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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(18): 13694-13709, 2024 May 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38666410


Chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for performing broadband gas-phase rotational spectroscopy, and its applications include discovery of new molecules, complex mixture analysis, and exploration of fundamental molecular physics. Here we report the development of a new Ka band (26.5-40 GHz) CP-FTMW spectrometer that is equipped with a pulsed supersonic expansion source and a heated reservoir for low-volatility samples. The spectrometer is built around a 150 W traveling wave tube amplifier and has an instantaneous bandwidth that covers the entire Ka band spectral range. To test the performance of the spectrometer, the rotational spectrum of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a former gasoline additive and environmental pollutant, has been measured for the first time in this spectral range. Over 1000 spectroscopic transitions have been measured and assigned to the vibrational ground state and a newly-identified torsionally excited state; all transitions were fit using the XIAM program to a root-mean-square deviation of 22 kHz. The spectrum displays internal rotation splitting, nominally forbidden transitions, and an intriguing axis-switching effect between the ground and torsionally excited state that is a consequence of MTBE's extreme near-prolate nature. Finally, the sensitivity of the spectrometer enabled detection of all singly-substituted 13C and 18O isotopologues in natural abundance. This set of isotopic spectra allowed for a partial r0 structure involving the heavy atoms to be derived, resolving a structural discrepancy in the literature between previous microwave and electron diffraction measurements.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(28): 5541-5547, 2024 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38981043


Broadband microwave spectra of N-ethyl maleimide (NEM) and N-ethyl succinimide (NES) have been recorded using chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy in the Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz). The spectra for both molecules were fit to a Watson A-reduced Hamiltonian in the Ir representation to obtain best fit experimental rotational constants (NEM: A0 = 2143.1988(29), B0 = 1868.7333(22), C0 = 1082.98458(36); NES: A0 = 2061.47756(14), B0 = 1791.73517(12), C0 = 1050.31263(11)), centrifugal distortion constants, and nuclear quadrupole coupling constants. While the heavy atoms of the five-membered ring of both molecules are planar, the ethyl chain has its terminal methyl group perpendicular to the ring. Along the relaxed potential energy curve for the ethyl dihedral angle (θ1 = C(6)-C(5)-N-C(4)), the ethyl group experiences significant steric strain when it is in the plane of the ring, associated with the interaction of the ethyl group with the two carbonyl oxygens. This leads to calculated barriers of θ1 = 1469 cm-1 and θ1 = 1680 cm-1 in N-ethyl maleimide and N-ethyl succinimide, respectively.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(20): 3185-3197, 2022 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35549287


Pyridyl is a prototypical nitrogen-containing aromatic radical that may be a key intermediate in the formation of nitrogen-containing aromatic molecules under astrophysical conditions. On meteorites, a variety of complex molecules with nitrogen-containing rings have been detected with nonterrestrial isotopic abundances, and larger nitrogen-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PANHs) have been proposed to be responsible for certain unidentified infrared emission bands in the interstellar medium. In this work, the three isomers of pyridyl (2-, 3-, and 4-pyridyl) have been investigated with coupled cluster methods. For each species, structures were optimized at the CCSD(T)/cc-pwCVTZ level of theory and force fields were calculated at the CCSD(T)/ANO0 level of theory. Second-order vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2) was used to derive anharmonic vibrational frequencies and vibrationally corrected rotational constants, and resonances among vibrational states below 3500 cm-1 were treated variationally with the VPT2+K method. The results yield a complete set of spectroscopic parameters needed to simulate the pure rotational spectrum of each isomer, including electron-spin, spin-spin, and nuclear hyperfine interactions, and the calculated hyperfine parameters agree well with the limited available data from electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. For the handful of experimentally measured vibrational frequencies determined from photoelectron spectroscopy and matrix isolation spectroscopy, the typical agreement is comparable to experimental uncertainty. The predicted parameters for rotational spectroscopy reported here can guide new experimental investigations into the yet-unobserved rotational spectra of these radicals.

