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Chemphyschem ; 22(18): 1844-1849, 2021 09 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34125990


The direct and indirect electrochemical grafting of alkyl and aryl halides (RX, ArX) on carbon, metal and polymer surfaces is examined. Their electrochemical reduction occurs at highly negative potential in organic solvents and very often produces carbanions because the reduction potentials of RX and ArX are more negative than those of their corresponding radicals. Therefore, direct electrografting of alkyl and aryl radicals generated from RX and ArX is not easy to perform. This obstacle is overcome using aryl radicals derived from the 2,6-dimethylbenzenediazonium salt (2,6-DMBD), which do not react on the electrode surface due to their steric hindrance but react in solution by abstracting an iodine or bromine atom from RX (X=I, Br) or ArI to give alkyl or aryl radicals. As a consequence, alkyl and aryl radicals are generated at very low driving force by diverting the reactivity of aryl radicals derived from an aryl diazonium salt; they attack the electrode surface and form strongly attached organic layers. This strategy applies to the chemical modification of polymers (polyethylene, polymethylmethacrylate) by alkyl halides under heating.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 60(31): 16980-16983, 2021 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34101324


Electrodeposition of earth-abundant iron group metals such as nickel is difficult to characterize by simple electrochemical analyses since the reduction of their metal salts often competes with inhibiting reactions. This makes the mechanistic interpretation sometimes contradictory, preventing unambiguous predictions about the nature and structure of the electrodeposited material. Herein, the complexity of Ni nanoparticles (NPs) electrodeposition on indium tin oxide (ITO) is unraveled operando and at a single entity NP level by optical microscopy correlated to ex situ SEM imaging. Our correlative approach allows differentiating the dynamics of formation of two different NP populations, metallic Ni and Ni(OH)2 with a <25 nm limit of detection, their formation being ruled by the competition between Ni2+ and water reduction. At the single NP level this results in a self-terminated growth, an information which is most often hidden in ensemble averaged measurements.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(17): 7937-7946, 2020 04 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32223242


By shortening solid-state diffusion times, the nanoscale size reduction of dielectric materials-such as ionic crystals-has fueled synthetic efforts toward their use as nanoparticles, NPs, in electrochemical storage and conversion cells. Meanwhile, there is a lack of strategies able to image the dynamics of such conversion, operando and at the single NP level. It is achieved here by optical microscopy for a model dielectric ionic nanocrystal, a silver halide NP. Rather than the classical core-shrinking mechanism often used to rationalize the complete electrochemical conversion and charge storage in NPs, an alternative mechanism is proposed here. Owing to its poor conductivity, the NP conversion proceeds to completion through the formation of multiple inclusions. The superlocalization of NP during such heterogeneous multiple-step conversion suggests the local release of ions, which propels the NP toward reacting sites enabling its full conversion.

Nanopartículas Metálicas/química , Nanopartículas/química
Anal Chem ; 90(12): 7341-7348, 2018 06 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29772168


By partially overcoming the diffraction limit, superlocalization techniques have extended the applicability of optical techniques down to the nanometer size-range. Herein, cobalt oxide-based nanoparticles are electrochemically grown onto carbon nanoelectrodes and their individual catalytic properties are evaluated through a combined electrochemical-optical approach. Using dark-field white light illumination, edges superlocalization techniques are applied to quantify changes in particle size during electrochemical activation with down to 20 nm precision. It allows the monitoring of (i) the anodic electrodeposition of cobalt hydroxide material and (ii) the large and reversible volume expansion experienced by the cobalt hydroxide particle during its oxidation. Meanwhile, the particle light scattering provides chemical information such as the Co redox state transformation, which complements both the particle size and the recorded electrochemical current and provides in operando mechanistic information on particle electrocatalytic properties.

