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Geophys Res Lett ; 44(15): 7668-7675, 2017 08 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28989207


Juno ultraviolet spectrograph (UVS) observations of Jupiter's aurora obtained during approach are presented. Prior to the bow shock crossing on 24 June 2016, the Juno approach provided a rare opportunity to correlate local solar wind conditions with Jovian auroral emissions. Some of Jupiter's auroral emissions are expected to be controlled or modified by local solar wind conditions. Here we compare synoptic Juno-UVS observations of Jupiter's auroral emissions, acquired during 3-29 June 2016, with in situ solar wind observations, and related Jupiter observations from Earth. Four large auroral brightening events are evident in the synoptic data, in which the total emitted auroral power increases by a factor of 3-4 for a few hours. Only one of these brightening events correlates well with large transient increases in solar wind ram pressure. The brightening events which are not associated with the solar wind generally have a risetime of ~2 h and a decay time of ~5 h.

Nature ; 451(7177): 437-40, 2008 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18216848


The atmospheres of the gas giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) contain jets that dominate the circulation at visible levels. The power source for these jets (solar radiation, internal heat, or both) and their vertical structure below the upper cloud are major open questions in the atmospheric circulation and meteorology of giant planets. Several observations and in situ measurements found intense winds at a depth of 24 bar, and have been interpreted as supporting an internal heat source. This issue remains controversial, in part because of effects from the local meteorology. Here we report observations and modelling of two plumes in Jupiter's atmosphere that erupted at the same latitude as the strongest jet (23 degrees N). The plumes reached a height of 30 km above the surrounding clouds, moved faster than any other feature (169 m s(-1)), and left in their wake a turbulent planetary-scale disturbance containing red aerosols. On the basis of dynamical modelling, we conclude that the data are consistent only with a wind that extends well below the level where solar radiation is deposited.

J Geophys Res Planets ; 127(6): e2022JE007189, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865671


We present a reanalysis (using the Minnaert limb-darkening approximation) of visible/near-infrared (0.3-2.5 µm) observations of Uranus and Neptune made by several instruments. We find a common model of the vertical aerosol distribution i.e., consistent with the observed reflectivity spectra of both planets, consisting of: (a) a deep aerosol layer with a base pressure >5-7 bar, assumed to be composed of a mixture of H2S ice and photochemical haze; (b) a layer of photochemical haze/ice, coincident with a layer of high static stability at the methane condensation level at 1-2 bar; and (c) an extended layer of photochemical haze, likely mostly of the same composition as the 1-2-bar layer, extending from this level up through to the stratosphere, where the photochemical haze particles are thought to be produced. For Neptune, we find that we also need to add a thin layer of micron-sized methane ice particles at ∼0.2 bar to explain the enhanced reflection at longer methane-absorbing wavelengths. We suggest that methane condensing onto the haze particles at the base of the 1-2-bar aerosol layer forms ice/haze particles that grow very quickly to large size and immediately "snow out" (as predicted by Carlson et al. (1988),<2066:CMOTGP>2.0.CO;2), re-evaporating at deeper levels to release their core haze particles to act as condensation nuclei for H2S ice formation. In addition, we find that the spectral characteristics of "dark spots", such as the Voyager-2/ISS Great Dark Spot and the HST/WFC3 NDS-2018, are well modelled by a darkening or possibly clearing of the deep aerosol layer only.

Nature ; 427(6970): 132-5, 2004 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14712270


The Earth's equatorial stratosphere shows oscillations in which the east-west winds reverse direction and the temperatures change cyclically with a period of about two years. This phenomenon, called the quasi-biennial oscillation, also affects the dynamics of the mid- and high-latitude stratosphere and weather in the lower atmosphere. Ground-based observations have suggested that similar temperature oscillations (with a 4-5-yr cycle) occur on Jupiter, but these data suffer from poor vertical resolution and Jupiter's stratospheric wind velocities have not yet been determined. Here we report maps of temperatures and winds with high spatial resolution, obtained from spacecraft measurements of infrared spectra of Jupiter's stratosphere. We find an intense, high-altitude equatorial jet with a speed of approximately 140 m s(-1), whose spatial structure resembles that of a quasi-quadrennial oscillation. Wave activity in the stratosphere also appears analogous to that occurring on Earth. A strong interaction between Jupiter and its plasma environment produces hot spots in its upper atmosphere and stratosphere near its poles, and the temperature maps define the penetration of the hot spots into the stratosphere.

