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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(49): e2117562119, 2022 12 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36459644


Coral reefs are experiencing severe decline, and urgent action is required at local and global scales to curb ecosystem loss. Establishing new regulations to protect corals, however, can be time consuming and costly, and it is therefore necessary to leverage existing legal instruments, such as policies originally designed to address terrestrial rather than marine activities, to prevent coral reef degradation. Focusing on the United States, but drawing on successful examples worldwide, we present actionable pathways to increase coral protections under legislation that was originally designed to advance clean freshwater, safe drinking water, and emergency management. We identify specific legal policies and procedures (e.g., industrial permit limits, nonpoint source management incentives, and floodplain restoration programs) that can curb coral reef pollution and can be extended to other countries with similar regulations in place. Coral reef practitioners should consider a broad array of currently underused, actionable, and intersecting environmental policies that can be applied to mitigate coral stress.

Antozoos , Arrecifes de Coral , Animales , Ecosistema , Políticas , Política Ambiental
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(9)2022 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35193976


Human-induced salinization caused by the use of road deicing salts, agricultural practices, mining operations, and climate change is a major threat to the biodiversity and functioning of freshwater ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear if freshwater ecosystems are protected from salinization by current water quality guidelines. Leveraging an experimental network of land-based and in-lake mesocosms across North America and Europe, we tested how salinization-indicated as elevated chloride (Cl-) concentration-will affect lake food webs and if two of the lowest Cl- thresholds found globally are sufficient to protect these food webs. Our results indicated that salinization will cause substantial zooplankton mortality at the lowest Cl- thresholds established in Canada (120 mg Cl-/L) and the United States (230 mg Cl-/L) and throughout Europe where Cl- thresholds are generally higher. For instance, at 73% of our study sites, Cl- concentrations that caused a ≥50% reduction in cladoceran abundance were at or below Cl- thresholds in Canada, in the United States, and throughout Europe. Similar trends occurred for copepod and rotifer zooplankton. The loss of zooplankton triggered a cascading effect causing an increase in phytoplankton biomass at 47% of study sites. Such changes in lake food webs could alter nutrient cycling and water clarity and trigger declines in fish production. Current Cl- thresholds across North America and Europe clearly do not adequately protect lake food webs. Water quality guidelines should be developed where they do not exist, and there is an urgent need to reassess existing guidelines to protect lake ecosystems from human-induced salinization.

Guías como Asunto , Lagos , Salinidad , Calidad del Agua , Animales , Efectos Antropogénicos , Ecosistema , Europa (Continente) , América del Norte , Zooplancton
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(9)2022 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35165202


The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) specifies the use of biofuels in the United States and thereby guides nearly half of all global biofuel production, yet outcomes of this keystone climate and environmental regulation remain unclear. Here we combine econometric analyses, land use observations, and biophysical models to estimate the realized effects of the RFS in aggregate and down to the scale of individual agricultural fields across the United States. We find that the RFS increased corn prices by 30% and the prices of other crops by 20%, which, in turn, expanded US corn cultivation by 2.8 Mha (8.7%) and total cropland by 2.1 Mha (2.4%) in the years following policy enactment (2008 to 2016). These changes increased annual nationwide fertilizer use by 3 to 8%, increased water quality degradants by 3 to 5%, and caused enough domestic land use change emissions such that the carbon intensity of corn ethanol produced under the RFS is no less than gasoline and likely at least 24% higher. These tradeoffs must be weighed alongside the benefits of biofuels as decision-makers consider the future of renewable energy policies and the potential for fuels like corn ethanol to meet climate mitigation goals.

Conserv Biol ; : e14354, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39163736


Many nations are struggling to reduce deforestation, despite having extensive environmental protection laws in place and commitments to international agreements that address the biodiversity and climate crises. We developed a novel framework to quantify the extent to which contemporary deforestation is being captured under national and subnational laws. We then applied this framework to northern Australia as a case study, a development and deforestation hotspot with ecosystems of global significance. First, deforestation may be compliant under all relevant legislation, either through assessment and approval or because of exemptions in the legislation. Second, deforestation may be compliant under at least one relevant law, but not all. Third, there may be no evidence of deforestation assessment or exemption from assessment, despite their apparent requirement, which could mean the deforestation is potentially noncompliant. Finally, deforestation may occur in an area or under circumstances that are beyond the intended scope of any relevant legislation. All deforestation that we analyzed was hypothetically covered by one or more laws. However, 65% of deforestation was potentially noncompliant with at least one law. Because multiple laws could be relevant to a given clearing event, the majority of clearing was still compliant with at least one law, but of these events, only a small proportion was explicitly approved (19%). The remaining were permitted under various exemptions. Of all the legislation we analyzed, most of the exempt clearing occurred under one subnational law and most potentially noncompliant clearing occurred under one national law. Our results showed that even a nation with a suite of mature environmental protection laws is falling well short of achieving international commitments regarding deforestation. Our framework can be used to pinpoint the pathways of policy change required for nations to align local laws with these international accords.

