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Am J Bot ; 110(6): e16178, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37163647


PREMISE: Bees provision most of the pollen removed from anthers to their larvae and transport only a small proportion to stigmas, which can negatively affect plant fitness. Though most bee species collect pollen from multiple plant species, we know little about how the efficiency of bees' pollen transport varies among host plant species or how it relates to other aspects of generalist bee foraging behavior that benefit plant fitness, such as specialization on individual foraging bouts. METHODS: We compared the pollen collected and transported by three bee species for 46 co-occurring plant species. Specifically, we compared the relative abundance of pollen taxa in the individual bees' scopae, structures where bees store pollen to provision larvae, with the relative abundance of pollen taxa on the rest of bees' bodies, which is more likely to be transferred to stigmas. RESULTS: Bees carried five times more pollen grains in their scopae than elsewhere on their bodies. Within foraging bouts, bees were relatively specialized in their pollen collection, but transported proportionally less pollen for the host plants on which they specialized. Across foraging bouts, two bee species transported proportionally less pollen for some of their host plants than for others, though differences didn't consistently follow the same trend as at the foraging bout scale. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that foraging-bout specialization, which is known to reduce heterospecific pollen transfer, also results in less-efficient pollen transport. Thus, bee foragers that visit predominantly one plant species may have contrasting effects on that plant's fitness.

Flores , Polinización , Abejas , Animales , Polen , Plantas , Larva
Am Nat ; 200(2): 181-192, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35905409


AbstractThe relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (BEF) remains unclear in many natural ecosystems, partially for lack of theoretical and analytical tools that match common characteristics of observational community data. The ecological Price equation promises to meet this need by organizing many different species-level changes into a few ecologically meaningful categories that sum to total ecosystem function change. Current versions of the ecological Price equation focus on species richness and presence-absence. However, abundance and relative abundance are better estimated in samples and are likely showing a stronger response to global change. Here, we present a novel, abundance-based version of the ecological Price equation in both discrete and continuous forms and explain the similarities and differences between this method and a related, previously developed richness-based method. We also present new empirical techniques for applying the Price equation to ecological data. Our two demonstration analyses reveal how additive effects of increasing abundance on total function are modified by concurrent selection effects due to shifts in species' composition as well as intraspecific change in species' per capita function. The ecological Price equations derived here complement existing approaches and together offer BEF researchers analytical tools and a unifying framework for studying BEF in observational community data.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Observación , Proyectos de Investigación
Proc Biol Sci ; 289(1972): 20212689, 2022 04 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35414236


It is important to understand how biodiversity, including that of rare species, affects ecosystem function. Here, we consider this question with regard to pollination. Studies of pollination function have typically focused on pollination of single plant species, or average pollination across plants, and typically find that pollination depends on a few common species. Here, we used data from 11 plant-bee visitation networks in New Jersey, USA, to ask whether the number of functionally important bee species changes as we consider function separately for each plant species in increasingly diverse plant communities. Using rarefaction analysis, we found the number of important bee species increased with the number of plant species. Overall, 2.5 to 7.6 times more bee species were important at the community scale, relative to the average plant species in the same community. This effect did not asymptote in any of our datasets, suggesting that even greater bee biodiversity is needed in real-world systems. Lastly, on average across plant communities, 25% of bee species that were important at the community scale were also numerically rare within their network, making this study one of the strongest empirical demonstrations to date of the functional importance of rare species.

