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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(30): e2220889120, 2023 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37459517


Monochloramine, dichloramine and trichloramine (NH2Cl, NHCl2, NCl3) are measured in the ambient atmosphere, in downtown Toronto in summer (median 39, 15 and 2.8 ppt) and winter (median 11, 7.3 and 0.7 ppt). NCl3 and NHCl2 were also measured in summer (median 1.3 and 14 ppt) from a suburban Toronto location. Measurements at two locations demonstrate prevalence of chloramines in an urban atmosphere. At both sites, NCl3 exhibits a strong diel pattern with maximum values during the night, and photolytic loss with sunrise. At the downtown site, a strong positive correlation between NH2Cl and NHCl2 in the summer night indicates a common source, with daily average peak mixing ratios approaching 500 and 250 ppt, respectively. As a previously unidentified source of chlorine (Cl) atoms, we demonstrate that NCl3 photolysis contributes 49 to 82% of the total local summertime Cl production rate at different times during the day with an average noontime peak of 3.8 × 105 atoms/cm3/s, with smaller contributions from ClNO2 and Cl2. Photolysis of NH2Cl and NHCl2 may augment this Cl production rate. Our measurements also demonstrate a daytime enhancement of chloroacetone in both the summer and winter, demonstrating the importance of Cl photochemistry. The results suggest that chloramines are an important source of Cl atoms in urban areas, with potential impacts on the abundance of organic compounds, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. Future studies should explore the vertical gradients of chloramines and their contribution to Cl production throughout the boundary layer.

Environ Sci Technol ; 2023 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36607741


High loadings of biomass burning (BB) aerosol particles from wildfire or residential heating sources can be present in both outdoor and indoor environments, where they deposit onto surfaces such as walls and furniture. These pollutants can interact with oxidants in both the aerosol and deposited forms. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a strong oxidant emitted during cleaning with chlorine-cleaning agents such as bleach, can attain mixing ratios of hundreds of ppbv indoors; moreover, lower mixing ratios are naturally present outdoors. Here, we report the heterogeneous reactivity of HOCl with wood smoke aerosol particles. After exposure to gas-phase HOCl, the particle chlorine content increased reaching chlorine-to-organic mass ratios of 0.07 with the chlorine covalently bound as organochlorine species, many of which are aromatic. Investigating individual potential BB components, we observed that unsaturated species such as coniferaldehyde and furfural react efficiently with HOCl. These observations indicate that organochlorine pollutants will form indoors when bleach cleaning a wildfire impacted space. The chlorine component of particles internally mixed with BB material and chloride initially increased, upon HOCl exposure, indicating that active chlorine recycling in the outdoor environment will be suppressed in the presence of BB emissions.

Environ Sci Technol ; 54(3): 1336-1343, 2020 02 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31869213


A dual smog chamber system was used to quantify the formation rates of secondary organic and inorganic aerosol in an urban environment (Pittsburgh, US). Ambient air was introduced in both chambers, and HONO photolysis was used to produce hydroxyl radicals (OH) in the perturbed chamber. The second chamber was used as a reference. The production rate of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) under typical noon-time OH concentrations ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 µg m-3 h-1. The production rate of sulfate was approximately five times less than that of the SOA. Nucleation and growth of new particles were observed in the perturbation chamber. The produced SOA had a similar composition with the preexisting oxygenated ambient OA. The reacted amounts of the measured VOCs were able to explain 5-50% of the formed SOA in the perturbed chamber. Intermediate volatility organic compounds could be responsible for the rest. The oxygen to carbon ratio (O:C) in the perturbed chamber remained approximately the same during SOA production, while an increase was observed in the control chamber. A possible explanation could be the loss of less oxidized species to the chamber walls. After 2 h, the OA increased by 70% on average and the sulfate by 40%.

Poluentes Atmosféricos , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis , Aerossóis , Atmosfera , Smog
Environ Sci Process Impacts ; 25(10): 1645-1656, 2023 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37721367


