In this work, we present CONTINUITY, a novel, open-source interactive computation and visualization tool for brain connectome data. The connectome processing pipeline performs surface based processing as the main mode of operation. The automated processing includes structural-to-diffusion image co-registration, surface reconstruction for subcortical structures, as well as fiber tractography. The tool supports 3 different probabilistic methods of tractography offered by the tractography frameworks in FSL, MRtrix and DIPY. All methods employ brain and subcortical surfaces as seeds to initialize the tractography algorithms. CONTINUITY implements a friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make the workflow accessible for nontechnical users. Additionally, it offers the possibility to visualize the results of the brain connectome in several interactive plot types such as a hierarchical edge bundling circle plot and over 2D/3D brain templates. This visualization tool can also be applied to connectome matrices computed with other tools and pipelines.