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J Hered ; 114(6): 598-611, 2023 11 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37821799


Cooperative hunting between humans and killer whales (Orcinus orca) targeting baleen whales was reported in Eden, New South Wales, Australia, for almost a century. By 1928, whaling operations had ceased, and local killer whale sightings became scarce. A killer whale from the group, known as "Old Tom," washed up dead in 1930 and his skeleton was preserved. How these killer whales from Eden relate to other populations globally and whether their genetic descendants persist today remains unknown. We extracted and sequenced DNA from Old Tom using ancient DNA techniques. Genomic sequences were then compared with a global dataset of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Old Tom shared a most recent common ancestor with killer whales from Australasia, the North Atlantic, and the North Pacific, having the highest genetic similarity with contemporary New Zealand killer whales. However, much of the variation found in Old Tom's genome was not shared with these widespread populations, suggesting ancestral rather than ongoing gene flow. Our genetic comparisons also failed to find any clear descendants of Tom, raising the possibility of local extinction of this group. We integrated Traditional Custodian knowledge to recapture the events in Eden and recognize that Indigenous Australians initiated the relationship with the killer whales before European colonization and the advent of commercial whaling locally. This study rectifies discrepancies in local records and provides new insight into the origins of the killer whales in Eden and the history of Australasian killer whales.

Orca , Animais , Humanos , Orca/genética , Austrália , Baleias/genética , Sequência de Bases , Nova Zelândia
J Mammal ; 104(1): 39-48, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36818685


Biodiversity loss is a major global challenge of the 21st century. Ultimately, extinctions of species are determined by birth and death rates; thus, conservation management of at-risk species is dependent on robust demographic data. In this study, data gathered from 381 (227 females, 154 males) long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) that died in 14 stranding events on the New Zealand coast between 2006 and 2017 were used to construct the first age- and sex-specific life tables for the subspecies. Survivorship curves were fitted to these data using (1) a traditional maximum likelihood approach, and (2) Siler's competing-risk model. Life table construction and subsequent survival curves revealed distinct differences in the age- and sex-specific survival rates, with females outliving males. Both sexes revealed slightly elevated rates of mortality among the youngest age-classes (<2 years) with postweaning mortality rates decreasing and remaining relatively low until the average life expectancy is reached; 11.3 years for males and 14.7 years for females. Overall (total) mortality is estimated to be 8.8% and 6.8% per annum for males and females, respectively. The mortality curve resembles that of other large mammals, with high calf mortality, lower postweaning mortality, and an exponentially increasing risk of senescent mortality. An accelerated mortality rate was observed in mature females, in contrast to the closely related short-finned pilot whale (G. macrorhynchus), which selects for an extension to the postreproductive life span. The reason for the observed differences in the mortality rate acceleration and postreproductive life span between the two pilot whale species have not been established and warrant further investigation. Obtaining robust information on the life history of long-lived species is challenging, but essential to improve our understanding of population dynamics and help predict how future pressures may impact populations. This study illustrates how demographic data from cetacean stranding events can improve knowledge of species survival rates, thus providing essential information for conservation management.

Mar Biol ; 170(12): 153, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37811127


Reproductive parameters were assessed in 64 male common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) examined post-mortem from strandings and bycatch in New Zealand between 1999 and 2020. The stages of male sexual maturation were assessed using morphological measurements and histological examination of testicular tissue. Age was determined via growth layer groups (GLGs) in teeth. The average age (ASM) and length (LSM) at attainment of sexual maturity were estimated to be 8.8 years and 198.3 cm, respectively. Individual variation in ASM (7.5-10 years) and LSM (190-220 cm) was observed in New Zealand common dolphins. However, on average, sexual maturity was attained at a similar length but at a marginally younger age (< 1 year) in New Zealand compared to populations in the Northern Hemisphere. All testicular variables proved better predictors of sexual maturity compared to demographic variables (age and total body length), with combined testes weight the best outright predictor of sexual maturity. Reproductive seasonality was observed in male common dolphins, with a significant increase in combined testes weight in austral summer. This aligns with most other studied populations, where seasonality in reproduction is typically observed. Given the known anthropogenic impacts on New Zealand common dolphins, we recommend that these findings be used as a baseline from which to monitor population-level changes as part of conservation management efforts. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00227-023-04266-5.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(14)2022 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35883407


Despite the known benefit of considering welfare within wildlife conservation and management, there remains a lack of data to inform such evaluations. To assess animal welfare, relevant information must be captured scientifically and systematically. A key first step is identifying potential indicators of welfare and the practicality of their measurement. We assessed the feasibility of evaluating potential welfare indicators from opportunistically gathered video footage of four stranded odontocete species (n = 53) at 14 stranding events around New Zealand. The first stranded cetacean ethogram was compiled, including 30 different behaviours, 20 of which were observed in all four species. Additionally, thirteen types of human intervention were classified. A subset of 49 live stranded long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) were assessed to determine indicator prevalence and to quantify behaviours. Four 'welfare status' and six 'welfare alerting' non-behavioural indicators could be consistently evaluated from the footage. Additionally, two composite behavioural indicators were feasible. Three human intervention types (present, watering, and touching) and five animal behaviours (tail flutter, dorsal fin flutter, head lift, tail lift, and head side-to-side) were prevalent (>40% of individuals). Our study highlights the potential for non-invasive, remote assessments via video footage and represents an initial step towards developing a systematic, holistic welfare assessment framework for stranded cetaceans.

