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Infant Ment Health J ; 45(3): 341-353, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478546


Contradictory results in the extant literature suggests that additional risk factors should be considered when exploring the impacts of maternal smartphone use on mother-infant relationships. This study used cluster analysis to explore whether certain risk factors were implicated in mother-infant dyads with high smartphone use and low mother-infant responsiveness. A cross-sectional survey of 450 participants in the UK measured infant social-emotional development, maternal depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms, wellbeing, social support, smartphone use, and mother-infant responsiveness. Participants were predominantly White (95.3%) and living with a partner (95.2%), with infants who were born full-term (88.9%). Cluster analysis identified three clusters characterized as; cluster (1) "infant at risk" showing high infant development concerns, high maternal smartphone use, and low mother-infant responsiveness; cluster (2) "mother at risk" showing high maternal depressive, anxiety, and stress scores, low social support, high maternal smartphone use, and low mother-infant responsiveness, and cluster (3) "low risk" showing low maternal smartphone use and high mother-infant responsiveness. Significant differences were found between all risk factors, except for maternal smartphone use and mother-infant responsiveness between clusters 1 and 2 suggesting that both clusters require early intervention, although interventions should be tailored towards the different risk factors they are presenting with.

Resultados contradictorios en la literatura existente sugieren que se deben considerar factores de riesgo adicionales cuando se explora el impacto del uso que la madre hace del teléfono inteligente en las relaciones madre­infante. Este estudio usó un análisis de grupo para explorar si ciertos factores de riesgo estaban implicados en las díadas madre­infante con uso elevado del teléfono inteligente y la baja sensibilidad madre­infante. Una encuesta transversal de 450 participantes en el Reino Unido midió el desarrollo socioemocional del infante, los síntomas maternos depresivos, de ansiedad y estrés, el bienestar, el apoyo social, el uso del teléfono inteligente, así como la sensibilidad madre­infante. Las participantes eran predominantemente blancas (95.3%) y convivían con una pareja (95.2%), con infantes nacidos en un período de gestación completo (88.9%). Los análisis de grupo identificaron tres grupos caracterizados como: grupo 1) "infante bajo riesgo," mostrando altas preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo del infante, uso elevado del teléfono inteligente por parte de la madre, así como baja sensibilidad madre­infante; grupo 2) "madre bajo riesgo," mostrando altos puntajes de depresión, ansiedad y estrés maternos, bajo apoyo social, uso elevado del teléfono inteligente por parte de la madre, así como baja sensibilidad madre­infante; y grupo 3) "bajo riesgo," mostrando bajo uso del teléfono inteligente por parte de la madre, y alta sensibilidad madre­infante. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en todos los factores de riesgo, excepto en el caso del uso del teléfono inteligente por parte de la madre y la sensibilidad madre­infante entre los grupos 1 y 2, lo cual indica que ambos grupos requieren de una temprana intervención, aunque las intervenciones se deben moldear en términos de los diferentes factores de riesgo que se le presenta a cada grupo.

Les résultats contradictoires dans les recherches existantes suggèrent que des facteurs de risque supplémentaires devraient être pris en considération en explorant les impacts de l'utilisation maternelle du smartphone sur les relations mère­bébé. Cette étude a utilisé une analyse typologique afin d'explorer si certains facteurs de risque étaient impliqués chez les dyades mère­nourrisson avec une utilisation élevée du smartphone et une réaction mère­nourrisson faible. Une étude transversale de 450 participantes au Royaume Uni a mesuré le développement socio­émotionnel du bébé, les symptômes dépressives, d'anxiété et de stress maternel, le bien­être maternel, le soutien social, l'utilisation du smartphone et la réaction mère­nourrisson. Les participantes étaient essentiellement Blanches (95,3%), vivant avec un partenaire (95,2%), avec des bébés étant nés à terme (88,9%). Une analyse typologique a identifié trois clusters (types) avec ces caractéristiques: type 1) "nourrisson à risque" avec des problèmes de développement infantile élevés, une utilisation maternelle du smartphone élevée, et une réaction mère­bébé faible; type 2) "mère à risque" faisant état de scores maternels élevés de dépression, d'anxiété et de stress, d'un soutien social faible, avec une utilisation maternelle du smartphone élevée, et une réaction mère­bébé faible, et type 3) "risque faible" montrant peu d'utilisation maternelle du smartphone et une réaction élevée mère­bébé. Des différences importantes ont été trouvées entre tous les facteurs de risque, saut pour l'utilisation maternelle du smartphone et la réaction maternelle entre les types 1 et 2, ce qui suggère que les deux types exigent une intervention précoce, bien que les interventions devraient être adaptées aux différents facteurs de risque avec lesquelles elles se présentent.

Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Madres , Teléfono Inteligente , Humanos , Femenino , Relaciones Madre-Hijo/psicología , Adulto , Análisis por Conglomerados , Estudios Transversales , Lactante , Factores de Riesgo , Madres/psicología , Masculino , Factores Protectores , Apoyo Social , Depresión , Adulto Joven , Ansiedad , Reino Unido , Desarrollo Infantil , Estrés Psicológico , Recién Nacido
Eur Eat Disord Rev ; 30(5): 538-559, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35737818


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between sensory processing and a broad range of eating behaviours across the lifespan. METHODS: Five electronic databases of published and unpublished quantitative studies were systematically searched, evaluated for risk of bias and synthesised according to identified eating outcomes. RESULTS: Across 25 studies, there was consistent evidence of a relationship between sensory processing and a range of eating behaviours. There was early evidence for the particular role of taste/smell sensitivities, as well as hypersensitivities, although future research is needed looking at different sensory patterns and modalities. There was also tentative evidence to suggest this relationship extends across development. DISCUSSION: Study findings are discussed in relation to implications for sensory-based eating and feeding interventions and the development of eating disorders. Methodological and conceptual limitations are discussed and suggestions for future research are made to address these limitations. A broader investigation of multi-sensory issues and clearly defined eating behaviours, including disordered eating in clinically diagnosed samples, will allow for a more comprehensive and robust understanding of the relationship between sensory processing and eating behaviours in autism.

Trastorno Autístico , Trastornos de Alimentación y de la Ingestión de Alimentos , Conducta Alimentaria , Humanos , Percepción , Gusto
Infant Ment Health J ; 43(5): 808-830, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35913364


Dyadic behavioral synchrony is a complex interactional process that takes place between the mother and her infant. In the first year of life, when the infant is prelinguistic, processes such as synchrony enable the dyad to communicate through shared behavior and affect. To date, no systematic review has been carried out to understand the risk and protective factors that influence behavioral synchrony in the mother-infant dyad. The aim of this review was to identify and evaluate the factors that influence behavioral synchrony in the mother-infant dyad, when the infant is between 3 and 9 months old. Key electronic databases were searched between 1970 and April 2021, and 28 eligible studies were identified for review. As the results were largely heterogeneous, four subgroups of factors were identified: (i) infant demographics, (ii) physiological factors, (iii) maternal mental health, and (iv) miscellaneous factors. Identified risk factors and covariates suggest that social determinants of health, underpinned by biological factors, play a large role in influencing behavioral synchrony within the dyad. Implications for the need to identify additional risk and protective factors, as well as design support for at-risk families are discussed.