Cumplimiento deficiente y exenciones que facilitan la deforestación Resumen Muchos países luchan por reducir la deforestación, a pesar de contar con amplias leyes de protección del medio ambiente y de sus compromisos con los acuerdos internacionales que abordan la crisis de la biodiversidad y el clima. Por ello desarrollamos un novedoso marco para cuantificar hasta qué punto la deforestación actual se recopila en las leyes nacionales y subnacionales. Después aplicamos este marco al norte de Australia como estudio de caso, un punto caliente de desarrollo y deforestación con ecosistemas de importancia mundial. En primer lugar, la deforestación puede ser compatible con toda la legislación pertinente, ya sea mediante evaluación y aprobación o debido a exenciones en la legislación. En segundo lugar, la deforestación puede ser compatible con al menos una ley pertinente, pero no con todas. En tercer lugar, puede que no haya pruebas de evaluación de la deforestación o de exención de la evaluación, a pesar de su aparente requisito, lo que podría significar que la deforestación es potencialmente no conforme. Por último, la deforestación puede producirse en una zona o en circunstancias que quedan fuera del ámbito de aplicación de la legislación pertinente. Toda la deforestación analizada era hipotéticamente legal según una o más leyes. Sin embargo, el 65% de la deforestación no cumplía potencialmente al menos una ley. Dado que varias leyes podían ser pertinentes para un determinado caso de deforestación, la mayoría de las deforestaciones seguían cumpliendo al menos una ley, pero de estos casos, sólo una pequeña proporción estaba explícitamente aprobada (19%). El resto estaba permitido en virtud de diversas exenciones. De toda la legislación que analizamos, la mayor parte de la compensación exenta se produjo en virtud de una ley subnacional y la mayor parte de la compensación potencialmente no conforme se produjo en virtud de una ley nacional. Nuestros resultados muestran que incluso un país con un conjunto de leyes maduras de protección del medio ambiente está muy lejos de cumplir los compromisos internacionales en materia de deforestación. Nuestro marco puede utilizarse para determinar las vías de cambio político necesarias para que los países adapten su legislación local a los acuerdos internacionales.

Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14198, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37811729


Biodiversity compensation policies have emerged around the world to address the ecological harms of infrastructure expansion, but historically compliance is weak. The Westminster government is introducing a requirement that new infrastructure developments in England demonstrate they achieve a biodiversity net gain (BNG). We sought to determine the magnitude of the effects of governance gaps and regulator capacity constraints on the policy's potential biodiversity impacts. We collated BNG information from all new major developments across six early-adopter councils from 2020 to 2022. We quantified the proportion of the biodiversity outcomes promised under BNG at risk of noncompliance, explored the variation in strategies used to meet developers' biodiversity liabilities, and quantified the occurrence of simple errors in the biodiversity metric calculations. For large developments and energy infrastructure, biodiversity liabilities frequently met within the projects' development footprint. For small developments, the purchase of offsets was most common. We estimated that 27% of all biodiversity units fell into governance gaps that exposed them to a high risk of noncompliance because they were associated with better-condition habitats delivered on-site that were unlikely to be monitored or enforced. More robust governance mechanisms (e.g., practical mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement) would help ensure the delivery of this biodiversity on-site. Alternatively, more biodiversity gains could be delivered through off-site biodiversity offsetting. For the latter case, we estimated that the demand for offsets could rise by a factor of 4; this would substantially increase the financial contributions from developers for conservation activities on private land. Twenty-one percent of development applications contained a simple recurring error in their BNG calculations. One-half of these applications were approved by councils, which may indicate under-resourcing in council development assessments. Our findings demonstrate that resourcing and governance shortfalls risk undermining the policy's effectiveness.

