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Biocell ; 47(2): 373-384, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36570878


Since 2019, the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) has been spreading rapidly worldwide, posing an unignorable threat to the global economy and human health. It is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, a single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Betacoronavirus. This virus is highly infectious and relies on its angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-receptor to enter cells. With the increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses, the difficulty of diagnosis due to the lack of global healthcare resources becomes increasingly apparent. Deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis models with high generalisability can effectively alleviate this pressure. Hyperparameter tuning is essential in training such models and significantly impacts their final performance and training speed. However, traditional hyperparameter tuning methods are usually time-consuming and unstable. To solve this issue, we introduce Particle Swarm Optimisation to build a PSO-guided Self-Tuning Convolution Neural Network (PSTCNN), allowing the model to tune hyperparameters automatically. Therefore, the proposed approach can reduce human involvement. Also, the optimisation algorithm can select the combination of hyperparameters in a targeted manner, thus stably achieving a solution closer to the global optimum. Experimentally, the PSTCNN can obtain quite excellent results, with a sensitivity of 93.65%±1.86%, a specificity of 94.32%±2.07%, a precision of 94.30%±2.04%, an accuracy of 93.99%±1.78%, an F1-score of 93.97%±1.78%, Matthews Correlation Coefficient of 87.99%±3.56%, and Fowlkes-Mallows Index of 93.97%±1.78%. Our experiments demonstrate that compared to traditional methods, hyperparameter tuning of the model using an optimisation algorithm is faster and more effective.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(21)2023 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37960486


Real-time monitoring of rock stability during the mining process is critical. This paper first proposed a RIME algorithm (CCRIME) based on vertical and horizontal crossover search strategies to improve the quality of the solutions obtained by the RIME algorithm and further enhance its search capabilities. Then, by constructing a binary version of CCRIME, the key parameters of FKNN were optimized using a binary conversion method. Finally, a discrete CCRIME-based BCCRIME was developed, which uses an S-shaped function transformation approach to address the feature selection issue by converting the search result into a real number that can only be zero or one. The performance of CCRIME was examined in this study from various perspectives, utilizing 30 benchmark functions from IEEE CEC2017. Basic algorithm comparison tests and sophisticated variant algorithm comparison experiments were also carried out. In addition, this paper also used collected microseismic and blasting data for classification prediction to verify the ability of the BCCRIME-FKNN model to process real data. This paper provides new ideas and methods for real-time monitoring of rock mass stability during deep well mineral resource mining.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(14)2023 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37514578


According to the World Health Organisation, falling is a major health problem with potentially fatal implications. Each year, thousands of people die as a result of falls, with seniors making up 80% of these fatalities. The automatic detection of falls may reduce the severity of the consequences. Our study focuses on developing a vision-based fall detection system. Our work proposes a new feature descriptor that results in a new fall detection framework. The body geometry of the subject is analyzed and patterns that help to distinguish falls from non-fall activities are identified in our proposed method. An AlphaPose network is employed to identify 17 keypoints on the human skeleton. Thirteen keypoints are used in our study, and we compute two additional keypoints. These 15 keypoints are divided into five segments, each of which consists of a group of three non-collinear points. These five segments represent the left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg and craniocaudal section. A novel feature descriptor is generated by extracting the distances from the segmented parts, angles within the segmented parts and the angle of inclination for every segmented part. As a result, we may extract three features from each segment, giving us 15 features per frame that preserve spatial information. To capture temporal dynamics, the extracted spatial features are arranged in the temporal sequence. As a result, the feature descriptor in the proposed approach preserves the spatio-temporal dynamics. Thus, a feature descriptor of size [m×15] is formed where m is the number of frames. To recognize fall patterns, machine learning approaches such as decision trees, random forests, and gradient boost are applied to the feature descriptor. Our system was evaluated on the UPfall dataset, which is a benchmark dataset. It has shown very good performance compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.