La sincronía diádica del comportamiento es un proceso complejo de interacción que se lleva a cabo entre la madre y su infante, y en el primero año de vida, cuando el infante está en la época prelingüística. Los procesos como la sincronía le permiten a la díada comunicarse a través del comportamiento y el afecto compartido. Hasta la fecha, ninguna revisión sistemática se ha llevado a cabo para comprender los factores de riesgo y de protección que influyen la sincronía del comportamiento en la díada madre-infante. El propósito de esta revisión fue identificar y evaluar los factores que influyen la sincronía del comportamiento en la díada madre-infante, cuando el infante tiene entre 3 y 9 meses de nacido. Se investigaron bancos claves de datos electrónicos entre 1970 y abril de 2021, y se identificaron 28 estudios aptos para la revisión. Como los resultados fueron en gran parte heterogéneos, se identificaron cuatro subgrupos de factores: (i) datos demográficos del infante, (ii) factores fisiológicos, (iii) salud mental materna, y (iv) factores misceláneos. Los factores de riesgo y covariantes identificados señalan que los determinantes sociales de salud, sustentados por factores biológicos, juegan un papel grande en cuanto a influir la sincronía del comportamiento dentro de la díada. Se discuten las implicaciones para la necesidad de identificar factores de riesgo y de protección adicionales, así como también diseñar el apoyo para familias bajo riesgo.

La synchronie comportementale dyadique est un processus interactionnel complexe qui prend place entre la mère et son bébé. Dans la première année de la vie, quand le bébé ne parle pas, les processus tels que la synchronie permettent à la dyade de communiquer à travers un comportement et un affect partagés. Jusqu'à présent aucune revue systématique n'a été faite pour comprendre les facteurs de risque et les facteurs de protection qui influencent la synchronie comportementale chez la dyade mère-bébé. Le but de cette revue était d'identifier et d'évaluer les facteurs qui influencent la synchronie comportementale chez la dyade mère-bébé, quand le bébé avait entre 3-9 mois. Les bases de données électroniques clés ont fait l'objet des recherches entre 1970 et avril 2021, et 28 études admissibles ont été identifiée pour la revue. Puisque les résultats étaient largement hétérogènes, quatre sous-groupes de facteurs ont été identifiés: (1) données démographiques du bébé, (ii) facteurs physiologiques, (iii) santé mentale maternelle, et (iv) facteurs divers. Les facteurs de risque identifiés et les co-variables suggèrent que les déterminants sociaux de la santé, sous-tendus par des facteurs biologiques, jouent un rôle important en influençant la synchronie comportementale au sein de la dyade. Les implications quant au besoin d'identifier des facteurs de risque et de protection supplémentaire, ainsi que des soutiens aux familles à risque sont discutées.

Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Madres , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Salud Mental , Relaciones Madre-Hijo/psicología , Madres/psicología
Dev Psychopathol ; 32(1): 357-381, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30905328


The role of genetics in relation to attachment is of continued interest to developmental psychology. Recent research has attempted to disentangle genetic main effects, environmental effects, and gene and environment (G × E) interactions in the development of attachment security/insecurity and disorganization. We systematically reviewed associations between gene markers and attachment, including G × E interactions, identifying 27 eligible studies. Inconsistent results emerged for associations between both gene effects and G × E interactions on attachment organization. Where G × E interactions used attachment as the environmental factor in the interaction, we observed more consistent results for differential susceptibility of G × E interactions on offspring behavior. Small sample size and heterogeneity in measurement of environmental factors impacted on comparability of studies. From these results, we propose that the future of research into the role of genetic effects in attachment lies in further exploration of G × E interactions, particularly where attachment acts as an environmental factor impacting on other child developmental outcomes emerging from the caregiving environment, consistent with differential susceptibility approaches to developmental psychopathology. In addition, from a methodological perspective, establishing the role of gene markers in such models will require a shift toward contemporary genomics, including genome-wide analysis (including novel genes and chromosomal loci), and epigenetic individual variations.

