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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(22): 226504, 2023 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101387


We have investigated the low-temperature local magnetic properties in the bulk of molten salt-flux (MSF)-grown single crystals of the candidate odd-parity superconductor UTe_{2} by zero-field muon spin relaxation (µSR). In contrast to previous µSR studies of UTe_{2} single crystals grown by a chemical vapor transport method, we find no evidence of magnetic clusters or electronic moments fluctuating slow enough to cause a discernible relaxation of the zero-field µSR asymmetry spectrum. Consequently, our measurements on MSF-grown single crystals rule out the generation of spontaneous magnetic fields in the bulk that would occur near impurities or lattice defects if the superconducting state of UTe_{2} breaks time-reversal symmetry. This result suggests that UTe_{2} is characterized by a single-component superconducting order parameter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(19): 197203, 2019 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765191


By means of new muon spin relaxation experiments, we disentangle extrinsic and intrinsic sources of low-temperature bulk magnetism in the candidate topological Kondo insulator (TKI) SmB_{6}. Results on Al-flux-grown SmB_{6} single crystals are compared to those on a large floating-zone-grown ^{154}Sm ^{11}B_{6} single crystal in which a 14 meV bulk spin exciton has been detected by inelastic neutron scattering. Below ∼10 K, we detect the gradual development of quasistatic magnetism due to rare-earth impurities and Sm vacancies. Our measurements also reveal two additional forms of intrinsic magnetism: (1) underlying low-energy (∼100 meV) weak magnetic moment (∼10^{-2} µ_{B}) fluctuations similar to those detected in the related candidate TKI YbB_{12} that persist down to millikelvin temperatures, and (2) magnetic fluctuations consistent with a 2.6 meV bulk magnetic excitation at zero magnetic field that appears to hinder surface conductivity above ∼4.5 K. We discuss potential origins of the magnetism.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(19): 197203, 2019 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144966


We report the discovery of incommensurate magnetism near quantum criticality in CeNiAsO through neutron scattering and zero field muon spin rotation. For T

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(9): 095901, 2019 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31524467


We report measurements of the diffusion rate of isolated ion-implanted ^{8}Li^{+} within ∼120 nm of the surface of oriented single-crystal rutile TiO_{2} using a radiotracer technique. The α particles from the ^{8}Li decay provide a sensitive monitor of the distance from the surface and how the depth profile of ^{8}Li evolves with time. The main findings are that the implanted Li^{+} diffuses and traps at the (001) surface. The T dependence of the diffusivity is described by a bi-Arrhenius expression with activation energies of 0.3341(21) eV above 200 K, whereas at lower temperatures it has a much smaller barrier of 0.0313(15) eV. We consider possible origins for the surface trapping, as well the nature of the low-T barrier.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(25): 257204, 2012 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23004650


We report vibrating coil magnetometry of the spin-ice system Ho(2)Ti(2)O(7) down to ~0.04 K for magnetic fields up to 5 T applied parallel to the [111] axis. History-dependent behavior emerges below T(0)(*) ~ 0.6 K near zero magnetic field, in common with other spin-ice compounds. In large magnetic fields, we observe a magnetization plateau followed by a hysteretic metamagnetic transition. The temperature dependence of the coercive fields as well as the susceptibility calculated from the magnetization identify the metamagnetic transition as a line of first order transitions terminating in a critical end point at T(m)(*) 0.37 ~/= K, B(m) ~/= 1.5 T. The metamagnetic transition in Ho(2)Ti(2)O(7) is strongly reminiscent of that observed in Dy(2)Ti(2)O(7), suggestive of a general feature of the spin ices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(4): 047201, 2012 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006105


We have explored the spin liquid state in Tb(2)Ti(2)O(7) with vibrating-coil magnetometry down to ~0.04 K under magnetic fields up to 5 T. We observe magnetic history dependence below T*~0.2 K reminiscent of the classical spin ice systems Ho(2)Ti(2)O(7) and Dy(2)TiTi(2)O(7). The magnetic phase diagram inferred from the magnetization is essentially isotropic, without evidence of magnetization plateaus as anticipated for so-called quantum spin ice, predicted theoretically for [111] when quantum fluctuations renormalize the interactions. Instead, the magnetization for T≪T* agrees semiquantitatively with the predictions of "all-in-all-out" (AIAO) antiferromagnetism. Taken together, this suggests that the spin liquid state in Tb(2)Ti(2)O(7) is akin to an incipient AIAO antiferromagnet.

