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J Chem Phys ; 161(7)2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39158048


CuGBasis is a free and open-source CUDA®/Python library for efficient computation of scalar, vector, and matrix quantities crucial for the post-processing of electronic structure calculations. CuGBasis integrates high-performance Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) computing with the ease and flexibility of Python programming, making it compatible with a vast ecosystem of libraries. We showcase its utility as a Python library and demonstrate its seamless interoperability with existing Python software to gain chemical insight from quantum chemistry calculations. Leveraging GPU-accelerated code, cuGBasis exhibits remarkable performance, making it highly applicable to larger systems or large databases. Our benchmarks reveal a 100-fold performance gain compared to alternative software packages, including serial/multi-threaded Central Processing Unit and GPU implementations. This paper outlines various features and computational strategies that lead to cuGBasis's enhanced performance, guiding developers of GPU-accelerated code.

J Chem Phys ; 160(16)2024 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38651814


HORTON is a free and open-source electronic-structure package written primarily in Python 3 with some underlying C++ components. While HORTON's development has been mainly directed by the research interests of its leading contributing groups, it is designed to be easily modified, extended, and used by other developers of quantum chemistry methods or post-processing techniques. Most importantly, HORTON adheres to modern principles of software development, including modularity, readability, flexibility, comprehensive documentation, automatic testing, version control, and quality-assurance protocols. This article explains how the principles and structure of HORTON have evolved since we started developing it more than a decade ago. We review the features and functionality of the latest HORTON release (version 2.3) and discuss how HORTON is evolving to support electronic structure theory research for the next decade.

J Chem Phys ; 160(17)2024 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38748031


Grid is a free and open-source Python library for constructing numerical grids to integrate, interpolate, and differentiate functions (e.g., molecular properties), with a strong emphasis on facilitating these operations in computational chemistry and conceptual density functional theory. Although designed, maintained, and released as a stand-alone Python library, Grid was originally developed for molecular integration, interpolation, and solving the Poisson equation in the HORTON and ChemTools packages. Grid is designed to be easy to use, extend, and maintain; this is why we use Python and adopt many principles of modern software development, including comprehensive documentation, extensive testing, continuous integration/delivery protocols, and package management. We leverage popular scientific packages, such as NumPy and SciPy, to ensure high efficiency and optimized performance in grid development. This article is the official release note of the Grid library showcasing its unique functionality and scope.

J Chem Phys ; 161(4)2024 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39077908


GBasis is a free and open-source Python library for molecular property computations based on Gaussian basis functions in quantum chemistry. Specifically, GBasis allows one to evaluate functions expanded in Gaussian basis functions (including molecular orbitals, electron density, and reduced density matrices) and to compute functionals of Gaussian basis functions (overlap integrals, one-electron integrals, and two-electron integrals). Unique features of GBasis include supporting evaluation and analytical integration of arbitrary-order derivatives of the density (matrices), computation of a broad range of (screened) Coulomb interactions, and evaluation of overlap integrals of arbitrary numbers of Gaussians in arbitrarily high dimensions. For circumstances where the flexibility of GBasis is less important than high performance, a seamless Python interface to the Libcint C package is provided. GBasis is designed to be easy to use, maintain, and extend following many standards of sustainable software development, including code-quality assurance through continuous integration protocols, extensive testing, comprehensive documentation, up-to-date package management, and continuous delivery. This article marks the official release of the GBasis library, outlining its features, examples, and development.

J Am Chem Soc ; 2023 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37917924


Accurate potential energy models of proteins must describe the many different types of noncovalent interactions that contribute to a protein's stability and structure. Pi-pi contacts are ubiquitous structural motifs in all proteins, occurring between aromatic and nonaromatic residues and play a nontrivial role in protein folding and in the formation of biomolecular condensates. Guided by a geometric criterion for isolating pi-pi contacts from classical molecular dynamics simulations of proteins, we use quantum mechanical energy decomposition analysis to determine the molecular interactions that stabilize different pi-pi contact motifs. We find that neutral pi-pi interactions in proteins are dominated by Pauli repulsion and London dispersion rather than repulsive quadrupole electrostatics, which is central to the textbook Hunter-Sanders model. This results in a notable lack of variability in the interaction profiles of neutral pi-pi contacts even with extreme changes in the dielectric medium, explaining the prevalence of pi-stacked arrangements in and between proteins. We also find interactions involving pi-containing anions and cations to be extremely malleable, interacting like neutral pi-pi contacts in polar media and like typical ion-pi interactions in nonpolar environments. Like-charged pairs such as arginine-arginine contacts are particularly sensitive to the polarity of their immediate surroundings and exhibit canonical pi-pi stacking behavior only if the interaction is mediated by environmental effects, such as aqueous solvation.