J Chem Phys ; 157(2): 024302, 2022 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35840384


Photodissociation is one of the main destruction pathways for dicarbon (C2) in astronomical environments, such as diffuse interstellar clouds, yet the accuracy of modern astrochemical models is limited by a lack of accurate photodissociation cross sections in the vacuum ultraviolet range. C2 features a strong predissociative F1Πu-X1Σg + electronic transition near 130 nm originally measured in 1969; however, no experimental studies of this transition have been carried out since, and theoretical studies of the F1Πu state are limited. In this work, potential energy curves of excited electronic states of C2 are calculated with the aim of describing the predissociative nature of the F1Πu state and providing new ab initio photodissociation cross sections for astrochemical applications. Accurate electronic calculations of 56 singlet, triplet, and quintet states are carried out at the DW-SA-CASSCF/MRCI+Q level of theory with a CAS(8,12) active space and the aug-cc-pV5Z basis set augmented with additional diffuse functions. Photodissociation cross sections arising from the vibronic ground state to the F1Πu state are calculated by a coupled-channel model. The total integrated cross section through the F1Πu v = 0 and v = 1 bands is 1.198 × 10-13 cm2 cm-1, giving rise to a photodissociation rate of 5.02 × 10-10 s-1 under the standard interstellar radiation field, much larger than the rate in the Leiden photodissociation database. In addition, we report a new 21Σu + state that should be detectable via a strong 21Σu +-X1Σg + band around 116 nm.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(5): 1257-1268, 2021 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33502858


Pyrrolyl (C4H4N) is a nitrogen-containing aromatic radical that is a derivative of pyrrole (C4H5N) and is an important intermediate in the combustion of biomass. It is also relevant for chemistry in Titan's atmosphere and may be present in the interstellar medium. The lowest-energy isomer, 1-pyrrolyl, has been involved in many experimental and theoretical studies of the N-H photodissociation of pyrrole, yet it has only been directly spectroscopically detected via electron paramagnetic resonance and through the photoelectron spectrum of the pyrrolide anion, yielding three vibrational frequencies. No direct measurements of 2- or 3-pyrrolyl have been made, and little information is known from theoretical calculations beyond their relative energies. Here, we present an ab initio quantum chemical characterization of the three pyrrolyl isomers at the CCSD(T) level of theory in their ground electronic states, with an emphasis on spectroscopic parameters relevant for vibrational and rotational spectroscopy. Equilibrium geometries were optimized at the CCSD(T)/cc-pwCVTZ level of theory, and the quadratic, cubic, and partial quartic force constants were evaluated at CCSD(T)/ANO0 for analysis using second-order vibrational perturbation theory to obtain harmonic and anharmonic vibrational frequencies. In addition, zero-point-corrected rotational constants, electronic spin-rotation tensors, and nuclear hyperfine tensors are calculated for rotational spectroscopy. Our computed structures and energies agree well with earlier density functional theory calculations, and spectroscopic parameters for 1-pyrrolyl are compared with the limited existing experimental data. Finally, we discuss strategies for detecting these radicals using rotational and vibrational spectroscopy on the basis of the calculated spectroscopic constants.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(24): 5171-5177, 2019 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31135161


A fundamental question in the field of astrochemistry is whether the molecules essential to life originated in the interstellar medium (ISM), and, if so, how they were formed. Nitrogen-containing heterocycles are of particular interest because of their role in biology; however, to date, no N-heterocycle has been detected in the ISM, and it is unclear how and where such species might form. Recently, the ß-cyanovinyl radical (HCCHCN) was implicated in the low-temperature gas-phase formation of pyridine. While neutral vinyl cyanide (H2CCHCN) has been rotationally characterized and detected in the ISM, HCCHCN has not. Here, we present the first theoretical study of all three cyanovinyl isomers at the CCSD(T)/ANO1 level of theory and the experimental rotational spectra of cis- and trans-HCCHCN, as well as those of their 15N isotopologues, from 5 to 75 GHz. The observed spectra are in good agreement with calculations and provide a basis for further laboratory and astronomical investigations of these radicals.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(33): 6296-6303, 2017 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28753021