sObtención de la ganancia neta de biodiversidad mediante el abordaje de las lagunas en la gobernanza que apuntalan las políticas de compensación ecológica Resumen Las políticas de compensación por biodiversidad han surgido en todo el mundo para abordar los daños ecológicos de la expansión infraestructural, aunque su cumplimiento histórico es deficiente. El gobierno de Westminster está introduciendo un requerimiento para que las nuevas infraestructuras en Inglaterra demuestren que obtienen una ganancia neta de biodiversidad (GNB). Buscamos determinar la magnitud que tienen los efectos de las lagunas de gobernanza y las restricciones de la capacidad regulatoria sobre los impactos potenciales de la política en la biodiversidad. Recopilamos la información de GNB de todos los desarrollos principales en seis consejos pioneros entre 2020 y 2022. Cuantificamos la proporción de los resultados de biodiversidad prometidos bajo la GNB en riesgo de no ser cumplidos, exploramos la variación de estrategias usadas para cumplir las responsabilidades de biodiversidad de los desarrolladores y cuantificamos la incidencia de errores simples en el cálculo de las medidas de biodiversidad. En los grandes desarrollos y en la infraestructura energética, las responsabilidades de biodiversidad fueron cumplidas con frecuencia dentro de la huella de desarrollo del proyecto. En los pequeños desarrollos, la compra de compensaciones fue más común. Estimamos que el 27% de todas las unidades de biodiversidad caen dentro de las lagunas de gobernanza que las exponen a un riesgo elevado de no ser cumplidas porque se asociaban con hábitats en mejores condiciones entregados en sitios con mayor probabilidad de no ser monitoreados o implementados. Tener mecanismos de gobernanza más robustos (mecanismos prácticos para el monitoreo y la implementación) ayudaría a asegurar la entrega de esta biodiversidad en sitio. Como alternativa, una mayor ganancia de biodiversidad podría entregarse a través de las compensaciones de biodiversidad fuera de sitio. Para el último caso, estimamos que la demanda de compensaciones podría aumentar en un factor de 4; esto incrementaría sustancialmente las contribuciones económicas de los desarrolladores para las actividades de conservación en suelo privado. El 21% de las aplicaciones de desarrollo incluyeron un error simple recurrente en los cálculos de su GNB. La mitad de estas aplicaciones fueron aprobadas por consejos, lo que podría indicar una escasez de evaluaciones en los consejos. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la insuficiencia en la dotación de recursos y la de gobernanza arriesga la efectividad de las políticas.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Políticas , Inglaterra
Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14261, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571408


Amid a global infrastructure boom, there is increasing recognition of the ecological impacts of the extraction and consumption of construction minerals, mainly processed as concrete, including significant and expanding threats to global biodiversity. We investigated how high-level national and international biodiversity conservation policies address mining threats, with a special focus on construction minerals. We conducted a review and quantified the degree to which threats from mining these minerals are addressed in biodiversity goals and targets under the 2011-2020 and post-2020 biodiversity strategies, national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and the assessments of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Mining appeared rarely in national targets but more frequently in national strategies. Yet, in most countries, it was superficially addressed. Coverage of aggregates mining was greater than coverage of limestone mining. We outline 8 key components, tailored for a wide range of actors, to effectively mainstream biodiversity conservation into the extractive, infrastructure, and construction sectors. Actions include improving reporting and monitoring systems, enhancing the evidence base around mining impacts on biodiversity, and modifying the behavior of financial agents and businesses. Implementing these measures could pave the way for a more sustainable approach to construction mineral use and safeguard biodiversity.

