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Front Nutr ; 9: 868341, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35662949


Consumption of industrially produced trans-fat acids (TFA) is a public health concern. Therefore, it is important that information on TFA in packaged foods be clearly informed to consumers. This study aimed to assess the evolution of TFA information presented in packaged foods sold in Brazil in 2010 and 2013, before and after the introduction of stricter regulatory requirements for TFA-free claims on food labels. A repeated cross-sectional study was performed through food label censuses of all packaged foods available for sale in two stores from the same supermarket chain, totaling 2,327 foods products in 2010 and 3,176 in 2013. TFA-free claims and information indicating TFA in the ingredients list and nutrition facts label were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson's chi-square test. There was a 14% decrease in the use of ingredients containing or potentially containing industrially produced TFA (i-TFA), according to analysis of the ingredients list. However, when analyzing foods by groups, it was found that this decrease was significant only for group A (bakery goods, bread, cereals, and related products; from 59 to 35%, p < 0.001). By contrast, food group F (gravies, sauces, ready-made seasonings, broths, soups, and ready-to-eat dishes) showed a 5% increase in i-TFA. The use of specific terms for i-TFA decreased between 2010 and 2013, but there was an increase in the use of alternative terms, such as vegetable fat and margarine, which do not allow consumers to reliably identify whether a food product is a possible source of i-TFA. There was an 18% decrease in the use of TFA-free claims in products containing or potentially containing i-TFA. However, almost one-third of foods sold in 2013 were false negatives, that is, foods reported to contain 0 g of TFA in the nutrition facts label or with TFA-free claims but displaying specific or alternative terms for i-TFA in the ingredients list. The results indicate that adoption of stricter requirements for TFA-free claims on food labels in Brazil helped reduce the prevalence of such claims but was not sufficient to decrease i-TFA in industrialized foods sold in supermarkets.

Cogitare enferm ; 17(1): 85-90, jan.-mar. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-693699


Estudo exploratório descritivo teve por objetivo identificar o conhecimento de profissionais de enfermagem do Serviço Municipal de Urgências da região metropolitana de Natal-Rio Grande do Norte sobre Precauções Padrão. Os dados foram coletados por meio de instrumento estruturado, no período de novembro a dezembro de 2010, organizados e analisados com auxílio do software Statistica 6.0 e Miccrosoft-Excel XP. Dentre os 66 pesquisados, 16,67% eram enfermeiros e 83,33%, técnicos em enfermagem, com predomínio de mulheres entre 41 a 50 anos. A maioria sem formação complementar e com atuação no serviço de emergência entre um e quatro anos; 66,67% responderam incorretamente quando questionados sobre a importância das Precauções Padrão. Torna-se importante difundir os princípios das Precauções Padrão considerando que devem nortear a prática profissional, contribuem para a segurança e evitam lesões e sequelas decorrentes da exposição ocupacional a material biológico...

This exploratory, descriptive study aimed to discern what the nursing professionals of the Municipal Emergency Service of the metropolitan region of Natal in the state of Rio Grande do Norte knew about standard precautions. Data was collected by means of a structured instrument in the period of November - December 2010 and was organized and analyzed with the help of Statistics 6.0 and Microsoft-Excel XP. Of the 66 people who participated in the research, 16.67% were nurses, and 83.33% were nurse-technicians, mainly women between 41 and 50 years old. The majority had had no further in-service training and had worked in the emergency service for between one and four years. 66.67% responded incorrectly when questioned about the importance of standard precautions. It is important to disseminate the principles of standard precautions, bearing in mind that they should guide professional practice and that they contribute to safety by avoiding wounds and the sequelae of occupational exposure to biological matter...

Estudio exploratorio descriptivo tuvo por objetivo identificar el conocimiento de profesionales de enfermería del Servicio Municipal de Urgencias de la región metropolitana de Natal - Rio Grande del Norte sobre Precauciones Patrón. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio de instrumento estructurado, en el periodo de noviembre a diciembre de 2010, organizados y analizados con auxilio del software Statistica 6.0 y Miccrosoft-Excel XP. De entre los 66 investigados, 16,67% eran enfermeros y 83,33% técnicos en enfermería, con predominio de mujeres entre 41 a 50 años. La mayoría sin formación complementar y con actuación en el servicio de emergencia entre un y cuatro años; 66,67% contestaron de modo incorrecto cuando cuestionados sobre la importancia de las Precauciones Patrón. Se concluye que es importante difundir los principios de las Precauciones Patrón considerando que deben nortear la práctica profesional, ayudan en la seguridad y evitan lesiones y secuelas de la exposición ocupacional a material biológico...

Humanos , Atención Prehospitalaria , Enfermería , Grupo de Enfermería , Precauciones Universales , Riesgos Laborales