Aprendizaje Automático , Bosques Aleatorios , Humanos , Fenómenos Biomecánicos
Comput Mater Contin ; 76(2): 2201-2216, 2023 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559807


Breast cancer is a major public health concern that affects women worldwide. It is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Unfortunately, breast cancer can often go undetected until it has reached advanced stages, making it more difficult to treat. Therefore, there is a pressing need for accurate and efficient diagnostic tools to detect breast cancer at an early stage. The proposed approach utilizes SqueezeNet with fire modules and complex bypass to extract informative features from mammography images. The extracted features are then utilized to train a support vector machine (SVM) for mammography image classification. The SqueezeNet-guided SVM model, known as SNSVM, achieved promising results, with an accuracy of 94.10% and a sensitivity of 94.30%. A 10-fold cross-validation was performed to ensure the robustness of the results, and the mean and standard deviation of various performance indicators were calculated across multiple runs. This model also outperforms state-of-the-art models in all performance indicators, indicating its superior performance. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach for breast cancer diagnosis using mammography images. The superior performance of the proposed model across all indicators makes it a promising tool for early breast cancer diagnosis. This may have significant implications for reducing breast cancer mortality rates.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(4)2023 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37190351


Reversible data hiding (RDH), a promising data-hiding technique, is widely examined in domains such as medical image transmission, satellite image transmission, crime investigation, cloud computing, etc. None of the existing RDH schemes addresses a solution from a real-time aspect. A good compromise between the information embedding rate and computational time makes the scheme suitable for real-time applications. As a solution, we propose a novel RDH scheme that recovers the original image by retaining its quality and extracting the hidden data. Here, the cover image gets encrypted using a stream cipher and is partitioned into non-overlapping blocks. Secret information is inserted into the encrypted blocks of the cover image via a controlled local pixel-swapping approach to achieve a comparatively good payload. The new scheme MPSA allows the data hider to hide two bits in every encrypted block. The existing reversible data-hiding schemes modify the encrypted image pixels leading to a compromise in image security. However, the proposed work complements the support of encrypted image security by maintaining the same entropy of the encrypted image in spite of hiding the data. Experimental results illustrate the competency of the proposed work accounting for various parameters, including embedding rate and computational time.

Mob Netw Appl ; 28(3): 873-888, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38737734


In the global epidemic, distance learning occupies an increasingly important place in teaching and learning because of its great potential. This paper proposes a web-based app that includes a proposed 8-layered lightweight, customized convolutional neural network (LCCNN) for COVID-19 recognition. Five-channel data augmentation is proposed and used to help the model avoid overfitting. The LCCNN achieves an accuracy of 91.78%, which is higher than the other eight state-of-the-art methods. The results show that this web-based app provides a valuable diagnostic perspective on the patients and is an excellent way to facilitate medical education. Our LCCNN model is explainable for both radiologists and distance education users. Heat maps are generated where the lesions are clearly spotted. The LCCNN can detect from CT images the presence of lesions caused by COVID-19. This web-based app has a clear and simple interface, which is easy to use. With the help of this app, teachers can provide distance education and guide students clearly to understand the damage caused by COVID-19, which can increase interaction with students and stimulate their interest in learning.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(3)2023 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36981320


Myocardial infarction (MI) occurs when an artery supplying blood to the heart is abruptly occluded. The "gold standard" method for imaging MI is cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with intravenously administered gadolinium-based contrast (with damaged areas apparent as late gadolinium enhancement [LGE]). However, no "gold standard" fully automated method for the quantification of MI exists. In this work, we propose an end-to-end fully automatic system (MyI-Net) for the detection and quantification of MI in MRI images. It has the potential to reduce uncertainty due to technical variability across labs and the inherent problems of data and labels. Our system consists of four processing stages designed to maintain the flow of information across scales. First, features from raw MRI images are generated using feature extractors built on ResNet and MoblieNet architectures. This is followed by atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) to produce spatial information at different scales to preserve more image context. High-level features from ASPP and initial low-level features are concatenated at the third stage and then passed to the fourth stage where spatial information is recovered via up-sampling to produce final image segmentation output into: (i) background, (ii) heart muscle, (iii) blood and (iv) LGE areas. Our experiments show that the model named MI-ResNet50-AC provides the best global accuracy (97.38%), mean accuracy (86.01%), weighted intersection over union (IoU) of 96.47%, and bfscore of 64.46% for the global segmentation. However, in detecting only LGE tissue, a smaller model, MI-ResNet18-AC, exhibited higher accuracy (74.41%) than MI-ResNet50-AC (64.29%). New models were compared with state-of-the-art models and manual quantification. Our models demonstrated favorable performance in global segmentation and LGE detection relative to the state-of-the-art, including a four-fold better performance in matching LGE pixels to contours produced by clinicians.