Langmuir ; 34(38): 11264-11271, 2018 09 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30173513


The surface of gold can be modified with alkyl groups through a radical crossover reaction involving alkyliodides or bromides in the presence of a sterically hindered diazonium salt. In this paper, we characterize the Au-C(alkyl) bond by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS); the corresponding peak appears at 387 cm-1 close to the value obtained by theoretical modeling. The Au-C(alkyl) bond energy is also calculated, it reaches -36.9 kcal mol-1 similar to that of an Au-S-alkyl bond but also of an Au-C(aryl) bond. In agreement with the similar energies of Au-C(alkyl) and Au-S-(alkyl), we demonstrate experimentally that these groups can be exchanged on the surface of gold.

Faraday Discuss ; 210(0): 381-395, 2018 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29975385


The interest in nano-objects has recently dramatically increased in all fields of science, and electrochemistry is no exception. As a consequence, in situ and operando visualization of electrochemical processes is needed at the nanoscale. Herein, we propose a new interferometric microscopy based on an antireflective thin metal electrode layer. The technique is coupled to electrochemistry in a model example: the electro-deposition of Ag metallic nanoparticles (NPs). This challenges the current opto-electrochemical methods and even those relying on nano-impact detection. Indeed, the sensitivity allows the dynamic in situ visualization of the electrochemical growth and dissolution of individual Ag NPs, whose size was tracked dynamically down to 15 nm in diameter. The use of microelectrodes provides interesting quantitative analysis of the NPs, from optically resolved arrays of single NPs to condensed arrays of (unresolved) NPs. Particularly, the optical analysis of all the individual NPs allows the reconstruction of optical voltammograms similar to the electrochemical ones. Finally, the NP dissolution-redeposition is also investigated.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(37): 11998-12002, 2018 09 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30024085


Electrodeposition of nanoparticles (NPs) is a promising route for the preparation of highly electroactive nanostructured electrodes. By taking advantage of progressive electrodeposition, disordered arrays with a wide size distribution of Ag NPs are produced. Combined with surface-reaction monitoring by using highly sensitive backside absorbing-layer optical microscopy (BALM), such arrays offer a platform for screening size-dependent electrochemistry at the single NP level. In particular, this strategy allows rationalizing the electrodeposition dynamics at the single-NP level (>10 nm), up to the point of quantifying the presence of metal nanoclusters (<2 nm), and probing easier NP oxidation with size decrease, either through electrochemical or galvanic reactions.

Acc Chem Res ; 49(9): 2049-57, 2016 09 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27598333


Interest in nanoparticles has vigorously increased over the last 20 years as more and more studies show how their use can potentially revolutionize science and technology. Their applications span many different academically and industrially relevant fields such as catalysis, materials science, health, etc. Until the past decade, however, nanoparticle studies mostly relied on ensemble studies, thus leaving aside their chemical heterogeneity at the single particle level. Over the past few years, powerful new tools appeared to probe nanoparticles individually and in situ. This Account describes how we drew inspiration from the emerging fields of nanoelectrochemistry and plasmonics-based high resolution holographic microscopy to develop a coupled approach capable of analyzing in operando (electro)chemical reaction over one single nanoparticle. A brief overview of selected optical strategies to image NPs in situ with emphasis on scattering based methods is presented. In an electrochemical context, it is necessary to track particle behavior both in solution and near a polarized electrode, which is why 3D optical observation is particularly appealing. These approaches are discussed together with strategies to track NPs beyond the diffraction limit, allowing a much finer description of their trajectories. Then, the holographic setup is used to study electrochemically triggered Ag NP oxidation reaction in the presence of different electrolytes. Holography is shown to be a powerful technique to track and analyze the trajectory of individual NPs in situ, which further sheds light on in operando behaviors such as electrogenerated NP transport, aggregation, or adsorption. We then show that spectroscopy and scattering-based optical methods are reliable and sensitive to the point of being used to investigate and quantify NP (electro)chemical reactions in model cases. However, since real chemical reactions usually take place in an inherently complex environment, approaches based exclusively on optical imaging only reach their limitations. The strategy is then taken one step further by merging together electrochemical nanoimpact experiments with 3D optical monitoring. Previous strategies are validated by showing that in simple cases, these two independent ways of probing NP size and reactivity yield the same results. For more complicated reactions (e.g., multistep reactions), one must go beyond either technique by showing that the two approaches are perfectly complementary and that the two signals contain information of different natures, thus providing a much better characterization of the reaction. This point is illustrated by studying Ag NP oxidation (single or agglomerates) in the presence of a precipitating agent, where the actual oxidation is uncoupled from the dissolution of the particle, thus proving the point of our symbiotic approach.

