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Nano Lett ; 23(24): 11555-11561, 2023 Dec 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38038228


Extensive research has focused on Mie modes in dielectric nanoresonators, enabling the creation of thin optical devices surpassing their bulk counterparts. This study investigates the interactions between two fundamental Mie modes, electric and magnetic dipoles, and the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) mode. Analytical, simulation, and experimental analyses reveal that the presence of the ENZ substrate significantly modifies these modes despite a large size mismatch. Electric and magnetic dipole modes, both with ∼12 THz line widths, exhibit 21 and 26 THz anticrossings, respectively, when coupled to the ENZ mode, indicating strong coupling. We also demonstrate that this strongly coupled system yields notably large subpicosecond nonlinear responses. Our results establish a solid foundation for designing functional, nonlinear, dynamic dielectric metasurfaces with ENZ materials.

Opt Lett ; 48(3): 783-786, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36723588


Bianisotropic media can be used to engineer absorbance, scattering, polarization, and dispersion of electromagnetic waves. However, the demonstration of a tunable light-induced bianisotropy at optical frequencies is still lacking. Here, we propose an experimentally feasible concept for a light-induced tunable bianisotropic response in a homogeneous sphere made of an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) material. By exploiting the large linear absorption and the large possible intensity-dependent changes in the permittivity of ENZ materials, the direction-dependent scattering and absorption cross sections could be obtained. Our findings pave the way for further studies and applications in the optical regime requiring full dynamic control of the bianisotropic behavior.

Opt Express ; 28(11): 16511-16525, 2020 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32549472


When considering light scattering from a sphere, the ratios between the expansion coefficients of the scattered and the incident field in a spherical basis are known as the Mie coefficients. Generally, Mie coefficients depend on many degrees of freedom, including the dimensions and electromagnetic properties of the spherical object. However, for fundamental research, it is important to have easy expressions for all possible values of Mie coefficients within the existing physical constraints and which depend on the least number of degrees of freedom. While such expressions are known for spheres made from non-absorbing materials, we present here, for the first time to our knowledge, corresponding expressions for spheres made from absorbing materials. To illustrate the usefulness of these expressions, we investigate the upper bound for the absorption cross section of a trimer made from electric dipolar spheres. Given the results, we have designed a dipolar ITO trimer that offers a maximal absorption cross section. Our approach is not limited to dipolar terms, but indeed, as demonstrated in the manuscript, can be applied to higher order terms as well. Using our model, one can scan the entire accessible parameter space of spheres for specific functionalities in systems made from spherical scatterers.

Opt Lett ; 45(23): 6414-6417, 2020 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33258825


In this Letter, we propose a tunable coherent perfect absorber based on ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces. A nonlinear metasurface is made of plasmonic nanoantennas coupled to an epsilon-near-zero material with a large optical nonlinearity. The coherent perfect absorption is achieved by controlling the relative phases of the input beams. Here, we show that the optical response of the nonlinear metasurface can be tuned from a complete to a partial absorption by changing the intensity of the pump beam. The proposed nonlinear metasurface can be used to design optically tunable thermal emitters, modulators, and sensors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(6): 063601, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32845673


We propose novel quantum antennas and metamaterials with a strong magnetic response at optical frequencies. Our design is based on the arrangement of natural quantum emitters with only electric dipole transition moments at distances smaller than a wavelength of light but much larger than their physical size. In particular, we show that an atomic dimer can serve as a magnetic antenna at its antisymmetric mode to enhance the decay rate of a magnetic transition in its vicinity by several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, we study metasurfaces composed of atomic bilayers with and without cavities and show that they can fully reflect the electric and magnetic fields of light, thus, forming nearly perfect electric or magnetic mirrors. The proposed metamaterials will embody the intrinsic quantum functionalities of natural emitters such as atoms, ions, color center, or molecules and can be fabricated with available state-of-the-art technologies, promising several applications both in classical optics and quantum engineering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(3): 037403, 2020 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32745382


Transient optical heating provides an efficient way to trigger phase transitions in naturally occurring media through ultrashort laser pulse irradiation. A similar approach could be used to induce topological transitions in the photonic response of suitably engineered artificial structures known as metamaterials. Here, we predict a topological transition in the isofrequency dispersion contours of a layered graphene metamaterial under optical pumping. We show that the contour topology transforms from elliptic to hyperbolic within a subpicosecond timescale by exploiting the extraordinary photothermal properties of graphene. This new phenomenon allows us to theoretically demonstrate applications in engineering the decay rate of proximal optical emitters, ultrafast beam steering, and dynamical far-field subwavelength imaging. Our study opens a disruptive approach toward ultrafast control of light emission, beam steering, and optical image processing.

