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Conserv Biol ; : e14270, 2024 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628146


International and national conservation policies almost exclusively focus on conserving species in their historic native ranges, thus excluding species that have been introduced by people and some of those that have extended their ranges on their own accord. Given that many of such migrants are threatened in their native ranges, conservation goals that explicitly exclude these populations may overlook opportunities to prevent extinctions and respond dynamically to rapidly changing environmental and climatic conditions. Focusing on terrestrial mammals, we quantified the number of threatened mammals that have established new populations through assisted migration (i.e., introduction). We devised 4 alternative scenarios for the inclusion of assisted-migrant populations in mainstream conservation policy with the aim of preventing global species extinctions. We then used spatial prioritization algorithms to simulate how these scenarios could change global spatial conservation priorities. We found that 22% (70 species out of 265) of all identified assisted-migrant mammals were threatened in their native ranges, mirroring the 25% of all mammals that are threatened. Reassessing global threat statuses by combining native and migrant ranges reduced the threat status of 23 species (∼33% of threatened assisted migrants). Thus, including migrant populations in threat assessments provides a more accurate assessment of actual global extinction risk among species. Spatial prioritization simulations showed that reimagining the role of assisted-migrant populations in preventing species extinction could increase the importance of overlooked landscapes, particularly in central Australia, Europe, and the southwestern United States. Our results indicated that these various and nonexhaustive ways to consider assisted-migrant populations, with due consideration of potential conservation conflicts with resident taxa, may provide unprecedented opportunities to prevent species extinctions.

Prevención de la extinción en una época de migración de especies y cambios planetarios Resumen Las políticas de conservación nacionales e internacionales casi siempre se enfocan en la conservación de las especies dentro de su distribución histórica y nativa, por lo que se excluyen especies que han sido introducidas por el humano y algunas que se han extendido por cuenta propia más allá de su distribución. Ya que muchas de estas especies migrantes están amenazadas dentro de su distribución nativa, los objetivos de conservación que excluyen explícitamente a estas poblaciones pueden ignorar las oportunidades para prevenir extinciones y responder de forma dinámica a las condiciones ambientales y climáticas que cambian con rapidez. Nos enfocamos en los mamíferos terrestres para cuantificar el número de especies amenazadas que han establecido poblaciones nuevas mediante la migración asistida (introducción). Diseñamos cuatro escenarios alternativos para la inclusión de las poblaciones con migración asistida dentro de las políticas de conservación generales con el objetivo de prevenir extinciones globales de especies. Después usamos algoritmos de priorización espacial para simular cómo estos escenarios podrían cambiar las prioridades de conservación espacial en todo el mundo. Descubrimos que el 22% (70 de 765 especies) de todos los mamíferos con migración asistida están amenazados dentro de su distribución nativa, lo que es similar al 25% de especies amenazadas de todas las especies de mamíferos. La reevaluación de los estados mundiales de amenaza mediante la combinación de la distribución nativa y migrante redujo el estado de amenaza de 23 especies (∼33% de los migrantes asistidos amenazados). Por esto, incluir a las poblaciones migrantes en la evaluación de amenazas proporciona una evaluación más certera del riesgo de extinción que existe entre las especies a nivel mundial. Las simulaciones de priorización espacial mostraron que reinventar el papel que tienen las poblaciones con migración asistida en la prevención de la extinción de especies podría incrementar la importancia de los paisajes ignorados, particularmente en Australia central, Europa y el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Nuestros resultados indican que estas maneras diversas y no exhaustivas de considerar a las poblaciones con migración asistida, con la debida consideración de los potenciales conflictos de conservación con los taxones residentes, puede proporcionar oportunidades sin precedentes para prevenir la extinción de las especies.

Conserv Biol ; 37(2): e14012, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36178043


The prey naivety hypothesis posits that prey are vulnerable to introduced predators because many generations in slow gradual coevolution are needed for appropriate avoidance responses to develop. It predicts that prey will be more responsive to native than introduced predators and less responsive to introduced predators that differ substantially from native predators and from those newly established. To test these predictions, we conducted a global meta-analysis of studies that measured the wariness responses of small mammals to the scent of sympatric mammalian mesopredators. We identified 26 studies that met our selection criteria. These studies comprised 134 experiments reporting on the responses of 36 small mammal species to the scent of six introduced mesopredators and 12 native mesopredators. For each introduced mesopredator, we measured their phylogenetic and functional distance to local native mesopredators and the number of years sympatric with their prey. We used predator and prey body mass as a measure of predation risk. Globally, small mammals were similarly wary of the scent of native and introduced mesopredators; phylogenetic and functional distance between introduced mesopredators and closest native mesopredators had no effect on wariness; and wariness was unrelated to the number of prey generations, or years, since first contact with introduced mesopredators. Small mammal wariness was associated with predator-prey body mass ratio, regardless of the nativity. The one thing animals do not seem to recognize is whether their predators are native.

