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Conserv Biol ; : e14368, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225250


Accelerating rate of human impact and environmental change severely affects marine biodiversity and increases the urgency to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 30×30 plan for conserving 30% of sea areas by 2030. However, area-based conservation targets are complex to identify in a 3-dimensional (3D) ocean where deep-sea features such as seamounts have been seldom studied mostly due to challenging methodologies to implement at great depths. Yet, the use of emerging technologies, such as environmental DNA combined with modern modeling frameworks, could help address the problem. We collected environmental DNA, echosounder acoustic, and video data at 15 seamounts and deep island slopes across the Coral Sea. We modeled 7 fish community metrics and the abundances of 45 individual species and molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) in benthic and pelagic waters (down to 600-m deep) with boosted regression trees and generalized joint attribute models to describe biodiversity on seamounts and deep slopes and identify 3D protection solutions for achieving the CBD area target in New Caledonia (1.4 million km2). We prioritized the identified conservation units in a 3D space, based on various biodiversity targets, to meet the goal of protecting at least 30% of the spatial domain, with a focus on areas with high biodiversity. The relationship between biodiversity protection targets and the spatial area protected by the solution was linear. The scenario protecting 30% of each biodiversity metric preserved almost 30% of the considered spatial domain and accounted for the 3D distribution of biodiversity. Our study paves the way for the use of combined data collection methodologies to improve biodiversity estimates in 3D structured marine environments for the selection of conservation areas and for the use of biodiversity targets to achieve area-based international targets.

Planeación tridimensional de la conservación de las medidas de biodiversidad de peces para lograr el objetivo de conservación 30x30 de mar profundo Resumen El impacto antropogénico y el cambio ambiental acelerados afectan gravemente a la biodiversidad marina y aumentan la urgencia de aplicar el plan 30x30 del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB) para conservar el 30% de las zonas marinas para el 2030. Sin embargo, la identificación de objetivos de conservación basados en zonas es compleja en un océano tridimensional (3D) en el que rara vez se han estudiado las características de las profundidades marinas, como los montes marinos, sobre todo por la dificultad de aplicar metodologías a grandes profundidades. No obstante, el uso de tecnologías emergentes, como el ADN ambiental combinado con marcos actuales de modelación, podría ayudar a resolver el problema. Recopilamos datos de ADN ambiental, acústica de ecosonda y video en 15 montes marinos y taludes de islas profundas del mar del Coral. Modelamos siete medidas de comunidades de peces y 45 abundancias de especies individuales y unidades taxonómicas moleculares (UTOM) en aguas bentónicas y pelágicas (hasta 600 m de profundidad) con árboles de regresión reforzada (ARR) y modelos de atributos conjuntos generalizados (MACJ) para describir la biodiversidad en los montes marinos y taludes profundos e identificar soluciones de protección en 3D para alcanzar el objetivo de área del CDB en Nueva Caledonia (1.4 millones de km2). Priorizamos las unidades de conservación identificadas en un espacio 3D con base en varios objetivos de biodiversidad para cumplir el objetivo de proteger al menos el 30% del dominio espacial con un enfoque en las zonas con una gran biodiversidad. La relación entre los objetivos de protección de la biodiversidad y el área espacial protegida por la solución fue lineal. El escenario que protegía el 30% de cada medida de biodiversidad preservó casi el 30% del dominio espacial considerado y consideró la distribución tridimensional de la biodiversidad. Nuestro estudio prepara el camino para el uso de metodologías combinadas de recopilación de datos con el fin de mejorar las estimaciones de biodiversidad en entornos marinos estructurados en 3D para la selección de áreas de conservación y para el uso de objetivos de biodiversidad con el fin de alcanzar objetivos internacionales basados en áreas.

PLoS One ; 14(9): e0222584, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31527915


The present study reports on observations carried out in the Tropical North Atlantic in summer and autumn 2017, documenting Sargassum aggregations using both ship-deck observations and satellite sensor observations at three resolutions (MSI-10 m, OLCI-300 m, VIIRS-750 m and MODIS-1 km). Both datasets reported that in summer, Sargassum aggregations were mainly observed off Brazil and near the Caribbean Islands, while they accumulated near the African coast in autumn. Based on in situ observations, we propose a five-class typology allowing standardisation of the description of in situ Sargassum raft shapes and sizes. The most commonly observed Sargassum raft type was windrows, but large rafts composed of a quasi-circular patch hundreds of meters wide were also observed. Satellite imagery showed that these rafts formed larger Sargassum aggregations over a wide range of scales, with smaller aggregations (of tens of m2 area) nested within larger ones (of hundreds of km2). Match-ups between different satellite sensors and in situ observations were limited for this dataset, mainly because of high cloud cover during the periods of observation. Nevertheless, comparisons between the two datasets showed that satellite sensors successfully detected Sargassum abundance and aggregation patterns consistent with in situ observations. MODIS and VIIRS sensors were better suited to describing the Sargassum aggregation distribution and dynamics at Atlantic scale, while the new sensors, OLCI and MSI, proved their ability to detect Sargassum aggregations and to describe their (sub-) mesoscale nested structure. The high variability in raft shape, size, thickness, depth and biomass density observed in situ means that caution is called for when using satellite maps of Sargassum distribution and biomass estimation. Improvements would require additional in situ and airborne observations or very high-resolution satellite imagery.

Sargassum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Oceano Atlântico , Biomassa , Brasil , Imagens de Satélites/métodos , Estações do Ano , Índias Ocidentais