Owing to questions that still persist regarding the length of the O-H and central O-O bond, and large-amplitude torsional motion of trans hydridotrioxygen HOOO, a weakly bound complex between OH and O2, new 18O isotopic measurements of HOOO and DOOO were undertaken using Fourier transform microwave and microwave-millimeter-wave double resonance techniques. Rotational lines from three new 18O species of DOOO (D18OOO, DO18O18O, and D18O18O18O) were detected, along with the two singly substituted 18O isotopic species of HOOO (HO18OO and HOO18O) that were not measured in the previous isotopic investigation. From a least-squares fit, spectroscopic constants, including the three rotational constants, were precisely determined for all five species. The inertial defect of DOOO and its 18O species is uniformly negative: of order -0.04 amu Å2, regardless of the number or location of the 18O atoms, in contrast to that found for HOOO or its 18O isotopic species. A reanalysis of the molecular structure was performed using either normal HOOO and its four singly substituted isotopic species, the new DOOO data, or all the isotopic species (10 in total). The differences between the purely experimental (r0) structures are generally quite small, of order ±0.01 Å for the bond lengths and ±1° for the bond angle. The length of the O-H bond remains unrealistically short compared to free OH, and the central O-O bond length is consistently very close to 1.68 Å. On the basis of the effective O-H bond length derived from the experimental structure, the average displacement of the large amplitude torsional motion from planarity is estimated to be ∼22°.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(36): 11441-4, 2016 09 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27540860


Thionitrous acid (HSNO), a potential key intermediate in biological signaling pathways, has been proposed to link NO and H2S biochemistries, but its existence and stability in vivo remain controversial. We establish that HSNO is spontaneously formed in high concentration when NO and H2S gases are mixed at room temperature in the presence of metallic surfaces. Our measurements reveal that HSNO is formed by the reaction H2S + N2O3 → HSNO + HNO2, where N2O3 is a product of NO disproportionation. These studies also suggest that further reaction of HSNO with H2S may form HNO and HSSH. The length of the S-N bond has been derived to high precision and is found to be unusually long: 1.84 Å, the longest S-N bond reported to date for an R-SNO compound. The present structural and, particularly, reactivity investigations of this elusive molecule provide a firm foundation to better understand its potential physiological chemistry and propensity to undergo S-N bond cleavage in vivo.

J Chem Phys ; 144(12): 124202, 2016 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27036441


Owing to its unparalleled structural specificity, rotational spectroscopy is a powerful technique to unambiguously identify and characterize volatile, polar molecules. We present here a new experimental approach, automated microwave double resonance (AMDOR) spectroscopy, to rapidly determine the rotational constants of these compounds without a priori knowledge of elemental composition or molecular structure. This task is achieved by rapidly acquiring the classical (frequency vs. intensity) broadband spectrum of a molecule using chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave (FTMW) spectroscopy and subsequently analyzing it in near real-time using complementary cavity FTMW detection and double resonance. AMDOR measurements provide a unique "barcode" for each compound from which rotational constants can be extracted. To illustrate the power of this approach, AMDOR spectra of three aroma compounds - trans-cinnamaldehyde, α-, and ß-ionone - have been recorded and analyzed. The prospects to extend this approach to mixture characterization and purity assessment are described.

J Chem Phys ; 144(12): 124304, 2016 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27036445


HOCO is an important intermediate in combustion and atmospheric processes because the OH + CO → H + CO2 reaction represents the final step for the production of CO2 in hydrocarbon oxidation, and theoretical studies predict that this reaction proceeds via various intermediates, the most important being this radical. Isotopic investigations of trans- and cis-HOCO have been undertaken using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy and millimeter-wave double resonance techniques in combination with a supersonic molecular beam discharge source to better understand the formation, chemical bonding, and molecular structures of this radical pair. We find that trans-HOCO can be produced almost equally well from either OH + CO or H + CO2 in our discharge source, but cis-HOCO appears to be roughly two times more abundant when starting from H + CO2. Using isotopically labelled precursors, the OH + C(18)O reaction predominately yields HOC(18)O for both isomers, but H(18)OCO is observed as well, typically at the level of 10%-20% that of HOC(18)O; the opposite propensity is found for the (18)OH + CO reaction. DO + C(18)O yields similar ratios between DOC(18)O and D(18)OCO as those found for OH + C(18)O, suggesting that some fraction of HOCO (or DOCO) may be formed from the back-reaction H + CO2, which, at the high pressure of our gas expansion, can readily occur. The large (13)C Fermi-contact term (aF) for trans- and cis-HO(13)CO implicates significant unpaired electronic density in a σ-type orbital at the carbon atom, in good agreement with theoretical predictions. By correcting the experimental rotational constants for zero-point vibration motion calculated theoretically using second-order vibrational perturbation theory, precise geometrical structures have been derived for both isomers.

