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Icarus ; Volume 289: 281-294, 2016 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31708591


Remote observations of the surfaces of airless planetary objects are fundamental to inferring the physical structure and compositional makeup of the surface material. A number of forward models have been developed to reproduce the photometric behavior of these surfaces, based on specific, assumed structural properties such as macroscopic roughness and associated shadowing. Most work of this type is applied to geometric albedos, which are affected by complicated effects near zero phase angle that represent only a tiny fraction of the net energy reflected by the object. Other applications include parameter fits to resolved portions of some planetary surface as viewed over a range of geometries. The spherical albedo of the entire object (when it can be determined) captures the net energy balance of the particle more robustly than the geometric albedo. In most treatments involving spherical albedos, spherical albedos and particle phase functions are often treated as if they are independent, neglecting the effects of roughness. In this paper we take a different approach. We note that whatever function captures the phase angle dependence of the brightness of a realistic rough, shadowed, flat surface element relative to that of a smooth granular surface of the same material, it is manifested directly in both the integral phase function and the spherical albedo of the object. We suggest that, where broad phase angle coverage is possible, spherical albedos may be easily corrected for the effects of shadowing using observed (or assumed) phase functions, and then modeled more robustly using smooth-surface regolith radiative transfer models without further imposed (forward-modeled) shadowing corrections. Our approach attributes observed "powerlaw" phase functions of various slope (and "linear" ranges of magnitude-vs.-phase angle) to shadowing, as have others, and goes in to suggest that regolith-model-based inferences of composition based on shadow-uncorrected spherical albedos overestimate the amount of absorbing material contained in the regolith.