IEEE Sens J ; 22(18): 17573-17582, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36346095


(Aim) COVID-19 pandemic causes numerous death tolls till now. Chest CT is an effective imaging sensor system to make accurate diagnosis. (Method) This article proposed a novel seven layer convolutional neural network based smart diagnosis model for COVID-19 diagnosis (7L-CNN-CD). We proposed a 14-way data augmentation to enhance the training set, and introduced stochastic pooling to replace traditional pooling methods. (Results) The 10 runs of 10-fold cross validation experiment show that our 7L-CNN-CD approach achieves a sensitivity of 94.44±0.73, a specificity of 93.63±1.60, and an accuracy of 94.03±0.80. (Conclusion) Our proposed 7L-CNN-CD is effective in diagnosing COVID-19 in chest CT images. It gives better performance than several state-of-the-art algorithms. The data augmentation and stochastic pooling methods are proven to be effective.

IEEE Sens J ; 22(18): 17431-17438, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36346097


(Aim) To detect COVID-19 patients more accurately and more precisely, we proposed a novel artificial intelligence model. (Methods) We used previously proposed chest CT dataset containing four categories: COVID-19, community-acquired pneumonia, secondary pulmonary tuberculosis, and healthy subjects. First, we proposed a novel VGG-style base network (VSBN) as backbone network. Second, convolutional block attention module (CBAM) was introduced as attention module into our VSBN. Third, an improved multiple-way data augmentation method was used to resist overfitting of our AI model. In all, our model was dubbed as a 12-layer attention-based VGG-style network for COVID-19 (AVNC) (Results) This proposed AVNC achieved the sensitivity/precision/F1 per class all above 95%. Particularly, AVNC yielded a micro-averaged F1 score of 96.87%, which is higher than 11 state-of-the-art approaches. (Conclusion) This proposed AVNC is effective in recognizing COVID-19 diseases.

Comput Mater Contin ; 70(2): 3081-3097, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35615529


Aim: Alcoholism is a disease that a patient becomes dependent or addicted to alcohol. This paper aims to design a novel artificial intelligence model that can recognize alcoholism more accurately. Methods: We propose the VGG-Inspired stochastic pooling neural network (VISPNN) model based on three components: (i) a VGG-inspired mainstay network, (ii) the stochastic pooling technique, which aims to outperform traditional max pooling and average pooling, and (iii) an improved 20-way data augmentation (Gaussian noise, salt-and-pepper noise, speckle noise, Poisson noise, horizontal shear, vertical shear, rotation, Gamma correction, random translation, and scaling on both raw image and its horizontally mirrored image). In addition, two networks (Net-I and Net-II) are proposed in ablation studies. Net-I is based on VISPNN by replacing stochastic pooling with ordinary max pooling. Net-II removes the 20-way data augmentation. Results: The results by ten runs of 10-fold cross-validation show that our VISPNN model gains a sensitivity of 97.98±1.32, a specificity of 97.80±1.35, a precision of 97.78±1.35, an accuracy of 97.89±1.11, an F1 score of 97.87±1.12, an MCC of 95.79±2.22, an FMI of 97.88±1.12, and an AUC of 0.9849, respectively. Conclusion: The performance of our VISPNN model is better than two internal networks (Net-I and Net-II) and ten state-of-the-art alcoholism recognition methods.

Int J Intell Syst ; 37(2): 1572-1598, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38607823


COVID-19 pneumonia started in December 2019 and caused large casualties and huge economic losses. In this study, we intended to develop a computer-aided diagnosis system based on artificial intelligence to automatically identify the COVID-19 in chest computed tomography images. We utilized transfer learning to obtain the image-level representation (ILR) based on the backbone deep convolutional neural network. Then, a novel neighboring aware representation (NAR) was proposed to exploit the neighboring relationships between the ILR vectors. To obtain the neighboring information in the feature space of the ILRs, an ILR graph was generated based on the k-nearest neighbors algorithm, in which the ILRs were linked with their k-nearest neighboring ILRs. Afterward, the NARs were computed by the fusion of the ILRs and the graph. On the basis of this representation, a novel end-to-end COVID-19 classification architecture called neighboring aware graph neural network (NAGNN) was proposed. The private and public data sets were used for evaluation in the experiments. Results revealed that our NAGNN outperformed all the 10 state-of-the-art methods in terms of generalization ability. Therefore, the proposed NAGNN is effective in detecting COVID-19, which can be used in clinical diagnosis.