Nat Mater ; 9(4): 299-303, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20305642


Mn-doped GaAs is a ferromagnetic semiconductor, widely studied because of its possible application for spin-sensitive 'spintronics' devices. The material also attracts great interest in fundamental research regarding its evolution from a paramagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal. The high sensitivity of its physical properties to preparation conditions and heat treatments and the strong doping and temperature dependencies of the magnetic anisotropy have generated a view in the research community that ferromagnetism in (Ga, Mn)As may be associated with unavoidable and intrinsic strong spatial inhomogeneity. Muon spin relaxation (muSR) probes magnetism, yielding unique information about the volume fraction of regions having static magnetic order, as well as the size and distribution of the ordered moments. By combining low-energy muSR, conductivity and a.c. and d.c. magnetization results obtained on high-quality thin-film specimens, we demonstrate here that (Ga, Mn)As shows a sharp onset of ferromagnetic order, developing homogeneously in the full volume fraction, in both insulating and metallic films. Smooth evolution of the ordered moment size across the insulator-metal phase boundary indicates strong ferromagnetic coupling between Mn moments that exists before the emergence of fully itinerant hole carriers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(20): 207207, 2011 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181768


Theory predicts the low temperature magnetic excitations in spin ices consist of deconfined magnetic charges, or monopoles. A recent transverse-field (TF) muon spin rotation (µSR) experiment [S. T. Bramwell et al., Nature (London) 461, 956 (2009)] reports results claiming to be consistent with the temperature and magnetic field dependence anticipated for monopole nucleation-the so-called second Wien effect. We demonstrate via a new series of µSR experiments in Dy(2)Ti(2)O(7) that such an effect is not observable in a TF µSR experiment. Rather, as found in many highly frustrated magnetic materials, we observe spin fluctuations which become temperature independent at low temperatures, behavior which dominates over any possible signature of thermally nucleated monopole excitations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(10): 107203, 2010 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867545


LiHo(x)Y(1-x)F4 is an insulator where the magnetic Ho3+ ions have an Ising character and interact mainly through magnetic dipolar fields. We used the muon spin relaxation technique to study the nature of its ground state for samples with x ≤ 0.25. In contrast with some previous works, we did not find canonical spin glass behavior down to ≈ 15 mK. Instead, below ≈300 mK we observed temperature-independent dynamic magnetism characterized by a single correlation time. The 300 mK energy scale corresponds to the Ho3+ hyperfine interaction strength, suggesting that this interaction may be involved in the dynamic behavior of the system.

Science ; 292(5522): 1692-5, 2001 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11387468


For some time now, there has been considerable experimental and theoretical effort to understand the role of the normal-state "pseudogap" phase in underdoped high-temperature cuprate superconductors. Recent debate has centered on the question of whether the pseudogap is independent of superconductivity. We provide evidence from zero-field muon spin relaxation measurements in YBa2Cu3O6+x for the presence of small spontaneous static magnetic fields of electronic origin intimately related to the pseudogap transition. Our most significant finding is that, for optimal doping, these weak static magnetic fields appear well below the superconducting transition temperature. The two compositions measured suggest the existence of a quantum critical point somewhat above optimal doping.

Phys Rev B ; 100(14)2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131607


We report low-temperature muon spin relaxation/rotation (µSR) measurements on single crystals of the actinide superconductor UTe2. Below 5 K we observe a continuous slowing down of magnetic fluctuations that persists through the superconducting transition temperature (T c = 1.6 K), but we find no evidence of long-range or local magnetic order down to 0.025 K. The temperature dependence of the dynamic relaxation rate down to 0.4 K agrees with the self-consistent renormalization theory of spin fluctuations for a three-dimensional weak itinerant ferromagnetic metal. Our µSR measurements also indicate that the superconductivity coexists with the magnetic fluctuations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(38): 385802, 2018 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30089706


A new pyrochlore compound, NaCaNi2F7, was recently synthesized and has a single magnetic site with spin-1 Ni2+ . We present zero field and longitudinal field muon spin rotation (µSR) measurements on this pyrochlore. Density functional theory calculations show that the most likely muon site is located between two fluorine ions, but off-centre. A characteristic F-µ-F muon spin polarization function is observed at high temperatures where Ni spin fluctuations are sufficiently rapid. The Ni2+ spins undergo spin freezing into a disordered ground state below 4 K, with a characteristic internal field strength of 140 G. Persistent Ni spin dynamics are present to our lowest temperatures (75 mK), a feature characteristic of many geometrically frustrated magnetic systems.

