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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(4)2022 01 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35058364


While there have been recent improvements in reducing bycatch in many fisheries, bycatch remains a threat for numerous species around the globe. Static spatial and temporal closures are used in many places as a tool to reduce bycatch. However, their effectiveness in achieving this goal is uncertain, particularly for highly mobile species. We evaluated evidence for the effects of temporal, static, and dynamic area closures on the bycatch and target catch of 15 fisheries around the world. Assuming perfect knowledge of where the catch and bycatch occurs and a closure of 30% of the fishing area, we found that dynamic area closures could reduce bycatch by an average of 57% without sacrificing catch of target species, compared to 16% reductions in bycatch achievable by static closures. The degree of bycatch reduction achievable for a certain quantity of target catch was related to the correlation in space and time between target and bycatch species. If the correlation was high, it was harder to find an area to reduce bycatch without sacrificing catch of target species. If the goal of spatial closures is to reduce bycatch, our results suggest that dynamic management provides substantially better outcomes than classic static marine area closures. The use of dynamic ocean management might be difficult to implement and enforce in many regions. Nevertheless, dynamic approaches will be increasingly valuable as climate change drives species and fisheries into new habitats or extended ranges, altering species-fishery interactions and underscoring the need for more responsive and flexible regulatory mechanisms.

Explotaciones Pesqueras , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Oceanografía
Mol Genet Genomics ; 299(1): 11, 2024 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38381254


Sequence capture is a genomic technique that selectively enriches target sequences before high throughput next-generation sequencing, to generate specific sequences of interest. Off-target or 'bycatch' data are often discarded from capture experiments, but can be leveraged to address evolutionary questions under some circumstances. Here, we investigated the effects of missing data on a variety of evolutionary analyses using bycatch from an exon capture experiment on the global pest moth, Helicoverpa armigera. We added > 200 new samples from across Australia in the form of mitogenomes obtained as bycatch from targeted sequence capture, and combined these into an additional larger dataset to total > 1000 mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences across the species' global distribution. Using discriminant analysis of principal components and Bayesian coalescent analyses, we showed that mitogenomes assembled from bycatch with up to 75% missing data were able to return evolutionary inferences consistent with higher coverage datasets and the broader literature surrounding H. armigera. For example, low-coverage sequences broadly supported the delineation of two H. armigera subspecies and also provided new insights into the potential for geographic turnover among these subspecies. However, we also identified key effects of dataset coverage and composition on our results. Thus, low-coverage bycatch data can offer valuable information for population genetic and phylodynamic analyses, but caution is required to ensure the reduced information does not introduce confounding factors, such as sampling biases, that drive inference. We encourage more researchers to consider maximizing the potential of the targeted sequence approach by examining evolutionary questions with their off-target bycatch where possible-especially in cases where no previous mitochondrial data exists-but recommend stratifying data at different genome coverage thresholds to separate sampling effects from genuine genomic signals, and to understand their implications for evolutionary research.

Agricultura , Evolución Biológica , Teorema de Bayes , Australia , Exones
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14336, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248777


Marine elapid snakes are a diverse, predominantly Indo-West Pacific species group. The persistent removal of some species has an unquantified but potentially dire impact on populations. We conducted the first comprehensive review of the trade in marine elapid snakes based on published literature (1974-2022) and trade data from the only species (i.e., Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) whose trade is monitored internationally. Some species and populations were subjected to targeted harvest for their meat and skins for at least the last century; fisheries are possibly the most significant threat to populations of marine elapids, with the highest numbers being exploited either accidentally, incidentally, or opportunistically in Southeast Asian fisheries targeting other seafood, including demersal trawl and squid fisheries. Southeast Asia is the core region for exploitation of marine elapids. Annual offtake is >225,000 individuals of at least 8 species in the Gulf of Thailand. Of 72 recognized marine elapids (all non-CITES [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] species), Hydrophis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus dominate the skin trade. Skins of H. curtus are traded mainly in East and Southeast Asia and, to some extent, Europe. Despite some baseline information on the trade of these species, the sustainability of their harvests, particularly in the context of the burgeoning and unmanaged nature of fisheries in the region, remains the major challenge. In an era of declining fish stocks, there has been an increasing trend to commercialize the harvest and use marine elapids that were once considered accidental bycatch and discarded. This trend will continue to pose a significant risk to these snakes unless appropriate fisheries and trade regulations are enforced. Applying the precautionary principle to prevent the overexploitation of sea snakes is an indispensable measure in which trade in regional populations should be regulated through CITES. Accordingly, management plans to identify core distribution regions of exploited species would be crucial for assigning national responsibilities to sustain species and populations in the long term.

