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Nature ; 536(7614): 54-7, 2016 08 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27362221


The typically dark surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is punctuated by areas of much higher albedo, most prominently in the Occator crater. These small bright areas have been tentatively interpreted as containing a large amount of hydrated magnesium sulfate, in contrast to the average surface, which is a mixture of low-albedo materials and magnesium phyllosilicates, ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonates. Here we report high spatial and spectral resolution near-infrared observations of the bright areas in the Occator crater on Ceres. Spectra of these bright areas are consistent with a large amount of sodium carbonate, constituting the most concentrated known extraterrestrial occurrence of carbonate on kilometre-wide scales in the Solar System. The carbonates are mixed with a dark component and small amounts of phyllosilicates, as well as ammonium carbonate or ammonium chloride. Some of these compounds have also been detected in the plume of Saturn's sixth-largest moon Enceladus. The compounds are endogenous and we propose that they are the solid residue of crystallization of brines and entrained altered solids that reached the surface from below. The heat source may have been transient (triggered by impact heating). Alternatively, internal temperatures may be above the eutectic temperature of subsurface brines, in which case fluids may exist at depth on Ceres today.

Nature ; 528(7581): 237-40, 2015 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26659183


The dwarf planet (1) Ceres, the largest object in the main asteroid belt with a mean diameter of about 950 kilometres, is located at a mean distance from the Sun of about 2.8 astronomical units (one astronomical unit is the Earth-Sun distance). Thermal evolution models suggest that it is a differentiated body with potential geological activity. Unlike on the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, where tidal forces are responsible for spewing briny water into space, no tidal forces are acting on Ceres. In the absence of such forces, most objects in the main asteroid belt are expected to be geologically inert. The recent discovery of water vapour absorption near Ceres and previous detection of bound water and OH near and on Ceres (refs 5-7) have raised interest in the possible presence of surface ice. Here we report the presence of localized bright areas on Ceres from an orbiting imager. These unusual areas are consistent with hydrated magnesium sulfates mixed with dark background material, although other compositions are possible. Of particular interest is a bright pit on the floor of crater Occator that exhibits probable sublimation of water ice, producing haze clouds inside the crater that appear and disappear with a diurnal rhythm. Slow-moving condensed-ice or dust particles may explain this haze. We conclude that Ceres must have accreted material from beyond the 'snow line', which is the distance from the Sun at which water molecules condense.

Nature ; 528(7581): 241-4, 2015 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26659184


Studies of the dwarf planet (1) Ceres using ground-based and orbiting telescopes have concluded that its closest meteoritic analogues are the volatile-rich CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites. Water in clay minerals, ammoniated phyllosilicates, or a mixture of Mg(OH)2 (brucite), Mg2CO3 and iron-rich serpentine have all been proposed to exist on the surface. In particular, brucite has been suggested from analysis of the mid-infrared spectrum of Ceres. But the lack of spectral data across telluric absorption bands in the wavelength region 2.5 to 2.9 micrometres--where the OH stretching vibration and the H2O bending overtone are found--has precluded definitive identifications. In addition, water vapour around Ceres has recently been reported, possibly originating from localized sources. Here we report spectra of Ceres from 0.4 to 5 micrometres acquired at distances from ~82,000 to 4,300 kilometres from the surface. Our measurements indicate widespread ammoniated phyllosilicates across the surface, but no detectable water ice. Ammonia, accreted either as organic matter or as ice, may have reacted with phyllosilicates on Ceres during differentiation. This suggests that material from the outer Solar System was incorporated into Ceres, either during its formation at great heliocentric distance or by incorporation of material transported into the main asteroid belt.

Nature ; 504(7478): 122-5, 2013 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24196707


Olivine is a major component of the mantle of differentiated bodies, including Earth. Howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites represent regolith, basaltic-crust, lower-crust and possibly ultramafic-mantle samples of asteroid Vesta, which is the lone surviving, large, differentiated, basaltic rocky protoplanet in the Solar System. Only a few of these meteorites, the orthopyroxene-rich diogenites, contain olivine, typically with a concentration of less than 25 per cent by volume. Olivine was tentatively identified on Vesta, on the basis of spectral and colour data, but other observations did not confirm its presence. Here we report that olivine is indeed present locally on Vesta's surface but that, unexpectedly, it has not been found within the deep, south-pole basins, which are thought to be excavated mantle rocks. Instead, it occurs as near-surface materials in the northern hemisphere. Unlike the meteorites, the olivine-rich (more than 50 per cent by volume) material is not associated with diogenite but seems to be mixed with howardite, the most common surface material. Olivine is exposed in crater walls and in ejecta scattered diffusely over a broad area. The size of the olivine exposures and the absence of associated diogenite favour a mantle source, but the exposures are located far from the deep impact basins. The amount and distribution of observed olivine-rich material suggest a complex evolutionary history for Vesta.