Sci Rep ; 6: 22282, 2016 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26923862


Epitaxial films of the pyrochlore Nd2Ir2O7 have been grown on (111)-oriented yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrates by off-axis sputtering followed by post-growth annealing. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results demonstrate phase-pure epitaxial growth of the pyrochlore films on YSZ. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) investigation of an Nd2Ir2O7 film with a short post-annealing provides insight into the mechanism for crystallization of Nd2Ir2O7 during the post-annealing process. STEM images reveal clear pyrochlore ordering of Nd and Ir in the films. The epitaxial relationship between the YSZ and Nd2Ir2O7 is observed clearly while some interfacial regions show a thin region with polycrystalline Ir nanocrystals.

Nat Commun ; 4: 1442, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23385587


Diluted magnetic semiconductors have received much attention due to their potential applications for spintronics devices. A prototypical system (Ga,Mn)As has been widely studied since the 1990s. The simultaneous spin and charge doping via hetero-valent (Ga(3+),Mn(2+)) substitution, however, resulted in severely limited solubility without availability of bulk specimens. Here we report the synthesis of a new diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ba(1-x)K(x))(Zn(1-y)Mn(y))(2)As(2), which is isostructural to the 122 iron-based superconductors with the tetragonal ThCr(2)Si(2) (122) structure. Holes are doped via (Ba(2+), K(1+)) replacements, while spins via isovalent (Zn(2+),Mn(2+)) substitutions. Bulk samples with x=0.1-0.3 and y=0.05-0.15 exhibit ferromagnetic order with T(C) up to 180 K, which is comparable to the highest T(C) for (Ga,Mn)As and significantly enhanced from T(C) up to 50 K of the '111'-based Li(Zn,Mn)As. Moreover, ferromagnetic (Ba,K)(Zn,Mn)(2)As(2) shares the same 122 crystal structure with semiconducting BaZn(2)As(2), antiferromagnetic BaMn(2)As(2) and superconducting (Ba,K)Fe(2)As(2), which makes them promising for the development of multilayer functional devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(24): 247206, 2006 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17280317


High resolution neutron scattering measurements on a single crystal of SrCu(2-x)Mgx(BO3)2 with x approximately 0.05 reveal the presence of new spin excitations within the gap of this quasi-two-dimensional, singlet ground state system. The application of a magnetic field induces Zeeman-split states associated with S=1/2 unpaired spins which are antiferromagnetically correlated with the bulk singlet. Substantial broadening of both the one- and two-triplet excitations in the doped single crystal is observed, as compared with pure SrCu2(BO3)2. Theoretical calculations using a variational algorithm and a single quenched magnetic vacancy on an infinite lattice are shown to qualitatively account for these effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(17): 177201, 2006 May 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16712328


High resolution time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements on Tb(2)Ti(2)0(7) reveal a rich low temperature phase diagram in the presence of a magnetic field applied along [110]. In zero field at T = 0.4 K, Tb(2)Ti(2)0(7) is a highly correlated cooperative paramagnet with disordered spins residing on a pyrochlore lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Application of a small field condenses much of the magnetic diffuse scattering, characteristic of the disordered spins, into a new Bragg peak characteristic of a polarized paramagnet. At higher fields, a magnetically ordered phase is induced, which supports spin wave excitations indicative of continuous, rather than Ising-like, spin degrees of freedom.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(14): 147002, 2002 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12366067


We report transverse-field and zero-field muon spin rotation and relaxation studies of the superconducting rhenium oxide pyrochlore, Cd2Re2O7. Transverse-field measurements (H=0.007 T) show line broadening below T(c), which is characteristic of a vortex state, demonstrating conclusively the type-II nature of this superconductor. The penetration depth is seen to level off below about 400 mK (T/T(c) approximately 0.4), with a rather large value of lambda(T=0) approximately 7500 A. The temperature independent behavior below approximately 400 mK is consistent with a nodeless superconducting energy gap. Zero-field measurements indicate no static magnetic fields developing below the transition temperature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(2): 027202, 2003 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12906505


We report muon spin rotation measurements of the local magnetic susceptibility around a positive muon in the paramagnetic state of the quasi-one-dimensional spin 1/2 antiferromagnet dichlorobis (pyridine) copper (II). Signals from three distinct sites are resolved and have a temperature dependent frequency shift which is significantly different than the magnetic susceptibility. This difference is attributed to a muon induced perturbation of the spin 1/2 chain. The obtained frequency shifts are compared with transfer matrix density-matrix renormalization-group numerical simulations.