J Comput Sci Technol ; 37(2): 330-343, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35496726


COVID-19 is a contagious infection that has severe effects on the global economy and our daily life. Accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 is of importance for consultants, patients, and radiologists. In this study, we use the deep learning network AlexNet as the backbone, and enhance it with the following two aspects: 1) adding batch normalization to help accelerate the training, reducing the internal covariance shift; 2) replacing the fully connected layer in AlexNet with three classifiers: SNN, ELM, and RVFL. Therefore, we have three novel models from the deep COVID network (DC-Net) framework, which are named DC-Net-S, DC-Net-E, and DC-Net-R, respectively. After comparison, we find the proposed DC-Net-R achieves an average accuracy of 90.91% on a private dataset (available upon email request) comprising of 296 images while the specificity reaches 96.13%, and has the best performance among all three proposed classifiers. In addition, we show that our DC-Net-R also performs much better than other existing algorithms in the literature. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11390-020-0679-8.

BMC Psychiatry ; 21(1): 522, 2021 10 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34686178


BACKGROUND: Individuals with psychiatric disorders perceive the world differently. Previous studies indicated impaired color vision and weakened color discrimination ability in psychotic patients. Examining the paintings from psychotic patients can measure the visual-motor function. However, few studies examined the potential changes in the color painting behavior in these individuals. The current study aims to discriminate schizophrenia patients from healthy controls (HCs) and predict PANSS scores of schizophrenia patients according to their paintings. METHODS: In the present study, we retrospectively analyzed the paintings colored by 281 chronic schizophrenia patients and 35 HCs. The images were scanned and processed using series of computational analyses. RESULTS: The results showed that schizophrenia patients tend to use less color and exhibit different strokes compared to HCs. Using a deep learning residual neural network (ResNet), we were able to discriminate patients from HCs with over 90% accuracy. Further, we developed a novel convolutional neural network to predict PANSS positive, negative, general psychopathology, and total scores. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the prediction was low, which indicates higher accuracy of prediction. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the deep learning paradigm showed the large potential to discriminate schizophrenia patients from HCs based on color paintings. Besides, this color painting-based paradigm can effectively predict clinical symptom severity for chronic schizophrenia patients. The color paintings by schizophrenia patients show potential as a tool for clinical diagnosis and prognosis. These findings show potential as a tool for clinical diagnosis and prognosis among schizophrenia patients.

Aprendizaje Profundo , Pinturas , Esquizofrenia , Humanos , Redes Neurales de la Computación , Estudios Retrospectivos , Esquizofrenia/diagnóstico
IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst ; 29(1): 34-45, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33408453


Traditional deep learning methods are sub-optimal in classifying ambiguity features, which often arise in noisy and hard to predict categories, especially, to distinguish semantic scoring. Semantic scoring, depending on semantic logic to implement evaluation, inevitably contains fuzzy description and misses some concepts, for example, the ambiguous relationship between normal and probably normal always presents unclear boundaries (normal - more likely normal - probably normal). Thus, human error is common when annotating images. Differing from existing methods that focus on modifying kernel structure of neural networks, this study proposes a dominant fuzzy fully connected layer (FFCL) for Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) scoring and validates the universality of this proposed structure. This proposed model aims to develop complementary properties of scoring for semantic paradigms, while constructing fuzzy rules based on analyzing human thought patterns, and to particularly reduce the influence of semantic conglutination. Specifically, this semantic-sensitive defuzzier layer projects features occupied by relative categories into semantic space, and a fuzzy decoder modifies probabilities of the last output layer referring to the global trend. Moreover, the ambiguous semantic space between two relative categories shrinks during the learning phases, as the positive and negative growth trends of one category appearing among its relatives were considered. We first used the Euclidean Distance (ED) to zoom in the distance between the real scores and the predicted scores, and then employed two sample t test method to evidence the advantage of the FFCL architecture. Extensive experimental results performed on the CBIS-DDSM dataset show that our FFCL structure can achieve superior performances for both triple and multiclass classification in BI-RADS scoring, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods.