Langmuir ; 33(35): 8730-8738, 2017 09 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28576079


The spontaneous grafting of diazonium salts on gold may involve the carbocation obtained by heterolytic dediazonation and not necessarily the radical, as usually observed on reducing surfaces. The mechanism is addressed on the basis of DFT calculations and experiments carried out under conditions where the carbocation and the radical are produced selectively. The calculations indicate that the driving force of the reaction leading from a gold cluster, used as a gold model surface, and the carbocation to the modified cluster is higher than that of the analogous reaction starting from the radical. The experiments performed under conditions of heterolytic dediazonation show the formation of thin films on the surface of gold. The grafting of a carbocation is therefore possible, but a mechanism where the cleavage of the Ar-N bond is catalyzed by the surface of gold cannot be excluded.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 56(43): 13493-13497, 2017 10 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28837257


Single nanoparticle (NP) electrochemistry detection at a micro liquid|liquid interface (LLI) is exploited using the catalyzed oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). In this way, current spikes reminiscent of nanoimpacts were recorded, which corresponded to electrocatalytic enhancement of the ORR by Pt NPs. The nature of the LLI allows exploration of new phenomena in single NP electrochemistry. The recorded impacts result from a bipolar reaction occurring at the Pt NP straddling the LLI. O2 reduction takes place in the aqueous phase, while ferrocene hydride (Fc-H+ ; a complex generated upon facilitated interfacial proton transfer by Fc) is oxidized in the organic phase. Ultimately, the role of reactant partitioning, NP bouncing, or the ability of NPs to induce Marangoni effects, is demonstrated.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(10): 3478-83, 2016 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26900633


Electrochemical (EC) impacts of single nanoparticles (NPs) on an ultramicroelectrode are coupled with optics to identify chemical processes at the level of individual NPs. While the EC signals characterize the charge transfer process, the optical monitoring gives a complementary picture of the transport and chemical transformation of the NPs. This is illustrated in the case of electrodissolution of Ag NPs. In the simplest case, the optically monitored dissolution of individual NPs is synchronized with individual EC spikes. Optics then validates in situ the concept of EC nanoimpacts for sizing and counting of NPs. Chemical complexity is introduced by using a precipitating agent, SCN(-), which tunes the overall electrodissolution kinetics. Particularly, the charge transfer and dissolution steps occur sequentially as the synchronicity between the EC and optical signals is lost. This demonstrates the level of complexity that can be revealed from such electrochemistry/optics coupling.

Langmuir ; 32(2): 512-8, 2016 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26653398


The surfaces of poly(methyl methacrylate) and polyethylene are modified either (i) by a two-step process including the thermal reaction of alkyl radicals derived from bromohexanoic acid in a mixture of 2,6-dimethylbenzene diazonium salt and neat isopentyl nitrite at 60 °C, followed by reaction with p-nitroaniline, anthraquinone, neutral red, and polyethylene glycol moieties, or (ii) by reaction of a previously anthraquinone-modified bromohexanoic acid. The modified surfaces are characterized by IR, XPS, UV, and water contact angles. A mechanism is proposed to rationalize the results. This approach is an efficient way to modify and pattern polymer surfaces with different organic groups and chemical functionalities under mild conditions.