Biology (Basel) ; 11(10)2022 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36290319


The quantification of a species' trophic niche is important to understand the species ecology and its interactions with the ecosystem it resides in. Despite the high frequency of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas edwardii) strandings on the Aotearoa New Zealand coast, their trophic niche remains poorly understood. To assess the isotopic niche of G. m. edwardii within New Zealand, ontogenetic (sex, total body length, age, maturity status, reproductive group) and spatiotemporal (stranding location, stranding event, and stranding year) variation were investigated. Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were examined from skin samples of 125 G. m. edwardii (67 females and 58 males) collected at mass-stranding events at Onetahua Farewell Spit in 2009 (n = 20), 2011 (n = 20), 2014 (n = 27) and 2017 (n = 20) and at Rakiura Stewart Island in 2010 (n = 19) and 2011 (n = 19). Variations in δ34S values were examined for a subset of 36 individuals. General additive models revealed that stranding event was the strongest predictor for δ13C and δ15N values, whilst sex was the strongest predictor of δ34S isotopic values. Although similar within years, δ13C values were lower in 2014 and 2017 compared to all other years. Furthermore, δ15N values were higher within Farewell Spit 2017 compared to any other stranding event. This suggests that the individuals stranded in Farewell Spit in 2017 may have been feeding at a higher trophic level, or that the nitrogen baseline may have been higher in 2017 than in other years. Spatiotemporal differences explained isotopic variation of G. m. edwardii in New Zealand waters better than ontogenetic factors.

J Mammal ; 103(3): 560-575, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35707679


Knowledge of population biological parameters can contribute to assessing the resilience of a population in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures. Southern Hemisphere long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) are susceptible to high rates of live stranding-related mortality. However, the biological parameters of this population largely are unknown. In this study, age, growth, allometry, and sexual dimorphism are described using teeth and external body measurements obtained from 515 male, 776 female, and 229 individuals of unknown sex, stranded on the New Zealand coastline between 1948 and 2017. Maximum ages of 31 and 38 years were estimated for males (n = 163) and females (n = 239), respectively. Females ranged in length from 160 to 500 cm (modal size class 400-449 cm) and males from 165 to 622 cm (modal size class 500-549 cm). Length-at-birth for both sexes was estimated at 170 cm using a logistic regression model. Growth models for both sexes indicated a preliminary rapid growth phase followed by a second phase of slower growth. For males, a two-phase growth model also indicated a moderate growth spurt around the average age at attainment of sexual maturity (ca.12-13 years). Asymptotic lengths were estimated at 570 and 438 cm for males and females, respectively. We found strong evidence of sexual size dimorphism, with males significantly larger than females for 13 of 14 external measurements. We also found sexual dimorphism with respect to shape, with males having proportionally longer pectoral fins, wider tail flukes, and taller dorsal fins, than females. Estimates of length-at-birth, maximum ages, and sexual shape dimorphism for G. m. edwardii differed from those previously reported for the North Atlantic subspecies (G. m. melas), which may indicate subspecies or population-level differences in morphology, longevity, and sociality.

Mar Biol ; 169(12): 158, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36466079


Reproductive biology was assessed in 106 female common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) examined post-mortem from stranding and bycatch events along the New Zealand coastline between 1997 and 2019. The average age (ASM) and length (LSM) at sexual maturity was estimated at 7.5 years and 183.5 cm, respectively. The total number of corpora in mature individuals increased with age and appeared to persist throughout life. Ovarian asymmetry was apparent, with the left ovary displaying higher rates of ovulation, and a maximum of 19 corpora recorded for a 24-year-old female. The estimated ovulation and annual pregnancy rates for mature females were 0.39 year-1 and 30%, respectively. Conception and calving occurred year-round, with a weak seasonal increase observed in late austral spring and early austral summer. As these data did not clearly show whether seasonality was present, the gestation, lactation, and resting periods were calculated as either 12.6 or 12.8 months based on the presence/absence of seasonality, respectively. Similarly, calving interval ranged from 3.15 to 3.2 years, depending upon whether seasonality was considered. The estimated LSM of the New Zealand population aligns with other populations globally, although the estimated ASM is younger by approximately 6 months. Other reproductive parameters align with Northern Hemisphere populations, although demonstrate variation, which may reflect adaptations to local conditions such as water temperature and prey availability. As the species is subject to anthropogenic impacts including pollution and bycatch, we suggest our findings be used as a baseline with which to monitor trends in population parameters. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00227-022-04139-3.