Nature ; 491(7422): 79-82, 2012 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23128227


The surface of the asteroid Vesta has prominent near-infrared absorption bands characteristic of a range of pyroxenes, confirming a direct link to the basaltic howardite-eucrite-diogenite class of meteorites. Processes active in the space environment produce 'space weathering' products that substantially weaken or mask such diagnostic absorption on airless bodies observed elsewhere, and it has long been a mystery why Vesta's absorption bands are so strong. Analyses of soil samples from both the Moon and the asteroid Itokawa determined that nanophase metallic particles (commonly nanophase iron) accumulate on the rims of regolith grains with time, accounting for an observed optical degradation. These nanophase particles, believed to be related to solar wind and micrometeoroid bombardment processes, leave unique spectroscopic signatures that can be measured remotely but require sufficient spatial resolution to discern the geologic context and history of the surface, which has not been achieved for Vesta until now. Here we report that Vesta shows its own form of space weathering, which is quite different from that of other airless bodies visited. No evidence is detected on Vesta for accumulation of lunar-like nanophase iron on regolith particles, even though distinct material exposed at several fresh craters becomes gradually masked and fades into the background as the craters age. Instead, spectroscopic data reveal that on Vesta a locally homogenized upper regolith is generated with time through small-scale mixing of diverse surface components.

Nature ; 491(7422): 83-6, 2012 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23128228


Localized dark and bright materials, often with extremely different albedos, were recently found on Vesta's surface. The range of albedos is among the largest observed on Solar System rocky bodies. These dark materials, often associated with craters, appear in ejecta and crater walls, and their pyroxene absorption strengths are correlated with material brightness. It was tentatively suggested that the dark material on Vesta could be either exogenic, from carbon-rich, low-velocity impactors, or endogenic, from freshly exposed mafic material or impact melt, created or exposed by impacts. Here we report Vesta spectra and images and use them to derive and interpret the properties of the 'pure' dark and bright materials. We argue that the dark material is mainly from infall of hydrated carbonaceous material (like that found in a major class of meteorites and some comet surfaces), whereas the bright material is the uncontaminated indigenous Vesta basaltic soil. Dark material from low-albedo impactors is diffused over time through the Vestan regolith by impact mixing, creating broader, diffuse darker regions and finally Vesta's background surface material. This is consistent with howardite-eucrite-diogenite meteorites coming from Vesta.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3679, 2020 08 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32778649


Hydrothermal processes in impact environments on water-rich bodies such as Mars and Earth are relevant to the origins of life. Dawn mapping of dwarf planet (1) Ceres has identified similar deposits within Occator crater. Here we show using Dawn high-resolution stereo imaging and topography that Ceres' unique composition has resulted in widespread mantling by solidified water- and salt-rich mud-like impact melts with scattered endogenic pits, troughs, and bright mounds indicative of outgassing of volatiles and periglacial-style activity during solidification. These features are distinct from and less extensive than on Mars, indicating that Occator melts may be less gas-rich or volatiles partially inhibited from reaching the surface. Bright salts at Vinalia Faculae form thin surficial precipitates sourced from hydrothermal brine effusion at many individual sites, coalescing in several larger centers, but their ages are statistically indistinguishable from floor materials, allowing for but not requiring migration of brines from deep crustal source(s).

Science ; 215(4528): 59-61, 1982 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790469


Olivine is identified as the major mafic mineral in a central peak of Copernicus crater. Information on the mineral assemblages of such unsampled lunar surface material is provided by near infrared reflectance spectra (0.7 to 2.5 micrometers) obtained with Earth-based telescopes. The composition of the deep-seated material comprising the Copernicus central peak is unique among measured areas. Other lunar terra areas and the wall of Copernicus exhibit spectral characteristics of mineral assemblages comparable to the feldspathic breccias returned by the Apollo missions, with low-calcium orthopyroxene being the major mafic mineral.

Science ; 293(5538): 2234-6, 2001 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11520950


A new type of carbonaceous chondrite, the Tagish Lake meteorite, exhibits a reflectance spectrum similar to spectra observed from the D-type asteroids, which are relatively abundant in the outer solar system beyond the main asteroid belt and have been inferred to be more primitive than any known meteorite. Until the Tagish Lake fall, these asteroids had no analog in the meteorite collections. The Tagish Lake meteorite is a carbon-rich (4 to 5 weight %), aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite and contains high concentrations of presolar grains and carbonate minerals, which is consistent with the expectation that the D-type asteroids were originally made of primitive materials and did not experience any extensive heating.

