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Front Psychiatry ; 13: 973134, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36299536


The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the measurement of invariance by sex, age, and educational level of an online version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale in a five-item version (GAD-5). Configural, metric, scalar, and strict invariance were evaluated using data from 79,473 respondents who answered a mental health questionnaire during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. The sex variable was classified as male or female; age was categorized as minors, youth, young adults, adults, and older adults; and educational level was divided into basic, upper secondary, higher, and graduate education. To test for configural invariance, confirmatory factor models were constructed. For metric invariance, equality restrictions were established for the factor loadings between the construct and its items; for scalar invariance, equality restrictions were established between the intercepts; strict variance implied the additional restriction of the residuals. Statistical analysis was performed in R software with the lavaan package. The results show that with respect to sex, age, and educational level, configural and metric measurement invariance was confirmed (ΔCFI < 0.002; ΔRMSEA < 0.015). However, with respect to scalar and strict invariance, the results showed significant differences regarding the fit model (ΔCFI > 0.002; ΔRMSEA > 0.015). We conclude that the GAD-5 presents configural and metric invariance for sex, age, and educational level, and scalar invariance for sex and age groups. However, the scale does not demonstrate strict invariance. We discuss the implications and suggest that this result could be related to the evaluation of sociodemographic variables.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054706


Resumen El entrenamiento conductual a padres promueve la adquisición de habilidades de crianza para la reducción de problemas de conducta infantil. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el aprendizaje y mantenimiento de las habilidades de crianza y reducción de la conducta infantil, reportada por los padres, en función del entrenamiento conductual y el uso de sus mensajes de texto. Se trabajó con 62 padres de familia con un promedio de 40 años de edad. El promedio de edad de los niños fue de 9 años. Se trabajó con un diseño cuasi experimental con un grupo de comparación: presencial contra presencial con mensajes de texto, donde se llevaron a cabo cuatro fases: evaluación al inicio, al final del entrenamiento, al seguimiento (sesiones de 60 minutos) y entrenamiento conductual (cuatro sesiones de 120 minutos cada una). Se utilizaron el Inventario de Prácticas de Crianza, el Cuestionario de Habilidades de Manejo Conductual Infantil y el Inventario de Conducta Infantil. En la condición de comparación se agregaron 84 mensajes de texto sobre: análisis funcional de la conducta, elogio, ganancias, interacción social positiva, instrucciones claras, corrección del comportamiento, ignorar conducta inadecuada, actividades planeadas, establecimiento de reglas y solución de problemas. Los resultados mostraron problemas moderados de conducta, que se redujeron y mantuvieron 11% en promedio por debajo de la evaluación inicial, durante el seguimiento, en función del entrenamiento conductual con y sin mensajes; Pero el uso de mensajes de texto es una herramienta eficaz para promover un mayor cambio mantenido y reportado de la conducta oposicionista (9.57%) y del uso del castigo (22.05%, respecto a la primera evaluación). Estudios adicionales deberán indicar el papel mediador de los mensajes de texto entre las prácticas de crianza y la reducción de problemas de conducta infantil.

Abstract Parent behavioral training promotes raising skills acquisition for the children behavior problems reduction. The goal of this work was to assess learning and maintenance of the raising skills and the reduction of the children behavior, reported by the parents, because of behavioral training and the use of texting messages. We worked with 62 family´ parents of 40 years old. The mean age of the children was 9 years old. We worked with a quasiexperimental design with a comparison group: presence based modality against and presence plus text messages modality, where we run four phases: beginning, final and following assessments (60 minutes' sessions) and behavioral training (four 120 minutes sessions). We used the Raising Practices Inventory, Managing Skills for Children Behavior Questionnaire and Children Behavior Inventory. On the comparison condition we added 84 texting messages about: behavior functional analysis, praise, gains, positive social interaction, alpha commands, behavioral correction, inadequate behavior ignoring, planned activities, rules establishment, and problem solution. Results showed moderated behavior problems that were reduced and maintained 11%, on average, underneath of the beginning assessment, throughout following assessment, because of behavioral training with or without messages; But, the use of texting messages appears to be an efficient tool to promote a reported maintained mayor changing of the oppositional behavior (9.57%) and of the punishment using (22.05%, with regard to beginning assessment). Additional studies should indicate the mediator role of the texting messages between raising practices and the children behavior problems reduction.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 4(2): 68-78, dic. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-714507


La conducta de atracón, el incremento en su frecuencia que incide en el riesgo asociado a trastorno alimentario, así como su relación con sobrepeso y obesidad constituyen un problema de salud vigente a nivel nacional e internacional. El objetivo de la investigación fue explorar, identificar y describir los factores de riesgo que se interrelacionan y explican la Conducta de Atracón, poniendo especial interés en las similitudes y diferencias inherentes a muestras de tres diferentes países de habla hispana (México, España y Argentina). La muestra agrupó N = 258 mujeres: mexicanas (n = 85, Medad = 16.18, DE = 0.99); argentinas (n = 75, Medad = 17.00, DE = 1.24) y españolas (n = 98, Medad = 17.00, DE = 1.36). Se utilizaron instrumentos psicométricamente adecuados. Entre los resultados de mayor interés se encontró que el factor comer por compensación psicológica obtiene el peso β más alto en cada grupo y el análisis de senderos confirma su importancia intercultural. El carácter emocional de dicho factor, su aportación a la prevención y su poder predictivo forman parte de la discusión.

The increased frequency of binge eating behavior, and its relationship to overweight and obesity, expressed a national and international real health problem. The objective of this study was to explore, identify and describe the risk factors that interrelate and explain Binge Eating Behavior, paying special attention to the similarities and differences inherent to samples from three different Spanish-speaking countries (Mexico, Spain and Argentina). The total sample consisted of N = 258 women: Mexican (n = 85, Mage = 16.18, SD = 0.99); Argentine (n = 75, Mage = 17.00, SD = 1.24) and Spanish (n = 98, Mage = 17.00, SD = 1.36). The instruments used showed a good psychometrical properties. The eating for psychological compensation factor gets the highest β weight in the three groups and its intercultural relevance is confirmed by the Path Analysis. It is discussed the emotional nature of the eating for psychological compensation factor, its contribution to prevention, and its predictive power.