Amenazas de la minería a las políticas de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad Resumen Enmedio del auge global del desarrollo de infraestructura, hay un mayor reconocimiento de los impactos ecológicos de la extracción y consumo de materiales para construcción, procesados predominantemente como concreto. Estos materiales representan amenazas significativas y en expansión para la biodiversidad global. Investigamos cómo son abordadas las amenazas de la minería por las políticas nacionales e internacionales de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad, con enfoque especial en los minerales para construcción. Realizamos una revisión exhaustiva y cuantificamos el grado en el cual son abordadas las amenazas de la extracción de estos minerales en los objetivos y metas para la biodiversidad bajo estrategias 2011­2020 y post 2020, las estrategias y planes de acción nacionales para la biodiversidad, y las evaluaciones de la Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico­normativa sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas. La minería raramente apareció en los objetivos nacionales, pero fue más frecuente en las estrategias nacionales. Sin embargo, fue abordada superficialmente en la mayoría de los países. La cobertura de minería de agregados fue mayor que la cobertura de la minería de caliza. Describimos ocho componentes clave, adaptados para una amplia gama de actores, para incorporar eficazmente la conservación de la biodiversidad en los sectores extractivo, desarrollo de infraestructura y construcción. Las acciones incluyen la mejora de los sistemas de informes y monitoreo, el reforzamiento de la base de evidencias en torno a los impactos de la minería sobre la biodiversidad y la modificación del comportamiento de los agentes financieros y comerciales. La implementación de estas medidas podría allanar el camino para un enfoque más sostenible en el uso de minerales para la construcción y la salvaguarda de la biodiversidad.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Política Ambiental , Minería , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Política Ambiental/legislación & jurisprudencia
Conserv Biol ; : e14375, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225272


Biodiversity is confronted globally by multiple stressors. Environmental policies must regulate these stressors to achieve targets, but how should that be done when the outcomes of limits on one stressor are contingent on other stressors, about which there is imperfect knowledge? Deriving regulatory frameworks that incorporate these contingencies is an emerging challenge at the science-policy interface. To be fit for implementation, these frameworks need to facilitate the inherently sociopolitical process of policy implementation and account transparently for uncertainty, such that practitioners and other stakeholders can more realistically anticipate the range of potential outcomes to policy. We developed an approach to quantify stressor limits that explicitly accounts for multistressor contingencies. Using an invertebrate data set collected over 30 years throughout New Zealand, we combined ecological and ecotoxicological models to predict biodiversity loss as a function of one stressor, treating multistressor contingencies as a form of uncertainty about the outcomes of limits on that stressor. We transparently accounted for that uncertainty by presenting regulatory limits as bands bounded between optimistic and pessimistic views that practitioners may have about the local context within which limits are applied. In addition to transparently accounting for uncertainties, our framework also leaves room for practitioners to build stakeholder consensus when refining limits to suit different local contexts. A criticism of this open, transparent approach is that it creates too much scope for choosing limits that are lenient on polluters, paralyzing on-the-ground management of multiple stressors, but we demonstrate that this is not necessarily the case.

Cuantificación abierta y transparente de los límites regulatorios para varios estresantes Resumen La biodiversidad enfrenta a múltiples estresantes en todo el mundo. Las políticas ambientales deben regularlos para alcanzar los objetivos fijados, pero ¿cómo hacerlo cuando los resultados de la limitación de un estresante dependen de otros factores, de los que se conoce muy poco? La elaboración de marcos reguladores que incorporen estas contingencias es un reto emergente en la interfaz ciencia­política. Para aplicar estos marcos, se debe facilitar el proceso sociopolítico inherente a la aplicación de políticas y tener en cuenta de forma transparente la incertidumbre, de modo que los profesionales y otras partes interesadas puedan anticipar de forma más realista la variedad de posibles resultados de las políticas. Desarrollamos un método para cuantificar los límites de los estresantes que considera explícitamente las contingencias de múltiples factores. Usamos un conjunto de datos sobre invertebrados recolectados durante 30 años en toda Nueva Zelanda. Después combinamos modelos ecológicos y eco­toxicológicos para predecir la pérdida de biodiversidad en función de un estresante y tratamos las contingencias de múltiples estresantes como una forma de incertidumbre sobre los resultados de los límites de ese mismo estresante. Explicamos esa incertidumbre de forma transparente con los límites normativos como bandas delimitadas entre las opiniones optimistas y pesimistas que los profesionales pueden tener sobre el contexto local en el que se aplican los límites. Además de hacer lo anterior, nuestro marco también deja margen para que los profesionales lleguen a un consenso con las partes interesadas a la hora de perfeccionar los límites para adaptarlos a los distintos contextos locales. Una crítica a este enfoque abierto y transparente crea demasiado margen para elegir límites indulgentes con los contaminadores, paralizando la gestión sobre el terreno de múltiples estresantes, pero demostramos que no es necesariamente así.