Chlorine plays an important role in tropospheric oxidation processes, in both marine and continental environments. Although modeling studies have explored the importance of halogen chemistry, uncertainty remains in associated chemical mechanisms and fundamental kinetics parameters. Prior kinetics measurements of multiphase halogen recycling reactions have been largely performed with dilute, bulk solutions, leaving unexplored more realistic chemical systems which have high solute concentrations and are internally mixed with both halide and organic components. Here, we address the multiphase kinetics of gaseous HOCl using an aerosol flow tube and aerosol mass spectrometer to study its reactions with particulate chloride, using atmospherically relevant particle acidity, solute concentrations, and ionic strength. We also investigate the chemistry that results when biomass burning (BB) aerosol components and chloride are internally mixed. Using pH-buffered deliquesced particles, we show that the rate constant for reaction of dissolved HOCl with H+ and Cl- at high relative humidity (RH) (80-85%) is within a factor of two of the literature value for bulk phase conditions. However, at lower RH values (60-70%) where the particles are considerably more concentrated, the rate constant for chloride loss from the particles is an order of magnitude higher. For pure organic compounds commonly found in biomass burning (BB) aerosol, such as coniferaldehyde, salicylic acid and furfural, an increase in the aerosol chlorine content occurs with HOCl exposure, indicating the formation of organochlorine species. Together, these independent findings explain results for internally mixed aerosol particles with both chloride and BB components present where we observed behavior consistent with both chloride loss and organochlorine formation occurring simultaneously upon HOCl exposure. Our results indicate that chlorine recycling via HOCl uptake by chloride-containing particles will occur in the atmosphere efficiently over a wide range of RH conditions, even when reactive organic compounds are present in the same particles as chloride. Simultaneously, formation of organochlorine compounds, which are commonly toxic, is likely occurring when reactive organic components are present.

Cloretos , Cloro , Ácido Hipocloroso , Halogênios , Aerossóis/química , Cinética
Environ Sci Atmos ; 3(9): 1319-1334, 2023 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38013728


Pellet combustion in residential heating stoves has increased globally during the last decade. Despite their high combustion efficiency, the widespread use of pellet stoves is expected to adversely impact air quality. The atmospheric aging of pellet emissions has received even less attention, focusing mainly on daytime conditions, while the degree to which pellet emissions undergo night-time aging as well as the role of relative humidity remain poorly understood. In this study, environmental simulation chamber experiments were performed to characterize the fresh and aged organic aerosol (OA) emitted by a pellet stove. The fresh pellet stove PM1 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm) emissions consisted mainly of OA (93 ± 4%, mean ± standard deviation) and black carbon (5 ± 3%). The primary OA (POA) oxygen-to-carbon ratio (O : C) was 0.58 ± 0.04, higher than that of fresh logwood emissions. The fresh OA at a concentration of 70 µg m-3 (after dilution and equilibration in the chamber) consisted of semi-volatile (68%), low and extremely low volatility (16%) and intermediate-volatility (16%) compounds. The oxidation of pellet emissions under dark conditions was investigated by injecting nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) into the chamber, at different (10-80%) relative humidity (RH) levels. In all dark aging experiments secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation was observed, increasing the OA levels after a few hours of exposure to NO3 radicals. The change in the aerosol composition and the extent of oxidation depended on RH. For low RH, the SOA mass formed was up to 30% of the initial OA, accompanied by a moderate change in both O : C levels (7-8% increase) and the OA spectrum. Aging under higher RH conditions (60-80%) led to a more oxygenated aerosol (increase in O : C of 11-18%), but only a minor (1-10%) increase in OA mass. The increase in O : C at high RH indicates the importance of heterogeneous aqueous reactions in this system, that oxidize the original OA with a relatively small net change in the OA mass. These results show that the OA in pellet emissions can chemically evolve under low photochemical activity (e.g. the wintertime period) with important enhancement in SOA mass under certain conditions.

Environ Sci Atmos ; 2(5): 1221-1236, 2022 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36277744


Particulate matter from biomass burning emissions affects air quality, ecosystems and climate; however, quantifying these effects requires that the connection between primary emissions and secondary aerosol production is firmly established. We performed atmospheric simulation chamber experiments on the chemical oxidation of residential biomass burning emissions under dark conditions. Biomass burning organic aerosol was found to age under dark conditions, with its oxygen-to-carbon ratio increasing by 7-34% and producing 1-38 µg m-3 of secondary organic aerosol (5-80% increase over the fresh organic aerosol) after 30 min of exposure to NO3 radicals in the chamber (corresponding to 1-3 h of exposure to typical nighttime NO3 radical concentrations in an urban environment). The average mass concentration of SOA formed under dark-oxidation conditions was comparable to the mass concentration formed after 3 h (equivalent to 7-10 h of ambient exposure) under ultraviolet lights (6 µg m-3 or a 47% increase over the emitted organic aerosol concentration). The dark-aging experiments showed a substantial increase in secondary nitrate aerosol (0.12-3.8 µg m-3), 46-100% of which is in the form of organic nitrates. The biomass burning aerosol pH remained practically constant at 2.8 throughout the experiment. This value promotes inorganic nitrate partitioning to the particulate phase, potentially contributing to the buildup of nitrate aerosol in the boundary layer and enhancing long-range transport. These results suggest that oxidation through reactions with the NO3 radical is an additional secondary aerosol formation pathway in biomass burning emission plumes that should be accounted for in atmospheric chemical-transport models.