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Int J Mol Sci ; 25(15)2024 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126057


The genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae) includes about 200 species of annual and perennial herbs distributed in Asia, Europe, North Africa, and North America. Many species of this genus are valuable medicinal, melliferous, and forage resources. In this review, we consider the taxonomic history of the genus Hedysarum, the chromosomal organization of the species from the sections Hedysarum and Multicaulia, as well as phylogenetic relationships between these sections. According to morphological, genetic, and phylogenetic data, the genus Hedysarum is divided into three main sections: Hedysarum (= syn. Gamotion), Multicaulia, and Stracheya. In species of this genus, two basic chromosome numbers, x = 7 (section Hedysarum) and x = 8 (sections Multicaulia and Stracheya), were determined. The systematic positions of some species within the sections are still uncertain due to their morphological similarities. The patterns of distribution of molecular chromosomal markers (45S rDNA, 5S rDNA, and different satellite DNAs) in karyotypes of various Hedysarum species made it possible to determine their ploidy status and also specify genomic relationships within the sections Hedysarum and Multicaulia. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies clarified significantly the taxonomy and evolutionary development of the genus Hedysarum.

Cromosomas de las Plantas , Fabaceae , Genoma de Planta , Filogenia , Fabaceae/genética , Fabaceae/clasificación , Cromosomas de las Plantas/genética
PhytoKeys ; 230: 1-106, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37576132


A taxonomic treatment of 38 species of Muhlenbergia, a phylogeny based on analysis of six DNA sequence markers, and classification of Muhlenbergia for Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama; and Campeche, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Yucatán, México) is given. With the support from a molecular phylogeny we describe Muhlenbergiasubg.Ramulosaesubgen. nov. In our treatment we place M.gigantea (younger name) as a synonym of M.mutica. Lectotypes are designated for the names Agrostismicrosperma Lag., Epicampesgigantea E. Fourn., Lamarckiatenella DC., Muhlenbergiaadspersa Trin., M.diversiglumis Trin., M.exilis E. Fourn., M.flabellata Mez, M.setarioides E. Fourn., Pereilemaciliatum E. Fourn., P.crinitumvar.cirratum E. Fourn., Podosemumciliatum Kunth, P.tenuissimum J. Presl, and Schellingiatenera Steud.

PhytoKeys ; 167: 57-82, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306060


Based on a molecular DNA phylogeny of three plastid (rpl32-trnK, rps16 intron, and rps16-trnK) and nuclear ITS regions investigating 32 species of Agrostidinae, we describe two new genera, Agrostula gen. nov. with a single species and Alpagrostis gen. nov. with four species; provide support for five species in a monophyletic Podagrostis; and include a small sample of 12 species of a monophyletic Agrostis s.s. (including the type and most species of Neoschischkinia), that separates into two clades corresponding to A. subg. Agrostis and A. subg. Vilfa. Agrostula differs from Agrostis in having leaf blades with pillars of sclerenchyma which are continuous between the adaxial and abaxial surface of the blades, dorsally rounded glumes with blunt to truncate and erose to denticulate apices, florets ½ the length of the glumes, lemmas equally wide as long, widest at (or near) apex, apices broadly truncate, irregularly 5 to 7 denticulate to erose, awnless, anthers longer than the lemmas, and rugose-papillose caryopses. Alpagrostis differs from Agrostis in having geniculate basally inserted awns and truncate lemma apices with lateral veins prolonged from the apex in (2)4 setae. The following eight new combinations are made: Agrostula truncatula, Agrostula truncatula subsp. durieui, Alpagrostis alpina, Alpagrostis alpina var. flavescens, Alpagrostis barceloi, Alpagrostis setacea, Alpagrostis setacea var. flava, and Alpagrostis schleicheri. In addition, we provide a key separating Agrostula and Alpagrostis from Agrostis s.s. and other genera previously considered as synonyms of Agrostis; lectotypify Agrostis alpina Scop., A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl., A. truncatula Parl., and A. truncatula var. durieui Henriq.; and neotypify A. setacea Curtis.

