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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(5): 056701, 2024 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38364129


We demonstrate the emergence of a pronounced thermal transport in the recently discovered class of magnetic materials-altermagnets. From symmetry arguments and first-principles calculations performed for the showcase altermagnet, RuO_{2}, we uncover that crystal Nernst and crystal thermal Hall effects in this material are very large and strongly anisotropic with respect to the Néel vector. We find the large crystal thermal transport to originate from three sources of Berry's curvature in momentum space: the Weyl fermions due to crossings between well-separated bands, the strong spin-flip pseudonodal surfaces, and the weak spin-flip ladder transitions, defined by transitions among very weakly spin-split states of similar dispersion crossing the Fermi surface. Moreover, we reveal that the anomalous thermal and electrical transport coefficients in RuO_{2} are linked by an extended Wiedemann-Franz law in a temperature range much wider than expected for conventional magnets. Our results suggest that altermagnets may assume a leading role in realizing concepts in spin caloritronics not achievable with ferromagnets or antiferromagnets.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(4): 046701, 2023 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37566862


We investigate magnetization dynamics of Mn_{2}Au/Py (Ni_{80}Fe_{20}) thin film bilayers using broadband ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. Our bilayers exhibit two resonant modes with zero-field frequencies up to almost 40 GHz, far above the single-layer Py FMR. Our model calculations attribute these modes to the coupling of the Py FMR and the two antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) modes of Mn_{2}Au. The coupling strength is in the order of 1.6 T nm at room temperature for nm-thick Py. Our model reveals the dependence of the hybrid modes on the AFMR frequencies and interfacial coupling as well as the evanescent character of the spin waves that extend across the Mn_{2}Au/Py interface.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(25): 256703, 2023 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38181333


Magnons in ferromagnets have one chirality, and typically are in the GHz range and have a quadratic dispersion near the zero wave vector. In contrast, magnons in antiferromagnets are commonly considered to have bands with both chiralities that are degenerate across the entire Brillouin zone, and to be in the THz range and to have a linear dispersion near the center of the Brillouin zone. Here we theoretically demonstrate a new class of magnons on a prototypical d-wave altermagnet RuO_{2} with the compensated antiparallel magnetic order in the ground state. Based on density-functional-theory calculations we observe that the THz-range magnon bands in RuO_{2} have an alternating chirality splitting, similar to the alternating spin splitting of the electronic bands, and a linear magnon dispersion near the zero wave vector. We also show that, overall, the Landau damping of this metallic altermagnet is suppressed due to the spin-split electronic structure, as compared to an artificial antiferromagnetic phase of the same RuO_{2} crystal with spin-degenerate electronic bands and chirality-degenerate magnon bands.

Nat Mater ; 20(1): 30-37, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33020615


Topological states of matter exhibit fascinating physics combined with an intrinsic stability. A key challenge is the fast creation of topological phases, which requires massive reorientation of charge or spin degrees of freedom. Here we report the picosecond emergence of an extended topological phase that comprises many magnetic skyrmions. The nucleation of this phase, followed in real time via single-shot soft X-ray scattering after infrared laser excitation, is mediated by a transient topological fluctuation state. This state is enabled by the presence of a time-reversal symmetry-breaking perpendicular magnetic field and exists for less than 300 ps. Atomistic simulations indicate that the fluctuation state largely reduces the topological energy barrier and thereby enables the observed rapid and homogeneous nucleation of the skyrmion phase. These observations provide fundamental insights into the nature of topological phase transitions, and suggest a path towards ultrafast topological switching in a wide variety of materials through intermediate fluctuating states.