J Comput Chem ; 44(5): 697-709, 2023 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36440947


Fanpy is a free and open-source Python library for developing and testing multideterminant wavefunctions and related ab initio methods in electronic structure theory. The main use of Fanpy is to quickly prototype new methods by making it easier to convert the mathematical formulation of a new wavefunction ansätze to a working implementation. Fanpy is designed based on our recently introduced Flexible Ansatz for N-electron Configuration Interaction (FANCI) framework, where multideterminant wavefunctions are represented by their overlaps with Slater determinants of orthonormal spin-orbitals. In the simplest case, a new wavefunction ansatz can be implemented by simply writing a function for evaluating its overlap with an arbitrary Slater determinant. Fanpy is modular in both implementation and theory: the wavefunction model, the system's Hamiltonian, and the choice of objective function are all independent modules. This modular structure makes it easy for users to mix and match different methods and for developers to quickly explore new ideas. Fanpy is written purely in Python with standard dependencies, making it accessible for various operating systems. In addition, it adheres to principles of modern software development, including comprehensive documentation, extensive testing, quality assurance, and continuous integration and delivery protocols. This article is considered to be the official release notes for the Fanpy library.

Teoria Quântica , Software , Elétrons
J Comput Chem ; 44(25): 1998-2015, 2023 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37526138


The numerical ill-conditioning associated with approximating an electron density with a convex sum of Gaussian or Slater-type functions is overcome by using the (extended) Kullback-Leibler divergence to measure the deviation between the target and approximate density. The optimized densities are non-negative and normalized, and they are accurate enough to be used in applications related to molecular similarity, the topology of the electron density, and numerical molecular integration. This robust, efficient, and general approach can be used to fit any non-negative normalized functions (e.g., the kinetic energy density and molecular electron density) to a convex sum of non-negative basis functions. We present a fixed-point iteration method for optimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence and compare it to conventional gradient-based optimization methods. These algorithms are released through the free and open-source BFit package, which also includes a L2-norm squared optimization routine applicable to any square-integrable scalar function.

J Chem Phys ; 156(19): 194109, 2022 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35597660


We develop a variational procedure for the iterative Hirshfeld (HI) partitioning scheme. The main practical advantage of having a variational framework is that it provides a formal and straightforward approach for imposing constraints (e.g., fixed charges on certain atoms or molecular fragments) when computing HI atoms and their properties. Unlike many other variants of the Hirshfeld partitioning scheme, HI charges do not arise naturally from the information-theoretic framework, but only as a reverse-engineered construction of the objective function. However, the procedure we use is quite general and could be applied to other problems as well. We also prove that there is always at least one solution to the HI equations, but we could not prove that its self-consistent equations would always converge for any given initial pro-atom charges. Our numerical assessment of the constrained iterative Hirshfeld method shows that it satisfies many desirable traits of atoms in molecules and has the potential to surpass existing approaches for adding constraints when computing atomic properties.

J Comput Chem ; 42(6): 458-464, 2021 03 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33368350


IOData is a free and open-source Python library for parsing, storing, and converting various file formats commonly used by quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, and plane-wave density-functional-theory software programs. In addition, IOData supports a flexible framework for generating input files for various software packages. While designed and released for stand-alone use, its original purpose was to facilitate the interoperability of various modules in the HORTON and ChemTools software packages with external (third-party) molecular quantum chemistry and solid-state density-functional-theory packages. IOData is designed to be easy to use, maintain, and extend; this is why we wrote IOData in Python and adopted many principles of modern software development, including comprehensive documentation, extensive testing, continuous integration/delivery protocols, and package management. This article is the official release note of the IOData library.

