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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 43: e38, 2019.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093262


OBJECTIVE: The Zika outbreak affected several tropical countries in 2015 and 2016, requiring the creation of intensified surveillance strategies for microcephaly and other neurological syndromes. The effect of the Zika outbreak on the reporting of birth defects in Colombia was evaluated from the perspective of the national surveillance system. METHODS: National reporting of newborns with different birth defects was analyzed; variations in reporting attributed to the epidemic were determined through difference in differences (DID), a semiparametric model. RESULTS: During the period of study, 18,234 cases of birth defects were reported in Colombia. The majority were congenital malformations (91.9%), and 82.3% was confirmed by clinical diagnosis or epidemiological link. In the case of microcephaly, eight new cases per epidemiological week were reported (coefficient of case reporting [D] = 8.8; P = 0.000) and 32 cases from other congenital anatomical malformations (D = 32.0; P = 0.000). The absolute value of the difference in differences estimator attributed to the Zika outbreak increased weekly case reporting of microcephaly (DID = |-5.0|; P = 0.008) and congenital malformations (DID = |-12.0|; P = 0.111). CONCLUSIONS: The Zika outbreak increased reporting of newborns with microcephaly, but caused no significant variation in reporting of other malformations and functional birth defects of sensory or metabolic origin in the surveillance system.

OBJETIVO: O surto de vírus zika afetou vários países tropicais de 2015 a 2016. Fez-se necessário elaborar estratégias de vigilância intensificada da microcefalia e outras síndromes neurológicas. O presente estudo avaliou o impacto do surto de vírus zika na notificação de defeitos congênitos no sistema nacional de vigilância da Colômbia. MÉTODOS: A notificação nacional de recém-nascidos com defeitos congênitos foi analisada e a variação na notificação atribuída à epidemia de zika foi determinada com o uso de um modelo semiparamétrico de diferença em diferenças (DD). RESULTADOS: Ao todo, 18.234 casos de defeitos congênitos foram notificados na Colômbia no período considerado. Os casos, na sua maioria, foram de malformações congênitas (91,9%), sendo 82,3% confirmados por diagnóstico clínico ou nexo epidemiológico. Foram notificados oito casos novos de microcefalia por semana epidemiológica (coeficiente de notificação de casos [D] = 8,8; P = 0,000) e 32 casos de outras malformações congênitas anatômicas (D = 32,0; P = 0,000). O valor absoluto do estimador do método de diferença em diferenças atribuído ao surto de vírus zika indicou um aumento na notificação semanal de casos de microcefalia (DD = |­5,0|; P = 0,008) e malformações congênitas (DD = |­12,0|; P = 0,111). CONCLUSÕES: O surto de vírus zika ocasionou um aumento na notificação de recém-nascidos com microcefalia, mas não houve variação significativa na notificação de outras malformações e defeitos congênitos funcionais de origem sensorial ou metabólica no sistema de vigilância.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535435


Introducción: El Régimen Subsidiado (RS) del sistema de salud colombiano tiene problemáticas estructurales que no han sido solucionadas y son pocos los estudios que profundizan en la explicación de estas. Objetivo: Explorar la experiencia en la dirección estratégica y gestión operativa y financiera de este régimen, sus aspectos operativos y de gestión del riesgo en esta población, así como las diferencias percibidas frente al Régimen Contributivo. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo. Se utilizó el análisis del discurso desde la perspectiva sociohermenéutica como técnica analítica. Se entrevistaron diez participantes, entre directivos de aseguradoras del RS y gestores del sistema de salud. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y anonimizadas, previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: Emergen tres patrones discursivos que explican la gestión del riesgo en el RS y su diferenciación con el contributivo. Estos patrones se conectan por medio del rol de los determinantes sociales de la salud como ordenador principal de los procesos de salud-enfermedad y de atención en este régimen. A su vez, estas condiciones de vida son las que determinan de manera importante el perfil epidemiológico, acceso, costo de la atención y en general la forma cómo se consumen los servicios de salud por la población afiliada. Discusión: La literatura del aseguramiento en salud reporta que la gestión del riesgo es una función central y supone un ejercicio estratégico para el adecuado manejo de la siniestralidad para optimizar el uso de la Unidad de Pago por Capitación (UPC) asignada. Los hallazgos muestran que los determinantes sociales de la salud no están siendo tenidos en cuenta como ordenador para la atención, por lo tanto, la gestión del riesgo se centra en la atención de patologías en estados avanzados. Conclusiones: los actores perciben que en general, la situación de salud de los afiliados en este régimen es más grave, más complicada y con mayor carga, lo cual genera una tensión en materia de suficiencia de la unidad per cápita. Existe una ausencia discursiva sobre el rol del modelo de atención y su correlación con las necesidades de esta población.