Nano Lett ; 21(1): 114-119, 2021 Jan 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306407


We unravel the origin of current-induced magnetic switching of insulating antiferromagnet/heavy metal systems. We utilize concurrent transport and magneto-optical measurements to image the switching of antiferromagnetic domains in specially engineered devices of NiO/Pt bilayers. Different electrical pulsing and device geometries reveal different final states of the switching with respect to the current direction. We can explain these through simulations of the temperature-induced strain, and we identify the thermomagnetoelastic switching mechanism combined with thermal excitations as the origin, in which the final state is defined by the strain distributions and heat is required to switch the antiferromagnetic domains. We show that such a potentially very versatile noncontact mechanism can explain the previously reported contradicting observations of the switching final state, which were attributed to spin-orbit torque mechanisms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(12): 127701, 2021 Mar 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33834809


Spin-current generation by electrical means is among the core phenomena driving the field of spintronics. Using ab initio calculations we show that a room-temperature metallic collinear antiferromagnet RuO_{2} allows for highly efficient spin-current generation, arising from anisotropically spin-split bands with conserved up and down spins along the Néel vector axis. The zero net moment antiferromagnet acts as an electrical spin splitter with a 34° propagation angle between spin-up and spin-down currents. The corresponding spin conductivity is a factor of 3 larger than the record value from a survey of 20 000 nonmagnetic spin-Hall materials. We propose a versatile spin-splitter-torque concept circumventing limitations of spin-transfer and spin-orbit torques in present magnetic memory devices.

Nano Lett ; 20(1): 306-313, 2020 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809058


The compensated magnetic order and characteristic terahertz frequencies of antiferromagnetic materials make them promising candidates to develop a new class of robust, ultrafast spintronic devices. The manipulation of antiferromagnetic spin-waves in thin films is anticipated to lead to new exotic phenomena such as spin-superfluidity, requiring an efficient propagation of spin-waves in thin films. However, the reported decay length in thin films has so far been limited to a few nanometers. In this work, we achieve efficient spin-wave propagation over micrometer distances in thin films of the insulating antiferromagnet hematite with large magnetic domains while evidencing much shorter attenuation lengths in multidomain thin films. Through transport and magnetic imaging, we determine the role of the magnetic domain structure and spin-wave scattering at domain walls to govern the transport. We manipulate the spin transport by tailoring the domain configuration through field cycle training. For the appropriate crystalline orientation, zero-field spin transport is achieved across micrometers, as required for device integration.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(2): 027204, 2020 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32004034


There is a growing interest in utilizing the distinctive material properties of organic semiconductors for spintronic applications. Here, we explore the injection of pure spin current from Permalloy into a small molecule system based on dinaphtho[2,3-b:2,3-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene (DNTT) at ferromagnetic resonance. The unique tunability of organic materials by molecular design allows us to study the impact of interfacial properties on the spin injection efficiency systematically. We show that both the spin injection efficiency at the interface and the spin diffusion length can be tuned sensitively by the interfacial molecular structure and side chain substitution of the molecule.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(2): 027201, 2017 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28753347


A recent experiment indicated that a ferromagnetic EuS film in contact with a topological insulator Bi_{2}Se_{3} might show a largely enhanced Curie temperature and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy [F. Katmis et al., Nature (London) 533, 513 (2016).NATUAS0028-083610.1038/nature17635]. Through systematic density functional calculations, we demonstrate that in addition to the factor that Bi_{2}Se_{3} has a strong spin orbit coupling, the topological surface states are crucial to make these unusual behaviors robust as they hybridize with EuS states and extend rather far into the magnetic layers. The magnetic moments of Eu atoms are nevertheless not much enhanced, unlike what was reported in the experiment. Our results and model analyses provide useful insights for how these quantities are linked, and pave a way for the control of properties of magnetic films via contact with topological insulators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(6): 069901, 2016 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27541478


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.217203.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(21): 217203, 2015 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26636870


In the normal-metal-ferromagnetic-insulator bilayer (such as Pt/Y_{3}Fe_{5}O_{12}) and the normal-metal-ferromagnetic-metal-oxide trilayer (such as Pt/Co/AlO_{x}) where spin injection and ejection are achieved by the spin Hall effect in the normal metal, we propose a minimal model based on quantum tunneling of spins to explain the spin-transfer torque and spin pumping caused by the spin Hall effect. The ratio of their dampinglike to fieldlike component depends on the tunneling wave function that is strongly influenced by generic material properties such as interface s-d coupling, insulating gap, and layer thickness, yet the spin relaxation plays a minor role. The quantified result renders our minimal model an inexpensive tool for searching for appropriate materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(15): 157201, 2014 Oct 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25375735