Retos para la regulación del uso comercial de serpientes elápidas marinas en el Indo­Pacífico Resumen Las serpientes elápidas marinas son un grupo diverso de especies, predominante en el Indo­Pacífico Occidental. La eliminación persistente de algunas especies tiene un impacto no cuantificado pero potencialmente negativo sobre las poblaciones. Realizamos la primera revisión exhaustiva del comercio de serpientes elápidas marinas con base en la bibliografía publicada (1974­2022) y en los datos comerciales de la única especie (Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) cuyo mercado tiene monitoreo internacional. Algunas especies y poblaciones fueron objeto de capturas selectivas por su carne y pieles durante al menos el siglo pasado, las pesquerías son posiblemente la amenaza más importante para las poblaciones de elápidos marinos, ya que el mayor número se explota de forma accidental, incidental u oportunista en las pesquerías del sudeste asiático enfocadas en otros mariscos, incluidas las pesquerías demersales de arrastre y de calamar. El sudeste asiático es la principal región de explotación de elápidos marinos. La captura anual es >225,000 individuos de al menos ocho especies en el Golfo de Tailandia. De los 72 elápidos marinos reconocidos (ninguna especie está en CITES [Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres]), Hydrophis curtus e H. cyanocinctus dominan el mercado de pieles. La piel de H. curtus se comercializa principalemnte en el este y sudeste asiático y, hasta cierto punto, en Europa. Aunque se dispone de cierta información de referencia sobre el comercio de estas especies, la sostenibilidad de sus capturas, sobre todo en el contexto del auge y la falta de gestión de la pesca en la región, sigue siendo el principal reto. En una época de disminución de las poblaciones de peces, ha aumentado la tendencia a comercializar la captura y el uso de elápidos marinos que antes se consideraban capturas accidentales y se descartaban. Esta tendencia seguirá representando un riesgo importante para estas serpientes a menos que se apliquen las regulaciones pesqueras y comerciales adecuadas. La aplicación del principio de precaución para evitar la sobreexplotación de las serpientes marinas es una medida indispensable para regular el comercio de las poblaciones regionales a través de CITES. Por lo tanto, los planes de gestión para identificar las regiones núcleo de distribución de las especies explotadas serían cruciales para asignar responsabilidades nacionales para mantener las especies y las poblaciones a largo plazo.

Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Océano Pacífico , Océano Índico , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Asia Sudoriental , Elapidae/fisiología , Hydrophiidae/fisiología
Conserv Biol ; : e14295, 2024 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766922


Purse-seine fishers using drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), mainly built with bamboo, plastic buoys, and plastic netting, to aggregate and catch tropical tuna, deploy 46,000-65,000 dFADs per year in the Pacific Ocean. Some of the major concerns associated with this widespread fishing device are potential entanglement of sea turtles and other marine fauna in dFAD netting; marine debris and pollution; and potential ecological damage via stranding on coral reefs, beaches, and other essential habitats for marine fauna. To assess and quantify the potential connectivity (number of dFADs deployed in an area and arriving in another area) between dFAD deployment areas and important oceanic or coastal habitat of critically endangered leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, we conducted passive-drift Lagrangian experiments with simulated dFAD drift profiles and compared them with known important sea turtle areas. Up to 60% of dFADs from equatorial areas were arriving in essential sea turtle habitats. Connectivity was less when only areas where dFADs are currently deployed were used. Our simulations identified potential regions of dFAD interactions with migration and feeding habitats of the east Pacific leatherback turtle in the tropical southeastern Pacific Ocean; coastal habitats of leatherback and hawksbill in the western Pacific (e.g., archipelagic zones of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands); and foraging habitat of leatherback in a large equatorial area south of Hawaii. Additional research is needed to estimate entanglements of sea turtles with dFADs at sea and to quantify the likely changes in connectivity and distribution of dFADs under new management measures, such as use of alternative nonentangling dFAD designs that biodegrade, or changes in deployment strategies, such as shifting locations.

Simulación de las trayectorias de dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva para identificar las interacciones potenciales con las tortugas marinas en peligro de extinción Resumen Los pescadores que usan redes de cerco con dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva (dFADs), hechos principalmente con bambú, boyas de plástico y redes de plástico, para concentrar y capturar atún, instalan entre 46,000 y 65,000 dFADs al año en el Océano Pacífico. Algunas de las problemáticas principales asociadas con este dispositivo de pesca de uso extenso son el enredamiento potencial de tortugas marinas y otras especies marinas en las redes de los dFADs; los desechos marinos y la contaminación; y el potencial daño ecológico por el varamiento en los arrecifes de coral, playas y otros hábitats esenciales para la fauna marina. Realizamos experimentos lagrangianos de deriva pasiva con la simulación de perfiles de deriva de los dFADs y los comparamos con áreas conocidas de importancia para las tortugas marinas. Esto fue con el objetivo de evaluar y cuantificar la conectividad potencial (número de dFADs instalados en un área que llegan a otra área) entre las áreas de instalación de dFADs y los hábitats oceánicos o costeros importantes para la tortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) y la tortuga de carey (Eretmochelys imbricata), ambas en peligro crítico de extinción, en el Océano Pacífico. Hasta el 60% de los dFADs de las áreas ecuatoriales llegaron a los hábitats esenciales para las tortugas marinas. La conectividad fue menor sólo cuando se usaron áreas en donde actualmente hay dFADs instalados. Nuestras simulaciones identificaron regiones potenciales de interacción entre los dFADs y los hábitats de migración y alimentación de la tortuga laúd en el sureste tropical del Océano Pacífico; los hábitats costeros de ambas especies en el Pacífico occidental (p. ej.: zonas de archipiélagos en Indonesia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y en las Islas Salomón); y en el hábitat de forrajeo de la tortuga laúd en una gran área ecuatorial al sur de Hawái. Se requiere de mayor investigación para estimar el enredamiento de las tortugas marinas con los dFADs en el mar y para cuantificar los cambios probables en la conectividad y la distribución de los dFADs bajo nuevas medidas de manejo, como el uso alternativo de diseños que eviten el enredamiento y sean biodegradables, o cambios en las estrategias de instalación, como la reubicación.

Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14324, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38984485


Purse-seine tropical tuna fishing in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (EPO) results in the bycatch of several sensitive species groups, including elasmobranchs. Effective ecosystem management balances conservation and resource use and requires considering trade-offs and synergies. Seasonal and adaptive spatial measures can reduce fisheries impacts on nontarget species while maintaining or increasing target catches. Identifying persistently high-risk areas in the open ocean, where dynamic environmental conditions drive changes in species' distributions, is essential for exploring the impact of fisheries closures. We used fisheries observer data collected from 1995 to 2021 to explore the spatiotemporal persistence of areas of high bycatch risk for 2 species of oceanic sharks, silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) and oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), and of low tuna catch rates. We analyzed data collected by fisheries scientific observers onboard approximately 200 large purse-seine vessels operating in the EPO under 10 different flags. Fishing effort, catch, and bycatch data were aggregated spatially and temporally at 1° × 1° cells and monthly, respectively. When areas of high fishing inefficiency were closed the entire study period and effort was reallocated proportionally to reflect historical effort patterns, yearly tuna catch appeared to increase by 1-11%, whereas bycatch of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks decreased by 10-19% and 9%, respectively. Prior to fishing effort redistribution, bycatch reductions accrued to 21-41% and 14% for silky and oceanic whitetip sharks, respectively. Our results are consistent with previous findings and demonstrate the high potential for reducing elasmobranch bycatch in the EPO without compromising catch rates of target tuna species. They also highlight the need to consider new dynamic and adaptive management measures to more efficiently fulfill conservation and sustainability objectives for exploited resources in the EPO.

Gestión espaciotemporal adaptativa para reducir la captura incidental de tiburones en la pesca del atún Resumen La pesca con cerco del atún tropical en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO) resulta en la captura incidental de varios grupos de especies sensibles, incluidos los elasmobranquios. La gestión eficiente del ecosistema equilibra la conservación y el uso de recursos y requiere que se consideren las compensaciones y las sinergias. Las medidas espaciales adaptativas y estacionales pueden reducir el impacto de las pesquerías sobre las especies accesorias mientras mantienen o incrementan la captura intencional. La identificación de las áreas con alto riesgo persistente en mar abierto, en donde las condiciones ambientales dinámicas causan cambios en la distribución de las especies, es esencial para explorar el impacto del cierre de las pesquerías. Usamos datos de observadores de las pesquerías recolectados entre 1995 y 2021 para explorar la persistencia espaciotemporal de las áreas con alto riesgo de captura incidental para dos especies de tiburón (Carcharhinus falciformi y C. longimanus) y con tasas bajas de captura de atún. Analizamos los datos recolectados por los observadores científicos de las pesquerías a bordo de aproximadamente 200 embarcaciones grandes de pesca con cerco que operaban en el PTO bajo diez banderas diferentes. Agregamos los datos sobre el esfuerzo de pesca, captura y la captura incidental de forma espacial y temporal en celdas de 1° x 1° y mensual, respectivamente. Cuando las áreas con gran ineficiencia pesquera se encontraban cerradas durante toda la investigación y el esfuerzo se reasignaba proporcionalmente para reflejar los patrones históricos de esfuerzo, el esfuerzo anual de captura de atún parecía incrementar en un 1­11%, mientras que la captura incidental de las dos especies de tiburones disminuía en un 10­19% (C. falciformi) y 9% (C. longimanus). Antes de que de redistribuyera el esfuerzo de pesca, la reducción de la captura incidental se acumuló hasta el 21­41% (C. falciformi) y 14% (C. longimanus). Nuestros resultados son congruentes con resultados previos y demuestran el gran potencial de reducción de la captura incidental de elasmobranquios en el PTO sin poner en peligro las tasas de captura de las especies de atún. Los resultados también enfatizan la necesidad de considerar medidas adaptativas nuevas y dinámicas para cumplir de forma más eficiente los objetivos de conservación y sustentabilidad para la explotación de recursos en el PTO.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Tiburones , Atún , Animales , Atún/fisiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Tiburones/fisiología , Océano Pacífico , Análisis Espacio-Temporal
J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38828706


The ocean sunfish is a large fish for which many aspects of its ecology and biology are still poorly known. Electronic tagging was used to provide the first information on the movements of an ocean sunfish from the northwestern Mediterranean. The sunfish moved towards the Gibraltar strait over the year and displayed substantial movements in the water column. The potential of the tagging technique employed for studying its behavior and long-term migratory dynamics, and assessing the post-release survival of ocean sunfish is highlighted.

J Fish Biol ; 105(1): 326-339, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38752522


The objective of this study was to estimate the reproductive parameters of porbeagle shark in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and thus characterize the adult fraction of this population. Therefore, 1012 specimens were measured by scientific observers on board the commercial trawl fleet operating south of 50° S. The size range of the specimens was from 77 to 292 cm fork length (LF). The mean size at maturity was estimated to be 153 cm LF for males and 172 cm LF for females. Porbeagle shark catches were recorded throughout the year, with the highest frequency occurring between November and June. The presence of pregnant females was observed from December to July, along with an increase in the average size of embryos in each litter. The information presented in this study improves the knowledge of the reproductive biology and allows to propose a migratory pattern of adult porbeagle females in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The likely seasonal increase in vulnerability of this shark to austral trawl fishery, despite all conservation management measures established in Argentina, underscores the importance of promoting its proper management and conservation given the need to improve understanding of porbeagle population dynamics in the Southern Hemisphere.