Crit Care ; 28(1): 154, 2024 05 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38725060


Healthcare systems are large contributors to global emissions, and intensive care units (ICUs) are a complex and resource-intensive component of these systems. Recent global movements in sustainability initiatives, led mostly by Europe and Oceania, have tried to mitigate ICUs' notable environmental impact with varying success. However, there exists a significant gap in the U.S. knowledge and published literature related to sustainability in the ICU. After a narrative review of the literature and related industry standards, we share our experience with a Green ICU initiative at a large hospital system in Texas. Our process has led to a 3-step pathway to inform similar initiatives for sustainable (green) critical care. This pathway involves (1) establishing a baseline by quantifying the status quo carbon footprint of the affected ICU as well as the cumulative footprint of all the ICUs in the healthcare system; (2) forming alliances and partnerships to target each major source of these pollutants and implement specific intervention programs that reduce the ICU-related greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste; and (3) finally to implement a systemwide Green ICU which requires the creation of multiple parallel pathways that marshal the resources at the grass-roots level to engage the ICU staff and institutionalize a mindset that recognizes and respects the impact of ICU functions on our environment. It is expected that such a systems-based multi-stakeholder approach would pave the way for improved sustainability in critical care.

Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/organización & administración , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/tendencias , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Cuidados Críticos/tendencias , Desarrollo Sostenible/tendencias , Huella de Carbono , Hospitales/tendencias , Hospitales/normas , Texas
Med J Aust ; 220(1): 29-34, 2024 01 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38030130


OBJECTIVES: To estimate the number of deaths and the cost of deaths attributable to wood heater smoke in the Australian Capital Territory. STUDY DESIGN: Rapid health impact assessment, based on fine particulate matter (PM2.5 ) data from three outdoor air pollution monitors and published exposure-response functions for natural cause mortality attributed to PM2.5 exposure. SETTING: Australian Capital Territory (population, 2021: 454 000), 2016-2018, 2021, and 2022 (2019 and 2020 excluded because of the impact of extreme bushfires on air quality). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of PM2.5 exposure attributable to wood heaters; numbers of deaths and associated cost of deaths (based on the value of statistical life: $5.3 million) attributable to wood heater smoke. RESULTS: Wood heater emissions contributed an estimated 1.16-1.73 µg/m3 to the annual mean PM2.5 concentration during the three colder years (2017, 2018, 2021), or 17-25% of annual mean exposure, and 0.72 µg/m3 (15%) or 0.89 µg/m3 (13%) during the two milder years (2016, 2022). Using the most conservative exposure-response function, the estimated annual number of deaths attributable to wood heater smoke was 17-26 during the colder three years and 11-15 deaths during the milder two years. Using the least conservative exposure-response function, an estimated 43-63 deaths per year (colder years) and 26-36 deaths per year (milder years) were attributable to wood heater smoke. The estimated annual equivalent cost of deaths was $57-136 million (most conservative exposure-response function) and $140-333 million (least conservative exposure-response function). CONCLUSIONS: The estimated annual number of deaths in the ACT attributable to wood heater PM2.5 pollution is similar to that attributed to the extreme smoke of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires. The number of wood heaters should be reduced by banning new installations and phasing out existing units in urban and suburban areas.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Humanos , Humo/efectos adversos , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Territorio de la Capital Australiana , Madera/efectos adversos , Madera/química , Evaluación del Impacto en la Salud , Australia/epidemiología , Contaminación del Aire/efectos adversos , Material Particulado/efectos adversos , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales/efectos adversos
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2269): 20230052, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38342208


Rapid environmental change, natural resource overconsumption and increasing concerns about ecological sustainability have led to the development of 'Essential Variables' (EVs). EVs are harmonized data products to inform policy and to enable effective management of natural resources by monitoring global changes. Recent years have seen the instigation of new EVs beyond those established for climate, oceans and biodiversity (ECVs, EOVs and EBVs), including Essential Geodiversity Variables (EGVs). EGVs aim to consistently quantify and monitor heterogeneity of Earth-surface and subsurface abiotic features, including geology, geomorphology, hydrology and pedology. Here we assess the status and future development of EGVs to better incorporate geodiversity into policy and sustainable management of natural resources. Getting EGVs operational requires better consensus on defining geodiversity, investments into a governance structure and open platform for curating the development of EGVs, advances in harmonizing in situ measurements and linking heterogeneous databases, and development of open and accessible computational workflows for global digital mapping using machine-learning techniques. Cross-disciplinary collaboration and partnerships with governmental and private organizations are needed to ensure the successful development and uptake of EGVs across science and policy. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Geodiversity for science and society'.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Clima
World J Surg ; 2024 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39107916