Neurocomputing (Amst) ; 452: 592-605, 2021 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33390662


The widely spreading COVID-19 has caused thousands of hundreds of mortalities over the world in the past few months. Early diagnosis of the virus is of great significance for both of infected patients and doctors providing treatments. Chest Computerized tomography (CT) screening is one of the most straightforward techniques to detect pneumonia which was caused by the virus and thus to make the diagnosis. To facilitate the process of diagnosing COVID-19, we therefore developed a graph convolutional neural network ResGNet-C under ResGNet framework to automatically classify lung CT images into normal and confirmed pneumonia caused by COVID-19. In ResGNet-C, two by-products named NNet-C, ResNet101-C that showed high performance on detection of COVID-19 are simultaneously generated as well. Our best model ResGNet-C achieved an averaged accuracy at 0.9662 with an averaged sensitivity at 0.9733 and an averaged specificity at 0.9591 using five cross-validations on the dataset, which is comprised of 296 CT images. To our best knowledge, this is the first attempt at integrating graph knowledge into the COVID-19 classification task. Graphs are constructed according to the Euclidean distance between features extracted by our proposed ResNet101-C and then are encoded with the features to give the prediction results of CT images. Besides the high-performance system, which surpassed all state-of-the-art methods, our proposed graph construction method is simple, transferrable yet quite helpful for improving the performance of classifiers, as can be justified by the experimental results.

Pattern Recognit Lett ; 150: 8-16, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34276114


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 has caused 3.34m deaths till 13/May/2021. It is now still causing confirmed cases and ongoing deaths every day. METHOD: This study investigated whether fusing chest CT with chest X-ray can help improve the AI's diagnosis performance. Data harmonization is employed to make a homogeneous dataset. We create an end-to-end multiple-input deep convolutional attention network (MIDCAN) by using the convolutional block attention module (CBAM). One input of our model receives 3D chest CT image, and other input receives 2D X-ray image. Besides, multiple-way data augmentation is used to generate fake data on training set. Grad-CAM is used to give explainable heatmap. RESULTS: The proposed MIDCAN achieves a sensitivity of 98.10±1.88%, a specificity of 97.95±2.26%, and an accuracy of 98.02±1.35%. CONCLUSION: Our MIDCAN method provides better results than 8 state-of-the-art approaches. We demonstrate the using multiple modalities can achieve better results than individual modality. Also, we demonstrate that CBAM can help improve the diagnosis performance.

Inf Fusion ; 67: 208-229, 2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33052196


(Aim) COVID-19 is an infectious disease spreading to the world this year. In this study, we plan to develop an artificial intelligence based tool to diagnose on chest CT images. (Method) On one hand, we extract features from a self-created convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn individual image-level representations. The proposed CNN employed several new techniques such as rank-based average pooling and multiple-way data augmentation. On the other hand, relation-aware representations were learnt from graph convolutional network (GCN). Deep feature fusion (DFF) was developed in this work to fuse individual image-level features and relation-aware features from both GCN and CNN, respectively. The best model was named as FGCNet. (Results) The experiment first chose the best model from eight proposed network models, and then compared it with 15 state-of-the-art approaches. (Conclusion) The proposed FGCNet model is effective and gives better performance than all 15 state-of-the-art methods. Thus, our proposed FGCNet model can assist radiologists to rapidly detect COVID-19 from chest CT images.

Inf Fusion ; 68: 131-148, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33519321


AIM: : COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. Up to 18th October 2020, worldwide there have been 39.6 million confirmed cases resulting in more than 1.1 million deaths. To improve diagnosis, we aimed to design and develop a novel advanced AI system for COVID-19 classification based on chest CT (CCT) images. METHODS: : Our dataset from local hospitals consisted of 284 COVID-19 images, 281 community-acquired pneumonia images, 293 secondary pulmonary tuberculosis images; and 306 healthy control images. We first used pretrained models (PTMs) to learn features, and proposed a novel (L, 2) transfer feature learning algorithm to extract features, with a hyperparameter of number of layers to be removed (NLR, symbolized as L). Second, we proposed a selection algorithm of pretrained network for fusion to determine the best two models characterized by PTM and NLR. Third, deep CCT fusion by discriminant correlation analysis was proposed to help fuse the two features from the two models. Micro-averaged (MA) F1 score was used as the measuring indicator. The final determined model was named CCSHNet. RESULTS: : On the test set, CCSHNet achieved sensitivities of four classes of 95.61%, 96.25%, 98.30%, and 97.86%, respectively. The precision values of four classes were 97.32%, 96.42%, 96.99%, and 97.38%, respectively. The F1 scores of four classes were 96.46%, 96.33%, 97.64%, and 97.62%, respectively. The MA F1 score was 97.04%. In addition, CCSHNet outperformed 12 state-of-the-art COVID-19 detection methods. CONCLUSIONS: : CCSHNet is effective in detecting COVID-19 and other lung infectious diseases using first-line clinical imaging and can therefore assist radiologists in making accurate diagnoses based on CCTs.