La hipótesis de la ingenuidad de la presa plantea que ésta es vulnerable a los depredadores introducidos porque se requiere que muchas generaciones atraviesen una coevolución lenta y gradual para que se desarrollen las respuestas de evasión adecuadas. La hipótesis supone que la presa será más sensible a los depredadores introducidos que difieren notoriamente de los nativos y de aquellos recién establecidos. Realizamos un metaanálisis global de estudios que midieron las respuestas cautelosas de mamíferos pequeños ante el rastro de meso depredadores simpátricos para probar estas suposiciones. Identificamos 26 estudios que cumplieron con nuestro criterio de selección. Estos estudios estuvieron conformados por 134 experimentos que reportaban las respuestas de 36 especies de mamíferos pequeños ante el rastro de seis meso depredadores introducidos y 12 nativos. Medimos la distancia funcional y filogenética entre cada meso depredador introducido y los meso depredadores locales nativos y el número de años simpátricos con su presa. Usamos la masa corporal del depredador y la presa como medida del riesgo de depredación. A nivel mundial, los mamíferos pequeños compartieron la cautela ante el rastro de los meso depredadores nativos e introducidos; la distancia funcional y la filogenética entre los meso depredadores introducidos y el meso depredador nativo más cercano no tuvieron efecto sobre la cautela; y la cautela no estuvo relacionada con el número de generaciones de la presa, o años, desde el primer contacto con los meso depredadores introducidos. La cautela de los mamíferos pequeños estuvo asociada con las proporciones de masa corporal entre el depredador y la presa, sin importar el origen. Lo único que los animales parecen no reconocer es si el depredador es nativo o no.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Cadena Alimentaria , Animales , Filogenia , Mamíferos , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Especies Introducidas
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(14): 7871-7878, 2020 04 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32205427


Large-bodied mammalian herbivores dominated Earth's terrestrial ecosystems for several million years before undergoing substantial extinctions and declines during the Late Pleistocene (LP) due to prehistoric human impacts. The decline of large herbivores led to widespread ecological changes due to the loss of their ecological functions, as driven by their unique combinations of traits. However, recently, humans have significantly increased herbivore species richness through introductions in many parts of the world, potentially counteracting LP losses. Here, we assessed the extent to which introduced herbivore species restore lost-or contribute novel-functions relative to preextinction LP assemblages. We constructed multidimensional trait spaces using a trait database for all extant and extinct mammalian herbivores ≥10 kg known from the earliest LP (∼130,000 ybp) to the present day. Extinction-driven contractions of LP trait space have been offset through introductions by ∼39% globally. Analysis of trait space overlap reveals that assemblages with introduced species are overall more similar to those of the LP than native-only assemblages. This is because 64% of introduced species are more similar to extinct rather than extant species within their respective continents. Many introduced herbivores restore trait combinations that have the capacity to influence ecosystem processes, such as wildfire and shrub expansion in drylands. Although introduced species have long been a source of contention, our findings indicate that they may, in part, restore ecological functions reflective of the past several million years before widespread human-driven extinctions.

Evolución Biológica , Herbivoria/genética , Especies Introducidas , Mamíferos/genética , Animales , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Extinción Biológica , Herbivoria/fisiología , Humanos
J Anim Ecol ; 91(12): 2348-2357, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35871769


Introduced large herbivores have partly filled ecological gaps formed in the late Pleistocene, when many of the Earth's megafauna were driven extinct. However, extant predators are generally considered incapable of exerting top-down influences on introduced megafauna, leading to unusually strong disturbance and herbivory relative to native herbivores. We report on the first documented predation of juvenile feral donkeys Equus africanus asinus by cougars Puma concolor in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts of North America. We then investigated how cougar predation corresponds with differences in feral donkey behaviour and associated effects on desert wetlands. Focusing on a feral donkey population in the Death Valley National Park, we used camera traps and vegetation surveys to compare donkey activity patterns and impacts between wetlands with and without cougar predation. Donkeys were primarily diurnal at wetlands with cougar predation, thereby avoiding cougars. However, donkeys were active throughout the day and night at sites without predation. Donkeys were ~87% less active (measured as hours of activity a day) at wetlands with predation (p < 0.0001). Sites with predation had reduced donkey disturbance and herbivory, including ~46% fewer access trails, 43% less trampled bare ground and 192% more canopy cover (PERMANOVA, R2  = 0.22, p = 0.0003). Our study is the first to reveal a trophic cascade involving cougars, feral equids and vegetation. Cougar predation appears to rewire an ancient food web, with diverse implications for modern ecosystems. Our results suggest that protecting apex predators could have important implications for the ecological effects of introduced megafauna.