Meteoroides , Planetas Menores , Canadá , Carbono/análisis , Carbonatos/análisis , Análisis Espectral
Science ; 261(5124): 1016-8, 1993 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17739619


Reflectance spectra (0.3 to 2.6 micrometers) of 14 C, G, B, and F asteroids and 21 carbonaceous chondrite powders are compared in detail. Only three thermally metamorphosed CM-Cl chondrites that have a weak ultraviolet absorption are shown to have close counterparts among those asteroids. Reflectance spectra of heated Murchison CM2 chondrite are compared with the average C and G type asteroid spectra. Murchison heated at 600 degrees to 1000 degrees C exhibits a similar weak ultraviolet absorption and provides the best analog for those spectra. Comparison of ultraviolet absorption strengths between 160 C, G, B, and F asteroids and carbonaceous chondrites suggests that surface minerals of most of those asteroids are thermally metamorphosed at temperatures around 600 degrees to 1000 degrees C.

Science ; 266(5192): 1844-8, 1994 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17737078


The ultraviolet-visible camera on the Clementine spacecraft obtained high-spatial resolution images of the moon in five spectral channels. Impact craters mapped with these multispectral images show a scale of lithologic diversity that varies with crater size and target stratigraphy. Prominent lithologic variations (feldspathic versus basaltic) occur within the south wall of Copernicus (93 kilometers in diameter) on the scale of 1 to 2 kilometers. Lithologic diversity at Tycho (85 kilometers in diameter) is less apparent at this scale, although the impact melt of these two large craters is remarkably similar in this spectral range. The lunar surface within and around the smaller crater Giordano Bruno (22 kilometers in diameter) is largely dominated by the mixing of freshly excavated material with surrounding older soils derived from a generally similar feldspathic lithology.

Science ; 183(4130): 1191-4, 1974 Mar 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17789220


Evidence indicates that Apollo 17 sample 74001, a soil consisting of very dark spheres, is composed almost entirely of the dark mantling material that covers a large region of the southeastern boundary of Mare Serenitatis. Other Apollo 17 samples contain only a component of this material. The underlying basalt in the Taurus-Littrow valley appears to be an extension of material forming the low-albedo ring around part of Mare Serenitatis and much of the surface of Mare Tranquillitatis. The surface of this basalt region is spectrally distinct from areas with dark mantling material. These results are derived fromn telescopic and laboratory measurements of the optical properties of lunar soil. Digital vidicon color images are used to map the extent of these material units in the Taurus-Littrow region.

Science ; 234(4782): 1379-83, 1986 Dec 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17755059


Multispectral images of the basaltic surface of Venus obtained by Venera 13 were processed to remove the effects of orange-colored incident radiation resulting from interactions with the thick Venusian atmosphere. At visible wavelengths the surface of Venus appears dark and without significant color. High-temperature laboratory reflectance spectra of basaltic materials indicate that these results are consistent with mineral assemblages bearing either ferric or ferrous iron. A high reflectance in the near-infrared region observed at neighboring Venera 9 and 10 sites, however, suggests that the basaltic surface material contains ferric minerals and thus may be relatively oxidized.

Science ; 255(5044): 570-6, 1992 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17792379


Multispectral images of the lunar western limb and far side obtained from Galileo reveal the compositional nature of several prominent lunar features and provide new information on lunar evolution. The data reveal that the ejecta from the Orientale impact basin (900 kilometers in diameter) lying outside the Cordillera Mountains was excavated from the crust, not the mantle, and covers pre-Orientale terrain that consisted of both highland materials and relatively large expanses of ancient mare basalts. The inside of the far side South Pole-Aitken basin (>2000 kilometers in diameter) has low albedo, red color, and a relatively high abundance of iron- and magnesium-rich materials. These features suggest that the impact may have penetrated into the deep crust or lunar mantle or that the basin contains ancient mare basalts that were later covered by highlands ejecta.

Science ; 264(5162): 1112-5, 1994 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17744892


Multispectral images obtained during the Galileo probe's second encounter with the moon reveal the compositional nature of the north polar regions and the northeastern limb. Mare deposits in these regions are found to be primarily low to medium titanium lavas and, as on the western limb, show only slight spectral heterogeneity. The northern light plains are found to have the spectral characteristics of highlands materials, show little evidence for the presence of cryptomaria, and were most likely emplaced by impact processes regardless of their age.

Science ; 266(5192): 1835-9, 1994 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17737076


In the course of 71 days in lunar orbit, from 19 February to 3 May 1994, the Clementine spacecraft acquired just under two million digital images of the moon at visible and infrared wavelengths. These data are enabling the global mapping of the rock types of the lunar crust and the first detailed investigation of the geology of the lunar polar regions and the lunar far side. In addition, laser-ranging measurements provided the first view of the global topographic figure of the moon. The topography of many ancient impact basins has been measured, and a global map of the thickness of the lunar crust has been derived from the topography and gravity.