We predict that a lateral electrical current in antiferromagnets can induce nonequilibrium Néel-order fields, i.e., fields whose sign alternates between the spin sublattices, which can trigger ultrafast spin-axis reorientation. Based on microscopic transport theory calculations we identify staggered current-induced fields analogous to the intraband and to the intrinsic interband spin-orbit fields previously reported in ferromagnets with a broken inversion-symmetry crystal. To illustrate their rich physics and utility, we consider bulk Mn(2)Au with the two spin sublattices forming inversion partners, and a 2D square-lattice antiferromagnet with broken structural inversion symmetry modeled by a Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We propose an antiferromagnetic memory device with electrical writing and reading.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1641, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38409221


The ever-growing demand for device miniaturization and energy efficiency in data storage and computing technology has prompted a shift towards antiferromagnetic topological spin textures as information carriers. This shift is primarily owing to their negligible stray fields, leading to higher possible device density and potentially ultrafast dynamics. We realize in this work such chiral in-plane topological antiferromagnetic spin textures namely merons, antimerons, and bimerons in synthetic antiferromagnets by concurrently engineering the effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, the interlayer exchange coupling, and the magnetic compensation ratio. We demonstrate multimodal vector imaging of the three-dimensional Néel order parameter, revealing the topology of those spin textures and a globally well-defined chirality, which is a crucial requirement for controlled current-induced dynamics. Our analysis reveals that the interplay between interlayer exchange and interlayer magnetic dipolar interactions plays a key role to significantly reduce the critical strength of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction required to stabilize topological spin textures, such as antiferromagnetic merons, in synthetic antiferromagnets, making them a promising platform for next-generation spintronics applications.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 822, 2024 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38280875


Resistivity measurements are widely exploited to uncover electronic excitations and phase transitions in metallic solids. While single crystals are preferably studied to explore crystalline anisotropies, these usually cancel out in polycrystalline materials. Here we show that in polycrystalline Mn3Zn0.5Ge0.5N with non-collinear antiferromagnetic order, changes in the diagonal and, rather unexpected, off-diagonal components of the resistivity tensor occur at low temperatures indicating subtle transitions between magnetic phases of different symmetry. This is supported by neutron scattering and explained within a phenomenological model which suggests that the phase transitions in magnetic field are associated with field induced topological orbital momenta. The fact that we observe transitions between spin phases in a polycrystal, where effects of crystalline anisotropy are cancelled suggests that they are only controlled by exchange interactions. The observation of an off-diagonal resistivity extends the possibilities for realising antiferromagnetic spintronics with polycrystalline materials.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2116, 2024 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38459058


Altermagnetism represents an emergent collinear magnetic phase with compensated order and an unconventional alternating even-parity wave spin order in the non-relativistic band structure. We investigate directly this unconventional band splitting near the Fermi energy through spin-integrated soft X-ray angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The experimentally obtained angle-dependent photoemission intensity, acquired from epitaxial thin films of the predicted altermagnet CrSb, demonstrates robust agreement with the corresponding band structure calculations. In particular, we observe the distinctive splitting of an electronic band on a low-symmetry path in the Brilliouin zone that connects two points featuring symmetry-induced degeneracy. The measured large magnitude of the spin splitting of approximately 0.6 eV and the position of the band just below the Fermi energy underscores the significance of altermagnets for spintronics based on robust broken time reversal symmetry responses arising from exchange energy scales, akin to ferromagnets, while remaining insensitive to external magnetic fields and possessing THz dynamics, akin to antiferromagnets.