Puma , Animales , Equidae , Ecosistema
Conserv Biol ; 35(5): 1380-1387, 2021 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33410227


Recent debates around the meaning and implications of compassionate conservation suggest that some conservationists consider emotion a false and misleading basis for moral judgment and decision making. We trace these beliefs to a long-standing, gendered sociocultural convention and argue that the disparagement of emotion as a source of moral understanding is both empirically and morally problematic. According to the current scientific and philosophical understanding, reason and emotion are better understood as partners, rather than opposites. Nonetheless, the two have historically been seen as separate, with reason elevated in association with masculinity and emotion (especially nurturing emotion) dismissed or delegitimated in association with femininity. These associations can be situated in a broader, dualistic, and hierarchical logic used to maintain power for a dominant male (White, able-bodied, upper class, heterosexual) human class. We argue that emotion should be affirmed by conservationists for the novel and essential insights it contributes to conservation ethics. We consider the specific example of compassion and characterize it as an emotional experience of interdependence and shared vulnerability. This experience highlights conservationists' responsibilities to individual beings, enhancing established and widely accepted beliefs that conservationists have a duty to protect populations, species, and ecosystems (or biodiversity). We argue compassion, thus understood, should be embraced as a core virtue of conservation.

El Sentimiento como Fuente de Entendimiento Moral en la Conservación Resumen Los debates recientes en torno al significado y las implicaciones de la conservación compasiva sugieren que algunos conservacionistas consideran al sentimiento como una base falsa y engañosa para el juicio moral y la toma de decisiones. Seguimos estas creencias hasta una convención sociocultural prolongada y relacionada con el género y argumentamos que el menosprecio por el sentimiento como fuente del entendimiento moral es problemático empírica y moralmente. De acuerdo con el conocimiento científico y filosófico actual, la razón y el sentimiento se entienden de mejor manera como pareja, en lugar de como opuestos. Sin embargo, ambos conceptos han estado históricamente separados, con la razón como concepto elevado asociado con la masculinidad y el sentimiento (especialmente el sentimiento de crianza) rechazado o deslegitimado en asociación con la feminidad. Estas asociaciones pueden situarse dentro de una lógica más general, dualista y jerárquica usada para mantener el poder de la clase humana del macho dominante (blanco, sin discapacidades, de clase alta, heterosexual). Sostenemos que el sentimiento debería ser ratificado por los conservacionistas por el conocimiento novedoso y esencial que contribuye a la ética de la conservación. Consideramos el ejemplo específico de la compasión y lo caracterizamos como una experiencia emocional de la interdependencia y la vulnerabilidad compartida. Esta experiencia resalta las responsabilidades que los conservacionistas tienen con los individuos, fortaleciendo las creencias establecidas y ampliamente aceptadas de que los conservacionistas tienen el deber de proteger a las poblaciones, especies y ecosistemas (o a la biodiversidad). Sostenemos que la compasión, entendida así, debería ser aceptada como una virtud nuclear de la conservación.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Emociones , Biodiversidad , Humanos , Principios Morales
Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 997-1007, 2020 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31782203


Conservation science involves the collection and analysis of data. These scientific practices emerge from values that shape who and what is counted. Currently, conservation data are filtered through a value system that considers native life the only appropriate subject of conservation concern. We examined how trends in species richness, distribution, and threats change when all wildlife count by adding so-called non-native and feral populations to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List and local species richness assessments. We focused on vertebrate populations with founding members taken into and out of Australia by humans (i.e., migrants). We identified 87 immigrant and 47 emigrant vertebrate species. Formal conservation accounts underestimated global ranges by an average of 30% for immigrants and 7% for emigrants; immigrations surpassed extinctions in Australia by 52 species; migrants were disproportionately threatened (33% of immigrants and 29% of emigrants were threatened or decreasing in their native ranges); and incorporating migrant populations into risk assessments reduced global threat statuses for 15 of 18 species. Australian policies defined most immigrants as pests (76%), and conservation was the most commonly stated motivation for targeting these species in killing programs (37% of immigrants). Inclusive biodiversity data open space for dialogue on the ethical and empirical assumptions underlying conservation science.