Science ; 355(6326): 719-722, 2017 02 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28209893


Organic compounds occur in some chondritic meteorites, and their signatures on solar system bodies have been sought for decades. Spectral signatures of organics have not been unambiguously identified on the surfaces of asteroids, whereas they have been detected on cometary nuclei. Data returned by the Visible and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer on board the Dawn spacecraft show a clear detection of an organic absorption feature at 3.4 micrometers on dwarf planet Ceres. This signature is characteristic of aliphatic organic matter and is mainly localized on a broad region of ~1000 square kilometers close to the ~50-kilometer Ernutet crater. The combined presence on Ceres of ammonia-bearing hydrated minerals, water ice, carbonates, salts, and organic material indicates a very complex chemical environment, suggesting favorable environments to prebiotic chemistry.

Science ; 353(6303)2016 09 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27701086


The dwarf planet Ceres is known to host phyllosilicate minerals at its surface, but their distribution and origin have not previously been determined. We used the spectrometer onboard the Dawn spacecraft to map their spatial distribution on the basis of diagnostic absorption features in the visible and near-infrared spectral range (0.25 to 5.0 micrometers). We found that magnesium- and ammonium-bearing minerals are ubiquitous across the surface. Variations in the strength of the absorption features are spatially correlated and indicate considerable variability in the relative abundance of the phyllosilicates, although their composition is fairly uniform. These data, along with the distinctive spectral properties of Ceres relative to other asteroids and carbonaceous meteorites, indicate that the phyllosilicates were formed endogenously by a globally widespread and extensive alteration process.

Science ; 353(6303): 1008-1010, 2016 09 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27701107


On 6 March 2015, Dawn arrived at Ceres to find a dark, desiccated surface punctuated by small, bright areas. Parts of Ceres' surface are heavily cratered, but the largest expected craters are absent. Ceres appears gravitationally relaxed at only the longest wavelengths, implying a mechanically strong lithosphere with a weaker deep interior. Ceres' dry exterior displays hydroxylated silicates, including ammoniated clays of endogenous origin. The possibility of abundant volatiles at depth is supported by geomorphologic features such as flat crater floors with pits, lobate flows of materials, and a singular mountain that appears to be an extrusive cryovolcanic dome. On one occasion, Ceres temporarily interacted with the solar wind, producing a bow shock accelerating electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts.

Hum Pathol ; 27(11): 1185-91, 1996 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8912829


Alterations of tumor cell interactions with laminin, a basement membrane glycoprotein, are consistent features of the invasive and metastatic phenotype. Qualitative and quantitative changes in the expression of cell surface laminin-binding proteins have been correlated with the ability of cancer cells to cross basement membranes during the metastatic cascade. Such phenotypic modifications are usually associated with poor prognosis. In this study, the authors examined the possibility that expression of three laminin-binding proteins, the 67-kD laminin receptor (67LR), galectin-1, and galectin-3, is altered in human endometrial cancer in a fashion similar to that reported in other carcinomas, such as breast, colon, and ovarian cancer. Twenty advanced uterine adenocarcinomas were analyzed for expression of these three molecules using immunoperoxidase staining and specific antibodies. The authors found a significant increase in the expression of the 67LR and galectin-1 in cancer cells compared with normal adjacent endometrium (P = .0004 and .0022, respectively). As observed in other carcinomas, a significant down-regulation of galectin-3 expression was found in endometrial cancer cells compared with normal mucosa (P = .02). In the galectin-3 positive tumors, galectin-3 was detected in the cytoplasm and/or nucleus of cancer cells. Interestingly, tumors in which galectin-3 was detected only in the cytoplasm were characterized by deeper invasion of the myometrium than lesions where galectin-3 was found both in nucleus and cytoplasm (P = .02). This study shows an alteration of nonintegrin laminin-binding protein expression in advanced human endometrial cancer. Further studies on larger populations should determine the prognostic value of the detection of these laminin-binding proteins in endometrial carcinoma. Inverse modulation of the 67LR and galectin-3 appears to be a phenotypical feature of invasive carcinoma.

Adenocarcinoma/patología , Antígenos de Diferenciación/biosíntesis , Hemaglutininas/biosíntesis , Receptores de Laminina/biosíntesis , Neoplasias Uterinas/patología , Adenocarcinoma/metabolismo , Anticuerpos Monoclonales/análisis , Antígenos de Diferenciación/inmunología , Regulación hacia Abajo/fisiología , Femenino , Galectina 1 , Galectina 3 , Hemaglutininas/inmunología , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Invasividad Neoplásica , Receptores de Laminina/inmunología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Neoplasias Uterinas/metabolismo