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Nature ; 620(7975): 762-767, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37468640


Electronic states in quasicrystals generally preclude a Bloch description1, rendering them fascinating and enigmatic. Owing to their complexity and scarcity, quasicrystals are underexplored relative to periodic and amorphous structures. Here we introduce a new type of highly tunable quasicrystal easily assembled from periodic components. By twisting three layers of graphene with two different twist angles, we form two mutually incommensurate moiré patterns. In contrast to many common atomic-scale quasicrystals2,3, the quasiperiodicity in our system is defined on moiré length scales of several nanometres. This 'moiré quasicrystal' allows us to tune the chemical potential and thus the electronic system between a periodic-like regime at low energies and a strongly quasiperiodic regime at higher energies, the latter hosting a large density of weakly dispersing states. Notably, in the quasiperiodic regime, we observe superconductivity near a flavour-symmetry-breaking phase transition4,5, the latter indicative of the important role that electronic interactions play in that regime. The prevalence of interacting phenomena in future systems with in situ tunability is not only useful for the study of quasiperiodic systems but may also provide insights into electronic ordering in related periodic moiré crystals6-12. We anticipate that extending this platform to engineer quasicrystals by varying the number of layers and twist angles, and by using different two-dimensional components, will lead to a new family of quantum materials to investigate the properties of strongly interacting quasicrystals.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(24): 246402, 2024 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949360


Moiré materials provide a highly tunable platform in which novel electronic phenomena can emerge. We study strained moiré materials in a uniform magnetic field and predict highly anisotropic electrical conductivity that switches easy axis as magnetic field or strain is varied. The dramatic anisotropy reflects one-dimensional localization (directional localization) of the electron wave functions along a crystal axis due to quantum interference effects. This can be understood in an effective one-dimensional quasiperiodic Aubry-André-Harper-like model, or in a complementary semiclassical picture. This phenomenon should be observable in strained moiré materials at realistic fields and low strain disorder, as well as unstrained systems with anisotropic Fermi surfaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(10): 106301, 2023 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37739351


The dynamical phase diagram of interacting disordered systems has seen substantial revision over the past few years. Theory must now account for a large prethermal many-body localized regime in which thermalization is extremely slow, but not completely arrested. We derive a quantitative description of these dynamics in short-ranged one-dimensional systems using a model of successive many-body resonances. The model explains the decay timescale of mean autocorrelators, the functional form of the decay-a stretched exponential-and relates the value of the stretch exponent to the broad distribution of resonance timescales. The Jacobi method of matrix diagonalization provides numerical access to this distribution, as well as a conceptual framework for our analysis. The resonance model correctly predicts the stretch exponents for several models in the literature. Successive resonances may also underlie slow thermalization in strongly disordered systems in higher dimensions, or with long-range interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(18): 183602, 2022 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35594101


The striking nonlinear effects exhibited by cavity QED systems make them a powerful tool in modern condensed matter and atomic physics. A recently discovered example is the quantized pumping of energy into a cavity by a strongly coupled, periodically driven spin. We uncover a remarkable feature of these energy pumps: they coherently translate, or boost, a quantum state of the cavity in the Fock basis. Current optical cavity and circuit QED experiments can realize the required Hamiltonian in a rotating frame. Boosting thus enables the preparation of highly excited nonclassical cavity states in near-term experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(11): 116804, 2022 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36154430


We study the energy spectrum of moiré systems under a uniform magnetic field. The superlattice potential generally broadens Landau levels into Chern bands with finite bandwidth. However, we find that these Chern bands become flat at a discrete set of magnetic fields which we dub "magic zeros." The flat band subspace is generally different from the Landau level subspace in the absence of the moiré superlattice. By developing a semiclassical quantization method and taking account of superlattice induced Bragg reflection, we prove that magic zeros arise from the simultaneous quantization of two distinct k-space orbits. For instance, we show the chiral model of TBG has flat bands at special fields for any twist angle in the nth Landau level for |n|>1. The flat bands at magic zeros provide a new setting for exploring crystalline fractional quantum Hall physics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(10): 106805, 2021 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33784118


We derive a topological classification of the steady states of d-dimensional lattice models driven by D incommensurate tones. Mapping to a unifying (d+D)-dimensional localized model in frequency space reveals anomalous localized topological phases (ALTPs) with no static analog. While the formal classification is determined by d+D, the observable signatures of each ALTP depend on the spatial dimension d. For each d, with d+D=3, we identify a quantized circulating current and corresponding topological edge states. The edge states for a driven wire (d=1) function as a quantized, nonadiabatic energy pump between the drives. We design concrete models of quasiperiodically driven qubits and wires that achieve ALTPs of several topological classes. Our results provide a route to experimentally access higher dimensional ALTPs in driven low-dimensional systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(16): 160505, 2020 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124857


Quasiperiodically driven quantum systems are predicted to exhibit quantized topological properties, in analogy with the quantized transport properties of topological insulators. We use a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to experimentally study a synthetic quantum Hall effect with a two-tone drive. We measure the evolution of trajectories of two quantum states, initially prepared at nearby points in synthetic phase space. We detect the synthetic Hall effect through the predicted overlap oscillations at a quantized fundamental frequency proportional to the Chern number, which characterizes the topological phases of the system. We further observe half-quantization of the Chern number at the transition between the synthetic Hall regime and the trivial regime, and the associated concentration of local Berry curvature in synthetic phase space. Our Letter opens up the possibility of using driven qubits to design and study higher-dimensional topological insulators and semimetals in synthetic dimensions.

Science ; 381(6659): 778-783, 2023 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37590361


Ergodicity, the central tenet of statistical mechanics, requires an isolated system to explore all available phase space constrained by energy and symmetry. Mechanisms for violating ergodicity are of interest for probing nonequilibrium matter and protecting quantum coherence in complex systems. Polyatomic molecules have long served as a platform for probing ergodicity breaking in vibrational energy transport. Here, we report the observation of rotational ergodicity breaking in an unprecedentedly large molecule, 12C60, determined from its icosahedral rovibrational fine structure. The ergodicity breaking occurs well below the vibrational ergodicity threshold and exhibits multiple transitions between ergodic and nonergodic regimes with increasing angular momentum. These peculiar dynamics result from the molecule's distinctive combination of symmetry, size, and rigidity, highlighting its relevance to emergent phenomena in mesoscopic quantum systems.