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Nano Lett ; 23(1): 34-41, 2023 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36535029


2D materials offer the ability to expose their electronic structure to manipulations by a proximity effect. This could be harnessed to craft properties of 2D interfaces and van der Waals heterostructures in devices and quantum materials. We explore the possibility to create an artificial spin polarized electrode from graphene through proximity interaction with a ferromagnetic insulator to be used in a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). Ferromagnetic insulator/graphene artificial electrodes were fabricated and integrated in MTJs based on spin analyzers. Evidence of the emergence of spin polarization in proximitized graphene layers was observed through the occurrence of tunnel magnetoresistance. We deduced a spin dependent splitting of graphene's Dirac band structure (∼15 meV) induced by the proximity effect, potentially leading to full spin polarization and opening the way to gating. The extracted spin signals illustrate the potential of 2D quantum materials based on proximity effects to craft spintronics functionalities, from vertical MTJs memory cells to logic circuits.

Nano Lett ; 22(10): 4028-4035, 2022 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35577328


Magnetic skyrmions are quasiparticles with nontrivial topology, envisioned to play a key role in next-generation data technology while simultaneously attracting fundamental research interest due to their emerging topological charge. In chiral magnetic multilayers, current-generated spin-orbit torques or ultrafast laser excitation can be used to nucleate isolated skyrmions on a picosecond time scale. Both methods, however, produce randomly arranged skyrmions, which inherently limits the precision on the location at which the skyrmions are nucleated. Here, we show that nanopatterning of the anisotropy landscape with a He+-ion beam creates well-defined skyrmion nucleation sites, thereby transforming the skyrmion localization into a deterministic process. This approach allows control of individual skyrmion nucleation as well as guided skyrmion motion with nanometer-scale precision, which is pivotal for both future fundamental studies of skyrmion dynamics and applications.

Nat Mater ; 20(1): 30-37, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33020615


Topological states of matter exhibit fascinating physics combined with an intrinsic stability. A key challenge is the fast creation of topological phases, which requires massive reorientation of charge or spin degrees of freedom. Here we report the picosecond emergence of an extended topological phase that comprises many magnetic skyrmions. The nucleation of this phase, followed in real time via single-shot soft X-ray scattering after infrared laser excitation, is mediated by a transient topological fluctuation state. This state is enabled by the presence of a time-reversal symmetry-breaking perpendicular magnetic field and exists for less than 300 ps. Atomistic simulations indicate that the fluctuation state largely reduces the topological energy barrier and thereby enables the observed rapid and homogeneous nucleation of the skyrmion phase. These observations provide fundamental insights into the nature of topological phase transitions, and suggest a path towards ultrafast topological switching in a wide variety of materials through intermediate fluctuating states.

Struct Dyn ; 10(2): 024301, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36970496


We present time-resolved scanning x-ray microscopy measurements with picosecond photo-excitation via a tailored infrared pump laser at a scanning transmission x-ray microscope. Specifically, we image the laser-induced demagnetization and remagnetization of thin ferrimagnetic GdFe films proceeding on a few nanoseconds timescale. Controlling the heat load on the sample via additional reflector and heatsink layers allows us to conduct destruction-free measurements at a repetition rate of 50 MHz. Near-field enhancement of the photo-excitation and controlled annealing effects lead to laterally heterogeneous magnetization dynamics which we trace with 30 nm spatial resolution. Our work opens new opportunities to study photo-induced dynamics on the nanometer scale, with access to picosecond to nanosecond time scales, which is of technological relevance, especially in the field of magnetism.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 12: 304-318, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33889477


Focused beams of helium ions are a powerful tool for high-fidelity machining with spatial precision below 5 nm. Achieving such a high patterning precision over large areas and for different materials in a reproducible manner, however, is not trivial. Here, we introduce the Python toolbox FIB-o-mat for automated pattern creation and optimization, providing full flexibility to accomplish demanding patterning tasks. FIB-o-mat offers high-level pattern creation, enabling high-fidelity large-area patterning and systematic variations in geometry and raster settings. It also offers low-level beam path creation, providing full control over the beam movement and including sophisticated optimization tools. Three applications showcasing the potential of He ion beam nanofabrication for two-dimensional material systems and devices using FIB-o-mat are presented.