BACKGROUND: Refinement of surgical preference cards may reduce waste from surgery. This study aimed to characterize surgeon perceptions and practices regarding preference card maintenance, identify barriers to updating preference cards, and explore whether opinions on environmental stewardship relate to preference card maintenance. METHODS: This was a mixed methods survey performed at a single tertiary academic medical center. Surgeons completed questions on accuracy, frequency of updates, and perceived environmental impact of their preference cards. Responses were compared between early career and mid-to late-career surgeons using Kruskal-Wallis, chi-squared, and Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS: The response rate was 46.4% (n = 89/192). Among respondents, 46.1% (n = 41/89) rarely or never updated preference cards. Nearly all (98.9%, n = 87/88) said some of their cases had unused items on their cards. Most (87.6%, n = 78/89) made updates via verbal requests. Unfamiliar processes (83.7%, n = 72/86) and effort required (64.0%, n = 55/86) were viewed as barriers to card maintenance. Most agreed that more frequent updates would reduce waste (80.5%, n = 70/87), but respondents did not feel knowledgeable about the environmental impact of items on their cards (62.1%, n = 54/87). Mid-to late-career surgeons were less likely to update their cards annually or more often compared to early career surgeons (18.9%, n = 7/37 vs. 57.1%, n = 24/42, p < 0.001). No other responses varied significantly between early career and mid-to late-career surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons acknowledged the utility of preference card maintenance in environmental stewardship, but unfamiliar systems and perceived effort hindered preference card review. Greater attention to preference card maintenance would promote environmentally sustainable practices in surgery.

J Environ Manage ; 366: 121901, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39047439


The findings related to strict environmental policies and energy poverty have been found contradictory. Strict environmental regulations may protect the environment by enhancing renewable energy resources but at the same time, major dependent sectors and consumers reliance on non-renewable energy resources face the problem of energy poverty. Moreover, environmental policies either soft are strict and depend on stakeholders' preferences, and such policies are implemented through institutions. Considering these aspects, the current study examines the impact of environmental policy stringency on energy poverty and further examines the role of institutions in bridging the gap between environmental policy stringency and energy poverty for the selected 31 countries from 1996 to 2020. For empirical analysis, Pooled OLS, random effect model, and system generalized methods of moments (GMM) are applied. To check the robustness of baseline models, spatial lag, spatial error, and feasible generalized methods of moments are applied. Furthermore, to examine the mediating role of institutions, we applied the structural equation modeling technique. Empirical analysis shows that an increase in environmental policy stringency significantly increases energy poverty, while institutional proxies significantly decrease energy poverty. The interactive effects of institutional proxies indicate declining effects on energy poverty. More importantly, institutions act as important mediators between environmental policies and energy poverty. Based on the findings, this study recommends soft environmental policies to maintain a balance between a sustainable environment and minimum energy poverty. This study further recommends authorizing and strengthening the institutions to formulate and regulate balanced environmental policies for environmental safety along with reduced energy poverty. This study further recommends increases in urbanization, personal remittances, and enhanced energy efficiency to minimize energy poverty.

Política Ambiental , Fuentes Generadoras de Energía
J Environ Manage ; 359: 121022, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38704958


Pesticides are critical for protecting agricultural crops, but the off-site transport of these materials via spray drift and runoff poses risks to surface waters and aquatic life. California's Central Coast region is a major agricultural hub in the United States characterized by year-round production and intensive use of pesticides and other chemical inputs. As a result, the quality of many waterbodies in the region has been degraded. A recent regulatory program enacted by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board set new pesticide limits for waterways and imposed enhanced enforcement mechanisms to help ensure that water quality targets are met by specific dates. This regulatory program, however, does not mandate specific changes to pest management programs. In this study, we evaluate the economic, environmental, and pest management impacts of adopting two alternative pest management programs with reduced risks to surface water: 1) replacing currently used insecticide active ingredients (AIs) that pose the greatest risk to surface water with lower-risk alternatives and 2) converting conventional arthropod pest management programs to organic ones. We utilize pesticide use and toxicity data from California's Department of Pesticide Regulation to develop our baseline and two alternative scenarios. We focus on three crop groups (cole crops, lettuce and strawberry) due to their economic importance to the Central Coast and use of high-risk AIs. For Scenario 1, we estimate that implementing the alternative program in the years 2017-2019 would have reduced annual net returns on average by $90.26 - $190.54/ha, depending on the crop. Increased material costs accounted for the greatest share of this effect (71.9%-95.6%). In contrast, Scenario 2 would have reduced annual net returns on average by $5,628.12 - $18,708.28/ha during the study period, with yield loss accounting for the greatest share (92.8-97.9%). Both alternative programs would have reduced the associated toxic units by at least 98.1% compared to the baseline scenario. Our analysis provides important guidance for policymakers and agricultural producers looking to achieve environmental protection goals while minimizing economic impacts.