Cuando Toda la Vida Importa en la Conservación Resumen La ciencia de la conservación involucra la recolección y el análisis de datos. Estas prácticas científicas emergen de los valores que forman quién y qué se cuenta. Actualmente, los datos de conservación son filtrados a través de un sistema de valores que considera a la vida nativa como el único sujeto apropiado para el interés de la conservación. Examinamos cómo cambian las tendencias de riqueza de especies, distribución y amenazas cuando se considera a toda la vida silvestre con la adición de las poblaciones denominadas como no nativas y ferales a la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y a las evaluaciones de riqueza local de especies. Nos enfocamos en las poblaciones de vertebrados que cuentan con miembros fundadores llevados y extraídos de Australia (es decir, migrantes). Identificamos 87 especies inmigrantes de vertebrados y 47 especies emigrantes. Los informes formales de conservación subestimaron los rangos globales por un promedio del 30% para las especies inmigrantes y del 7% para las especies emigrantes; las inmigraciones rebasaron las extinciones en Australia por 52 especies; las especies migrantes estuvieron amenazadas de manera desproporcionada (33% de las especies inmigrantes y 29% de las especies emigrantes estaban amenazadas o declinando en sus distribuciones nativas); y la incorporación de las poblaciones migrantes a las evaluaciones de riesgo redujeron el estado mundial de amenaza para 15 de las 18 especies. Las políticas australianas definen a la mayoría de las especies inmigrantes como plagas (76%) y se citó a la conservación como la principal motivación para enfocarse en estas especies durante los programas de erradicación (37% de las especies inmigrantes). La información inclusiva de conservación genera un espacio para el diálogo sobre las suposiciones éticas y empíricas subyacentes en la ciencia de la conservación.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Animales , Australia , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 34(5): 1097-1106, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32144823


Compassionate conservation is based on the ethical position that actions taken to protect biodiversity should be guided by compassion for all sentient beings. Critics argue that there are 3 core reasons harming animals is acceptable in conservation programs: the primary purpose of conservation is biodiversity protection; conservation is already compassionate to animals; and conservation should prioritize compassion to humans. We used argument analysis to clarify the values and logics underlying the debate around compassionate conservation. We found that objections to compassionate conservation are expressions of human exceptionalism, the view that humans are of a categorically separate and higher moral status than all other species. In contrast, compassionate conservationists believe that conservation should expand its moral community by recognizing all sentient beings as persons. Personhood, in an ethical sense, implies the individual is owed respect and should not be treated merely as a means to other ends. On scientific and ethical grounds, there are good reasons to extend personhood to sentient animals, particularly in conservation. The moral exclusion or subordination of members of other species legitimates the ongoing manipulation and exploitation of the living worlds, the very reason conservation was needed in the first place. Embracing compassion can help dismantle human exceptionalism, recognize nonhuman personhood, and navigate a more expansive moral space.

Reconocimiento de la Calidad de Persona en los Animales dentro de la Conservación Compasiva Resumen La conservación compasiva está basada en la posición ética que parte de que las acciones tomadas para proteger a la biodiversidad deberían estar dirigidas por la compasión por todos los seres sintientes. Los críticos de esta postura argumentan que hay tres razones nucleares por las que el daño a los animales es aceptable dentro de los programas de conservación: el principal motivo de la conservación es la protección de la biodiversidad; la conservación ya es compasiva con los animales; y la conservación debería priorizar la compasión hacia los humanos. Usamos un análisis de argumentos para aclarar los valores y la lógica subyacentes al debate en torno a la conservación compasiva. Encontramos que el rechazo a la conservación compasiva es una expresión de la excepcionalidad humana, la visión de que los humanos están en un nivel categóricamente separado y de mayor moral que todas las demás especies. Por el contrario, los conservacionistas compasivos creen que la conservación debería expandir su comunidad moral al reconocer a todos los seres sintientes como personas. La calidad de persona, en un sentido ético, implica que el individuo merece respeto y no debería ser tratado solamente como un medio para otros fines. Si hablamos desde fundamentos científicos y éticos, existen muy buenas razones para extender la calidad de persona a todos los animales sintientes, particularmente en la conservación. La exclusión moral o la subordinación de los miembros de otras especies justifica la continua manipulación y explotación de los seres vivos, la justa razón por la que necesitamos de la conservación desde el principio. La aceptación de la compasión nos puede ayudar a desmantelar la excepcionalidad humana, a reconocer la calidad de persona no humana y a navegar un espacio moral más expansivo.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Personeidad , Animales , Biodiversidad , Empatía , Humanos , Principios Morales
Conserv Biol ; 33(5): 1002-1013, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30734367


