evolutionary genomics perspective. Our review reveals different gaps in knowledge related to the lack of implementation of genomic approaches, as well as undersampled taxonomic and geographic areas. Filling those gaps with the required data will help to deepen our understanding of adaptation, speciation, and other evolutionary processes.

Evolución Biológica , Especiación Genética , Filogenia , Ecología , Genómica
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 6118, 2022 04 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35414162


The East Greenland-Svalbard-Barents Sea (EGSB) bowhead whale stock (Balaena mysticetus) was hunted to near extinction and remains Endangered on the International Union of Conservation of Nature Red List. The intense, temporally extensive hunting pressure may have left the population vulnerable to other perturbations, such as environmental change. However, the lack of genomic baseline data renders it difficult to evaluate the impacts of various potential stressors on this stock. Twelve EGSB bowhead whales sampled in 2017/2018 were re-sequenced and mapped to a previously published draft genome. All individuals were unrelated and void of significant signs of inbreeding, with similar observed and expected homo- and heterozygosity levels. Despite the small population size, mean autosome-wide heterozygosity was 0.00102, which is higher than that of most mammals for which comparable estimates are calculated using the same parameters, and three times higher than a conspecific individual from the Eastern-Canada-West-Greenland bowhead whale stock. Demographic history analyses indicated a continual decrease of Ne from ca. 1.5 million to ca. 250,000 years ago, followed by a slight increase until ca. 100,000 years ago, followed by a rapid decrease in Ne between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago. These estimates are lower than previously suggested based on mitochondrial DNA, but suggested demographic patterns over time are similar.

Ballena de Groenlandia , Animales , Ballena de Groenlandia/genética , Svalbard
Nat Commun ; 13(1): 3729, 2022 06 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35764640


The repeated, rapid and often pronounced patterns of evolutionary divergence observed in insular plants, or the 'plant island syndrome', include changes in leaf phenotypes, growth, as well as the acquisition of a perennial lifestyle. Here, we sequence and describe the genome of the critically endangered, Galápagos-endemic species Scalesia atractyloides Arnot., obtaining a chromosome-resolved, 3.2-Gbp assembly containing 43,093 candidate gene models. Using a combination of fossil transposable elements, k-mer spectra analyses and orthologue assignment, we identify the two ancestral genomes, and date their divergence and the polyploidization event, concluding that the ancestor of all extant Scalesia species was an allotetraploid. There are a comparable number of genes and transposable elements across the two subgenomes, and while their synteny has been mostly conserved, we find multiple inversions that may have facilitated adaptation. We identify clear signatures of selection across genes associated with vascular development, growth, adaptation to salinity and flowering time, thus finding compelling evidence for a genomic basis of the island syndrome in one of Darwin's giant daisies.

Elementos Transponibles de ADN , Genómica , Evolución Biológica , Elementos Transponibles de ADN/genética , Sintenía/genética
PeerJ ; 9: e10896, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33614296


Morphologically similar species, that is cryptic species, may be similar or quasi-similar owing to the deceleration of morphological evolution and stasis. While the factors underlying the deceleration of morphological evolution or stasis in cryptic species remain unknown, decades of research in the field of paleontology on punctuated equilibrium have originated clear hypotheses. Species are expected to remain morphologically identical in scenarios of shared genetic variation, such as hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting, or in scenarios where bottlenecks reduce genetic variation and constrain the evolution of morphology. Here, focusing on three morphologically similar Stygocapitella species, we employ a whole-genome amplification method (WGA) coupled with double-digestion restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the species complex. We explore population structure, use population-level statistics to determine the degree of connectivity between populations and species, and determine the most likely demographic scenarios which generally reject for recent hybridization. We find that the combination of WGA and ddRAD allowed us to obtain genomic-level data from microscopic eukaryotes (∼1 millimetre) opening up opportunities for those working with population genomics and phylogenomics in such taxa. The three species share genetic variance, likely from incomplete lineage sorting and ancient admixture. We speculate that the degree of shared variation might underlie morphological similarity in the Atlantic species complex.

Genome Biol Evol ; 13(12)2021 12 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34849853


Spiders (Araneae) have a diverse spectrum of morphologies, behaviors, and physiologies. Attempts to understand the genomic-basis of this diversity are often hindered by their large, heterozygous, and AT-rich genomes with high repeat content resulting in highly fragmented, poor-quality assemblies. As a result, the key attributes of spider genomes, including gene family evolution, repeat content, and gene function, remain poorly understood. Here, we used Illumina and Dovetail Chicago technologies to sequence the genome of the long-jawed spider Tetragnatha kauaiensis, producing an assembly distributed along 3,925 scaffolds with an N50 of ∼2 Mb. Using comparative genomics tools, we explore genome evolution across available spider assemblies. Our findings suggest that the previously reported and vast genome size variation in spiders is linked to the different representation and number of transposable elements. Using statistical tools to uncover gene-family level evolution, we find expansions associated with the sensory perception of taste, immunity, and metabolism. In addition, we report strikingly different histories of chemosensory, venom, and silk gene families, with the first two evolving much earlier, affected by the ancestral whole genome duplication in Arachnopulmonata (∼450 Ma) and exhibiting higher numbers. Together, our findings reveal that spider genomes are highly variable and that genomic novelty may have been driven by the burst of an ancient whole genome duplication, followed by gene family and transposable element expansion.

Arañas , Animales , Genoma , Genómica , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Arañas/genética
Evolution ; 74(1): 116-131, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31742676


Morphological stasis or the absence of morphological change is a well-known phenomenon in the paleontological record, yet it is poorly integrated with neontological evidence. Recent evidence suggests that cryptic species complexes may remain morphologically identical due to morphological stasis. Here, we describe a case of long-term stasis in the Stygocapitella cryptic species complex (Parergodrilidae, Orbiniida, Annelida). Using phylogenetic methods and morphological data, we find that rates of morphological evolution in Stygocapitella are significantly slower than in closely related taxa (Nerillidae, Orbiniidae). Assessment of quantitative and qualitative morphology revealed the presence of four morphotypes with only subtle differences, whereas molecular data supports 10 reproductively isolated clades. Notably, estimates for the time of Stygocapitella species divergence range from ∼275 million years to ∼18 million years, including one case of two morphologically similar species that have diverged about 140 million years ago. These findings provide evidence for morphological deceleration and long-term morphological stasis in Stygocapitella, and that speciation is not necessarily accompanied by morphological changes. The deceleration of morphological divergence in Stygocapitella can be potentially linked to niche conservatism and tracking, coupled with the fluctuating dynamics of the interstitial environment, or genetic constraints due to progenetic evolution. Finally, we conclude that failing to integrate speciation without morphological evolution in paleontology may bias estimates of rates of speciation and morphological evolution.

Evolución Molecular , Especiación Genética , Poliquetos/anatomía & histología , Animales , Evolución Biológica , Filogenia , Poliquetos/genética
Trends Ecol Evol ; 33(3): 153-163, 2018 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29241941


Cryptic species could represent a substantial fraction of biodiversity. However, inconsistent definitions and taxonomic treatment of cryptic species prevent informed estimates of their contribution to biodiversity and impede our understanding of their evolutionary and ecological significance. We propose a conceptual framework that recognizes cryptic species based on their low levels of phenotypic (morphological) disparity relative to their degree of genetic differentiation and divergence times as compared with non-cryptic species. We discuss how application of a more rigorous definition of cryptic species in taxonomic practice will lead to more accurate estimates of their prevalence in nature, better understanding of their distribution patterns on the tree of life, and increased abilities to resolve the processes underlying their evolution.

Biodiversidad , Especiación Genética , Variación Genética