Agricultura , Control de Plagas , Plaguicidas , California , Agricultura/economía , Control de Plagas/economía , Productos Agrícolas , Calidad del Agua
J Environ Manage ; 365: 121547, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38941850


This paper studies the effect of Green Public Procurement (GPP) on competition, bids, and winning bids under two different regulation periods where the latter include more explicitly expressed GPP ambitions. Based on detailed data from Swedish internal cleaning service procurements, our results imply that environmental considerations might not influence the bids as required for GPP to be considered an effective environmental policy instrument. Over time, lower degree of competition and increased bids are found. This phenomenon can be attributed, at least in part, to regulatory influences, signifying an escalating complexity in the process of submitting bids.

Política Ambiental , Suecia , Comercio
J Environ Manage ; 365: 121590, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38943749


With the growing emphasis on sustainable development, green policies have become a crucial factor influencing both environmental pollution and the career progression of officials in China and other countries. However, the mechanisms behind this relationship remain unclear. This paper aims to enhance the understanding of how environmental pollution impacts official promotion by analyzing the performance of provincial leaders in China and their incentives to address pollution. Using provincial panel data from 1998 to 2020 and a probit model, our study uncovers significant findings. We demonstrate that the intensified green attention by China's central government has notably reduced the promotion prospects for provincial officials with poor environmental protection records, particularly since 2013. Furthermore, our research extends the analysis of micro-level mechanisms, illustrating how the central government's political incentives effectively influence local environmental governance. This study underscores the central government's capability to leverage its personnel system to achieve desired outcomes in sustainable development.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Contaminación Ambiental , China , Desarrollo Sostenible , Política Ambiental , Humanos
J Environ Manage ; 365: 121581, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959770


Achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) has garnered significant attention from academia and policymakers worldwide. In this study, we examine the impact of ICT, technological innovation (TI), and environmental policy stringency (EPS) on SDI, considering the moderating role of governance quality (GQI) and transport infrastructure (TIS). A comprehensive dataset of 17 advanced nations is utilized from 1996 to 2021. To capture the dynamic and extreme marginal impacts of these policy instruments on SDG attainment, we employ the advanced technique of Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS). The results demonstrate that ICT has a positive and significant effect on SDGs, particularly when combined with high levels of governance quality (GOV) and transport infrastructure (TIS). Likewise, TI has a positive impact on SDGs, especially in the presence of strong governance. Furthermore, EPS exhibits a positive association with SDGs. The findings also reveal that while governance hurts SDGs, this effect diminishes when combined with higher levels of ICT, TI, and EPS, and when TIS positively moderates the relationships. The robustness estimations using DOLS and PCSE methods validate the FGLS findings. These results underscore the importance of ICT, TI, and EPS in advancing sustainable development. Moreover, they highlight the significance of good governance and robust transport infrastructure in maximizing the positive effects of these factors. These findings hold implications for policymakers and stakeholders involved in promoting sustainable development.

Política Ambiental , Desarrollo Sostenible , Invenciones , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales
J Environ Manage ; 366: 121518, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38986377


The use of agrochemical inputs has significantly enhanced agricultural yields in China; however, their excessive utilization has also caused a range of environmental issues. This paper examines the costs associated with reducing agrochemicals by employing shadow prices, which represent the value of the marginal product of agrochemicals, to further develop cost-effective environmental policy measures for reducing their usage. To this end, the shadow prices of agrochemicals have been assessed by adopting a newly developed convex expectile regression approach and using statistical data from 31 provinces in China spanning from 2005 to 2020. Furthermore, the present study investigates the disparities between shadow prices and market prices for different agrochemicals across various regions in China. The findings suggest that the costs of reducing chemical fertilizers are higher than those of reducing pesticides and plastic films. Moreover, the results indicate that central China exhibits relatively high potential for decreasing agrochemical usage. Finally, these findings can inform the Chinese government's restructuring of producer support and environmental policy in a cost-effective way to mitigate agrochemicals use in the future. Additionally, the research method employed in this study holds potential for extension to other agrochemicals-dependent countries.