Questions around how to conserve nature are increasingly leading to dissonance in conservation planning and action. While science can assist in unraveling the nature of conservation challenges, conservation responses rely heavily on normative positions and constructs to order actions, aid interpretations, and provide motivation. However, problems can arise when norms are mistaken for science or when they stymy scientific rigor. To highlight these potential pitfalls, we used the ethics-based tool of argument analysis to assess a controversial conservation intervention, the Pelorus Island Goat Control Program. The program proponents' argument for restorative justice was unsound because it relied on weak logical construction overly entrenched in normative assumptions. Overreliance on normative constructs, particularly the invocation of tragedy, creates a sense of urgency that can subvert scientific and ethical integrity, obscure values and assumptions, and increase the propensity for flawed logic. This example demonstrates how the same constructs that drive biodiversity conservation can also drive poor decision making, spur public backlash, and justify poor animal welfare outcomes. To provide clarity, a decision-making flowchart we devised demonstrates how values, norms, and ethics influence one another. We recommend practitioners follow 3 key points to improve decision making: be aware of values, as well as normative constructs and ethical theories that those values inform; be mindful of overreliance on either normative constructs or ethics when deciding action is justified; and be logically sound and transparent when building justifications. We also recommend 5 key attributes that practitioners should be attentive to when making conservation decisions: clarity, transparency, scientific integrity, adaptiveness, and compassion. Greater attention to the role of norms in decision making will improve conservation outcomes and garner greater public support for actions.

Advertencias contra el Énfasis Excesivo de los Constructos Normativos en la Toma de Decisiones de Conservación Resumen Cada vez más, las dudas en torno a cómo conservar la naturaleza llevan a la disonancia en la acción y planeación de la conservación. Mientras que la ciencia puede asistir en el entendimiento de la naturaleza de los retos de conservación, las respuestas de conservación dependen enormemente de posiciones y constructos normativos para ordenar acciones, apoyar a las interpretaciones y proporcionar motivación. Sin embargo, pueden surgir problemas cuando se confunde a las normas con la ciencia o cuando obstaculizan el rigor científico. Con el objetivo de resaltar estos potenciales inconvenientes, usamos el análisis de argumentos, una herramienta basada en la ética, para evaluar una controversial intervención de conservación: el Programa de Control de Cabras en Isla Pelorus. El argumento de justicia restaurativa de quienes propusieron el programa era irracional pues dependía de una débil construcción lógica demasiado arraigada en suposiciones normativas. La sobredependencia de constructos normativos, particularmente la invocación de la tragedia, genera una sensación de urgencia que puede subvertir la integridad científica y ética, oscurecer los valores y las suposiciones e incrementar la tendencia hacia la lógica defectuosa. Este ejemplo demuestra cómo los mismos constructos que guían la conservación de la biodiversidad también pueden llevar a una toma pobre de decisiones, incitar a respuestas negativas del público y a justificar los malos resultados de bienestar animal. Para proporcionar claridad, diseñamos un diagrama de flujo de toma de decisiones que demuestra cómo los valores, las normas y la ética influyen unas sobre las otras. Les recomendamos a los practicantes que sigan tres puntos clave para mejorar la toma de decisiones: tener conciencia de los valores, así como de los constructos normativos y las teorías éticas a las que esos valores informan; estar consciente de la sobredependencia tanto de los constructos normativos como de la ética cuando se decide si una acción está justificada; y ser racional y transparente de manera lógica cuando se construyan las justificaciones. También recomendamos cinco atributos clave a los cuales los practicantes deben estar atentos cuando se toman decisiones de conservación: claridad, transparencia, integridad científica, adaptabilidad y compasión. Una mayor atención al papel de las normas en la toma de decisiones mejorará los resultados de conservación y acumulará un mayor respaldo del público para las acciones.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Toma de Decisiones , Principios Morales
J Environ Manage ; 235: 500-510, 2019 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30711835