Science ; 231(4740): 836-40, 1986 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17774078


An analysis of the infrared spectrum of Uranus' disk between 7 micrometers and 3 millimeters suggests a volume mixing ratio for helium in the atmosphere of 40 +/- 20 percent, more than for the sun, Jupiter, or Saturn. Alternative explanations require even more extreme assumptions regarding gas abundances or aerosol vertical distribution and spectral properties. The most serious difficulty with a model containing large amounts of helium is devising a credible evolutionary or chemical model explaining the absence or segregation of so much hydrogen.

Science ; 194(4260): 107-9, 1976 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17793092


Spectroscopic measurements of the thermal radiation from Jupiter between 12 and 24 micrometers (420 to 840 reciprocal centimeters) with a resolution of 4 reciprocal centimeters are used to infer the Jovian temperature structure in the pressure region 0.1 to 0.4 atmosphere. The brightness temperature spectrum is in good agreement with previous ground-based measurements between 11 and 13 micrometers and with airborne measurements between 18 and 25 micrometers. However, the integrated flux calculated for a filter window and viewing angle equivalent to those of the 20 micrometer channel of Pioneer 10 is 20 percent below that measured by the Pioneer infrared radiometer. The Q branch of the v(5) fundamental band of acetylene at 730 reciprocal centimeters appears in emission and leads to a mixing ratio estimate of 10(-6 +/- 0.5).

Science ; 207(4429): 439-43, 1980 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17833556


The effective temperature of Saturn, 94.4 + 3 K, implies a total emission greater than two times the absorbed sunlight. The infrared data alone give an atmospheric abundance of H(2) relative to H(2) + He of 0.85 +/- 0.15. Comparison of infrared and radio occultation data will give a more precise estimate. Temperature at the 1-bar level is 137 to 140 K, and 2.5 K differences exist between belts and zones up to the 0.06-bar level. Ring temperatures range from 60 to 70 K on the south (illuminated) side and from < 60 to 67 K in the planet's shadow. The average temperature of the north (unilluminated) side is approximately 55 K. Titan's 45-micrometer brightness temperature is 80 +/- 10 K.

Science ; 253(5027): 1536-8, 1991 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17784097


Images of the disk of Venus, taken at wavelengths between 8 and 22 micrometers, were obtained a few days after the Galileo spacecraft's closest approach on 8 February 1990; these images show variations in the thickness of the main H(2)SO(4) cloud deck and the overlying temperature structure. Several features are qualitatively similar to those of earlier observations, such as a hot region at the south pole, surrounded by a cold ;;collar,'' and brightening toward the lower latitudes, where low-contrast banding appears. The collar does have a northern counterpart that is warmer, however. Equatorial limb darkening is quantitatively similar to that of previous observations; fairly constant at wavelengths up to 20 micrometers, where limb darkening increases substantially. In contrast to what was found in previous observations, polar and equatorial limb darkening are nearly the same at most wavelengths. A longitudinal variation is observable that is consistent with a wavenumber-2 behavior and a brightness maximum near local midnight.

Science ; 268(5219): 1875-9, 1995 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17797529


The Galileo Photopolarimeter Radiometer experiment made direct photometric observations at 678 and 945 nanometers of several comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragments impacting with Jupiter. Initial flashes occurred at (fragment G) 18 July 1994 07:33:32, (H) 18 July 19:31:58, (L) 19 July 22:16:48, and (Q1) 20 July 20:13:52 [equivalent universal time coordinated (UTC) observed at Earth], with relative peak 945-nanometer brightnesses of 0.87, 0.67, 1.00, and 0.42, respectively. The light curves show a 2-second rise to maximum, a 10-second plateau, and an accelerating falloff. The Q1 event, observed at both wavelengths, yielded a color temperature of more than 10,000 kelvin at its peak.

Science ; 188(4187): 472-3, 1975 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17734365


Data obtained by the infrared radiometers on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, over a large range of emission angles, have indicated an effective temperature for Jupiter of 125 degrees +/- 3 degrees K. The implied ratio of planetary thermal emission to solar energy absorbed is 1.9+/-0.2, a value not significantly different from the earth-based estimate of 2.5+/-0.5.