J Chem Inf Model ; 61(9): 4357-4369, 2021 09 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34490776


The electrostatic potential (ESP) is a powerful property for understanding and predicting electrostatic charge distributions that drive interactions between molecules. In this study, we compare various charge partitioning schemes including fitted charges, density-based quantum mechanical (QM) partitioning schemes, charge equilibration methods, and our recently introduced coarse-grained electron model, C-GeM, to describe the ESP for protein systems. When benchmarked against high quality density functional theory calculations of the ESP for tripeptides and the crambin protein, we find that the C-GeM model is of comparable accuracy to ab initio charge partitioning methods, but with orders of magnitude improvement in computational efficiency since it does not require either the electron density or the electrostatic potential as input.

Elétrons , Proteína C , Modelos Moleculares , Teoria Quântica , Eletricidade Estática
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(44): 11633-11638, 2017 10 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29078266


We establish the physical origins of chemical transferability from the perspective of the nearsightedness of electronic matter. To do this, we explicitly evaluate the response of electron density to a change in the system, at constant chemical potential, by computing the softness kernel, [Formula: see text] The softness kernel is nearsighted, indicating that under constant-chemical-potential conditions like dilute solutions changing the composition of the molecule at [Formula: see text] has only local effects and does not have any significant impact on the reactivity at positions [Formula: see text] far away from point [Formula: see text] This locality principle elucidates the transferability of functional groups in chemistry.

J Comput Chem ; 40(26): 2248-2283, 2019 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31251411


The paper collects the answers of the authors to the following questions: Is the lack of precision in the definition of many chemical concepts one of the reasons for the coexistence of many partition schemes? Does the adoption of a given partition scheme imply a set of more precise definitions of the underlying chemical concepts? How can one use the results of a partition scheme to improve the clarity of definitions of concepts? Are partition schemes subject to scientific Darwinism? If so, what is the influence of a community's sociological pressure in the "natural selection" process? To what extent does/can/should investigated systems influence the choice of a particular partition scheme? Do we need more focused chemical validation of Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA) methodology and descriptors/terms in general? Is there any interest in developing common benchmarks and test sets for cross-validation of methods? Is it possible to contemplate a unified partition scheme (let us call it the "standard model" of partitioning), that is proper for all applications in chemistry, in the foreseeable future or even in principle? In the end, science is about experiments and the real world. Can one, therefore, use any experiment or experimental data be used to favor one partition scheme over another? © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Teoria Quântica , Termodinâmica , Humanos
J Comput Chem ; 39(17): 1044-1050, 2018 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29151263


We argue that when one divides a molecular property into atom-in-a-molecule contributions, one should perform the division based on the property density of the quantity being partitioned. This is opposition to the normal approach, where the electron density is given a privileged role in defining the properties of atoms-in-a-molecule. Because partitioning each molecular property based on its own property density is inconvenient, we design a reference-free approach that does not (directly) refer atomic property densities. Specifically, we propose a stockholder partitioning method based on relative influence of a molecule's atomic nuclei on the electrons at a given point in space. The resulting method does not depend on an "arbitrary" choice of reference atoms and it has some favorable properties, including the fact that all of the electron density at an atomic nucleus is assigned to that nucleus and the fact all the atoms in a molecule decay at a uniform asymptotic rate. Unfortunately, the resulting model is not easily applied to spatially degenerate ground states. Furthermore, the practical realizations of this strategy that we tried here gave disappointing numerical results. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(17): 4219-4245, 2018 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29148815


Many population analysis methods are based on the precept that molecules should be built from fragments (typically atoms) that maximally resemble the isolated fragment. The resulting molecular building blocks are intuitive (because they maximally resemble well-understood systems) and transferable (because if two molecular fragments both resemble an isolated fragment, they necessarily resemble each other). Information theory is one way to measure the deviation between molecular fragments and their isolated counterparts, and it is a way that lends itself to interpretation. For example, one can analyze the relative importance of electron transfer and polarization of the fragments. We present key features, advantages, and disadvantages of the information-theoretic approach. We also codify existing information-theoretic partitioning methods in a way that clarifies the enormous freedom one has within the information-theoretic ansatz.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(18): 11588-11602, 2017 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28429010