Extreme disturbance events, such as wildfire and drought, have large impacts on carbon storage and sequestration of forests and woodlands globally. Here, we present a modelling approach that assesses the relative impact of disturbances on carbon storage and sequestration, and how this will alter under climate change. Our case study is semi-arid Australia where large areas of land are managed to offset over 122 million tonnes of anthropogenic carbon emissions over a 100-year period. These carbon offsets include mature vegetation that has been protected from clearing and regenerating vegetation on degraded agricultural land. We use a Bayesian Network model to combine multiple probabilistic models of the risk posed by fire, drought, grazing and recruitment failure to carbon dynamics. The model is parameterised from a review of relevant literature and additional quantitative analyses presented here. We found that the risk of vegetation becoming a net source of carbon due to a mortality event, or failing to realise maximum sequestration potential, through recruitment failure in regenerating vegetation, was primarily a function of rainfall in this semi-arid environment. However, the relative size of an emissions event varied across vegetation communities depending on plant attributes, specifically resprouting capacity. Modelled climate change effects were variable, depending on the climate change projection used. Under 'best-case' or 'most-likely' climate scenarios for 2050, similar or increased projections of mean annual precipitation, associated with a build-up of fuel, were expected to drive an increase in fire activity (a 40-160% increase), but a decrease in drought (a 20-35% decrease). Under a 'worst-case' climate scenario, fire activity was expected to decline (a 37% decrease), but drought conditions remain similar (a 5% decrease). These projected changes to the frequency of drought and fire increase the risk that vegetation used for carbon offsetting will fail to provide anticipated amounts of carbon abatement over their lifetime.

Carbono , Bosques , Australia , Teorema de Bayes , Cambio Climático
Conserv Biol ; 32(6): 1255-1265, 2018 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29700860


Conservation practice is informed by science, but it also reflects ethical beliefs about how humanity ought to value and interact with Earth's biota. As human activities continue to drive extinctions and diminish critical life-sustaining ecosystem processes, achieving conservation goals becomes increasingly urgent. However, the determination to react decisively can drive conservationists to handle complex challenges without due deliberation, particularly when wildlife individuals are sacrificed for the so-called greater good of wildlife collectives (populations, species, ecosystems). With growing recognition of the widespread sentience and sapience of many nonhuman animals, standard conservation practices that categorically prioritize collectives without due consideration for the well-being of individuals are ethically untenable. Here we highlight 3 overarching ethical orientations characterizing current and historical practices in conservation that suppress compassion: instrumentalism, collectivism, and nativism. We examine how establishing a commitment to compassion could reorient conservation in more ethically expansive directions that incorporate recognition of the intrinsic value of wildlife, the sentience of nonhuman animals, and the values of novel ecosystems, introduced species, and their members. A compassionate conservation approach allays practices that intentionally and unnecessarily harm wildlife individuals, while aligning with critical conservation goals. Although the urgency of achieving effective outcomes for solving major conservation problems may enhance the appeal of quick and harsh measures, the costs are too high. Continuing to justify moral indifference when causing the suffering of wildlife individuals, particularly those who possess sophisticated capacities for emotion, consciousness, and sociality, risks estranging conservation practice from prevailing, and appropriate, social values. As conservationists and compassionate beings, we must demonstrate concern for both the long-term persistence of collectives and the well-being of individuals by prioritizing strategies that do both.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Empatía , Actividades Humanas , Humanos
J Environ Manage ; 208: 102-111, 2018 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29248786


Carbon abatement schemes that reduce land clearing and promote revegetation are now an important component of climate change policy globally. There is considerable potential for these schemes to operate in drylands which are spatially extensive. However, projects in these environments risk failure through unplanned release of stored carbon to the atmosphere. In this review, we identify factors that may adversely affect the success of vegetation-based carbon abatement projects in dryland ecosystems, evaluate their likelihood of occurrence, and estimate the potential consequences for carbon storage and sequestration. We also evaluate management strategies to reduce risks posed to these carbon abatement projects. Identified risks were primarily disturbances, including unplanned fire, drought, and grazing. Revegetation projects also risk recruitment failure, thereby failing to reach projected rates of sequestration. Many of these risks are dependent on rainfall, which is highly variable in drylands and susceptible to further variation under climate change. Resprouting vegetation is likely to be less vulnerable to disturbance and have faster recovery rates upon release from disturbance. We conclude that there is a strong impetus for identifying management strategies and risk reduction mechanisms for carbon abatement projects. Risk mitigation would be enhanced by effective co-ordination of mitigation strategies at scales larger than individual abatement project boundaries, and by implementing risk assessment throughout project planning and implementation stages. Reduction of risk is vital for maximising carbon sequestration of individual projects and for reducing barriers to the establishment of new projects entering the market.