Sci Adv ; 10(5): eadj4883, 2024 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38295181


Altermagnets are an emerging elementary class of collinear magnets. Unlike ferromagnets, their distinct crystal symmetries inhibit magnetization while, unlike antiferromagnets, they promote strong spin polarization in the band structure. The corresponding unconventional mechanism of time-reversal symmetry breaking without magnetization in the electronic spectra has been regarded as a primary signature of altermagnetism but has not been experimentally visualized to date. We directly observe strong time-reversal symmetry breaking in the band structure of altermagnetic RuO2 by detecting magnetic circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission spectra. Our experimental results, supported by ab initio calculations, establish the microscopic electronic structure basis for a family of interesting phenomena and functionalities in fields ranging from topological matter to spintronics, which are based on the unconventional time-reversal symmetry breaking in altermagnets.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4961, 2024 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38862514


Phases with spontaneous time-reversal ( T ) symmetry breaking are sought after for their anomalous physical properties, low-dissipation electronic and spin responses, and information-technology applications. Recently predicted altermagnetic phase features an unconventional and attractive combination of a strong T -symmetry breaking in the electronic structure and a zero or only weak-relativistic magnetization. In this work, we experimentally observe the anomalous Hall effect, a prominent representative of the T -symmetry breaking responses, in the absence of an external magnetic field in epitaxial thin-film Mn5Si3 with a vanishingly small net magnetic moment. By symmetry analysis and first-principles calculations we demonstrate that the unconventional d-wave altermagnetic phase is consistent with the experimental structural and magnetic characterization of the Mn5Si3 epilayers, and that the theoretical anomalous Hall conductivity generated by the phase is sizable, in agreement with experiment. An analogy with unconventional d-wave superconductivity suggests that our identification of a candidate of unconventional d-wave altermagnetism points towards a new chapter of research and applications of magnetic phases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(16): 166801, 2013 Oct 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24182290


Resolving the conductance of the topological surface states (TSSs) from the bulk contribution has been a great challenge for studying the transport properties of topological insulators. By developing a nonperturbative diffusion equation that describes fully the spin-charge dynamics in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime, we present a proposal to read the charge transport information of TSSs from its spin dynamics which can be isolated from the bulk contribution by the time-resolved second harmonic generation pump-probe measurement. We demonstrate the qualitatively different Dyaknov-Perel spin relaxation behavior between the TSSs and the two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling electron gas. The decay time of both in-plane and out-of-plane spin polarization is naturally proved to be identical to the charge transport time. The out-of-plane spin dynamics is shown to be in the experimentally reachable regime of the femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy and thereby we suggest experiments to detect the charge transport properties of the TSSs from their unique spin dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(7): 076601, 2012 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006389


We report the detection of the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) in n-gallium arsenide (n-GaAs) combined with electrical injection and modulation of the spin current. We use epitaxial ultrathin-Fe/GaAs injection contacts with strong in-plane magnetic anisotropy. This allows us to simultaneously perform Hanle spin-precession measurements on an Fe detection electrode and ISHE measurements in an applied in-plane hard-axis magnetic field. In this geometry, we can experimentally separate the ordinary from the spin-Hall signals. Electrical spin injection and detection are combined in our microdevice with an applied electrical drift current to modulate the spin distribution and spin current in the channel. The magnitudes and external field dependencies of the signals are quantitatively modeled by solving drift-diffusion and Hall-cross response equations.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 724, 2022 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35132068


Efficient manipulation of antiferromagnetic (AF) domains and domain walls has opened up new avenues of research towards ultrafast, high-density spintronic devices. AF domain structures are known to be sensitive to magnetoelastic effects, but the microscopic interplay of crystalline defects, strain and magnetic ordering remains largely unknown. Here, we reveal, using photoemission electron microscopy combined with scanning X-ray diffraction imaging and micromagnetic simulations, that the AF domain structure in CuMnAs thin films is dominated by nanoscale structural twin defects. We demonstrate that microtwin defects, which develop across the entire thickness of the film and terminate on the surface as characteristic lines, determine the location and orientation of 180∘ and 90∘ domain walls. The results emphasize the crucial role of nanoscale crystalline defects in determining the AF domains and domain walls, and provide a route to optimizing device performance.