Inf Process Manag ; 58(1): 102411, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100482


Pneumonia is a global disease that causes high children mortality. The situation has even been worsening by the outbreak of the new coronavirus named COVID-19, which has killed more than 983,907 so far. People infected by the virus would show symptoms like fever and coughing as well as pneumonia as the infection progresses. Timely detection is a public consensus achieved that would benefit possible treatments and therefore contain the spread of COVID-19. X-ray, an expedient imaging technique, has been widely used for the detection of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 and some other virus. To facilitate the process of diagnosis of pneumonia, we developed a deep learning framework for a binary classification task that classifies chest X-ray images into normal and pneumonia based on our proposed CGNet. In our CGNet, there are three components including feature extraction, graph-based feature reconstruction and classification. We first use the transfer learning technique to train the state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for binary classification while the trained CNNs are used to produce features for the following two components. Then, by deploying graph-based feature reconstruction, we, therefore, combine features through the graph to reconstruct features. Finally, a shallow neural network named GNet, a one layer graph neural network, which takes the combined features as the input, classifies chest X-ray images into normal and pneumonia. Our model achieved the best accuracy at 0.9872, sensitivity at 1 and specificity at 0.9795 on a public pneumonia dataset that includes 5,856 chest X-ray images. To evaluate the performance of our proposed method on detection of pneumonia caused by COVID-19, we also tested the proposed method on a public COVID-19 CT dataset, where we achieved the highest performance at the accuracy of 0.99, specificity at 1 and sensitivity at 0.98, respectively.

Knowl Based Syst ; 232: 107494, 2021 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34539094


AIM: By October 6, 2020, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was diagnosed worldwide, reaching 3,355,7427 people and 1,037,862 deaths. Detection of COVID-19 and pneumonia by the chest X-ray images is of great significance to control the development of the epidemic situation. The current COVID-19 and pneumonia detection system may suffer from two shortcomings: the selection of hyperparameters in the models is not appropriate, and the generalization ability of the model is poor. METHOD: To solve the above problems, our team proposed an improved intelligent global optimization algorithm, which is based on the biogeography-based optimization to automatically optimize the hyperparameters value of the models according to different detection objectives. In the optimization progress, after selecting the immigration of suitable index vector and the emigration of suitable index vector, we proposed adding a comparison operation to compare the value of them. According to the different numerical relationships between them, the corresponding operations are performed to improve the migration operation of biogeography-based optimization. The improved algorithm (momentum factor biogeography-based optimization) can better perform the automatic optimization operation. In addition, our team also proposed two frameworks: biogeography convolutional neural network and momentum factor biogeography convolutional neural network. And two methods for detection COVID-19 based on the proposed frameworks. RESULTS: Our method used three convolutional neural networks (LeNet-5, VGG-16, and ResNet-18) as the basic classification models for chest X-ray images detection of COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia. The accuracy of LeNet-5, VGG-16, and ResNet-18 is improved by 1.56%, 1.48%, and 0.73% after using biogeography-based optimization to optimize the hyperparameters of the models. The accuracy of LeNet-5, VGG-16, and ResNet-18 is improved by 2.87%, 6.31%, and 1.46% after using the momentum factor biogeography-based optimization to optimize the hyperparameters of the models. CONCLUSION: Under the same experimental conditions, the performance of the momentum factor biogeography-based optimization is superior to the biogeography-based optimization in optimizing the hyperparameters of the convolutional neural networks. Experimental results show that the momentum factor biogeography-based optimization can improve the detection performance of the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of overall accuracy. In future research, we will continue to use and improve other global optimization algorithms to enhance the application ability of deep learning in medical pathological image detection.