ResumenSobre la base de una filogenia molecular de ADN de tres regiones plastidiales (rpl32-trnK, rps16 intrón y rps16-trnK) e ITS nuclear de 32 especies de Agrostidinae, describimos dos nuevos géneros, Agrostula gen. nov. con una sola especie, y Alpagrostis gen. nov. con cuatro especies; mostramos el apoyo para las cinco especies dentro de Podagrostis monofilético; e incluimos una pequeña muestra de 12 especies de Agrostis s.s (que incluye el tipo y la mayoría de las especies de Neoschischkinia), este último dividido en dos subclados que corresponden a A. subg. Agrostis y A. subg. Vilfa. Agrostula se diferencia de otras especies de Agrostis por tener láminas foliares con haces de esclerénquima continuos entre las superficies adaxial y abaxial de los limbos, glumas de dorso redondeado y ápice embotado a truncado y eroso a denticulado, antecios de ½ de la longitud de las glumas, lemas tan anchas como largas, lo más ancho en o cerca del ápice, ápices anchamente truncados, irregularmente 5 a 7 denticulados o erosos, sin arista, anteras más largas que los lemas y cariopsis rugosa-papilosa. Alpagrostis se diferencia de otras especies de Agrostis por tener aristas geniculadas insertas basalmente y ápices de lema truncados con venas laterales que se prolongan en (2)4 arístulas apicales. Presentamos las siguientes ocho nuevas combinaciones: Agrostula truncatula, Agrostula truncatula subsp. durieui, Alpagrostis alpina, Alpagrostis alpina var. flavescens, Alpagrostis barceloi, Alpagrostis setacea, Alpagrostis setacea var. flava y Alpagrostis schleicheri. Además, proporcionamos una clave que separa Agrostula y Alpagrostis de Agrostis s.s. y otros géneros previamente considerados como sinónimos de Agrostis, lectotipificamos Agrostis alpina Scop., A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl., A. truncatula Parl. y A. truncatula var. durieui Henriq. y neotipificamos A. setacea Curtis.

PhytoKeys ; (103): 83-94, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057478


Muhlenbergia spatha, previously known only from near the type locality in San Luis Potosí, is reported from two localities in Zacatecas, Mexico. Historically, botanists have overlooked this diminutive annual. To clarify affinities of M. spatha, we present a molecular phylogeny emphasising species in M. subg. Pseudosporobolus using sequence data from two plastid markers (rpl32-trnL and rps16 intron) and nrDNA ITS. In addition, we include an updated description, illustration and discussion of the habitat of M. spatha.

Resumen Muhlenbergia spatha, anteriormente conocida solo cerca de la localidad tipo en San Luis Potosí, se reporta en dos localidades en Zacatecas, México. Históricamente, los botánicos han pasado por alto esta diminuta anual. Para aclarar las afinidades de M. spatha, presentamos una filogenia molecular que enfatiza especies en M. subg. Pseudosporobolus usando datos de secuencia de dos marcadores plástidos (rpl32-trnL e rps16 intron) y nrADN EIT. Además, incluimos una descripción actualizada, ilustración y discusión del hábitat de M. spatha.

PhytoKeys ; (114): 123-206, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30627045


A taxonomic treatment, phylogeny based on analysis of six DNA sequence markers (ITS, ndhA intron, rpl32-trnL, rps3, rps16 intron and rps16-trnK) and classification of Muhlenbergia for Peru is given. Seventeen species and one presumed hybrid are recognised. Muhlenbergiaromaschenkoi sp. nov. is newly described from the Río Huallaga Valley, northeast of Huánuco. The type of Podosemumangustatum [≡ Muhlenbergiaangustata] clearly aligns with what we had been referring to as the hybrid between this species and M.rigida. Therefore, we adopt the next available heterotypic name, Muhlenbergiacoerulea, for what we had been calling M.angustata and change the hybrid designation to M.coerulea × M.rigida. Lectotypes are designated for Epicampescoerulea Griseb., Muhlenbergiaaffinis Trin., Muhlenbergiaberlandieri Trin., Muhlenbergiabeyrichiana Kunth, Muhlenbergiaelegansvar.atroviolacea Kuntze, Muhlenbergiaelegansvar.subviridis Kuntze and Muhlenbergiaphragmitoides Griseb.