Science ; 267(5202): 1288-96, 1995 Mar 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7871425


Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images reveal major atmospheric changes created by the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Plumes rose to 3000 kilometers with ejection velocities on the order of 10 kilometers second-1; some plumes were visible in the shadow of Jupiter before rising into sunlight. During some impacts, the incoming bolide may have been detected. Impact times were on average about 8 minutes later than predicted. Atmospheric waves were seen with a wave front speed of 454 +/- 20 meters second-1. The HST images reveal impact site evolution and record the overall change in Jupiter's appearance as a result of the bombardment.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Júpiter , Sistema Solar , Atmósfera
Science ; 272(5263): 851-4, 1996 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8629018


The Galileo probe net flux radiometer measured radiation within Jupiter's atmosphere over the 125-kilometer altitude range between pressures of 0.44 bar and 14 bars. Evidence for the expected ammonia cloud was seen in solar and thermal channels down to 0.5 to 0.6 bar. Between 0.6 and 10 bars large thermal fluxes imply very low gaseous opacities and provide no evidence for a deep water cloud. Near 8 bars the water vapor abundance appears to be about 10 percent of what would be expected for a solar abundance of oxygen. Below 8 bars, measurements suggest an increasing water abundance with depth or a deep cloud layer. Ammonia appears to follow a significantly subsaturated profile above 3 bars. Unexpectedly high absorption of sunlight was found at wavelengths greater than 600 nanometers.

Amoníaco/análisis , Atmósfera , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Júpiter , Agua/análisis , Oxígeno/análisis , Presión , Radiometría , Temperatura
Science ; 265(5172): 625-31, 1994 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17752758


The spatial organization and time dependence of Jupiter's temperatures near 250-millibar pressure were measured through a jovian year by imaging thermal emission at 18 micrometers. The temperature field is influenced by seasonal radiative forcing, and its banded organization is closely correlated with the visible cloud field. Evidence was found for a quasi-periodic oscillation of temperatures in the Equatorial Zone, a correlation between tropospheric and stratospheric waves in the North Equatorial Belt, and slowly moving thermal features in the North and South Equatorial Belts. There appears to be no common relation between temporal changes of temperature and changes in the visual albedo of the various axisymmetric bands.

Science ; 252(5005): 537-42, 1991 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17838486


The spatial organization and time dependence of Jupiter's stratospheric temperatures have been measured by observing thermal emission from the 7.8-micrometer CH(4) band. These temperatures, observed through the greater part of a Jovian year, exhibit the influence of seasonal radiative forcing. Distinct bands of high temperature are located at the poles and mid-latitudes, while the equator alternates between warm and cold with a period of approximately 4 years. Substantial longitudinal variability is often observed within the warm mid-latitude bands, and occasionally elsewhere on the planet. This variability includes small, localized structures, as well as large-scale waves with wavelengths longer than approximately 30,000 kilometers. The amplitudes of the waves vary on a time scale of approximately 1 month; structures on a smaller scale may have lifetimes of only days. Waves observed in 1985, 1987, and 1988 propagated with group velocities less than +/-30 meters per second.

Science ; 274(5286): 377-85, 1996 10 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17813508


The first images of Jupiter, Io, Europa, and Ganymede from the Galileo spacecraft reveal new information about Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) and the surfaces of the Galilean satellites. Features similar to clusters of thunderstorms were found in the GRS. Nearby wave structures suggest that the GRS may be a shallow atmospheric feature. Changes in surface color and plume distribution indicate differences in resurfacing processes near hot spots on Io. Patchy emissions were seen while Io was in eclipse by Jupiter. The outer margins of prominent linear markings (triple bands) on Europa are diffuse, suggesting that material has been vented from fractures. Numerous small circular craters indicate localized areas of relatively old surface. Pervasive brittle deformation of an ice layer appears to have formed grooves on Ganymede. Dark terrain unexpectedly shows distinctive albedo variations to the limit of resolution.