Making use of the grand canonical ensemble the derivation of the analytical equations for the chemical potential and the Fukui function in the general case of any number of ground and excited states is presented. The expressions thus obtained allow one to establish that the ensemble of three consecutive ground states that has been usually used to analyze the effects of temperature in these quantities provides a satisfactory description for them at temperatures of chemical interest. Nevertheless, some situations must be considered cautiously, as for example, when the N + k and N + k + 1 (N is the electron number) ground states are (nearly) quasidegenerate or when the first excited state of both the anion and the cation (with respect to the reference state) is very low in energy. Results for the copper atom (with the ground state of Cu+ as the reference state), using some selected ensemble models constituted by several ground and excited states, are presented to show that the very low-lying excited states of some of the copper species are able to contribute to chemical reactivity at relatively low temperatures (∼2000 K). A relevant aspect is that due to its generality, the present approach provides a new way to study the reactivity of the chemical species under extreme conditions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(36): 25721-25734, 2016 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27711480


We present benchmark values for the electronic chemical potential and chemical hardness from reference data for ionization potentials and electron affinities. In cases where the energies needed to compute these quantities are not available, we estimate the ionization potential of the metastable (di)anions by extrapolation along the isoelectronic series, taking care to ensure that the extrapolated data satisfy reasonable intuitive rules to the maximum possible extent. We also propose suitable values for the chemical potential and chemical hardness of zero-electron species. Because the values we report are faithful to the trends in accurate data on atomic energies, we believe that our proposed values for the chemical potential and chemical hardness are ideally suited to conceptual studies of chemical trends across the periodic table. The critical nuclear charge (Z critical) of the isoelectronic series with 2 < N < 96 has also been reported for the first time.

J Chem Phys ; 145(3): 031102, 2016 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27448863


Using results from atomic spectroscopy, we show that there are two types of flat-planes conditions. The first type of flat-planes condition occurs when the energy as a function of the number of electrons of each spin, Nα and Nß, has a derivative discontinuity on a line segment where the number of electrons, Nα + Nß, is an integer. The second type of flat-planes condition occurs when the energy has a derivative discontinuity on a line segment where the spin polarization, Nα - Nß, is an integer, but does not have a discontinuity associated with an integer number of electrons. Type 2 flat planes are rare-we observed just 15 type 2 flat-planes conditions out of the 4884 cases we tested-but their mere existence has implications for the design of exchange-correlation energy density functionals. To facilitate the development of functionals that have the correct behavior with respect to both fractional number of electrons and fractional spin polarization, we present a dataset for the chromium atom and its ions that can be used to test new functionals.

J Chem Phys ; 142(4): 044107, 2015 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25637969


One can partition the molecular density into its atomic contributions by minimizing the divergence of the atom-in-molecule densities from their corresponding reference pro-atomic densities, subject to the constraint that the sum of the atom-in-molecule densities is the total molecular density. We expose conditions on the divergence measure that are necessary, and sufficient, to recover the popular Hirshfeld partitioning. Specifically, among all local measures of the divergence between two probability distribution functions, the Hirshfeld partitioning is obtained only for f-divergences.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(13): 6019-26, 2014 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24553911


The ambiguity of the local hardness is resolved by using information theory to select definitions of the local hardness that are as close as possible to a well-defined approximate formula for the local hardness. A condensed local hardness is derived by using the atomic hardnesses as a reference distribution; a pointwise local hardness is derived by using the uniform electron gas as a reference distribution. This information-theoretic condensed local hardness is tested by examining electrophilic attack on some substituted pyridines.

J Chem Phys ; 141(9): 094103, 2014 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25194360


The atoms in molecules associated with the Hirshfeld partitioning minimize the generalized Hellinger-Bhattacharya distance to the reference pro-atom densities. Moreover, the reference pro-atoms can be chosen by minimizing the distance between the pro-molecule density and the true molecular density. This provides an alternative to both the heuristic "stockholder" and the mathematical information-theoretic interpretations of the Hirshfeld partitioning. These results extend to any member of the family of f-divergences.