J Chem Phys ; 144(12): 124201, 2016 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27036440


Because of its structural specificity, rotational spectroscopy has great potential as an analytical tool for characterizing the chemical composition of complex gas mixtures. However, disentangling the individual molecular constituents of a rotational spectrum, especially if many of the lines are entirely new or unknown, remains challenging. In this paper, we describe an empirical approach that combines the complementary strengths of two techniques, broadband chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy and narrowband cavity Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy, to characterize and assign lines. This procedure, called microwave spectral taxonomy, involves acquiring a broadband rotational spectrum of a rich mixture, categorizing individual lines based on their relative intensities under series of assays, and finally, linking rotational transitions of individual chemical compounds within each category using double resonance techniques. The power of this procedure is demonstrated for two test cases: a stable molecule with a rich spectrum, 3,4-difluorobenzaldehyde, and products formed in an electrical discharge through a dilute mixture of C2H2 and CS2, in which spectral taxonomy has enabled the identification of propynethial, HC(S)CCH.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 54(6): 1808-11, 2015 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25521111


The phenyl radical (C6H5(·)) is the prototypical σ-type aryl radical and one of the most common aromatic building blocks for larger ring molecules. Using a combination of rotational spectroscopy of singly substituted isotopic species and vibrational corrections calculated theoretically, an extremely accurate molecular structure has been determined. Relative to benzene, the phenyl radical has a substantially larger C-Cipso-C bond angle [125.8(3)° vs. 120°], and a shorter distance [2.713(3) Švs. 2.783(2) Å] between the ipso and para carbon atoms.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 53(16): 4089-92, 2014 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24623525


Carbenes are reactive molecules of the form R(1)-:C-R(2) that play a role in topics ranging from organic synthesis to gas-phase oxidation chemistry. We report the first experimental structure determination of dihydroxycarbene (HO-:C-OH), one of the smallest stable singlet carbenes, using a combination of microwave rotational spectroscopy and high-level coupled-cluster calculations. The semi-experimental equilibrium structure derived from five isotopic variants of HO-:C-OH contains two very short CO single bonds (ca. 1.32 Å). Detection of HO-:C-OH in the gas phase firmly establishes that it is stable to isomerization, yet it has been underrepresented in discussions of the CH2O2 chemical system and its atmospherically relevant isomers: formic acid and the Criegee intermediate CH2OO.

ACS Earth Space Chem ; 8(9): 1771-1783, 2024 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39318708


The incorporation of nitrogen atoms into cyclic compounds is essential for terrestrial life; nitrogen-containing (N-)heterocycles make up DNA and RNA nucleobases, several amino acids, B vitamins, porphyrins, and other components of biomolecules. The discovery of these molecules on meteorites with non-terrestrial isotopic abundances supports the hypothesis of exogenous delivery of prebiotic material to early Earth; however, there has been no detection of these species in interstellar environments, indicating that there is a need for greater knowledge of their astrochemical formation and destruction pathways. Here, we present results of simulations of gas-phase pyrrole and pyridine formation from an ab initio nanoreactor, a first-principles molecular dynamics simulation method that accelerates reaction discovery by applying non-equilibrium forces that are agnostic to individual reaction coordinates. Using the nanoreactor in a retrosynthetic mode, starting with the N-heterocycle of interest and a radical leaving group, then considering the discovered reaction pathways in reverse, a rich landscape of N-heterocycle-forming reactivity can be found. Several of these reaction pathways, when mapped to their corresponding minimum energy paths, correspond to novel barrierless formation pathways for pyridine and pyrrole, starting from both detected and hypothesized astrochemical precursors. This study demonstrates how first-principles reaction discovery can build mechanistic knowledge in astrochemical environments as well as in early Earth models such as Titan's atmosphere where N-heterocycles have been tentatively detected.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(39): 9950-8, 2013 Oct 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23537007


The fundamental molecular ion H3(+) has impacted astronomy, chemistry, and physics, particularly since the discovery of its rovibrational spectrum. Consisting of three identical fermions, its properties are profoundly influenced by the requirements of exchange symmetry, most notably the nonexistence of its ground rotational state. Spectroscopy of H3(+) is often used to infer the relative abundances of its two nuclear spin modifications, ortho- and para-H3(+), which are important in areas as diverse as electron dissociative recombination and deuterium fractionation in cold interstellar clouds. In this paper, we explore in detail the impact of exchange symmetry on the states of H3(+), with a particular focus on the state degeneracies necessary for converting spectral transition intensities to relative abundances. We address points of confusion in the literature surrounding these issues and discuss the implications for proton-transfer reactions of H3(+) at low temperatures.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(44): 11282-8, 2013 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24131302