Secuestro de Carbono , Cambio Climático , Australia , Carbono , Ecosistema , Incendios
Conserv Biol ; 31(4): 753-760, 2017 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28092422


Human-wildlife conflicts are commonly addressed by excluding, relocating, or lethally controlling animals with the goal of preserving public health and safety, protecting property, or conserving other valued wildlife. However, declining wildlife populations, a lack of efficacy of control methods in achieving desired outcomes, and changes in how people value animals have triggered widespread acknowledgment of the need for ethical and evidence-based approaches to managing such conflicts. We explored international perspectives on and experiences with human-wildlife conflicts to develop principles for ethical wildlife control. A diverse panel of 20 experts convened at a 2-day workshop and developed the principles through a facilitated engagement process and discussion. They determined that efforts to control wildlife should begin wherever possible by altering the human practices that cause human-wildlife conflict and by developing a culture of coexistence; be justified by evidence that significant harms are being caused to people, property, livelihoods, ecosystems, and/or other animals; have measurable outcome-based objectives that are clear, achievable, monitored, and adaptive; predictably minimize animal welfare harms to the fewest number of animals; be informed by community values as well as scientific, technical, and practical information; be integrated into plans for systematic long-term management; and be based on the specifics of the situation rather than negative labels (pest, overabundant) applied to the target species. We recommend that these principles guide development of international, national, and local standards and control decisions and implementation.

Animales Salvajes , Consenso , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Bienestar del Animal , Animales , Ecosistema , Política Ambiental , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 28(2): 456-66, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24423229


Strategies to mitigate climate change can protect different types of cool environments. Two are receiving much attention: protection of ephemeral refuges (i.e., places with low maximum temperatures) and of stable refugia (i.e., places that are cool, have a stable environment, and are isolated). Problematically, they are often treated as equivalents. Careful delineation of their qualities is needed to prevent misdirected conservation initiatives; yet, no one has determined whether protecting one protects the other. We mapped both types of cool environments across a large (∼3.4M ha) mixed-use landscape with a geographic information system and conducted a patch analysis to compare their spatial distributions; examine relations between land use and their size and shape; and assess their current protection status. With a modest, but arbitrary, threshold for demarcating both types of cool environments (i.e., values below the 0.025 quantile) there were 146,523 ha of ephemeral refuge (62,208 ha) and stable refugia (62,319 ha). Ephemeral refuges were generally aggregated at high elevation, and more refuge area occurred in protected areas (55,184 ha) than in unprotected areas (7,024 ha). In contrast, stable refugia were scattered across the landscape, and more stable-refugium area occurred on unprotected (40,135 ha) than on protected land (22,184 ha). Although sensitivity analysis showed that varying the thresholds that define cool environments affected outcomes, it also exposed the challenge of choosing a threshold for strategies to address climate change; there is no single value that is appropriate for all of biodiversity. The degree of overlap between ephemeral refuges and stable refugia revealed that targeting only the former for protection on currently unprotected land would capture ∼17% of stable refugia. Targeting only stable refugia would capture ∼54% of ephemeral refuges. Thus, targeting one type of cool environment did not fully protect the other.

Cambio Climático , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Biodiversidad , Nueva Gales del Sur
Trends Ecol Evol ; 39(1): 52-64, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37839906


Predator-prey ecology and the study of animal cognition and culture have emerged as independent disciplines. Research combining these disciplines suggests that both animal cognition and culture can shape the outcomes of predator-prey interactions and their influence on ecosystems. We review the growing body of work that weaves animal cognition or culture into predator-prey ecology, and argue that both cognition and culture are significant but poorly understood mechanisms mediating how predators structure ecosystems. We present a framework exploring how previous experiences with the predation process creates feedback loops that alter the predation sequence. Cognitive and cultural predator-prey ecology offers ecologists new lenses through which to understand species interactions, their ecological consequences, and novel methods to conserve wildlife in a changing world.