Ecosistema , Polinización , Animales , Abejas , Biodiversidad , Flores , Plantas
Oecologia ; 198(2): 471-481, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35080650


Floral constancy of foraging bees influences plant reproduction. Constancy as observed in nature arises from at least four distinct mechanisms frequently confounded in the literature: context-independent preferences for particular plant species, preferential visitation to the same species as the previous plant visited (simple constancy), the spatial arrangement of plants, and the relative abundances of co-flowering species. To disentangle these mechanisms, we followed individual bee flight paths within patches where all flowering plants were mapped, and we used step selection models to estimate how each mechanism influences the probability of selecting any particular plant given the available plants in a multi-species community. We found that simple constancy was positive: bees preferred to visit the same species sequentially. In addition, bees preferred to travel short distances and maintain their direction of travel between plants. After accounting for distance, we found no significant effect of site-level plant relative abundances on bee foraging choices. To explore the importance of the spatial arrangement of plants for bee foraging choices, we compared our full model containing all parameters to one with spatial arrangement removed. Due to bees' tendency to select nearby plants, combined with strong intraspecific plant clumping, spatial arrangement was responsible for about 50% of the total observed constancy. Our results suggest that floral constancy may be overestimated in studies that do not account for the spatial arrangement of plants, especially in systems with intraspecific plant clumping. Plant spatial patterns at within-site scales are important for pollinator foraging behavior and pollination success.

Flores , Polinización , Animales , Abejas , Plantas
Ecol Lett ; 24(1): 149-161, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33073900


Most studies of plant-animal mutualistic networks have come from a temporally static perspective. This approach has revealed general patterns in network structure, but limits our ability to understand the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape these networks and to predict the consequences of natural and human-driven disturbance on species interactions. We review the growing literature on temporal dynamics of plant-animal mutualistic networks including pollination, seed dispersal and ant defence mutualisms. We then discuss potential mechanisms underlying such variation in interactions, ranging from behavioural and physiological processes at the finest temporal scales to ecological and evolutionary processes at the broadest. We find that at the finest temporal scales (days, weeks, months) mutualistic interactions are highly dynamic, with considerable variation in network structure. At intermediate scales (years, decades), networks still exhibit high levels of temporal variation, but such variation appears to influence network properties only weakly. At the broadest temporal scales (many decades, centuries and beyond), continued shifts in interactions appear to reshape network structure, leading to dramatic community changes, including loss of species and function. Our review highlights the importance of considering the temporal dimension for understanding the ecology and evolution of complex webs of mutualistic interactions.

Polinización , Simbiosis , Animales , Ecosistema , Plantas
J Anim Ecol ; 88(8): 1158-1167, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31063228


Individual pollinators that specialize on one plant species within a foraging bout transfer more conspecific and less heterospecific pollen, positively affecting plant reproduction. However, we know much less about pollinator specialization at the scale of a foraging bout compared to specialization by pollinator species. In this study, we measured the diversity of pollen carried by individual bees foraging in forest plant communities in the mid-Atlantic United States. We found that individuals frequently carried low-diversity pollen loads, suggesting that specialization at the scale of the foraging bout is common. Individuals of solitary bee species carried higher diversity pollen loads than did individuals of social bee species; the latter have been better studied with respect to foraging bout specialization, but account for a small minority of the world's bee species. Bee body size was positively correlated with pollen load diversity, and individuals of polylectic (but not oligolectic) species carried increasingly diverse pollen loads as the season progressed, likely reflecting an increase in the diversity of flowers in bloom. Furthermore, the seasonal increase in pollen load diversity was stronger for bees visiting trees and shrubs than for bees visiting herbaceous plants. Overall, our results showed that both plant and pollinator species' traits as well as community-level patterns of flowering phenology are likely to be important determinants of individual-level interactions in plant-pollinator communities.

Bosques , Polinización , Animales , Abejas , Flores , Polen , Estaciones del Año
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(1): 146-51, 2016 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26621730


Wild and managed bees are well documented as effective pollinators of global crops of economic importance. However, the contributions by pollinators other than bees have been little explored despite their potential to contribute to crop production and stability in the face of environmental change. Non-bee pollinators include flies, beetles, moths, butterflies, wasps, ants, birds, and bats, among others. Here we focus on non-bee insects and synthesize 39 field studies from five continents that directly measured the crop pollination services provided by non-bees, honey bees, and other bees to compare the relative contributions of these taxa. Non-bees performed 25-50% of the total number of flower visits. Although non-bees were less effective pollinators than bees per flower visit, they made more visits; thus these two factors compensated for each other, resulting in pollination services rendered by non-bees that were similar to those provided by bees. In the subset of studies that measured fruit set, fruit set increased with non-bee insect visits independently of bee visitation rates, indicating that non-bee insects provide a unique benefit that is not provided by bees. We also show that non-bee insects are not as reliant as bees on the presence of remnant natural or seminatural habitat in the surrounding landscape. These results strongly suggest that non-bee insect pollinators play a significant role in global crop production and respond differently than bees to landscape structure, probably making their crop pollination services more robust to changes in land use. Non-bee insects provide a valuable service and provide potential insurance against bee population declines.

Productos Agrícolas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Insectos/fisiología , Polinización , Animales , Hormigas/fisiología , Abejas/fisiología , Ecosistema , Flores/crecimiento & desarrollo , Frutas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Avispas/fisiología
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(1): 287-296, 2018 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28976620


Anthropogenic landscapes are associated with biodiversity loss and large shifts in species composition and traits. These changes predict the identities of winners and losers of future global change, and also reveal which environmental variables drive a taxon's response to land use change. We explored how the biodiversity of native bee species changes across forested, agricultural, and urban landscapes. We collected bee community data from 36 sites across a 75,000 km2 region, and analyzed bee abundance, species richness, composition, and life-history traits. Season-long bee abundance and richness were not detectably different between natural and anthropogenic landscapes, but community phenologies differed strongly, with an early spring peak followed by decline in forests, and a more extended summer season in agricultural and urban habitats. Bee community composition differed significantly between all three land use types, as did phylogenetic composition. Anthropogenic land use had negative effects on the persistence of several life-history strategies, including early spring flight season and brood parasitism, which may indicate adaptation to conditions in forest habitat. Overall, anthropogenic communities are not diminished subsets of contemporary natural communities. Rather, forest species do not persist in anthropogenic habitats, but are replaced by different native species and phylogenetic lineages preadapted to open habitats. Characterizing compositional and functional differences is crucial for understanding land use as a global change driver across large regional scales.

Agricultura , Abejas/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Animales , Abejas/clasificación , Ciudades , Bosques , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Filogenia , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie
Ecology ; 98(7): 1807-1816, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28445588


The relationship between biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem function is a fundamental question in community ecology, and hundreds of experiments have shown a positive relationship between species richness and the stability of ecosystem function. However, these experiments have rarely accounted for common ecological patterns, most notably skewed species abundance distributions and non-random extinction risks, making it difficult to know whether experimental results can be scaled up to larger, less manipulated systems. In contrast with the prolific body of experimental research, few studies have examined how species richness affects the stability of ecosystem services at more realistic, landscape scales. The paucity of these studies is due in part to a lack of analytical methods that are suitable for the correlative structure of ecological data. A recently developed method, based on the Price equation from evolutionary biology, helps resolve this knowledge gap by partitioning the effect of biodiversity into three components: richness, composition, and abundance. Here, we build on previous work and present the first derivation of the Price equation suitable for analyzing temporal variance of ecosystem services. We applied our new derivation to understand the temporal variance of crop pollination services in two study systems (watermelon and blueberry) in the mid-Atlantic United States. In both systems, but especially in the watermelon system, the stronger driver of temporal variance of ecosystem services was fluctuations in the abundance of common bee species, which were present at nearly all sites regardless of species richness. In contrast, temporal variance of ecosystem services was less affected by differences in species richness, because lost and gained species were rare. Thus, the findings from our more realistic landscapes differ qualitatively from the findings of biodiversity-stability experiments.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Polinización , Animales , Ecología
Glob Chang Biol ; 23(11): 4946-4957, 2017 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28488295


Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of global biodiversity loss, which can reduce the provisioning of ecosystem services in managed ecosystems. Organic farming and plant diversification are farm management schemes that may mitigate potential ecological harm by increasing species richness and boosting related ecosystem services to agroecosystems. What remains unclear is the extent to which farm management schemes affect biodiversity components other than species richness, and whether impacts differ across spatial scales and landscape contexts. Using a global metadataset, we quantified the effects of organic farming and plant diversification on abundance, local diversity (communities within fields), and regional diversity (communities across fields) of arthropod pollinators, predators, herbivores, and detritivores. Both organic farming and higher in-field plant diversity enhanced arthropod abundance, particularly for rare taxa. This resulted in increased richness but decreased evenness. While these responses were stronger at local relative to regional scales, richness and abundance increased at both scales, and richness on farms embedded in complex relative to simple landscapes. Overall, both organic farming and in-field plant diversification exerted the strongest effects on pollinators and predators, suggesting these management schemes can facilitate ecosystem service providers without augmenting herbivore (pest) populations. Our results suggest that organic farming and plant diversification promote diverse arthropod metacommunities that may provide temporal and spatial stability of ecosystem service provisioning. Conserving diverse plant and arthropod communities in farming systems therefore requires sustainable practices that operate both within fields and across landscapes.

Agricultura/métodos , Artrópodos , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Animales
Ecology ; 97(11): 2925-2931, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27870034


Recent studies of mutualistic networks show that interactions between partners change across years. Both biological mechanisms and chance could drive these patterns, but the relative importance of these factors has not been separated. We established a field experiment consisting of 102 monospecific plots of 17 native plant species, from which we collected 6713 specimens of 52 bee species over four years. We used these data and a null model to determine whether bee species' foraging choices varied more or less over time beyond the variation expected by chance. Thus we provide the first quantitative definition of rewiring and fidelity as these terms are used in the literature on interaction networks. All 52 bee species varied in plant partner choice across years, but for 27 species this variation was indistinguishable from random partner choice. Another 11 species showed rewiring, varying more across years than expected by chance, while 14 species showed fidelity, indicating that they both prefer certain plant species and are consistent in those preferences across years. Our study shows that rewiring and fidelity both exist in mutualist networks, but that once sampling effects have been accounted for, they are less common than has been reported in the ecological literature.

Abejas/clasificación , Abejas/fisiología , Conducta Animal/fisiología , Polinización/fisiología , Animales , Ecosistema , Modelos Biológicos , Densidad de Población , Especificidad de la Especie
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(12): 4656-60, 2013 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23487768


Pollinators such as bees are essential to the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. However, despite concerns about a global pollinator crisis, long-term data on the status of bee species are limited. We present a long-term study of relative rates of change for an entire regional bee fauna in the northeastern United States, based on >30,000 museum records representing 438 species. Over a 140-y period, aggregate native species richness weakly decreased, but richness declines were significant only for the genus Bombus. Of 187 native species analyzed individually, only three declined steeply, all of these in the genus Bombus. However, there were large shifts in community composition, as indicated by 56% of species showing significant changes in relative abundance over time. Traits associated with a declining relative abundance include small dietary and phenological breadth and large body size. In addition, species with lower latitudinal range boundaries are increasing in relative abundance, a finding that may represent a response to climate change. We show that despite marked increases in human population density and large changes in anthropogenic land use, aggregate native species richness declines were modest outside of the genus Bombus. At the same time, we find that certain ecological traits are associated with declines in relative abundance. These results should help target conservation efforts focused on maintaining native bee abundance and diversity and therefore the important ecosystems services that they provide.

Abejas/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Polinización , Adaptación Fisiológica , Animales , Humanos , Dinámica Poblacional , Estados Unidos
Ecol Lett ; 18(7): 626-35, 2015 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25959973


Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments have established that species richness and composition are both important determinants of ecosystem function in an experimental context. Determining whether this result holds for real-world ecosystem services has remained elusive, however, largely due to the lack of analytical methods appropriate for large-scale, associational data. Here, we use a novel analytical approach, the Price equation, to partition the contribution to ecosystem services made by species richness, composition and abundance in four large-scale data sets on crop pollination by native bees. We found that abundance fluctuations of dominant species drove ecosystem service delivery, whereas richness changes were relatively unimportant because they primarily involved rare species that contributed little to function. Thus, the mechanism behind our results was the skewed species-abundance distribution. Our finding that a few common species, not species richness, drive ecosystem service delivery could have broad generality given the ubiquity of skewed species-abundance distributions in nature.