Migración Animal , Reproducción , Tiburones , Animales , Tiburones/fisiología , Tiburones/crecimiento & desarrollo , Océano Atlántico , Femenino , Masculino , Estaciones del Año , Tamaño Corporal , Argentina
J Fish Biol ; 104(5): 1587-1602, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38417833


Round rays (family: Urotrygonidae) are commonly caught as by-catch by shrimp trawl fisheries in the tropical eastern Pacific (TEP). However, little information on their life history and catch species composition exists for most round ray species, preventing the evaluation of the impact of fishing on their populations. The mean size at sexual maturity (DW50), seasonal variation by maturity stages, and fecundity for two round ray species caught during shrimp trawl research cruises in the south-eastern Gulf of California (northern TEP) were estimated using a multi-model approach and inference for the first time, to determine the part of the population of each species that is being affected by shrimp trawling. Disc width (DW) ranged from 7.0 to 30.9 cm for the spotted round ray (Urobatis maculatus), and 7.2-33.5 cm for the thorny stingray (Urotrygon rogersi), with females reaching larger sizes than males in both species. The DW50 was estimated at 12.8 and 11.8 cm DW for the males and females of U. maculatus, respectively, whereas for U.rogersi, it was 15.0 and 18.4 cm DW for males and females, respectively. Embryos were found in females ≥14.5 cm DW in both species. The maximum fecundity was five embryos for U. maculatus (mean = 3.1 ± 0.2 S.E., mode = 4), and six embryos for U. rogersi (mean = 3.0 ± 0.3 S.E., mode = 2). Fecundity and embryo size did not vary with maternal size. Male and female immature and mature individuals for both species, including pregnant females, were found in the catches in all seasons of the year. Our results can help determine the vulnerability of the studied species populations to fishing pressure from shrimp trawling in the northern TEP and guide the development of future monitoring strategies and conservation actions for these species, if necessary.

Tamaño Corporal , Fertilidad , Estaciones del Año , Maduración Sexual , Rajidae , Animales , Rajidae/fisiología , Rajidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Femenino , Masculino , Océano Pacífico , Explotaciones Pesqueras
Proc Biol Sci ; 290(2002): 20222570, 2023 07 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37434528


Incidental captures (bycatch) remain a key global conservation threat for cetaceans. Bycatch of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in set gillnets is routinely monitored in European Union fisheries, but generally relies on data collected at low spatio-temporal resolution or over short periods. In Denmark, a long-term monitoring programme started in 2010 using electronic monitoring to collect data on porpoise bycatch and gillnet fishing effort at a fine spatial and temporal scale, including time and position of each fishing operation, together with every associated bycatch event. We used these observations to model bycatch rates, given the operational and ecological characteristics of each haul observed in Danish waters. Data on fishing effort from the Danish and Swedish gillnet fleets were collected to predict fleet-wide porpoise bycatch in gillnets at regional level. Between 2010 and 2020, yearly total bycatch averaged 2088 animals (95% Cl: 667-6798). For the Western Baltic assessment unit, bycatch levels were above sustainability thresholds. These results demonstrate that fishing characteristics are key determinants of porpoise bycatch and that classical approaches ignoring these features would produce biased estimates. It emphasizes the need for efficient and informative monitoring methods to understand possible conservation impacts of marine mammal bycatch and to implement tailored mitigation techniques.

Explotaciones Pesqueras , Phocoena , Animales , Sesgo , Océanos y Mares , Países Escandinavos y Nórdicos
Mol Ecol ; 32(5): 1000-1019, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36511846


The blue shark Prionace glauca is a top predator with one of the widest geographical distributions of any shark species. It is classified as Critically Endangered in the Mediterranean Sea, and Near Threatened globally. Previous genetic studies did not reject the null hypothesis of a single global population. The blue shark was proposed as a possible archetype of the "grey zone of population differentiation," coined to designate cases where population structure may be too recent or too faint to be detected using a limited set of markers. Here, blue shark samples collected throughout its global range were sequenced using a specific RAD method (DArTseq), which recovered 37,655 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Two main groups emerged, with Mediterranean Sea and northern Atlantic samples (Northern population) differentiated significantly from the Indo-west Pacific samples (Southern population). Significant pairwise FST values indicated further genetic differentiation within the Atlantic Ocean, and between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Reconstruction of recent demographic history suggested divergence between Northern and Southern populations occurred about 500 generations ago and revealed a drastic reduction in effective population size from a large ancestral population. Our results illustrate the power of genome scans to detect population structure and reconstruct demographic history in highly migratory marine species. Given that the management plans of the blue shark (targeted or bycatch) fisheries currently assume panmictic regional stocks, we strongly recommend that the results presented here be considered in future stock assessments and conservation strategies.

Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Tiburones , Animales , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple/genética , Tiburones/genética , Densidad de Población , Flujo Genético , Océano Atlántico
Conserv Biol ; 37(1): e13962, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35665538


In Southeast Asia, elasmobranchs are particularly threatened. We synthesized knowledge from the peer-reviewed and gray literature on elasmobranchs in the region, including their fisheries, status, trade, biology, and management. We found that 59% of assessed species are threatened with extinction and 72.5% are in decline; rays were more threatened than sharks. Research and conservation is complicated by the socioeconomic contexts of the countries, geopolitical issues in the South China Sea, and the overcapacity and multispecies nature of fisheries that incidentally capture elasmobranchs. The general paucity of data, funds, personnel, and enforcement hinders management. Reduced capacity in the general fishery sector and marine protected areas of sufficient size (for elasmobranchs and local enforcement capabilities) are among recommendations to strengthen conservation.