Nano Lett ; 16(11): 7085-7092, 2016 11 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27759401


Ultrafast single-photon detectors with high efficiency are of utmost importance for many applications in the context of integrated quantum photonic circuits. Detectors based on superconductor nanowires attached to optical waveguides are particularly appealing for this purpose. However, their speed is limited because the required high absorption efficiency necessitates long nanowires deposited on top of the waveguide. This enhances the kinetic inductance and makes the detectors slow. Here, we solve this problem by aligning the nanowire, contrary to usual choice, perpendicular to the waveguide to realize devices with a length below 1 µm. By integrating the nanowire into a photonic crystal cavity, we recover high absorption efficiency, thus enhancing the detection efficiency by more than an order of magnitude. Our cavity enhanced superconducting nanowire detectors are fully embedded in silicon nanophotonic circuits and efficiently detect single photons at telecom wavelengths. The detectors possess subnanosecond decay (∼120 ps) and recovery times (∼510 ps) and thus show potential for GHz count rates at low timing jitter (∼32 ps). The small absorption volume allows efficient threshold multiphoton detection.

Opt Express ; 24(9): 9651-9, 2016 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27137578


Nanolaminate metamaterials recently attracted a lot of attention as a novel second-order nonlinear material that can be used in integrated photonic circuits. Here, we explore theoretically and numerically the opportunity to enhance the nonlinear response from such nanolaminates by exploiting Fano resonances supported in grating-coupled waveguides. The enhancement factor of the radiated second harmonic signal compared to a flat nanolaminate can reach values as large as 35 for gold gratings and even 7000 for MgF2 gratings. For the MgF2 grating, extremely high-Q Fano resonances are excited in such all-dielectric system that result in strong local fields in the nonlinear waveguide layer to boost the nonlinear conversion. A significant portion of the nonlinear signal is also strongly coupled to a dark waveguide mode, which remains guided in the nanolaminate. The strong excitation of a dark mode at the second harmonic frequency provides a viable method for utilizing second-order nonlinearities for light generation and manipulation in integrated photonic circuits.

Opt Express ; 23(26): 33044-64, 2015 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26831974


The multipolar decomposition of current distributions is used in many branches of physics. Here, we obtain new exact expressions for the dipolar moments of a localized electric current distribution. The typical integrals for the dipole moments of electromagnetically small sources are recovered as the lowest order terms of the new expressions in a series expansion with respect to the size of the source. All the higher order terms can be easily obtained. We also provide exact and approximated expressions for dipoles that radiate a definite polarization handedness (helicity). Formally, the new exact expressions are only marginally more complex than their lowest order approximations.

Nano Lett ; 13(8): 3482-6, 2013 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23805879


A metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide is a canonical structure used in many functional plasmonic devices. Recently, research on nanoresonantors made from finite, that is, truncated, MIM waveguides attracted a considerable deal of interest motivated by the promise for many applications. However, most suggested nanoresonators do not reach a deep-subwavelength domain. With ordinary fabrication techniques the dielectric spacers usually remain fairly thick, that is, in the order of tens of nanometers. This prevents the wavevector of the guided surface plasmon polariton to strongly deviate from the light line. Here, we will show that the exploitation of an extreme coupling regime, which appears for only a few nanometers thick dielectric spacer, can lift this limitation. By taking advantage of atomic layer deposition we fabricated and characterized exemplarily deep-subwavelength perfect absorbers. Our results are fully supported by numerical simulations and analytical considerations. Our work provides impetus on many fields of nanoscience and will foster various applications in high-impact areas such as metamaterials, light harvesting, and sensing or the fabrication of quantum-plasmonic devices.