Introduction: The subsidized regime (SR) of the Colombian health system has structural problems that have not yet been resolved and there is a lack of studies that allow the understanding of most of them. The aim of this study was to explore with stakeholders of the subsidized regime the experience about strategic, financial, and health risk management and the differences perceived with the contributory regime. Methods: A qualitative study was performed; the analytic technique used was the discourse analysis under socio-hermeneutic perspective. 10 participants were interviewed, among them directors of insurance companies of SR and health care system managers. The interviews were recorded, prior informed consent, and analyzed according to the discourse analysis. Finding: Three discursive patterns emerged that explain risk management in SR and its differentiation from contributory regime. These patterns are connected through the role of the social determinants of health as the main axis that explain the health-disease and care processes in this regimen. At the same time, these living conditions are what determine the epidemiological profile, access, cost of care and, in general, the way in which health services are consumed by the affiliated population. Discussion: The health insurance literature reports that risk management is a central function, and it is a strategic exercise for the proper management of claims to optimize the use of resources, however, the findings show that the social determinants of health are not being taken into account as a key element for healthcare organization, therefore, risk management focuses on care for pathologies in advanced stages. Conclusions: The actors perceive that the health situation in this regime is more severe, more complicated and with a greater burden disease, which generates a tension in terms of sufficiency of the Per Capita Unit. There is a discursive absence on the role of the care model and its correlation with the needs of this population.

Herrera-Molina, Emilio; González, Nancy Yomayusa; Low-Padilla, Eduardo; Oliveros-Velásquez, Juan David; Mendivelso-Duarte, Fredy; Gómez-Gómez, Olga Victoria; Castillo, Ana María; Barrero-Garzón, Liliana Isabel; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos Arturo; Moscoso-Martínez, Ernesto Augusto; Ruíz-Blanco, Pilar Cristin; Luna-Ríos, Joaquín Gustavo; Ortiz, Natasha; Herrera, Emiliano Mauricio; Guevara-Santamaría, Fabián; Moreno-Gómez, Jairo Enrique; Cárdenas-Ramírez, Héctor Mauricio; González-González, Camilo Alberto; Jannauth, María José; Patiño-Pérez, Adulkarin; Pinto, Diego Alejandro; Acevedo, Juan Ramon; Torres, Rodolfo Eduardo; Montero, Jairo Camilo; Acevedo, Andrés David; Caceres, Ximena Adriana; Acuña-Olmos, Jairo; Arias, Carlos Andrés; Medardo-Rozo, José; Castellanos-Parada, Jeffrey; López-Miranda, Ángelo Mauricio; Pinzón-Serrano, Estefanía; Rincón-Sierra, Oswaldo; Isaza-Ruget, Mario; Suárez-Ramos, María del Pilar; Vargas-Rodríguez, Johanna; Mejia-Gaviria, Natalia; Moreno-Marín, Sandra Yadira; García-Guarín, Bibiana María; Cárdenas, Martha Lucía; Chavarro, Luis Fernando; Ronderos-Bernal, Camila; Rico-Landazabal, Arturo; Coronado-Daza, Jorge Antonio; Alfaro-Tejeda, Mercedes Teresa; Yama-Mosquera, Erica; Hernández-Sierra, Astrid Patricia; Restrepo-Valencia, César Augusto; Arango-Álvarez, Javier; Rosero-Olarte, Francisco Oscar Fernando; Medina-Orjuela, Adriana; Robayo-García, Adriana; Carballo-Zarate, Virgil; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Martha Patricia; Bernal, Dora P.; Jaramillo, Laura; Baquero-Rodríguez, Richard; Mejía-Gaviria, Natalia; Aroca, Gustavo.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535986


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The exponential increase in the request for laboratory tests of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D or [25 (OH) D has ignited the alarms and generated a strong call for attention, since it may reflect deficiencies in the standardization of clinical practice and in the use non-systematic scientific evidence for decision-making in real life, which allows to analyze the indications of the test, its frequency, interpretation and even to assess the impact for health systems, especially when contrasted with the minimum or almost. No effects of the strategy of screening or supplying indiscriminately to the general population, without considering a comprehensive clinical assessment of risks and needs of people. From a purely public health impact point of view, the consequence of massive and unspecified requests is affecting most of the health systems and institutions at the global level. The primary studies that determined average population intake values have been widely used in the formulation of recommendations in Clinical Practice Guidelines, but unfortunately misinterpreted as cut points to diagnose disease and allow the exaggerated prescription of nutritional substitution. The coefficient of variation in routine tests to measure blood levels of 25 (OH) D is high (28%), decreasing the overall accuracy of the test and simultaneously, increasing both the falsely high and falsely low values. The most recent scientific evidence analyzes and seriously questions the usefulness and the real effect of the massive and indiscriminate practice of prescribing vitamin D without an exhaustive risk analysis. The available evidence is insufficient to recommend a general substitution of vitamin D to prevent fractures, falls, changes in bone mineral density, incidence of cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular disease, neoplasms and also to modify the growth curve of mothers' children. They received vitamin D as a substitute during pregnancy. The recommendations presented in the document are based on the critical analysis of current evidence and the principles of good clinical practice and invite to consider a rational use of 25 (OH) D tests in the context of a clinical practice focused on people and a comprehensive assessment of needs and risks. The principles of good practice suggest that clinicians may be able to justify that the results of the 25 (OH) D test strongly influence and define clinical practice and modify the outcomes that interest people and impact their health and wellness. Currently there is no clarity on how to interpret the results, and the relationship between symptoms and 25 (OH) D levels, which may not be consistent with the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency reported. For this reason, it is suggested to review the rationale of the request for tests for systematic monitoring of levels of 25 (OH) D or in all cases where substitution is performed. Consider the use of 25 (OH) D tests within the comprehensive evaluation of people with suspicion or confirmation of the following conditions: rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hyper or hypoparathyroidism, malabsorption syndromes, sarcopenia, metabolic bone disease.