En el sureste de Asia, los elasmobranquios se encuentran particularmente amenazados. Sintetizamos el conocimiento a partir de la literatura gris y revisada por pares sobre los elasmobranquios en la región, incluidos sus pesquerías, estado, mercado, biología y manejo. Nuestra evaluación incluyó x especies de tiburones y y especies de rayas. Descubrimos que el 59% de las especies evaluadas están bajo amenaza de extinción y 72.5% están en declive; de estas, las rayas estuvieron más amenazadas que los tiburones. La investigación y la conservación son complicadas debido al contexto socioeconómico de los países, los temas geopolíticos en el Mar del Sur de China y la sobrecapacidad y naturaleza multiespecie de las pesquerías que capturan accidentalmente a los elasmobranquios. La escasez general de datos, financiamiento, personal y aplicación limita el manejo. La capacidad reducida en el sector generalizado de la pesquería y las áreas marinas protegidas de tamaño suficiente (para los elasmobranquios y las capacidades de aplicación local) se encuentran entre las recomendaciones para fortalecer la conservación.

Tiburones , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , China
Conserv Biol ; 37(5): e14110, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37144486


Fisheries bycatch is a critical threat to sea turtle populations worldwide, particularly because turtles are vulnerable to multiple gear types. The Canary Current is an intensely fished region, yet there has been no demographic assessment integrating bycatch and population management information of the globally significant Cabo Verde loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) population. Using Boa Vista island (Eastern Cabo Verde) subpopulation data from capture-recapture and nest monitoring (2013-2019), we evaluated population viability and estimated regional bycatch rates (2016-2020) in longline, trawl, purse-seine, and artisanal fisheries. We further evaluated current nesting trends in the context of bycatch estimates, existing hatchery conservation measures, and environmental (net primary productivity) variability in turtle foraging grounds. We projected that current bycatch mortality rates would lead to the near extinction of the Boa Vista subpopulation. Bycatch reduction in longline fisheries and all fisheries combined would increase finite population growth rate by 1.76% and 1.95%, respectively. Hatchery conservation increased hatchling production and reduced extinction risk, but alone it could not achieve population growth. Short-term increases in nest counts (2013-2021), putatively driven by temporary increases in net primary productivity, may be masking ongoing long-term population declines. When fecundity was linked to net primary productivity, our hindcast models simultaneously predicted these opposing long-term and short-term trends. Consequently, our results showed conservation management must diversify from land-based management. The masking effect we found has broad-reaching implications for monitoring sea turtle populations worldwide, demonstrating the importance of directly estimating adult survival and that nest counts might inadequately reflect underlying population trends.

Impactos demográficos ocultos de la pesca y determinantes ambientales de la fecundidad en una población de tortugas marinas Resumen La captura accidental de las pesquerías es una amenaza importante para la población mundial de tortugas marinas pues estos reptiles son vulnerables a muchos tipos de artes de pesca. Aunque la Corriente de Canarias es una zona de pesca intensa, no se han realizado análisis demográficos que integren información de la captura accidental y el manejo poblacional de la tortuga caguama de Cabo Verde (Caretta caretta), una población de importancia mundial. Usamos datos de captura-recaptura y monitoreo de nidos (2013-2019) de la subpoblación de la isla Boa Vista (Cabo Verde occidental) para evaluar la viabilidad poblacional y además estimamos el volumen de captura accidental a nivel regional (2016-2020) de las pesquerías de palangre, arrastre, red de cerco y artesanal. También analizamos las tendencias de la anidación en el contexto de las estimas actuales de captura accidental, del posible impacto del traslado de las puestas a viveros y de la variabilidad ambiental (productividad primaria neta) en la zona donde se alimentan las tortugas. Proyectamos que, de persistir, la tasa actual de mortalidad por captura accidental llevaría a la subpoblación de Boa Vista al borde de la extinción. La reducción de la captura accidental en la flota de palangre incrementaría la tasa finita de crecimiento poblacional en un 1.76% y la reducción en todas las flotas un 1.95%. El traslado de las puestas a viveros incrementó la producción de crías y redujo el riesgo de extinción, pero no logra el crecimiento poblacional por sí solo. Los incrementos a corto plazo en el conteo de nidos (2013-2021), causados posiblemente por los incrementos temporales en la productividad primaria neta, pueden estar ocultando un declive poblacional. Cuando relacionamos la fecundidad con la productividad primaria neta, nuestros modelos retrospectivos pronosticaron correctamente ambas tendencias, a corto y largo plazo. Como consecuencia, nuestros resultados mostraron que la gestión de la conservación debe diversificarse más allá de las medidas aplicadas durante la fase terrestre. Los efectos ocultos que descubrimos tienen implicaciones generales para el monitoreo de las poblaciones de tortugas marinas en otras partes del mundo, lo que demuestra la importancia de la estimación directa de la supervivencia de adultos y que el conteo de nidos podría no refleja correctamente las tendencias poblacionales subyacentes.