Desarrollo Infantil/fisiología , Interacción Gen-Ambiente , Trastornos Mentales/etiología , Apego a Objetos , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Niño , Humanos , Trastornos Mentales/genética , Trastornos Mentales/psicología
Psychol Psychother ; 97(3): 456-476, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38661270


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the experiences of women with moderate-to-severe mental health difficulties during pregnancy, with a focus on establishing their psychological needs. Psychological distress caused by mental health difficulties during pregnancy is common and can significantly impact women and their babies. However, women's subjective experiences of difficulties with their mental health throughout pregnancy, alongside their experiences of staff, services and treatments are less well understood. DESIGN: In this qualitative study, an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was used. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants recruited via a regional Perinatal Mental Health Service. Interviews were transcribed and analysed following the IPA methodology. RESULTS: Five superordinate themes were identified which represented the lived experiences of the 11 participants on their journey through pregnancy whilst living with mental health difficulties and subsequent psychological distress: (i) Feeling the 'wrong' feelings, (ii) Societal pressures and a desire for greater acceptance, (iii) Searching for answers despite a lack of resources, (iv) What made a difference and (v) Experiences and expectations of service provision. Within these themes, 13 subordinate themes were also identified. CONCLUSIONS: These themes highlight the need for greater awareness and acceptance of mental health difficulties during pregnancy as well as postnatally. While perinatal mental health services are evolving, there is still an urgent requirement for services to continue to develop to meet women's needs, as well as to develop the role of clinicians as facilitators of engagement with needs-matched care.

Trastornos Mentales , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Investigación Cualitativa , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Complicaciones del Embarazo/psicología , Trastornos Mentales/terapia , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Distrés Psicológico , Servicios de Salud Mental , Adulto Joven
Psychol Psychother ; 96(2): 296-327, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36504355


PURPOSE: Anxiety disorders are relatively common during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Despite their potential acceptability to users, psychological interventions research for this population is still in its infancy. The meta-analysis aimed to comprehensively evaluate the evidence of the effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing perinatal anxiety. METHOD: The review followed PRISMA guidelines. A total of 26 studies published between 2004 and 2022 fulfilled inclusion criteria of which 22 were included in the meta-analysis. RESULTS: Results indicated that psychological interventions were more effective than control conditions in reducing symptoms of perinatal anxiety (equivalent to a medium post treatment effect size). Effect sizes were robust for cognitive, behavioural and mindfulness-based interventions. Targeting anxiety also appeared to impact on depression symptoms. There was substantial evidence of methodological heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: This review demonstrates that psychological interventions are effective in reducing symptoms of both anxiety and comorbid anxiety and depression in both the antenatal and postnatal periods. Further research on longer-term effects, infant outcomes, treatment approach and modality are required.

Atención Plena , Intervención Psicosocial , Femenino , Embarazo , Humanos , Trastornos de Ansiedad/terapia , Trastornos de Ansiedad/psicología , Ansiedad/terapia , Ansiedad/psicología , Atención Plena/métodos , Depresión/terapia , Depresión/psicología
Psychol Psychother ; 2023 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37534856


BACKGROUND: There has been substantial progress made across multiple disciplines to emphasize the importance of perinatal mental health both for parents and offspring. This focuses on what has been termed the 'First 1000 Days' from conception to the child's second birthday. We argue that our understanding of this issue can go further to create an intergenerational approach to mental health. Despite the existence of theoretical frameworks and practical approaches to implementation, there are gaps in the understanding of perinatal and intergenerational mental health including which psychological mechanisms are implicated in the transmission of risk and resilience within the perinatal period; and how to leverage these into treatment approaches. AIMS AND METHODS: In this paper, we explore the potential for mentalization as a candidate psychological approach to intergenerational mental health. RESULTS: We contextualize this issue in terms of the points of contact between mentalization and broader theoretical models such as the social determinants of health and the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DoHaD) model. Further, we provide an overview of the existing evidence base for the relevance of mentalization to perinatal mental health. DISCUSSION: Finally, we sketch out an outline model for integrating mentalization into perinatal and intergenerational mental health, highlighting several areas of opportunity to develop research and practice from diverse geographies and demographics. Here, we suggest that integration of mentalization with other conceptual frameworks such as DoHaD can mutually enrich the understanding of each model, pointing the way towards more effective early and preventative interventions.