Abejas , Biodiversidad , Productos Agrícolas , Agricultura , Animales , Ecosistema , Modelos Teóricos , Polinización , Densidad de Población
Am Nat ; 183(5): 600-11, 2014 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24739193


Theoretical and simulation studies predict that the order of species loss from mutualist networks with respect to how linked species are to other species within the network will determine the rate at which networks collapse. However, the empirical order of species loss with respect to linkage has rarely been investigated. Furthermore, a species' linkage is a composite of its diet breadth and its abundance, yet the relative importance of these two factors in determining species loss order is poorly known. Here we explore the order of pollinator species loss in two contrasting study systems undergoing land-use intensification, using >20,000 pollinator specimens. We found that a pollinator species' linkage, as measured independently within plant-pollinator networks, positively predicted its persistence at human-disturbed sites in three of four analyses. The strongest predictor of persistence in all analyses was pollinator species abundance. In contrast, diet breadth poorly predicted persistence. Overall, our results suggest that community disassembly order buffers plant-pollinator networks against environmental change by retaining the highly linked species that make a disproportionate contribution to network robustness. Furthermore, these highly linked species likely persist because they are also the most common species, not because they are dietary generalists.

Biodiversidad , Dieta , Insectos , Magnoliopsida , Animales , Biota , California , Ecosistema , New Jersey , Polinización
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 108(51): 20645-9, 2011 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22143794


The phenology of many ecological processes is modulated by temperature, making them potentially sensitive to climate change. Mutualistic interactions may be especially vulnerable because of the potential for phenological mismatching if the species involved do not respond similarly to changes in temperature. Here we present an analysis of climate-associated shifts in the phenology of wild bees, the most important pollinators worldwide, and compare these shifts to published studies of bee-pollinated plants over the same time period. We report that over the past 130 y, the phenology of 10 bee species from northeastern North America has advanced by a mean of 10.4 ± 1.3 d. Most of this advance has taken place since 1970, paralleling global temperature increases. When the best available data are used to estimate analogous rates of advance for plants, these rates are not distinguishable from those of bees, suggesting that bee emergence is keeping pace with shifts in host-plant flowering, at least among the generalist species that we investigated.

Polinización , Animales , Abejas , Clima , Cambio Climático , Femenino , Flores , Masculino , América del Norte , Plantas/metabolismo , Polen , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie , Simbiosis , Temperatura , Factores de Tiempo
Nat Ecol Evol ; 8(9): 1612-1622, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38961256


Declining pollinator populations could threaten global food production, especially if current crop yields are limited by insufficient pollinator visitation to flowers, in a phenomenon referred to as 'pollinator limitation'. Here, we assess the global prevalence of pollinator limitation, explore the risk factors, such as crop type or geographic region, that predict where pollinator limitation is more likely and ask by how much increases in pollinator visitation could improve crop yields. We address these questions using 198,360 plant-pollinator interactions and 2,083 yield measurements from 32 crop species grown in 120 study systems. We find that 28-61% of global crop systems are pollinator limited and that this limitation most frequently occurs in blueberry, coffee and apple crops. For a few datasets, we note that the probability of pollinator limitation decreases with greater forest land cover surrounding a crop field at 1 km, although average effect sizes are small. Finally, we estimate that for those crops we identify as pollinator limited, increasing pollinator visitation at all farms to existing levels observed in the 90th percentile of each study system would close 63% of yield gaps between high- and low-yielding fields. Our findings show variations in sensitivity to pollinator limitation across diverse crop systems and indicate that realistic increases in pollinator visitation could mitigate crop yield shortfalls attributable to pollinator limitation.