Tortugas , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Caza , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Fertilidad , Demografía
Conserv Biol ; 37(5): e14090, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37246556


To understand the scope and scale of the loss of biodiversity, tools are required that can be applied in a standardized manner to all species globally, spanning realms from land to the open ocean. We used data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List to provide a synthesis of the conservation status and extinction risk of cetaceans. One in 4 cetacean species (26% of 92 species) was threatened with extinction (i.e., critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable) and 11% were near threatened. Ten percent of cetacean species were data deficient, and we predicted that 2-3 of these species may also be threatened. The proportion of threatened cetaceans has increased: 15% in 1991, 19% in 2008, and 26% in 2021. The assessed conservation status of 20% of species has worsened from 2008 to 2021, and only 3 moved into categories of lesser threat. Cetacean species with small geographic ranges were more likely to be listed as threatened than those with large ranges, and those that occur in freshwater (100% of species) and coastal (60% of species) habitats were under the greatest threat. Analysis of odontocete species distributions revealed a global hotspot of threatened small cetaceans in Southeast Asia, in an area encompassing the Coral Triangle and extending through nearshore waters of the Bay of Bengal, northern Australia, and Papua New Guinea and into the coastal waters of China. Improved management of fisheries to limit overfishing and reduce bycatch is urgently needed to avoid extinctions or further declines, especially in coastal areas of Asia, Africa, and South America.

Estado en la lista roja y riesgo de extinción de las ballenas, delfines y marsopas del mundo Resumen Para comprender el alcance y la escala de la pérdida de biodiversidad, se necesitan herramientas que puedan aplicarse de forma estandarizada a todas las especies a nivel mundial y que abarquen todos los ámbitos desde la tierra hasta el océano. Utilizamos datos de la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza para proporcionar una síntesis del estado de conservación y el riesgo de extinción de los cetáceos. Una de cada 4 especies de cetáceos (26% de 92 especies) se encuentra amenazada (es decir, en peligro crítico, en peligro o vulnerable) y el 11% de las especies está clasificado como casi amenazada. El 10% de las especies de cetáceos carecía de datos, por lo que predijimos que 2-3 de estas especies también podrían estar amenazadas. La proporción de cetáceos amenazados ha aumentado: 15% en 1991, 19% en 2008 y 26% en 2021. El estado de conservación evaluado del 20% de las especies ha empeorado de 2008 a 2021, pues sólo 3 pasaron a categorías de menor amenaza. Las especies de cetáceos con áreas de distribución geográficas pequeñas tenían más probabilidades de ser catalogadas como amenazadas que aquellas con áreas de distribución extensas, y aquellas que ocurren en hábitats de agua dulce (100% de las especies) y costeros (60% de las especies) eran las que se encontraban bajo mayor amenaza. La superposición de los mapas de distribución de las especies reveló la existencia de puntos calientes de pequeños cetáceos amenazados en el sudeste asiático y en una zona que abarca el Triángulo de Coral y se extiende por las aguas cercanas a la costa de la Bahía de Bengala, el norte de Australia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y las aguas costeras de China. Urge mejorar la gestión de las pesquerías para limitar la sobrepesca y reducir la captura accesoria con el fin de evitar extinciones o mayores descensos, especialmente en las zonas costeras de Asia, África y Sudamérica.

Delfines , Marsopas , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Extinción Biológica , Ballenas , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Biodiversidad , Especies en Peligro de Extinción
Environ Sci Technol ; 57(36): 13304-13312, 2023 09 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37638638


As the global plastics crisis grows, numerous technologies have been invented and implemented to recover plastic pollution from the environment. Although laudable, unregulated clean-up technologies may be inefficient and have unintended negative consequences on ecosystems, for example, through bycatch or removal of organic matter important for ecosystem functions. Despite these concerns, plastic clean-up technologies can play an important role in reducing litter in the environment. As the United Nations Environment Assembly is moving toward an international, legally binding treaty to address plastic pollution by 2024, the implementation of plastic clean-up technologies should be regulated to secure their net benefits and avoid unintended damages. Regulation can require environmental impact assessments and life cycle analysis to be conducted predeployment on a case-by-case basis to determine their effectiveness and impact and secure environmentally sound management. During operations catch-efficiency and bycatch of nonlitter items, as well as waste management of recovered litter, should be documented. Data collection for monitoring, research, and outreach to mitigate plastic pollution is recommended as added value of implementation of clean-up technologies.

Ecosistema , Administración de Residuos , Contaminación Ambiental/prevención & control , Plásticos , Tecnología
Dis Aquat Organ ; 156: 99-114, 2023 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095365


Mortality of dolphins in fishing operations is often under-estimated, as shown by studies of beach-washed carcasses. Linking evidence obtained during necropsies with fishing method is fundamental to understanding the extent of mortality and the manner in which animals die. The South Australian Sardine Fishery (SASF) has operated a purse-seine industry since 1991. This study characterised injuries, pathological changes and life history of 49 dead dolphins collected from SASF during 2006-2019. Histology examination was conducted on 25 animals. Neonates, calves and juveniles accounted for 63% of the sample. Of mature females (n = 14), 11 were pregnant or lactating, with cryptic mortality estimated to be 20% of dolphins studied. Body condition was robust in 48 dolphins. Net marks were seen on 82%, mostly on the head, trunk and peduncle. Broken/missing teeth were noted in 63%. All dolphins had subdermal haemorrhage (moderate to severe in 96%), particularly around the head. Deep haemorrhage was common, including around occipital and flipper condyles, and organs. Copious fluid was present in the thoracic (pleural) and abdominal (ascites) cavities of half of the dolphins. Within the lungs, watery fluid and froth were observed in 100 and 39%, respectively. Recent bone fractures were documented in 43% of dolphins, mostly associated with haemorrhage. Severe blunt trauma appeared to be the primary cause of death, and 10 dolphins also had other significant pathologies. Visceral organ congestion and mild cardiomyopathy were observed. Stomachs contained prey remains in 75% of cases. The results of this study may help identify unreported purse-seine mortalities washed up in South Australia and elsewhere.