Agricultura , Agroquímicos , China , Agricultura/economía , Fertilizantes , Plaguicidas
J Environ Manage ; 352: 119992, 2024 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38194870


This paper investigates the non-monetary motivations of farmers' adoption of agri-environmental policies. Unlike the monetary (income) motivations, non-monetary drivers can not be directly observed but can be identified from observational data within appropriate quasi-experimental designs. A theoretical justification of farmers' choices is first formulated and a consequent natural experiment setting is derived. The latter admits heterogeneous, i.e. Individual, Treatment Effects (ITE) that, in turn, can be interpreted in terms of more targeted and tailored policy expenditure. A Causal Forest (CF) approach is adopted to estimate these ITEs for both the treated and not treated units. The approach is applied to two balanced panel samples of Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) farms observed over the 2008-2018 period and concerns agri-environmental policies delivered through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Results show how heterogeneous the farmers' response and the associated non-monetary motivations can be, thus indicating room for a more efficient policy design.

Política Ambiental , Motivación , Agricultura/métodos , Granjas , Agricultores , Bosques
J Environ Manage ; 354: 120247, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38367497


The latest report on the state of nature in Europe (2013-2018) shows that biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate, with most protected species and habitats in poor condition. Despite an increasing volume of collected biodiversity information, urgent action is needed to integrate biodiversity data and knowledge to improve conservation efforts. We conducted a study in Catalonia (NE Spain), where we collected management measures implemented between 2013 and 2018, including allocation, budget, pressures aimed, and habitats/species potentially benefiting. We integrated information on pressures and habitats/species with the measures to identify non-spatial management gaps. Then, we integrated the spatially explicit information to determine the spatial management gap, identifying geographical areas where species/habitats are under pressure without registered measures. We demonstrated the importance of integrating existing information. Our findings revealed that resources were often not distributed adequately across species/habitats, with biases towards certain taxa being a common issue. The non-spatial management gap analysis identified taxonomic groups, especially plants and mollusks with the wider management gaps. We also identified threatened areas, especially in the northeast of the region with the larger spatial management gaps. These results could guide priority objectives to optimize conservation efforts. Integrating different information sources provided a broader view of the challenges that conservation science is facing nowadays. Our study offers a path toward bending the curve of biodiversity loss by providing an integrative framework that could optimize the use of the available information and help narrow the knowing-doing gap. In the context of the EU, this example demonstrates how information can be used to promote some environmental policy instruments, such as the Prioritized Action Frameworks (PAFs). Additionally, our findings highlight the importance of supporting decision-making with systematic assessments to identify deficiencies in the conservation process, reduce the loss of critical ecosystems and species, and avoid biases among taxa.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Biodiversidad , Europa (Continente) , España
Environ Manage ; 2024 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39127982


Continued innovation in contract design may enhance the delivery of agri-environmental climate public goods (AECPG), but barriers to adoption arise in terms of how farmers perceive the economic benefits. Therefore, this paper examines survey data from Ireland and the Netherlands to analyse whether land managers agree that results-based, collective action, value chain and land tenure contracts for the delivery of AECPG are understandable, applicable to their farm and economically beneficial. Using Probit models, we also identify groups of land managers who perceive the different contract types as being economically beneficial, and these findings can inform policymakers of farmer groups who need adequate consideration during the design of agri-environmental contracts. For example, greater incentives could encourage older farmers to enrol in results-based contracts in Ireland and value chain contracts in the Netherlands. We also find a link between contract duration and the perceived economic benefits of collective action contracts in both countries, with land managers in Ireland desiring a longer duration. We highlight that policymakers and land managers in Ireland could apply lessons from the design of agri-environmental contracts in the Netherlands, where they are more common and varied. Greater knowledge exchange between users and non-users of such contracts would also help bridge the gap between theory and practice in both countries.