Ecosistema , Conducta Predatoria , Animales , Cadena Alimentaria
Curr Biol ; 2024 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39389058


Since prehistory, humans have altered the composition of ecosystems by causing extinctions and introducing species. However, our understanding of how waves of species extinctions and introductions influence the structure and function of ecological networks through time remains piecemeal. Here, focusing on Australia, which has experienced many extinctions and introductions since the Late Pleistocene, we compared the functional trait composition of Late Pleistocene (130,00-115,000 years before present [ybp]), Holocene (11,700-3,000 ybp), and current Australian mammalian predator assemblages (≥70% vertebrate meat consumption; ≥1 kg adult body mass). We then constructed food webs for each period based on estimated prey body mass preferences. We found that introduced predators are functionally distinct from extinct Australian predators, but they rewire food webs toward a state that closely resembles the Late Pleistocene, prior to the megafauna extinctions. Both Late Pleistocene and current-day food webs consist of an apex predator and three smaller predators. This leads to food web networks with a similar total number of links, link densities, and compartmentalizations. However, this similarity depends on the presence of dingoes: in their absence, food webs become simplified and reminiscent of those following the Late Pleistocene extinctions. Our results suggest that recently established predators, even those implicated in species extinctions and declines, can restore complexity to food webs simplified by extinction.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(9)2023 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37174544


The mental experiences of animals are what characterises their welfare status. The Five Domains Model for assessing welfare aligns with the understanding that physical and mental states are linked. Following measurement of indicators within each of the four physical/functional Domains (1. Nutrition; 2. Physical environment; 3. Health; and 4. Behavioural interactions), the anticipated negative or positive affective consequences (mental experiences) are cautiously inferred and assigned to Domain 5. Those inferences derive credibility from validated knowledge of the underlying systems of physiology, neurophysiology, neuroethology and affective neuroscience. Any indicators used for assessing welfare need to be scientifically validated. This requires, firstly, evidence of the links between a measurable/observable indicator and the physical/functional impact (in Domains 1 to 4), and secondly, a demonstrable relationship between the physical/functional impact and the mental experience it is inferred the indicators reflect (in Domain five). This review refers to indicators of physical/functional states in Domains 1 to 4, which have been shown to be measurable in free-roaming wild horses, and then evaluates the scientific evidence linking them to inferred mental experiences in Domain 5. This is the first time that the scientific evidence validating a comprehensive range of welfare indicators has been synthesised in this way. Inserting these indicators into the Five Domains Model enables transparently justifiable assessment and grading of welfare status in free-roaming horses.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(3)2022 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35158580


Extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods are expected to become more intense and severe under climate change, especially in the southern and eastern parts of Australia. We aimed to quantify the relationship between body condition scores (BCS), demography, activity rate, and parasitic infections of eastern grey kangaroos on a large conservation property under different climate extremes by employing camera traps established at artificial water points (AWPs). The survey period included a severe drought, broken by a significant flooding event. Climatic and environmental conditions were documented using remotely sensed indices of moisture availability and vegetation productivity. These conditions were found to affect all health and population parameters measured. BCS, juvenile proportions, and sex ratios were most correlated with 6-month lags in climatic conditions, while the activity rate of kangaroos at AWPs was most correlated with vegetation productivity. Ticks were mostly found on individuals with a poorer BCS, while the concentration of parasitic eggs in feces was higher in autumn than in spring. Our study offers a glimpse into some of the environmental drivers of eastern grey kangaroo populations and their health, information that may become increasingly important in today's climate. It further emphasizes the importance of this knowledge for wildlife conservation efforts appropriate to managing the impact of climate change alongside other threats.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(23)2022 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36496906


A detailed understanding of what is usual for a species under optimal conditions is critical for identifying and interpreting different features of body function that have known impacts on animal welfare and its assessment. When applying the Five Domains Model to assess animal welfare, the key starting point is therefore to acquire extensive species-specific knowledge relevant to each of the four physical/functional Domains of the Model. These Domains, 1 to 4, address areas where objective information is evaluated and collated. They are: (1) Nutrition; (2) Physical environment; (3) Health; and (4) Behavioural interactions. It is on the basis of this detailed knowledge that cautious inferences can then be made about welfare-relevant mental experiences animals may have, aligned with Domain 5, Mental State. However, this review is focused entirely on the first four Domains in order to provide a novel holistic framework to collate the multidisciplinary knowledge of horses required for undertaking comprehensive welfare assessments. Thus, inferring the potential mental experiences aligned with Domain 5, the final step in model-based welfare assessments, is not considered here. Finally, providing extensive information on free-roaming horses enables a better understanding of the impacts of human interventions on the welfare of horses in both free-roaming and domestic situations.