Astron J ; 156(2)2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30510303


We characterize the origin and evolution of a mesoscale wave pattern in Jupiter's North Equatorial Belt (NEB), detected for the first time at 5 µm using a 2016-17 campaign of "lucky imaging" from the VISIR instrument on the Very Large Telescope and the NIRI instrument on the Gemini observatory, coupled with M-band imaging from Juno's JIRAM instrument during the first seven Juno orbits. The wave is compact, with a 1°.1-1°.4 longitude wavelength (wavelength 1300-1600 km, wavenumber 260-330) that is stable over time, with wave crests aligned largely north-south between 14°N and 17°N (planetographic). The waves were initially identified in small (10° longitude) packets immediately west of cyclones in the NEB at 16°N but extended to span wider longitude ranges over time. The waves exhibit a 7-10 K brightness temperature amplitude on top of an ∼210 K background at 5 µm. The thermal structure of the NEB allows for both inertio-gravity waves and gravity waves. Despite detection at 5 µm, this does not necessarily imply a deep location for the waves, and an upper tropospheric aerosol layer near 400-800 mbar could feature a gravity wave pattern modulating the visible-light reflectivity and attenuating the 5-µm radiance originating from deeper levels. Strong rifting activity appears to obliterate the pattern, which can change on timescales of weeks. The NEB underwent a new expansion and contraction episode in 2016-17 with associated cyclone-anticyclone formation, which could explain why the mesoscale wave pattern was more vivid in 2017 than ever before.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 3564, 2018 09 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30177694


Saturn's polar stratosphere exhibits the seasonal growth and dissipation of broad, warm vortices poleward of ~75° latitude, which are strongest in the summer and absent in winter. The longevity of the exploration of the Saturn system by Cassini allows the use of infrared spectroscopy to trace the formation of the North Polar Stratospheric Vortex (NPSV), a region of enhanced temperatures and elevated hydrocarbon abundances at millibar pressures. We constrain the timescales of stratospheric vortex formation and dissipation in both hemispheres. Although the NPSV formed during late northern spring, by the end of Cassini's reconnaissance (shortly after northern summer solstice), it still did not display the contrasts in temperature and composition that were evident at the south pole during southern summer. The newly formed NPSV was bounded by a strengthening stratospheric thermal gradient near 78°N. The emergent boundary was hexagonal, suggesting that the Rossby wave responsible for Saturn's long-lived polar hexagon-which was previously expected to be trapped in the troposphere-can influence the stratospheric temperatures some 300 km above Saturn's clouds.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 3709, 2018 09 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30213944


The radiant energy budget and internal heat are fundamental properties of giant planets, but precise determination of these properties remains a challenge. Here, we report measurements of Jupiter's radiant energy budget and internal heat based on Cassini multi-instrument observations. Our findings reveal that Jupiter's Bond albedo and internal heat, 0.503 ± 0.012 and 7.485 ± 0.160 W m-2 respectively, are significantly larger than 0.343 ± 0.032 and 5.444 ± 0.425 Wm-2, the previous best estimates. The new results help constrain and improve the current evolutionary theories and models for Jupiter. Furthermore, the significant wavelength dependency of Jupiter's albedo implies that the radiant energy budgets and internal heat of the other giant planets in our solar system should be re-examined. Finally, the data sets of Jupiter's characteristics of reflective solar spectral irradiance provide an observational basis for the models of giant exoplanets.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants ; 4(4): 305-10, 1989.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2639860


The long-term success of an implant-supported prosthesis is dependent not only on osseointegration of the implant to the surrounding osseous structures, but also the integrity and health of the surrounding peri-implant tissues. This paper defines and discusses the dental professional's role in (1) examining and assessing the peri-implant tissues (2) providing clinical maintenance protocols, and (3) recommending effective home-care instructions for a patient with implant-supported prostheses.

Regeneración Ósea , Implantación Dental Endoósea , Educación en Salud Dental , Higiene Bucal/métodos , Enfermedades Periodontales/prevención & control , Dispositivos para el Autocuidado Bucal , Humanos
Science ; 319(5859): 79-81, 2008 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18174438


Saturn's poles exhibit an unexpected symmetry in hot, cyclonic polar vortices, despite huge seasonal differences in solar flux. The cores of both vortices are depleted in phosphine gas, probably resulting from subsidence of air into the troposphere. The warm cores are present throughout the upper troposphere and stratosphere at both poles. The thermal structure associated with the marked hexagonal polar jet at 77 degrees N has been observed for the first time. Both the warm cyclonic belt at 79 degrees N and the cold anticyclonic zone at 75 degrees N exhibit the hexagonal structure.