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Nature ; 487(7406): 210-3, 2012 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22785317


The spin Seebeck effect is observed when a thermal gradient applied to a spin-polarized material leads to a spatially varying transverse spin current in an adjacent non-spin-polarized material, where it gets converted into a measurable voltage. It has been previously observed with a magnitude of microvolts per kelvin in magnetically ordered materials, ferromagnetic metals, semiconductors and insulators. Here we describe a signal in a non-magnetic semiconductor (InSb) that has the hallmarks of being produced by the spin Seebeck effect, but is three orders of magnitude larger (millivolts per kelvin). We refer to the phenomenon that produces it as the giant spin Seebeck effect. Quantizing magnetic fields spin-polarize conduction electrons in semiconductors by means of Zeeman splitting, which spin-orbit coupling amplifies by a factor of ∼25 in InSb. We propose that the giant spin Seebeck effect is mediated by phonon-electron drag, which changes the electrons' momentum and directly modifies the spin-splitting energy through spin-orbit interactions. Owing to the simultaneously strong phonon-electron drag and spin-orbit coupling in InSb, the magnitude of the giant spin Seebeck voltage is comparable to the largest known classical thermopower values.

Nat Mater ; 9(11): 898-903, 2010 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20871608


Reducing the heat generated in traditional electronics is a chief motivation for the development of spin-based electronics, called spintronics. Spin-based transistors that do not strictly rely on the raising or lowering of electrostatic barriers can overcome scaling limits in charge-based transistors. Spin transport in semiconductors might also lead to dissipation-less information transfer with pure spin currents. Despite these thermodynamic advantages, little experimental literature exists on the thermal aspects of spin transport in solids. A recent and surprising exception was the discovery of the spin-Seebeck effect, reported as a measurement of a redistribution of spins along the length of a sample of permalloy (NiFe) induced by a temperature gradient. This macroscopic spatial distribution of spins is, surprisingly, many orders of magnitude larger than the spin diffusion length, which has generated strong interest in the thermal aspects of spin transport. Here, the spin-Seebeck effect is observed in a ferromagnetic semiconductor, GaMnAs, which allows flexible design of the magnetization directions, a larger spin polarization, and measurements across the magnetic phase transition. This effect is observed even in the absence of longitudinal charge transport. The spatial distribution of spin currents is maintained across electrical breaks, highlighting the local nature of this thermally driven effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(18): 186601, 2011 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21635114


Here we report on measurements of the spin-Seebeck effect in GaMnAs over an extended temperature range alongside the thermal conductivity, specific heat, magnetization, and thermoelectric power. The amplitude of the spin-Seebeck effect in GaMnAs scales with the thermal conductivity of the GaAs substrate and the phonon-drag contribution to the thermoelectric power of the GaMnAs, demonstrating that phonons drive the spin redistribution. A phenomenological model involving phonon-magnon drag explains the spatial and temperature dependence of the measured spin distribution.

Sci Adv ; 5(9): eaat9461, 2019 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31548980


Local thermal magnetization fluctuations in Li-doped MnTe are found to increase its thermopower α strongly at temperatures up to 900 K. Below the Néel temperature (T N ~ 307 K), MnTe is antiferromagnetic, and magnon drag contributes αmd to the thermopower, which scales as ~T 3. Magnon drag persists into the paramagnetic state up to >3 × T N because of long-lived, short-range antiferromagnet-like fluctuations (paramagnons) shown by neutron spectroscopy to exist in the paramagnetic state. The paramagnon lifetime is longer than the charge carrier-magnon interaction time; its spin-spin spatial correlation length is larger than the free-carrier effective Bohr radius and de Broglie wavelength. Thus, to itinerant carriers, paramagnons look like magnons and give a paramagnon-drag thermopower. This contribution results in an optimally doped material having a thermoelectric figure of merit ZT > 1 at T > ~900 K, the first material with a technologically meaningful thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency from a spin-caloritronic effect.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(40): 403001, 2018 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30113014


Hicks and Dresselhaus predicted that quantum well and nanowire thermoelectric materials could show a meaningful enhancement of the heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency compared to their bulk counterparts. The unique transport properties of bismuth, specifically the low effective mass, high mobility, and large Bohr radius of its charge carriers, enabled the study of size-quantization effects in Bi nanowires following those theoretical predictions. In this review, the band structure of Bi and Bi1-x Sb x alloys is discussed as a function of their composition, temperature, and size-quantization effects. Further, the theoretical basis of the thermoelectric performance enhancement in Bi nanowires is reviewed and compared to experimental data. Single-wire conductivity and Hall data are reviewed. Finally, several synthesis routes for Bi1-x Sb x nanowire samples are discussed, including liquid pressure impregnation, vapor impregnation, electrochemical deposition and wet chemistry impregnation in a template.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 53(91): 12294-12297, 2017 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29094128


We present a novel, continuous-feed nanocasting procedure for the synthesis of bismuth nanowire structures embedded in the pores of a mesoporous silica template. The immobilization of a bismuth salt inside the silica template from a diluted metal salt solution yields a sufficiently high loading to obtain electrically conducting bulk nanowire composite samples after reduction and sintering the nanocomposite powders. Electrical resistivity measurements of sintered bismuth nanowires embedded in the silica template reveal size-quantization effects.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(32): 325701, 2017 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28628029


The Weyl semimetal NbP exhibits an extremely large magnetoresistance and an ultra-high mobility. The large magnetoresistance originates from a combination of the nearly perfect compensation between electron- and hole-type charge carriers and the high mobility, which is relevant to the topological band structure. In this work we report on temperature- and field-dependent thermopower and thermal conductivity experiments on NbP. Additionally, we carried out complementary heat capacity, magnetization, and electrical resistivity measurements. We found a giant adiabatic magnetothermopower with a maximum of [Formula: see text] at 50 K in a field of 9 T. Such large effects have been observed rarely in bulk materials. We further observe pronounced quantum oscillations in both thermal conductivity and thermopower. The obtained frequencies compare well with our heat capacity and magnetization data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(3): 035901, 2008 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764265


We report measurements of the thermal conductivity of high-quality crystals of the cubic I-V-VI2 semiconductors AgSbTe2 and AgBiSe2. The thermal conductivity is temperature independent from 80 to 300 K at a value of approximately 0.70 W/mK. Heat conduction is dominated by the lattice term, which we show is limited by umklapp and normal phonon-phonon scattering processes to a value that corresponds to the minimum possible, where the phonon mean free path equals the interatomic distance. Minimum thermal conductivity in cubic I-V-VI2 semiconductors is due to an extreme anharmonicity of the lattice vibrational spectrum that gives rise to a high Grüneisen parameter and strong phonon-phonon interactions. Members of this family of compounds are therefore most promising for thermoelectric applications, particularly as p-type materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(10): 2098-101, 2001 Mar 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11289864


The geometry of a semiconductor sample can be designed to create a very large change of the thermoelectric power in a magnetic field, similar to the effects of the sample geometry on the magnetoresistance. In semiconductors in which the minority carriers have a higher mobility than the majority carriers, this geometrical magnetothermopower can freeze out the contribution of the former to the total thermopower. This opens a new route toward high-efficiency thermoelectric materials. We also examine the thermoelectric reciprocity relations for these macroscopic systems.