The formation mechanisms of silicon nitride and silicon nitrogen hydrogen films, both produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques and widely used in electronic device fabrication, are poorly understood. Identification of gas-phase intermediates formed from starting materials, typically silane, ammonia, and/or nitrogen, is a critical step in assessing the interplay between gas and surface processes in film formation. Two potential intermediates in this process, HSiNSi and H3SiNSi, have now been detected in a molecular beam by means of rotational spectroscopy. Both molecules were produced in electrical discharges of CVD-like gas mixtures and are the most readily observed silicon-nitrogen-containing molecules in the 6-20 GHz frequency range, though neither has been the subject of prior experimental or theoretical studies. HSiNSi and H3SiNSi are likely formed from reactions involving the silanitrile radical (SiN, isoelectronic to CN), implying that similar gas-phase reactions may be involved in film growth.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(17): 3608-13, 2013 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23534485


Sulfoxylic acid (HOSOH), a chemical intermediate roughly midway along the path between highly reduced (H2S) and highly oxidized sulfur (H2SO4), has been detected using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy and double resonance techniques, guided by new high-level CCSD(T) quantum-chemical calculations of its molecular structure. Rotational spectra of the two most stable isomers of HOSOH, the putative ground state with C2 symmetry and the low-lying C(s) rotamer, have been measured to high precision up to 71 GHz, allowing accurate spectroscopic parameters to be derived for both isomers. HOSOH may play a role in atmospheric and interstellar chemistry, and the present work provides the essential data to enable remote sensing and/or radioastronomical searches for these species. Spectroscopic characterization of HOSOH suggests that other transient intermediates in the oxidation of SO2 to H2SO4 may be amenable to laboratory detection as well.

Micro-Ondas , Ácidos de Enxofre/química , Teoria Quântica
J Phys Chem A ; 117(39): 9968-74, 2013 Oct 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23574435


The rotational spectrum of nitrogen-protonated nitrous oxide (HNNO(+)), an isomer whose existence was first inferred from kinetic studies more than 30 years ago, has now been detected by Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy, guided by new high-level coupled-cluster calculations of its molecular structure. From high-resolution measurements of the hyperfine splitting in its fundamental rotational transition, the rotational constant (B + C)/2 and the quadrupole tensor element χaa(N) for both nitrogen atoms have been precisely determined. The derived constants agree well with quantum-chemical calculations here and others in the literature. The χaa(N) values for the two isomers of protonated nitrous oxide are qualitatively consistent with the valence bond description of H-N═N(+)═O for the electronic structure of the nitrogen-protonated form and N≡N(+)-O-H for the oxygen-protonated form. HNNO(+) is found to be 2-4 times less abundant than NNOH(+) under a range of experimental conditions, as might be expected because this metastable isomer is known to be only ∼6 kcal mol(-1) less stable than ground-state NNOH(+) from kinetic measurements by Ferguson and co-workers.

J Chem Phys ; 134(19): 194310, 2011 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21599062


The chemical reaction H(3)(+) + H(2) → H(2) + H(3)(+) is the simplest bimolecular reaction involving a polyatomic, yet is complex enough that exact quantum mechanical calculations to adequately model its dynamics are still unfeasible. In particular, the branching fractions for the "identity," "proton hop," and "hydrogen exchange" reaction pathways are unknown, and to date, experimental measurements of this process have been limited. In this work, the nuclear-spin-dependent steady-state kinetics of the H(3)(+) + H(2) reaction is examined in detail, and employed to generate models of the ortho:para ratio of H(3)(+) formed in plasmas of varying ortho:para H(2) ratios. One model is based entirely on nuclear spin statistics, and is appropriate for temperatures high enough to populate a large number of H(3)(+) rotational states. Efforts are made to include the influence of three-body collisions in this model by deriving nuclear spin product branching fractions for the H(5)(+) + H(2) reaction. Another model, based on rate coefficients calculated using a microcanonical statistical approach, is appropriate for lower-temperature plasmas in which energetic considerations begin to compete with the nuclear spin branching fractions. These models serve as a theoretical framework for interpreting the results of laboratory studies on the reaction of H(3)(+) with H(2).