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Nature ; 572(7771): 628-633, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31315129


Single-molecule junctions have been extensively used to probe properties as diverse as electrical conduction1-3, light emission4, thermoelectric energy conversion5,6, quantum interference7,8, heat dissipation9,10 and electronic noise11 at atomic and molecular scales. However, a key quantity of current interest-the thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions-has not yet been directly experimentally determined, owing to the challenge of detecting minute heat currents at the picowatt level. Here we show that picowatt-resolution scanning probes previously developed to study the thermal conductance of single-metal-atom junctions12, when used in conjunction with a time-averaging measurement scheme to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, also allow quantification of the much lower thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions. Our experiments on prototypical Au-alkanedithiol-Au junctions containing two to ten carbon atoms confirm that thermal conductance is to a first approximation independent of molecular length, consistent with detailed ab initio simulations. We anticipate that our approach will enable systematic exploration of thermal transport in many other one-dimensional systems, such as short molecules and polymer chains, for which computational predictions of thermal conductance13-16 have remained experimentally inaccessible.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(15): 156803, 2020 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357030


Quantum fluctuations are imprinted with valuable information about transport processes. Experimental access to this information is possible, but challenging. We introduce the dynamical Coulomb blockade (DCB) as a local probe for fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and show that it provides information about the conduction channels. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the DCB disappears in a single-channel junction with increasing transmission following the Fano factor, analogous to what happens with shot noise. Furthermore we demonstrate local differences in the DCB expected from changes in the conduction channel configuration. Our experimental results are complemented by ab initio transport calculations that elucidate the microscopic nature of the conduction channels in our atomic-scale contacts. We conclude that probing the DCB by STM provides a technique complementary to shot noise measurements for locally resolving quantum transport characteristics.

Science ; 355(6330): 1192-1195, 2017 03 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28209640


Thermal transport in individual atomic junctions and chains is of great fundamental interest because of the distinctive quantum effects expected to arise in them. By using novel, custom-fabricated, picowatt-resolution calorimetric scanning probes, we measured the thermal conductance of gold and platinum metallic wires down to single-atom junctions. Our work reveals that the thermal conductance of gold single-atom junctions is quantized at room temperature and shows that the Wiedemann-Franz law relating thermal and electrical conductance is satisfied even in single-atom contacts. Furthermore, we quantitatively explain our experimental results within the Landauer framework for quantum thermal transport. The experimental techniques reported here will enable thermal transport studies in atomic and molecular chains, which will be key to investigating numerous fundamental issues that thus far have remained experimentally inaccessible.