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Confl Health ; 14: 33, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32514298


BACKGROUND: In conflict-afflicted areas, pregnant women and newborns often have higher rates of adverse health outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To describe maternal and child health indicators and interventions between 1998 and 2016 comparing high and low conflict areas in Colombia. METHODS: Mixed study of convergent triangulation. In the quantitative component, 16 indicators were calculated using official, secondary data sources. The victimization rate resulting from armed conflict was calculated by municipality and grouped into quintiles. In the qualitative component, a comparative case study was carried out in two municipalities of Antioquia: one with high rates of armed conflict and another with low rates. A total of 41 interviews and 8 focus groups were held with local and national government officials, health professionals, community informants, UN agencies and NGOs. RESULTS: All of the indicators show improvement, however, four show statistically significant differences between municipalities with high victimization rates versus low ones. The maternal mortality ratio was higher in the municipalities with greater victimization in the periods 1998-2004, 2005-2011 and 2012-2016. The percentage of cesarean births and women who received four or more antenatal visits was lower among women who experienced the highest levels of victimization for the period 1998-2000, while the fertility rate for women between 15 and 19 years was higher in these municipalities between 2012 and 2016. In the context of the armed conflict in Colombia, maternal and child health was affected by the limited availability of interventions given the lack of human resources in health, supplies, geographical access difficulties and insecurity. The national government was the one that mostly provided the programs, with difficulties in continuity and quality. UN Agencies and NGOs accessed more easily remote and intense armed conflict areas. Few specific health interventions were identified in the post-conflict context. CONCLUSIONS: In Colombia, maternal and child health indicators have improved since the conflict, however a pattern of inequality is observed in the municipalities most affected by the armed conflict.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(2): [1-21], 20230509.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510547


El objetivo de este artículo es describir las experiencias en salud sexual y reproductiva de exguerrilleras de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (fARC-EP) durante el conflicto armado y después de la firma del Acuerdo de Paz. A lo largo de 2018 se realizó un estudio de caso interpretativo a través de observación participante, once entrevistas y dos grupos focales. En las fARC-EP no hubo un enfoque de salud sexual y reproductiva integral ni con perspectiva de género; se privilegió la prevención del embarazo con métodos y sanciones para las mujeres. Debido a su carácter de ejército clandestino, las decisiones no eran tomadas de manera individual, y la autoridad del superior implicaba las relaciones erótico-afectivas, aunque se garantizaba una atención expedita para casos de urgencias. Posterior a la firma del acuerdo, con su consiguiente inserción en el sistema de salud colombiano, se amplían las posibilidades de atención para casos no urgentes, pero persisten las barreras de atención del sistema de salud.

This study examined the sexual and reproductive health statuses of former female guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (fARC-EP) during the armed conflict and after the signing of the peace agreement. During 2018, an interpretive case study was conducted through the participant observation, 11 interviews, and 2 focus groups. In the fARC-EP group, no comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health was noted from a gender perspective, but pregnancy prevention using methods and sanctions for women was found to be privileged. Owing to its characteristic as a clandestine army, decisions were not made individually, and the authority of the superior involved erotic-affective relationships, although expedited attention was guaranteed for emergency cases. After the signing of the agreement, with its consequent insertion into the Colombian health system, the possibilities of care for non-urgent cases have been expanded, with the barriers to healthcare being emphasized

O objetivo deste artigo é descrever as experiências em saúde sexual e reprodutiva de ex-guerrilheiras das Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia - Exército Popular (fARC-EP) durante o conflito armado e após a assinatura do acordo de paz. Durante o ano de 2018, foi realizado um estudo de caso interpretativo através da observação participante, 11 entrevistas e dois grupos focais. Nas fARC-EP não havia abordagem integral da saúde sexual e reprodutiva ou perspectiva de gênero; privilegiou-se a prevenção da gravidez com métodos e sanções para as mulheres. Por ser um exército clandestino, as decisões não eram tomadas individualmente, e a autoridade do superior implicava relações erótico-afetivas, embora garantisse atendimento ágil em casos de emergência. Após a assinatura do convênio, com sua consequente inserção no sistema de saúde colombiano, ampliam-se as possibilidades de atendimento aos casos não urgentes, mas enfatizam-se as barreiras para o atendimento no sistema de saúde.

Agora USB ; 18(1): 90-104, ene.-jun. 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-949804


Resumen La antropología visual, como metodología de investigación, es válida en las ciencias sociales. Se destaca así, en este método, el proceso participativo y colaborativo devenido de la experiencia de trabajo etnográfico colectivo y audiovisual. Se desarrolla esta propuesta metodológica en el estudio de un caso concreto: los "pileros" afrodescendientes; obreros que trabajan en la construcción de pilas de cimentación, un oficio racia lizado, realizado por afrodescendientes de la ciudad de Medellín.

Abstract Visual anthropology, as a research methodology, is valid in the social sciences. In this method, which became the experience of the collective and audiovisual ethnographic work, the participatory and collaborative process is highlighted. This methodological proposal is developed in a concrete case study: the Afro-descendant "pileros;" who are workers who work in the construction of caissons. It is a racialized trade, carried out by people of African descent in the city of Medellín.