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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(1): 016601, 2023 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478453


Topological entanglement entropy (TEE) is a key diagnostic of topological order, allowing one to detect the presence of Abelian or non-Abelian anyons. However, there are currently no experimentally feasible protocols to measure TEE in condensed matter systems. Here, we propose a scheme to measure the TEE of chiral topological phases, carrying protected edge states, based on a nontrivial connection with the thermodynamic entropy change occurring in a quantum point contact (QPC) as it pinches off the topological liquid into two. We show how this entropy change can be extracted using Maxwell relations from charge detection of a nearby quantum dot. We demonstrate this explicitly for the Abelian Laughlin states, using an exact solution of the sine-Gordon model describing the universal crossover in the QPC. Our approach might open a new thermodynamic detection scheme of topological states also with non-Abelian statistics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(13): 136201, 2023 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37067316


It is desirable to relate entanglement of many-body systems to measurable observables. In systems with a conserved charge, it was recently shown that the number entanglement entropy (NEE)-i.e., the entropy change due to an unselective subsystem charge measurement-is an entanglement monotone. Here we derive finite-temperature equilibrium relations between Rényi moments of the NEE, and multipoint charge correlations. These relations are exemplified in quantum dot systems where the desired charge correlations can be measured via a nearby quantum point contact. In quantum dots recently realizing the multichannel Kondo effect we show that the NEE has a nontrivial universal temperature dependence which is now accessible using the proposed methods.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(12): 126502, 2023 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37802946


Environment-induced localization transitions (LT) occur when a small quantum system interacts with a bath of harmonic oscillators. At equilibrium, LTs are accompanied by an entropy change, signaling the loss of coherence. Despite extensive efforts, equilibrium LTs have yet to be observed. Here, we demonstrate that ongoing experiments on double quantum dots that measure entropy using a nearby quantum point contact realize the celebrated spin-boson model and allow to measure the entropy change of its LT. We find a Kosterlitz-Thouless flow diagram, leading to a universal jump in the spin-bath interaction, reflected in a discontinuity in the zero temperature QPC conductance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(14): 146803, 2022 Apr 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35476492


Fractional entropy is a signature of nonlocal degrees of freedom, such as Majorana zero modes or more exotic non-Abelian anyons. Although direct experimental measurements remain challenging, Maxwell relations provide an indirect route to the entropy through charge measurements. Here we consider multichannel charge-Kondo systems, which are predicted to host exotic quasiparticles due to a frustration of Kondo screening at low temperatures. In the absence of experimental data for the charge occupation, we derive relations connecting the latter to the conductance, for which experimental results have recently been obtained. Our analysis indicates that Majorana and Fibonacci anyon quasiparticles are well developed in existing two- and three-channel charge-Kondo devices, and that their characteristic k_{B}logsqrt[2] and k_{B}log[(1+sqrt[5])/2] entropies are experimentally measurable.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(19): 196802, 2020 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216602


Fractional charge and statistics are hallmarks of low-dimensional interacting systems such as fractional quantum Hall (QH) systems. Integer QH systems are regarded as noninteracting, yet they can have fractional charge excitations when they couple to another interacting system or time-dependent voltages. Here, we notice Abelian fractional mutual statistics between such a fractional excitation and an electron, and propose a setup for detection of the statistics in which a fractional excitation is generated at a source and injected to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) in the integer QH regime. In a parameter regime, the dominant interference process involves braiding, via double exchange, between an electron excited at an MZI beam splitter and the fractional excitation. The braiding results in the interference phase shift by the phase angle of the mutual statistics. This proposal for directly observing the fractional mutual statistics is within experimental reach.

Opt Express ; 27(14): 19692-19701, 2019 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31503725


Two-dimensional (2-D) hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) has attracted considerable attention for deep ultraviolet optoelectronics and visible single photon sources, however, realization of an electrically-driven light emitter remains challenging due to its wide bandgap nature. Here, we report electrically-driven visible light emission with a red-shift under increasing electric field from a few layer h-BN by employing a five-period Al2O3/h-BN multiple heterostructure and a graphene top electrode. Investigation of electrical properties reveals that the Al2O3 layers act as potential barriers confining injected carriers within the h-BN wells, while suppressing the electrostatic breakdown by trap-assisted tunneling, to increase the probability of radiative recombination. The result highlights a promising potential of such multiple heterostructure as a practical and efficient platform for electrically-driven light emitters based on wide bandgap two-dimensional materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(1): 016803, 2019 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386400


Anyonic fractional charges e^{*} have been detected by autocorrelation shot noise at a quantum point contact (QPC) between two fractional quantum Hall edges. We find that the autocorrelation noise can also show a fingerprint of Abelian anyonic fractional statistics. We predict the noise of the electrical tunneling current I at the QPC of the fractional-charge detection setup, when anyons are dilutely injected, from an additional edge biased by a voltage, to the setup in equilibrium. At large voltages, the nonequilibrium noise is reduced below the thermal equilibrium noise by the value 2e^{*}I. This negative excess noise is opposite to the positive excess noise 2e^{*}I of the conventional fractional-charge detection and also to the usual positive autocorrelation noises of electrical currents. This is a signature of Abelian fractional statistics, resulting from the effective braiding of an anyon thermally excited at the QPC around another anyon injected from the additional edge.