Langmuir ; 32(25): 6335-42, 2016 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27224650


Alkyl chains are covalently attached onto metal surfaces by indirect reduction of the bromoalkyl derivative (RBr). This indirect reaction involves the formation (by spontaneous or electrochemical reduction of the 2,6-dimethylbenzenediazonium salt) of a sterically hindered aryl radical that abstracts a Br atom from RBr but does not react with the surface. This crossover reaction furnishes an alkyl radical that reacts with the surface. Starting from 6-bromohexanoic acid, carboxylic functionalized gold surfaces are prepared. "Layer-by-layer" assemblies are built from these surfaces and present some ionic selectivity.

Faraday Discuss ; 193: 339-352, 2016 12 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27711892


Although extremely sensitive, electrical measurements are essentially unable to discriminate complex chemical events involving individual nanoparticles. The coupling of electrochemistry to dark field imaging and spectroscopy allows the triggering of the electrodissolution of an ensemble of Ag nanoparticles (by electrochemistry) and the inference of both oxidation and dissolution processes (by spectroscopy) at the level of a single nanoparticle. Besides the inspection of the dissolution process from optical scattering intensity, adding optical spectroscopy reveals chemical changes through drastic spectral changes. The behaviours of single NPs and NP agglomerates are differentiated: in the presence of thiocyanate ions, the transformation of Ag single nanoparticles to AgSCN is investigated in the context of plasmonic coupling with the electrode; tentative interpretations for optically unresolved groups of nanoparticles are proposed.

Inorg Chem ; 55(14): 6929-37, 2016 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27351596


The polyoxomolybdate hybrid TBA3[PMo11O39{Sn(C6H4)C≡C(C6H4)N2}] K(Mo)Sn[N2(+)] was prepared through Sonogashira-type coupling between TBA4[PMo11O39{Sn(C6H4)I}] K(Mo)Sn[I] and an excess of 3,3-diethyl-1-(4-ethynylphenyl)triaz-1-ene bearing a protected diazonium function, followed by its deprotection by the addition of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). This enlarges the family of organic-inorganic polyoxomolybdate-based hybrids, which has been far less investigated than their related polyoxotungstates. The diazonium function allows for the electrochemical grafting on glassy carbon, and the K(Mo)Sn-modified electrode was further probed by cyclic voltammetry. The PMo11Sn core was found to be highly sensitive to protonation, and five bielectronic proton-coupled electron transfer processes were detected in the presence of an excess of TFA, thus corresponding to the injection of up to 10 electrons in the potential range between 0.15 and -0.45 V/SCE. The gain observed in the thermodynamic potentials is however detrimental to the apparent kinetics of the electron transfer, which drops from 500 s(-1) in the absence of acid to 12 s(-1) in the presence of an excess of TFA.

Nano Lett ; 15(10): 6454-63, 2015 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26327450


Transport-reaction processes at individual Ag nanoparticles (NPs) are studied using electrochemistry coupled with in situ 3D light scattering microscopy. Electrochemistry is used to trigger a (i) diffusiophoretic transport mode capable of accelerating and preconcentrating NPs toward an electrode and (ii) subsequent diffusion-controlled oxidation of NPs. Individual NP dissolution rate, analyzed using optical modeling, suggests the intervention of insoluble products. New insights into diverse NPs behaviors highlight the strength of coupled optical-electrochemical 3D microscopies for single-NP studies.