Delfín Común , Delfines , Femenino , Animales , Australia del Sur/epidemiología , Australia , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Lactancia , Hemorragia/veterinaria
Mar Drugs ; 21(2)2023 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36827172


Tub gurnard is a highly abundant fishery species caught as a discard in the Mediterranean Sea. This work proposes its valorisation through the release of potential antihypertensive peptides and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) through the controlled hydrolysis of tub gurnard skin proteins. Four proteases (Esperase, Alcalase, Trypsin and Pronase E) were used to obtain potent angiotensin converting enzyme I (ACE)-inhibitory hydrolysates. Peptides and GAGs were separated and evaluated for their antihypertensive potential by fluorometry. The peptide-rich fractions derived from the Esperase and Alcalase hydrolysates showed very low IC50 values (47 and 68 µg/mL, respectively). Only the GAGs from the Trypsin and Esperase hydrolysates were relevant ACE inhibitors (63 and 52% at 1 mg/mL, respectively). The peptide composition of the most potent ACE-inhibitory fractions derived from the Esperase and Alcalase hydrolysates (IC50 values of 33 and 29 µg/mL, respectively) was analysed by RP-LC-ESI-MS/MS. The analysis suggests that the ACE-inhibitory activity is related to the peptide hydrophobicity, as well as to the presence of specific residues at any of the last four C-terminal positions. The in silico gastrointestinal digestion of these fractions yielded small peptides with antihypertensive potential.

Antihipertensivos , Perciformes , Animales , Antihipertensivos/química , Hidrólisis , Tripsina , Espectrometría de Masas en Tándem , Hidrolisados de Proteína/química , Péptidos/farmacología , Peptidil-Dipeptidasa A/química , Perciformes/metabolismo , Subtilisinas/química , Digestión
J Environ Manage ; 337: 117691, 2023 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37032571


Bycatch of non-target species is a pressing problem for ocean management. It is one of the most concerning issues related to human-wildlife interactions and it affects numerous species including sharks, seabirds, sea turtles, and many critically endangered marine mammals. This paper compares different policy tools for ocean closure management around a unique shark aggregation site in Israel's nearshore coastal waters. We provide a set of recommendations based on an optimal management approach that allows humans to enjoy marine recreational activities such as fishing, while maintaining safe conditions for these apex predators which are vital to the local marine ecosystem. To learn more about recreational fishers' derived benefits, we use a benefit transfer method. Our main conclusion is that dynamic time-area closures offer sustainable and effective management strategies. Since these closures are based on near real-time data, they might successfully preserve specific species in limited areas (i.e., small areas).

Tiburones , Tortugas , Animales , Humanos , Ecosistema , Mar Mediterráneo , Animales Salvajes , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Mamíferos
Ecol Monogr ; 92(3): e1522, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36248260


Many animals form long-term monogamous pair bonds, and the disruption of a pair bond (through either divorce or widowhood) can have significant consequences for individual vital rates (survival, breeding, and breeding success probabilities) and life-history outcomes (lifetime reproductive success [LRS], life expectancy). Here, we investigated the causes and consequences of pair-bond disruption in wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). State-of-the-art statistical and mathematical approaches were developed to estimate divorce and widowhood rates and their impacts on vital rates and life-history outcomes. In this population, females incur a higher mortality rate due to incidental fishery bycatch, so the population is male-skewed. Therefore, we first posited that males would show higher widowhood rates negatively correlated with fishing effort and females would have higher divorce rates because they have more mating opportunities. Furthermore, we expected that divorce could be an adaptive strategy, whereby individuals improved breeding success by breeding with a new partner of better quality. Finally, we posited that pair-bond disruptions could reduce survival and breeding probabilities owing to the cost of remating processes, with important consequences for life-history outcomes. As expected, we showed that males had higher widowhood rates than females and females had higher divorce rates in this male-skewed population. However, no correlation was found between fishing effort and male widowhood. Secondly, contrary to our expectation, we found that divorce was likely nonadaptive in this population. We propose that divorce in this population is caused by an intruder who outcompetes the original partner in line with the so-called forced divorce hypothesis. Furthermore, we found a 16.7% and 18.0% reduction in LRS only for divorced and widowed males, respectively, owing to missing breeding seasons after a pair-bond disruption. Finally, we found that divorced individuals were more likely to divorce again, but whether this is related to specific individual characteristics remains an important area of investigation.

Glob Chang Biol ; 28(22): 6509-6523, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36069207


Human exploitation of wildlife for food, medicine, curios, aphrodisiacs, and spiritual artifacts represents a mounting 21st-century conservation challenge. Here, we provide the first global assessment of illegal marine turtle exploitation across multiple spatial scales (i.e., Regional Management Units [RMUs] and countries) by collating data from peer-reviewed studies, grey literature, archived media reports, and online questionnaires of in-country experts spanning the past three decades. Based on available information, we estimate that over 1.1 million marine turtles were exploited between 1990 and 2020 against existing laws prohibiting their use in 65 countries or territories and in 44 of the world's 58 marine turtle RMUs, with over 44,000 turtles exploited annually over the past decade. Exploitation across the 30-year period primarily consisted of green (56%) and hawksbill (39%) turtles when identified by species, with hawksbills (67%) and greens (81%) comprising the majority of turtles exploited in the 1990s and 2000s, respectively, and both species accounting for similar levels of exploitation in the 2010s. Although there were no clear overarching trends in the magnitude or spatial patterns of exploitation across the three decades, there was a 28% decrease in reported exploitation from the 2000s to the 2010s. The 10 RMUs with the highest exploitation in the 2010s included seven green and three hawksbill turtle RMUs, with most reported exploitation occurring in RMUs that typically exhibit a low risk of population decline or loss of genetic diversity. Over the past decade, the number of RMUs with "moderate" or "high" exploitation impact scores decreased. Our assessment suggests that illegal exploitation appears to have declined over the past decade and, with some exceptions, is primarily occurring in large, stable, and genetically diverse marine turtle populations.

Afrodisíacos , Tortugas , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 36(4): e13897, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35122329


Human-caused mortality of wildlife is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. Assessing the population-level impact of fisheries bycatch and other human-caused mortality of wildlife has typically relied upon deterministic methods. However, population declines are often accelerated by stochastic factors that are not accounted for in such conventional methods. Building on the widely applied potential biological removal (PBR) equation, we devised a new population modeling approach for estimating sustainable limits to human-caused mortality and applied it in a case study of bottlenose dolphins affected by capture in an Australian demersal otter trawl fishery. Our approach, termed sustainable anthropogenic mortality in stochastic environments (SAMSE), incorporates environmental and demographic stochasticity, including the dependency of offspring on their mothers. The SAMSE limit is the maximum number of individuals that can be removed without causing negative stochastic population growth. We calculated a PBR of 16.2 dolphins per year based on the best abundance estimate available. In contrast, the SAMSE model indicated that only 2.3-8.0 dolphins could be removed annually without causing a population decline in a stochastic environment. These results suggest that reported bycatch rates are unsustainable in the long term, unless reproductive rates are consistently higher than average. The difference between the deterministic PBR calculation and the SAMSE limits showed that deterministic approaches may underestimate the true impact of human-caused mortality of wildlife. This highlights the importance of integrating stochasticity when evaluating the impact of bycatch or other human-caused mortality on wildlife, such as hunting, lethal control measures, and wind turbine collisions. Although population viability analysis (PVA) has been used to evaluate the impact of human-caused mortality, SAMSE represents a novel PVA framework that incorporates stochasticity for estimating acceptable levels of human-caused mortality. It offers a broadly applicable, stochastic addition to the demographic toolbox to evaluate the impact of human-caused mortality on wildlife.

La mortalidad de la fauna causada por humanos es una amenaza continua para la biodiversidad. El análisis del impacto a nivel poblacional de la captura pesquera incidental y otras causas humanas de la mortalidad de la fauna comúnmente ha dependido de métodos determinísticos. Sin embargo, las declinaciones poblacionales con frecuencia se aceleran por los factores estocásticos que no son considerados en dichos métodos convencionales. A partir de la ecuación de extirpación biológica potencial (EBP) de extensa aplicación diseñamos una nueva estrategia de modelación poblacional para estimar los límites sustentables de la mortalidad causada por humanos y la aplicamos en un estudio de caso de los delfines nariz de botella afectados por la captura en una pesquería australiana de arrastre demersal. Nuestra estrategia, denominada mortalidad antropogénica sustentable en ambientes estocásticos (MASAM) incorpora la estocasticidad ambiental y demográfica, incluyendo la dependencia que tienen las crías por sus madres. El límite MASAM es el número máximo de individuos que pueden extirparse sin causar un crecimiento poblacional estocástico negativo. Calculamos un EBP de 16.3 delfines por año con base en la mejor estimación de abundancia disponible. Como contraste, el modelo MASAM indicó que sólo podían extirparse entre 2.3 y 8.0 delfines anualmente sin ocasionar una declinación poblacional en un ambiente estocástico. Estos resultados sugieren que las tasas reportadas de captura incidental no son sustentables a largo plazo, a menos que las tasas reproductivas sean sistemáticamente más altas que el promedio. La diferencia entre el cálculo determinístico del EBP y los límites de MASAM mostró que los enfoques determinísticos pueden subestimar el verdadero impacto de la mortalidad de la fauna causada por humanos. Lo anterior resalta la importancia de integrar la estocasticidad al evaluar el impacto de la captura incidental y otras causas humanas de la mortalidad como la caza, las medidas letales de control y las colisiones con turbinas de viento. Aunque el análisis de viabilidad poblacional (AVP) se ha utilizado para evaluar el impacto de la mortalidad causada por humanos, MASAM representa un marco novedoso de AVP que incorpora la estocasticidad para estimar los niveles aceptables de mortalidad causada por humanos. Este enfoque ofrece una adición estocástica de aplicación generalizada para las herramientas demográficas usadas para evaluar el impacto de la mortalidad causada por humanos sobre la fauna.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Australia , Biodiversidad , Explotaciones Pesqueras