Opt Express ; 20(16): 18370-6, 2012 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23038388


Recently perfect metamaterial absorbers triggered some fascination since they permit the observation of an extreme interaction of light with a nanostructured thin film. For the first time we evaluate here the functionality of such perfect absorbers if they are applied on curved surfaces. We probe their optical response and discuss potential novel applications. Examples are the complete suppression of back-scattered light from the covered objects, rendering it cloaked in reflection, and their action as optical black holes.

Opt Express ; 20(27): 28017-24, 2012 Dec 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23263036


Metamaterial-based perfect absorbers promise many applications. Perfect absorption is characterized by the complete suppression of transmission and reflection and complete dissipation of the incident energy by the absorptive meta-atoms. A certain absorption spectrum is usually assigned to a bulk medium and serves as a signature of the respective material. Here we show how to use graphene flakes as building blocks for perfect absorbers. Then, an absorbing meta-atom only consists of a molecular monolayer placed at an appropriate distance from a metallic ground plate. We show that the functionality of such device is intuitively and correctly explained by a Fabry-Perot model.

Grafite/química , Manufaturas , Modelos Químicos , Absorção , Simulação por Computador , Luz , Espalhamento de Radiação
Opt Lett ; 37(4): 596-8, 2012 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22344118


Most left-handed metamaterials cannot be described by local effective permittivity or permeability tensors in the visible or near-infrared due to the mesoscopic size of the respective unit cells and the related strong spatial dispersion. We lift this problem and propose a metamaterial exhibiting artificial magnetism that does not suffer from this restriction. The artificial magnetism arises from the extreme coupling between both metallic films forming the unit cell. We show that its electromagnetic response can be properly described by biaxial local constitutive relations. A genuine biaxial left-handed fishnet metamaterial is suggested, which can be realized by atomic layer deposition to fabricate the nanoscaled spacing layers required for extreme coupling.

ACS Nano ; 16(4): 5696-5703, 2022 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35357153


Resonances in optical systems are useful for many applications, such as frequency comb generation, optical filtering, and biosensing. However, many of these applications are difficult to implement in optical metasurfaces because traditional approaches for designing multiresonant nanostructures require significant computational and fabrication efforts. To address this challenge, we introduce the concept of Fourier lattice resonances (FLRs) in which multiple desired resonances can be chosen a priori and used to dictate the metasurface design. Because each resonance is supported by a distinct surface lattice mode, each can have a high quality factor. Here, we experimentally demonstrate several metasurfaces with flexibly placed resonances (e.g., at 1310 and 1550 nm) and Q-factors as high as 800 in a plasmonic platform. This flexible procedure requires only the computation of a single Fourier transform for its design, and is based on standard lithographic fabrication methods, allowing one to design and fabricate a metasurface to fit any specific, optical-cavity-based application. This work represents a step toward the complete control over the transmission spectrum of a metasurface.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 8(39): 26392-26399, 2016 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27668665


The high potential of bottom-up fabrication strategies for realizing sophisticated optical sensors combining the high sensitivity of a surface plasmon resonance with the exceptional properties of stimuli-responsive hydrogel is demonstrated. The sensor is composed of a periodic hole array in a gold film whose holes are filled with gold-capped poly(N-isoproyl-acrylamide) (polyNIPAM) microspheres. The production of this sensor relies on a pure chemical approach enabling simple, time-efficient, and cost-efficient preparation of sensor platforms covering areas of cm2. The transmission spectrum of this plasmonic sensor shows a strong interaction between propagating surface plasmon polaritons at the metal film surface and localized surface plasmon resonance of the gold cap on top of the polyNIPAM microspheres. Computer simulations support this experimental observation. These interactions lead to distinct changes in the transmission spectrum, which allow for the simultaneous, sensitive optical detection of refractive index changes in the surrounding medium and the swelling state of the embedded polyNIPAM microsphere under the gold cap. The volume of the polyNIPAM microsphere located underneath the gold cap can be changed by certain stimuli such as temperature, pH, ionic strength, and distinct molecules bound to the hydrogel matrix facilitating the detection of analytes which do not change the refractive index of the surrounding medium significantly.