Anal Chem ; 87(19): 9621-30, 2015 Oct 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26344794


Oscillating chemical reactions, encapsulated within artificial vesicles have been demonstrated as a powerful analogy of living cells for the investigation of chemical communication and morphogenesis. However, little is understood with regards to the influence of confinement on the reactivity of such systems. Herein, the effect of confinement on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) oscillating reaction in bulk solution, (employing ferroin as a catalyst and malonic acid as the organic substrate) is investigated using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) toward different insulating surfaces such as glass, silanized glass, or PTFE. An unexpected increase in the amplitude of the BZ reaction at a tip-substrate distance of ∼12-15 µm is observed. By simulating different reaction mechanisms, from simple EC' catalysis to more sophisticated Oregonator or even an 11-reaction scheme, it is shown that such behavior reveals the intervention of redox catalysis processes and particularly the short-lived highly reactive radical intermediate BrO2(•) indirectly detected at micromolar concentrations. The reinspection of the EC' mechanism shows that the homogeneous catalysis route is confirmed and kinetically characterized from SECM toward an insulating substrate, with promising potentiality in many systems. More specifically to the complex chemical case of BZ reactions, the mechanism is understood from the envelope curves of the oscillations, which are assessed in the absence of the oscillation (absence of organic substrate).

Langmuir ; 31(19): 5406-15, 2015 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25893643


The formation of partial perfluoroalkyl or alkyl radicals from partial perfluoroalkyl or alkyl iodides (ICH2CH2C6F13 and IC6H13) and their reaction with surfaces takes place at low driving force (∼-0.5 V/SCE) when the electrochemical reaction is performed in acetonitrile in the presence of diazonium salts (ArN2(+)), at a potential where the latter is reduced. By comparison to the direct grafting of ICH2CH2C6F13, this corresponds to a gain of ∼2.1 V in the case of 4-nitrobenzenediazonium. Such electrochemical reaction permits the modification of gold surfaces (and also carbon, iron, and copper) with mixed aryl-alkyl groups (Ar = 3-CH3-C6H4, 4-NO2-C6H4, and 4-Br-C6H4, R = C6H13 or (CH2)2-C6F13). These strongly bonded mixed layers are characterized by IRRAS, XPS, ToF-SIMS, ellipsometry, water contact angles, and cyclic voltammetry. The relative proportions of grafted aryl and alkyl groups can be varied along with the relative concentrations of diazonium and iodide components in the grafting solution. The formation of the films is assigned to the reaction of aryl and alkyl radicals on the surface and on the first grafted layer. The former is obtained from the electrochemical reduction of the diazonium salt; the latter results from the abstraction of an iodine atom by the aryl radical. The mechanism involved in the growth of the film provides an example of complex surface radical chemistry.

Langmuir ; 30(46): 13907-13, 2014 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25350951


Alkyl and partial perfluoroalkyl groups are strongly attached to carbon surfaces through (i) the abstraction of the iodine atom from an iodoalkane by the sterically hindered 2,6-dimethylphenyl radical and (ii) the reaction of the ensuing alkyl radical with the carbon surface. Since the 2,6-dimethylphenyl radical is obtained at -0.25 V/Ag/AgCl by reducing the corresponding diazonium salt, the electrografting reaction is facilitated by ∼1.7 V by comparison with the direct electrografting of the iodo compounds. Layers of various thicknesses, including monolayers, are obtained by controlling the time duration of the electrolysis. The grafted films are characterized by electrochemistry, IR, XPS, ellipsometry, and water contact angles.

Compostos de Diazônio/química , Técnicas Eletroquímicas , Membranas Artificiais , Xilenos/química , Radicais Livres/química
Langmuir ; 30(8): 2287-96, 2014 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24494799


A Keggin-type POM is attached to gold or glassy carbon surfaces by electro(chemical) or peptidic coupling. In addition to demonstrating the robust attachment of the POMs (by electrochemistry, XPS, and IRRAS), the surface concentration, layer thickness, and rate constant for electron transfer from the surface to the POMs have been measured. The use of such complementary techniques is mandatory to characterize the modified electrodes properly. Whatever the grafting method, experimental conditions are found to allow monolayer or submonolayer coverage. Besides covalently grafted species, additional electrostatically bonded POMs are present in the film. Cathodic polarization allows removing them to get a grafted film that is stable with time and potential, which is a requirement in the design of molecular memories.