ResumenBrindamos un tratamiento taxonómico, una filogenia basado en el análisis de seis marcadores de secuencia de ADN (ITS, intrón ndhA, rpl32-trnL, rps3, intrón rps16, rps16-trnK) y la clasificación de Muhlenbergia para Perú. Se reconocen diecisiete especies y un supuesto híbrido. Muhlenbergiaromaschenkoi sp. nov. es descrita como especie nueva procedente del valle de Huallaga, al noreste de Huánuco. El tipo de Podosemumangustatum [≡ Muhlenbergiaangustata] se alinea claramente con lo que nosotros habíamos referido como el híbrido entre esta especie y M.rigida. Por lo tanto, adoptamos el siguiente nombre heterotípico disponible, Muhlenbergiacoerulea para lo que habíamos estado llamando M.angustata, y cambiamos la designación híbrida a M.coerulea × M.rigida. Los lectotipos son designados para Epicampescoerulea Griseb., Muhlenbergiaaffinis Trin., Muhlenbergiaberlandieri Trin., Muhlenbergiabeyrichiana Kunth, Muhlenbergiaelegansvar.atroviolacea Kuntze, Muhlenbergiaelegansvar.subviridis Kuntze y Muhlenbergiaphragmitoides Griseb.

PhytoKeys ; (93): 1-102, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29416413


Diplachne P. Beauv. comprises two species with C4 (NAD-ME) photosynthesis. Diplachne fusca has a nearly pantropical-pantemperate distribution with four subspecies: D. fusca subsp. fusca is Paleotropical with native distributions in Africa, southern Asia and Australia; the widespread Australian endemic D. f. subsp. muelleri; and D. f. subsp. fascicularis and D. f. subsp. uninervia occurring in the New World. Diplachne gigantea is known from a few widely scattered, older collections in east-central and southern Africa, and although Data Deficient clearly is of conservation concern. A discussion of previous taxonomic treatments is provided, including molecular data supporting Diplachne in its newer, restricted sense. Many populations of Diplachne fusca are highly tolerant of saline substrates and most prefer seasonally moist to saturated soils, often in disturbed areas. Some populations of Diplachne fusca in southern Asia combine nitrogen-fixation, high salinity tolerance and palatibilty to livestock, which should be pursued with further research for purposes of soil reclamation. Diplachne fusca subsp. uninervia is the most invasive of the subspecies and is becoming weedy in some non-native areas, including in the Old World. This monograph provides detailed descriptions of all taxa, a key to the species and subspecies, geographic distributions and information on the anatomy of leaves, stems, lemmatal micromorphology and discussions of the chromosome numbers. Lectotypes are designated for: Atropis carinata Grisb.; Diplachne acuminata Nash; Diplachne capensis (Nees) Nees var. concinna Nees; Diplachne capensis (Nees) Nees var. obscura Nees, Diplachne capensis (Nees) Nees var. prolifera subvar. minor Nees, Diplachne halei Nash, Diplachne maritima E.P. Bicknel, Diplachne muelleri Benth., Diplachne reverchonii Vasey, Diplachne tectoneticola Backer, Leptochloa imbricata Thurb., Leptochloa neuroglossa Peter, Leptochloa uninervia var. typica fo. abbreviata Parodi, Triodia ambigua R. Br. and Triodia parviflora R. Br.