Heliyon ; 10(9): e29397, 2024 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38694025


Although lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are extensively used as secondary storage energy devices, they also pose a significant fire and explosion hazard. Subsequently, thermal stability studies for LiPF6- and LiFSI-type electrolytes have been conducted extensively. However, the thermal characteristics of these electrolytes with thermally stable additives in a full cell assembly have yet to be explored. This study presents a comprehensive accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC) study. First, 1.2-Ah cells were prepared using a control commercial LiPF6 electrolyte and LiFSI with a specific succinonitrile additive and ethyl-methyl carbonate as a thermally stable electrolyte additive. The kinetic parameters involved in heat generation and their effects on the thermal properties of the ARC module were analyzed from the heat-wait-seek (HWS), self-heating (SH), and thermal runaway (TR) stages. The results indicate that the addition of a succinonitrile additive to the LiFSI electrolyte lowers the decomposition temperatures of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) owing to polymerization with Li at the anode, while simultaneously increasing the activation energy of reaction temperatures at SEI between the separator and the electrolyte. The maximum thermal-runaway temperature decreased from 417 °C (ΔH = 5.26 kJ) (LiPF6) to 285 °C (ΔH = 2.068 kJ) (LiFSI + succinonitrile). This study provides key insights to the thermal characteristics of LiPF6 and LiFSI during the self-heating and thermal runaway stages and indicates a practical method for achieving thermally stable LIBs.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 19(7): 955-961, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38961247


In atomically thin van der Waals materials, grain boundaries-the line defects between adjacent crystal grains with tilted in-plane rotations-are omnipresent. When the tilting angles are arbitrary, the grain boundaries form inhomogeneous sublattices, giving rise to local electronic states that are not controlled. Here we report on epitaxial realizations of deterministic MoS2 mirror twin boundaries (MTBs) at which two adjoining crystals are reflection mirroring by an exactly 60° rotation by position-controlled epitaxy. We showed that these epitaxial MTBs are one-dimensionally metallic to a circuit length scale. By utilizing the ultimate one-dimensional (1D) feature (width ~0.4 nm and length up to a few tens of micrometres), we incorporated the epitaxial MTBs as a 1D gate to build integrated two-dimensional field-effect transistors (FETs). The critical role of the 1D MTB gate was verified to scale the depletion channel length down to 3.9 nm, resulting in a substantially lowered channel off-current at lower gate voltages. With that, in both individual and array FETs, we demonstrated state-of-the-art performances for low-power logics. The 1D epitaxial MTB gates in this work suggest a novel synthetic pathway for the integration of two-dimensional FETs-that are immune to high gate capacitance-towards ultimate scaling.

Adv Mater ; 35(4): e2203481, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35953281


A new type of atomically thin synaptic network on van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures is reported, where each ultrasmall cell (≈2 nm thick) built with trilayer WS2 semiconductor acts as a gate-tunable photoactive synapse, i.e., a photo-memtransistor. A train of UV pulses onto the WS2 memristor generates dopants in atomic-level precision by direct light-lattice interactions, which, along with the gate tunability, leads to the accurate modulation of the channel conductance for potentiation and depression of the synaptic cells. Such synaptic dynamics can be explained by a parallel atomistic resistor network model. In addition, it is shown that such a device scheme can generally be realized in other 2D vdW semiconductors, such as MoS2 , MoSe2 , MoTe2 , and WSe2 . Demonstration of these atomically thin photo-memtransistor arrays, where the synaptic weights can be tuned for the atomistic defect density, provides implications for a new type of artificial neural networks for parallel matrix computations with an ultrahigh integration density.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 16(10): 1092-1098, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34267369


A broad range of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) semiconductors are available as monolayer (ML) crystals, so the precise integration of each kind into van der Waals (vdW) superlattices (SLs) could enable the realization of novel structures with previously unexplored functionalities. Here we report the atomic layer-by-layer epitaxial growth of vdW SLs with programmable stacking periodicities, composed of more than two kinds of dissimilar TMDC MLs, such as MoS2, WS2 and WSe2. Using kinetics-controlled vdW epitaxy in the near-equilibrium limit by metal-organic chemical vapour depositions, we achieved precise ML-by-ML stacking, free of interlayer atomic mixing, which resulted in tunable two-dimensional vdW electronic systems. As an example, by exploiting the series of type II band alignments at coherent two-dimensional vdW heterointerfaces, we demonstrated valley-polarized carrier excitations-one of the most distinctive electronic features in vdW ML semiconductors-which scale with the stack numbers n in our (MoS2/WS2)n SLs on optical excitations.

Sci Adv ; 5(7): eaaw3180, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360767


We report wafer-scale growth of atomically thin, three-dimensional (3D) van der Waals (vdW) semiconductor membranes. By controlling the growth kinetics in the near-equilibrium limit during metal-organic chemical vapor depositions of MoS2 and WS2 monolayer (ML) crystals, we have achieved conformal ML coverage on diverse 3D texture substrates, such as periodic arrays of nanoscale needles and trenches on quartz and SiO2/Si substrates. The ML semiconductor properties, such as channel resistivity and photoluminescence, are verified to be seamlessly uniform over the 3D textures and are scalable to wafer scale. In addition, we demonstrated that these 3D films can be easily delaminated from the growth substrates to form suspended 3D semiconductor membranes. Our work suggests that vdW ML semiconductor films can be useful platforms for patchable membrane electronics with atomic precision, yet large areas, on arbitrary substrates.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11131, 2016 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27030442


According to a basic rule of fermionic and bosonic many-body physics, known as the linked cluster theorem, physical observables are not affected by vacuum bubbles, which represent virtual particles created from vacuum and self-annihilating without interacting with real particles. Here we show that this conventional knowledge must be revised for anyons, quasiparticles that obey fractional exchange statistics intermediate between fermions and bosons. We find that a certain class of vacuum bubbles of Abelian anyons does affect physical observables. They represent virtually excited anyons that wind around real anyonic excitations. These topological bubbles result in a temperature-dependent phase shift of Fabry-Perot interference patterns in the fractional quantum Hall regime accessible in current experiments, thus providing a tool for direct and unambiguous observation of elusive fractional statistics.