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Int J Sports Med ; 44(14): 1059-1066, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37802083


A regular endurance training program may elicit different adaptations compared to an isolated training method. In this study, we analyzed the effects of 8 weeks of a regular endurance training program on running economy (RE), particularly neuromuscular and biomechanical parameters, in runners of different athletic abilities. Twenty-four male runners were divided into two groups: well-trained (n=12) and recreational (n=12). Both groups completed a 4-min running bout at 13 and 17 km·h-1, respectively, for the recreational and well-trained group, and a 5-jump plyometric test pre-post intervention. During the training program, participants completed low-intensity continuous sessions, high-intensity interval training sessions, and auxiliary strength training sessions. RE, measured as oxygen cost and energy cost, decreased by 6.15% (p=0.006) and 5.11% (p=0.043), respectively, in the well-trained group. In the recreational group, energy cost of running, respiratory exchange ratio, and leg stiffness decreased by 5.08% (p=0.035), 7.61% (p=0.003), and 10.59% (p=0.017), respectively, while ground contact time increased by 3.34% (p=0.012). The maximum height of the 5-jump plyometric test decreased by 4.55% (p=0.018) in the recreational group. We suggest that 8 weeks of regular endurance training leads to an improvement of ~5% in RE in recreational and well-trained runners with different physiological adaptations between groups and few changes in biomechanical and neuromuscular parameters only in recreational runners.

Entrenamiento Aeróbico , Carrera , Humanos , Masculino , Resistencia Física/fisiología , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Consumo de Oxígeno/fisiología , Carrera/fisiología
Sensors (Basel) ; 20(24)2020 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33327553


The propulsive forces and instantaneous power that are generated by a swimmer have a great influence on the swimming performance. This works presents a new device, called SwimOne, for measuring propulsive force and estimating the instantaneous power of the swimmer. In addition, the detailed prototype is able to exert a customizable opposition force to the swimmer for training purpose. The conceptual idea is presented by describing the differential equation of the swimmer and the protocol for a factible estimation of the instantaneous power. The variables that are to be measured and estimated are identified and, consequently, the sensor and actuator systems can be selected. The high-level and detailed designs of the prototype are presented together with the protocol that is carried out in order to validate the sensor and actuation systems. The device is able to monitor the variables of interest of the swimmer together with the propulsive force and instant power. Finally, some experiments are carried out providing the results of several participants swimming in crawl, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke styles in the presence of different opposition force. The preliminary results show that SwimOne is valid for measuring instantaneous force and power with different loads in swimming.

Monitoreo Fisiológico , Natación , Adulto , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Humanos , Masculino , Proyectos Piloto , Adulto Joven
Front Public Health ; 8: 130, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32478024


The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of various muscle strength sessions performed during 10 weeks physical conditioning programs and 4 weeks of detraining on the physical conditioning, body composition and hematology of elderly women. 48 women were randomly distributed in four groups: a physical conditioning group (PCG; n = 12) with two sessions per week; a PCG with an extra-session focus on hypertrophy (PCGH; n = 12), a PCG with an extra-session in a shallow pool (PCGP; n = 12); and a control group (CG; n = 12). PCGH achieved a significant increase in Abalakov. Significant differences between the CG and the other groups were found in Countermovement Jump. There were significant improvements in the chair-stand test in the PCG and PCGH. The training programs suspected improvements in HDL, LDL, baseline glucose and glycated hemoglobin. In conclusion, a training program with an extra-session focus on hypertrophy achieved a greater improvement in strength in elderly women.

Ejercicio Físico , Fuerza Muscular , Anciano , Composición Corporal , Femenino , Humanos
Arch. med. deporte ; 35(184): 108-116, mar.-abr. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS (España) | ID: ibc-177452


La economía de carrera ha crecido en importancia en la literatura científica como factor de rendimiento en corredores de fondo y medio fondo tanto de alto nivel como recreacional. Los atletas entrenados son más económicos que aquellos no entrenados, mostrando que es una variable que se mejora con el entrenamiento. Un factor clave en la selección del entrenamiento de resistencia es la intensidad del esfuerzo a realizar, principalmente caracterizado por dos métodos de entrenamientos como son el interválico y el continuo. En corredores de nivel recreacional, existe cierta controversia en relación a qué intensidades son las óptimas para mejorar la economía de carrera, recomendándose la realización de entrenamiento periodizado y exista una lógica relación entre entrenamiento de alta y baja intensidad. Recomendamos la inclusión de 2-3 sesiones semanales de entrenamiento interválico, compensado con entrenamiento continuo. En cuanto a los corredores entrenados de más nivel, el entrenamiento interválico cobra mayor importancia (intensidades cercanas al VO2 max) dado que la realización de esfuerzos de mayor intensidad provocará que sean más económicos a intensidades de competición. Intensidades de entrenamiento muy altas no conllevarán mejoras en la economía de carrera debido a que no es posible acumular suficiente volumen de entrenamiento. Por otro lado, los esfuerzos de alta intensidad previos a la competición (intensidades superiores al umbral anaeróbico), es decir, durante el calentamiento, aumentan el coste de energía (reducción de la economía de carrera) y, por lo tanto, se recomienda una amplia fase de transición entre tales esfuerzos y la competición (entre 9-20 min), para que el rendimiento no se vea perturbado. Se recomienda un aumento en el aporte científico en relación a los efectos de esfuerzos de alta intensidad durante el calentamiento, con el fin de conocer qué intensidades son más óptimas, el terreno a utilizar (llano o pendiente), o la recuperación necesaria para mejorar el rendimiento

Interest in relation to running economy has increased such as determinant of running performance in scientific literature in trained long and middle distance runners and recreational runners. Trained runners are more efficient than untrained runners, meaning it is a "trainable" parameter. A key factor during endurance training is the intensity of corresponding effort, characterized by two endurance training methods such as interval and continuous training. In recreational runners, there is some controversy about which intensities are optimal in order to improve running economy, thus, periodized endurance training with a logical relationship between high and low-intensity training is recommended. We recommend the inclusion of 2-3 session per week of interval training, compensated with continuous training. Regarding to trained runners, interval training (at intensities close to VO2 max) will be more important because of the need to be more economical at competitive intensities. Very high training intensities would not lead improvements in running economy due to it is not posible to accumulate enough training volumen during the training period. Conversely, the high-intensity efforts prior to competition (intensities above anaerobic threshold), during a warm-up protocol, increase the energy cost (reduce the running economy) and therefore, it is recommended a long transient phase (9-20 min) before to competition so as not to disturb the subsequent performance. An increase of scientific studies regarding the effects of high-intensity efforts during a warm-up protocol is needed in order to know the optimal intensities, flat or uphill ground, or the adequate recovery to improve the subsequent performance

Humanos , Carrera/fisiología , Rendimiento Atlético/economía , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Ejercicio de Calentamiento , Ejercicio Físico , Deportes/economía , Deportes/fisiología
Arch. med. deporte ; 24(119): 179-186, mayo-jun. 2007. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS (España) | ID: ibc-86463


El objetivo de este artículo es comparar la eficacia de los programas periodizados respecto a los no periodizados durante 5 semanas de entrenamiento en participantes físicamente activos con la intención de mejorar la potencia máxima de ejecución en el ejercicio de press de banca. 22 sujetos participaron en la investigación divididos en dos grupos, grupo 1(n=9, 2 mujeres y 7 hombres, edad 21.6 ± 1.1 años) cuyo tratamiento era un programa de entrenamiento no periodizado y grupo 2 (n=13, 3 mujeres y 10 hombres, edad 21.8 ± 1.4 años) con un tratamiento de programa de entrenamiento periodizado. El modelo no periodizado realizó 5 series de 6 repeticiones 2 veces/sem. durante 5 semanas, reevaluando la máxima potencia a las 2,5 semanas. El modelo periodizado se realizaron en la 1ª semana: 5 series de6 repeticiones; 2ª semana: 4x5; 3ª sem: 5x7; 4ª sem.: 5x8; 5ª sem.: 4x6, reevaluando la potencia a la mitad del estudio. El volumen y la intensidad total fueron igualados. Los resultados muestran como la potencia en la medición intermedia aumentó significativamente (p<0.05) un 13,26% respecto a la medición pretest en el modelo periodizado, mientras que en el no periodizado el incremento porcentual significativo fue de un 19,83%. En la medición final respecto a la intermedia la potencia disminuyó significativamente (p<0.05) un 10,21% en el modelo no periodizado. Concluimos que no existen diferencias significativas en las ganancias de potencia máxima entre ambos grupos, estimando asimismo que los resultados en sujetos no entrenados muestran limitaciones en la aplicabilidad de éstos a deportistas altamente entrenados (AU)

Periodization is one of the most important concepts in training. The purpose of this study was to compare periodized programs (PG) and non periodized programs (NPG) for gains maximal power in bench press. 22 subjects (sport sciences students) were randomly assigned to non periodized program (n=9; 2females and 7males; age 21.6 ± 1.1 years) or periodized program (n=13, 3 females; 10 males)age 21.8 ± 1.4 years). The non periodized program performed 5set of6 repetitions 2 days per week during 5 weeks changing the maximal power every 2,5 weeks. The periodized program performed (1st week: 5sets x 6 rept.;2nd week: 4x5;3th week: 5x7; 4 week:5x8; 5 week:4x6) changing the maximal power every 2,5 weeks. Volume and intensity were equated for each training program. After the end of the training programs, a testing session was performed to obtain the maximal power in bench press exercise. PG and NPG increased(p<.05) the maximal power after 2.5 training weeks (15.3% and 24.7%, respectively), without significant differences between groups. However, in the 2.5 next weeks, the maximal power increased 2.9% in PG, although this increase was not significant, while a decrease (10.2%; p<.05) in the maximal power happened in the NPG. PG and NPG increased(p <.05) the maximal power after 5 training weeks (18.6% and 11.9%, respectively), without significant differences between groups. In conclusion, so much a periodized training program like one non periodized training program producedim provements in the maximal power in bench press exercise in these participants, without significant differences between groups. Anyway, the results obtained in this type of subjects showed limitations in the applicability to highly trained sportsmen (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Rendimiento Atlético/psicología , Eficacia/métodos , Eficacia/estadística & datos numéricos , Potencia/estadística & datos numéricos , Fuerza Muscular/fisiología , Ergometría/instrumentación , Ergometría/métodos , Ergometría