AoB Plants ; 82016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27179539


Mountain uplifts have generated new ecologic opportunities for plants, and triggered evolutionary processes, favouring an increase on the speciation rate in all continents. Moreover, mountain ranges may act as corridors or barriers for plant lineages and populations. In South America a high rate of diversification has been linked to Andean orogeny during Pliocene/Miocene. More recently, Pleistocene glacial cycles have also shaped species distribution and demography. The endemic genus Escallonia is known to have diversified in the Andes. Species with similar morphology obscure species delimitation and plants with intermediate characters occur naturally. The aim of this study is to characterize genetic variation and structure of two widespread species of Escallonia: E. alpina and E. rubra We analyzed the genetic variation of populations of the entire distribution range of the species and we also included those with intermediate morphological characters; a total of 94 accessions from 14 populations were used for the Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Plastid DNA sequences (trnS-trnG, 3'trnV-ndhC intergenic spacers and the ndhF gene) from sixteen accessions of Escallonia species were used to construct a Statistical Parsimony network. Additionally, we performed a geometric morphometrics analysis on 88 leaves from 35 individuals of the two E. alpina varieties to further study their differences. Wright's Fst and analysis of molecular variance tests performed on AFLP data showed a significant level of genetic structure at the species and population levels. Intermediate morphology populations showed a mixed genetic contribution from E. alpina var. alpina and E. rubra both in the Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and STRUCTURE. On the other hand, E. rubra and the two varieties of E. alpina are well differentiated and assigned to different genetic clusters. Moreover, the Statistical Parsimony network showed a high degree of divergence between the varieties of E. alpina: var. alpina is more closely related to E. rubra and other species than to its own counterpart E. alpina var. carmelitana Geometric morphometrics analysis (Elliptic Fourier descriptors) revealed significant differences in leaf shape between varieties. We found that diversity in Escallonia species analyzed here is geographically structured and deep divergence between varieties of E. alpina could be associated to ancient evolutionary events like orogeny. Admixture in southern populations could be the result of hybridization at the margins of the parental species' distribution range.

PhytoKeys ; (26): 21-70, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24194669


Disakisperma Steud. is a genus of four predominantly perennial C4 (NAD-ME) species in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Its species previously were treated in Eleusine, Eragrostis, Coelachyrum, Cypholepis, Leptochloa, or Diplachne by nearly all authors.It includes the widespread North and South American amphitropical disjunct Disakisperma dubium (type of the genus), Disakisperma eleusine from southern Africa, Disakisperma obtusiflorum from central and northern Africa to southern Asia, and Disakisperma yemenicum, comb. nov. from eastern and southern Africa to Yemen. This paper provides a key to the species, geographic distributions, descriptions, including comments on the anatomy of leaves, stems, lemmatal micromorphology, a phylogram based on five molecular markers, and discussions of chromosome numbers. The species are rarely, if at all, known outside of their native ranges and are unlikely to become aggressively invasive. All species are considered Least Concern following IUCN guidelines. Lectotypes are designated for Diplachne dubia var. pringleana Kuntze, Disakisperma mexicana Steud., Eragrostis yemenica Schweinf., and Leptochloa appletonii Stapf.

ResumenDisakisperma Steud. es un género de quatro especies perennes C4 (NAD-ME), las cuales que son de las Américas y África y Asia. Sus especies previamente fueron tratados en Eleusine, Eragrostis, Coelachyrum, Cypholepis, Leptochloa, o Diplachne por casi todos los autores. Incluye la generalizada del Norte y América del Sur amfitropical disjunta Disakisperma dubium (tipo del género), Disakisperma eleusine desde el sur de África, Disakisperma obtusiflorum del centro y el norte de África hasta el sur de Asia, y Disakisperma yemenicum, comb. nov. del este y sur África a Yemen. Este documento proporciona una clave para las especies y las descripciones completas, incluidos los comentarios sobre la anatomía de las hojas, tallos, micromorfología lemmatal, una filograma basado en cinco marcadores moleculares y las discusiones de los números de cromosomas. Las especies son raramente, si acaso, conocida fuera de sus áreas de distribución natural y es poco probable para convertirse en invasora agresiva. Todos las epecies se consideran la designación de Least Concern sigue IUCN. Se designa lectotipos para Diplachne dubia var. pringleana Kuntze, Disakisperma mexicana Steud., Eragrostis yemenica Schweinf. y Leptochloa appletonii Stapf.