Productos Agrícolas , Polinización , Productos Agrícolas/fisiología , Animales , Insectos/fisiología
Trends Ecol Evol ; 39(5): 494-505, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38262775


Plant-pollinator interactions are ecologically and economically important, and, as a result, their prediction is a crucial theoretical and applied goal for ecologists. Although various analytical methods are available, we still have a limited ability to predict plant-pollinator interactions. The predictive ability of different plant-pollinator interaction models depends on the specific definitions used to conceptualize and quantify species attributes (e.g., morphological traits), sampling effects (e.g., detection probabilities), and data resolution and availability. Progress in the study of plant-pollinator interactions requires conceptual and methodological advances concerning the mechanisms and species attributes governing interactions as well as improved modeling approaches to predict interactions. Current methods to predict plant-pollinator interactions present ample opportunities for improvement and spark new horizons for basic and applied research.

Polinización , Animales , Modelos Biológicos , Insectos/fisiología , Plantas
Ecol Lett ; 16(7): 903-11, 2013 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23692675


More diverse biological communities may provide ecosystem services that are less variable over space or time. However, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are rarely investigated empirically in real-world ecosystems. Here, we investigate how a potentially important stabilising mechanism, response diversity, the differential response to environmental change among species, stabilises pollination services against land-use change. We measured crop pollination services provided by native bees across land-use gradients in three crop systems. We found that bee species responded differentially to increasing agricultural land cover in all three systems, demonstrating that response diversity occurs. Similarly, we found response diversity in pollination services in two of the systems. However, there was no evidence that response diversity, in general, stabilised ecosystem services. Our results suggest that either response diversity is not the primary stabilising mechanism in our system, or that new measures of response diversity are needed that better capture the stabilising effects it provides.

Abejas/fisiología , Ecosistema , Polinización , Animales , Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Ecol Lett ; 16(11): 1331-8, 2013 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23968538


Climate change has the potential to alter the phenological synchrony between interacting mutualists, such as plants and their pollinators. However, high levels of biodiversity might buffer the negative effects of species-specific phenological shifts and maintain synchrony at the community level, as predicted by the biodiversity insurance hypothesis. Here, we explore how biodiversity might enhance and stabilise phenological synchrony between a valuable crop, apple and its native pollinators. We combine 46 years of data on apple flowering phenology with historical records of bee pollinators over the same period. When the key apple pollinators are considered altogether, we found extensive synchrony between bee activity and apple peak bloom due to complementarity among bee species' activity periods, and also a stable trend over time due to differential responses to warming climate among bee species. A simulation model confirms that high biodiversity levels can ensure plant-pollinator phenological synchrony and thus pollination function.

Abejas/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Malus/fisiología , Polinización/fisiología , Animales , Cambio Climático , Estudios Retrospectivos , Especificidad de la Especie
Ecol Lett ; 16(5): 584-99, 2013 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23489285


Bees provide essential pollination services that are potentially affected both by local farm management and the surrounding landscape. To better understand these different factors, we modelled the relative effects of landscape composition (nesting and floral resources within foraging distances), landscape configuration (patch shape, interpatch connectivity and habitat aggregation) and farm management (organic vs. conventional and local-scale field diversity), and their interactions, on wild bee abundance and richness for 39 crop systems globally. Bee abundance and richness were higher in diversified and organic fields and in landscapes comprising more high-quality habitats; bee richness on conventional fields with low diversity benefited most from high-quality surrounding land cover. Landscape configuration effects were weak. Bee responses varied slightly by biome. Our synthesis reveals that pollinator persistence will depend on both the maintenance of high-quality habitats around farms and on local management practices that may offset impacts of intensive monoculture agriculture.

Agricultura , Abejas/fisiología , Ecosistema , Modelos Teóricos , Polinización , Animales , Clima , Productos Agrícolas , Flores , Densidad de Población