Biology (Basel) ; 11(8)2022 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36009806


Species occurring in sympatry and relying on similar and limited resources may partition resource use to avoid overlap and interspecific competition. Aotearoa, New Zealand hosts an extraordinarily rich marine megafauna, including 50% of the world's cetacean species. In this study, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes as ecological tracers to investigate isotopic niche overlap between 21 odontocete (toothed whale) species inhabiting neritic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic waters. Results showed a clear niche separation for the bathypelagic Gray's beaked whales (Mesoplodon grayi) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), but high isotopic niche overlap and potential interspecific competition for neritic and mesopelagic species. For these species, competition could be reduced via temporal or finer-scale spatial segregation or differences in foraging behaviour. This study represents the first insights into the coexistence of odontocetes in a biodiverse hotspot. The data presented here provide a critical baseline to a system already ongoing ecosystem change via ocean warming and subsequent effects on prey abundance and distributions.

R Soc Open Sci ; 9(10): 220646, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36312566


Management of live cetacean strandings generally focuses on refloating animals, yet there is a lack of scientific data to inform decision-making. Valid indicators that are practical to measure are needed to assess welfare status and survival likelihood for stranded cetaceans. The Delphi method was applied to gather international and interdisciplinary expert opinion to provide face validity to potential indicators of stranded cetacean welfare and survival likelihood. Two online questionnaires were conducted. In the first questionnaire these experts identified potential indicators of stranded cetacean welfare and survival likelihood. These indicators were subsequently scored by the same experts in questionnaire two, based on their value for assessing welfare/survival likelihood and being practical to measure. Indicators considered valuable and practical for assessing welfare and survival likelihood at strandings included animal-based indices of body and skin condition, signs of physical trauma, respiration rate and various behaviours. Resource-/management-based indicators related mainly to human intervention and should be correlated with animal-based indices to provide relevant evaluations. Importantly, inextricable links between welfare and survival for stranded cetaceans are emphasized, with 90% of indicators being similar for both. Investigations into these indicators should be conducted to develop a practical, science-based assessment framework to inform decision-making during stranding events.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(5)2021 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34069749


The compromised state of stranded cetaceans means that euthanasia is often required. However, current knowledge and implementation of euthanasia methods remain highly variable, with limited data on the practicalities and welfare impacts of procedures. This study evaluated the available published data on cetacean euthanasia, highlighting knowledge gaps and providing direction to improve stranded cetacean welfare. A total of 2147 peer-reviewed articles describing marine mammal euthanasia were examined. Of these 3.1% provided details on the method used, with 91% employing chemical methods. Two countries, the United Kingdom (UK) and New Zealand (NZ), provided euthanasia reports to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) between 2007 and 2020. Methods employed were reported for 78.3% and 100% of individual cetaceans euthanised in the UK and NZ, respectively. In the UK, chemical euthanasia was most common (52%), whilst in NZ only ballistics methods were used. Few data were available about time to death/insensibility (TTD); 0.5% of peer-reviewed articles provided TTD, whilst TTD was reported for 35% of individuals in the UK and for 98% in NZ. However, IWC reports lacked detail on how death/insensibility were assessed, with multiple individuals "presumed instantly" killed. Overall, the findings highlight the lack of available information on cetacean euthanasia, and suggest increased data collection and the application of appropriate methods to improve welfare.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 173(Pt B): 113084, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34775153


Here we provide a first assessment of microplastics (MPs) in stomach contents of 15 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from both single and mass stranding events along the New Zealand coast between 2019 and 2020. MPs were observed in all examined individuals, with an average of 7.8 pieces per stomach. Most MPs were fragments (77%, n = 90) as opposed to fibres (23%, n = 27), with translucent/clear (46%) the most prevalent colour. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed polyethylene terephthalate (65%) as the most predominant polymer in fibres, whereas polypropylene (31%) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (20%) were more frequently recorded as fragments. Mean fragment and fibre size was 584 µm and 1567 µm, respectively. No correlation between total number of MPs and biological parameters (total body length, age, sexual maturity, axillary girth, or blubber thickness) was observed, with similar levels of MPs observed between each of the mass stranding events. Considering MPs are being increasingly linked to a wide range of deleterious effects across taxa, these findings in a typically pelagic marine sentinel species warrants further investigation.

Golfinhos Comuns , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Animais , Monitoramento Ambiental , Análise de Fourier , Microplásticos , Nova Zelândia , Plásticos , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise