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Phys Rev Lett ; 108(25): 255008, 2012 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23004613


Field reversed configurations (FRCs) with high confinement are obtained in the C-2 device by combining plasma gun edge biasing and neutral beam injection. The plasma gun creates an inward radial electric field that counters the usual FRC spin-up. The n = 2 rotational instability is stabilized without applying quadrupole magnetic fields. The FRCs are nearly axisymmetric, which enables fast ion confinement. The plasma gun also produces E × B shear in the FRC edge layer, which may explain the observed improved particle transport. The FRC confinement times are improved by factors 2 to 4, and the plasma lifetimes are extended from 1 to up to 4 ms.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103516, 2022 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319394


In order to measure the fast ion using neutral particle analyzers (NPAs) in the low neutral density core region of a magnetic confinement fusion device, active change exchange measurements are often performed using a neutral beam (NB) as a charge-exchange (CX) target. One of the complications with this approach is that an NB injected as a CX target can also contribute to the total fast ion source. C-2W has a unique solution to this difficulty in that it is equipped with both eight NB injectors, which can inject beams of different particle species, and an electro-magnetic NPA (EM-NPA), which can measure multiple ion species simultaneously. This enables the active and passive fast ion CX components to be clearly distinguished. The decrease in amplitude of the CX spectra when a hydrogen NB is terminated was clearly observed by the EM-NPA in both hydrogen and deuterium channels. This reduction of observed fast ion flux was mainly caused by the diminished fast ion source, not crosstalk or a general reduction in fast ion confinement. As an example application of this technique on C-2W, fast ion behavior during a periodic density drop is explored. The large difference between the active and passive CX components of the EM-NPA signals clearly demonstrates the usefulness of the active fast ion CX measurement.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(5): 053520, 2021 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243292


The C-2W experiment produces advanced beam-driven field reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas, which are sustained in steady state utilizing variable energy neutral beams (15-40 keV, total power up to 21 MW), advanced divertors, end bias electrodes, and an active plasma control system. Since heating, current drive, and refueling from neutral beam injection are essential to FRC sustainment, it is crucial to have accurate measurements of the beam power being injected into the plasma. A new tungsten wire calorimeter has been designed, built, calibrated on a test stand, and implemented to make the first direct measurements of the time-average injected beam power into C-2W. This paper outlines the design of the diagnostic, along with calibration methods and experimental results.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(5): 053542, 2021 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243356


In TAE Technologies' current experimental device, C-2W, neutral beam injection creates a large fast ion population that sustains a field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. Diagnosis of these fast ions is therefore critical for understanding the behavior of the FRC. Neutral Particle Analyzers (NPAs) are used to measure the energy spectrum of fast ions that charge exchange on background or beam neutrals and are lost from the plasma. To ensure correct diagnosis of the fast ion population, a calibration check of the NPAs was performed. A novel, generally applicable method for an in situ relative calibration of diagnostics on an unknown source with a small dataset was developed. The method utilizes a machine learning technique, Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), to reconstruct the diagnostic source distribution, and Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to determine the NPA channel calibration factors. The results on both synthetic and experimental datasets are presented.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(4): 045003, 2010 Jul 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867853


A hot stable field-reversed configuration (FRC) has been produced in the C-2 experiment by colliding and merging two high-ß plasmoids preformed by the dynamic version of field-reversed θ-pinch technology. The merging process exhibits the highest poloidal flux amplification obtained in a magnetic confinement system (over tenfold increase). Most of the kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy with total temperature (T{i}+T{e}) exceeding 0.5 keV. The final FRC state exhibits a record FRC lifetime with flux confinement approaching classical values. These findings should have significant implications for fusion research and the physics of magnetic reconnection.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10I123, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399725


Heating, current drive, and partial fueling from neutral beam injection are essential to sustainment of C-2W field-reversed configuration plasmas. C-2W has eight 2.1 MW neutral beams (16.8 MW of total electrical power), capable of providing a beam of 15 keV hydrogen neutrals for 30 ms. To maximize the effectiveness of neutral beam injection, duct losses must be minimized by maintaining beam alignment and optimizing beam current for minimum divergence. Each beam terminates on a vertical and horizontal array of secondary electron emission detectors (nine in the vertical, seven in the horizontal, and sharing one in the middle). The molybdenum detectors are spatially separated to characterize the beam size and alignment. With knowledge of the geometry of the vacuum ducts and horizontal and vertical beam profiles from test stand measurements, the focal length, divergence, and power loss were calculated. Through characterization, the set of neutral beams are optimized to inject up to 12 MW of power into the confinement vessel throughout the plasma discharge.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10I104, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399732


Neutral beam injected fast ions play a dominant role in both the field reversed configuration (FRC) at TAE Technologies and the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed field pinch (RFP), making fast ion diagnosis a major pillar of both research programs. And as strongly self-organized plasmas, the FRC and RFP similarly exhibit dynamic relaxation events which can redistribute fast ions. Recently, a collaboration between TAE Technologies and the University of Wisconsin was conducted to develop a method for measuring a fast changing fast ion spatial profile with a fusion proton detector and to investigate commonalities between the two plasmas. The steerable detector was designed and built at TAE and installed on MST. The fusion proton emission profile resulting from injection of a 25 kV deuterium neutral beam is measured with better than 5 cm spatial resolution and 100 µs temporal resolution over the course of several 10s of shots. The fast ion density profile, forward modeled by tracing the orbits of the 3 MeV protons through a reconstructed magnetic equilibrium, is observed to flatten during global magnetic tearing mode activity, dropping by 30% in the core and increasing by a similar amount at the edge. The equilibrium profile is observed to be consistent with measurements made with a collimated neutron detector.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(11): 11D428, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27910669


An end loss analyzer system consisting of electrostatic, gridded retarding-potential analyzers and pyroelectric crystal bolometers was developed to characterize the plasma loss along open field lines to the divertors of C-2U. The system measures the current and energy distribution of escaping ions as well as the total power flux to enable calculation of the energy lost per escaping electron/ion pair. Special care was taken in the construction of the analyzer elements so that they can be directly mounted to the divertor electrode. An attenuation plate at the entrance to the gridded retarding-potential analyzer reduces plasma density by a factor of 60 to prevent space charge limitations inside the device, without sacrificing its angular acceptance of ions. In addition, all of the electronics for the measurement are isolated from ground so that they can float to the bias potential of the electrode, 2 kV below ground.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(11): 11E703, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27910391


C-2U is a high-confinement, advanced beam driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment which sustains the configuration for >5 ms, in excess of typical MHD and fast particle instability times, as well as fast particle slowing down times. Fast particle dynamics are critical to C-2U performance and several diagnostics have been deployed to characterize the fast particle population, including neutron and proton detectors. To increase our understanding of fast particle behavior and supplement existing diagnostics, an E ∥ B neutral particle analyzer was installed, which simultaneously measures H0 and D0 flux with large dynamic range and high energy resolution. Here we report the commissioning of the E ∥ B analyzer, confirm the instrument has energy resolution ΔE/E≲0.1 and a dynamic range Emax/Emin∼30, and present measurements of initial testing on C-2U.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(11): 11D815, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27910544


In the C-2U fusion energy experiment, high power neutral beam injection creates a large fast ion population that sustains a field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The diagnosis of the fast ion pressure in these high-performance plasmas is therefore critical, and the measurement of the flux of neutrons from the deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion reaction is well suited to the task. Here we describe the absolute, in situ calibration of scintillation neutron detectors via two independent methods: firing deuterium beams into a high density gas target and calibration with a 2 × 107 n/s AmBe source. The practical issues of each method are discussed and the resulting calibration factors are shown to be in good agreement. Finally, the calibration factor is applied to C-2U experimental data where the measured neutron rate is found to exceed the classical expectation.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(11): 113509, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26628137


A high power, relatively low energy neutral beam injector was developed to upgrade of the neutral beam system of the gas dynamic trap device and C2-U experiment. The ion source of the injector produces a proton beam with the particle energy of 15 keV, current of up to 175 A, and pulse duration of a few milliseconds. The plasma emitter of the ion source is produced by superimposing highly ionized plasma jets from an array of four arc-discharge plasma generators. A multipole magnetic field produced with permanent magnets at the periphery of the plasma box is used to increase the efficiency and improve the uniformity of the plasma emitter. Multi-slit grids with 48% transparency are fabricated from bronze plates, which are spherically shaped to provide geometrical beam focusing. The focal length of the Ion Optical System (IOS) is 3.5 m and the initial beam diameter is 34 cm. The IOS geometry and grid potentials were optimized numerically to ensure accurate beam formation. The measured angular divergences of the beam are ±0.01 rad parallel to the slits and ±0.03 rad in the transverse direction.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6897, 2015 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25902924


Developing a stable plasma state with high-beta (ratio of plasma to magnetic pressures) is of critical importance for an economic magnetic fusion reactor. At the forefront of this endeavour is the field-reversed configuration. Here we demonstrate the kinetic stabilizing effect of fast ions on a disruptive magneto-hydrodynamic instability, known as a tilt mode, which poses a central obstacle to further field-reversed configuration development, by energetic beam injection. This technique, combined with the synergistic effect of active plasma boundary control, enables a fully stable ultra-high-beta (approaching 100%) plasma with a long lifetime.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(11): 11D851, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25430264


Measurements of the flux of fusion products from high temperature plasmas provide valuable insights into the ion energy distribution, as the fusion reaction rate is a very sensitive function of ion energy. In C-2, where field reversed configuration plasmas are formed by the collision of two compact toroids and partially sustained by high power neutral beam injection [M. Binderbauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 045003 (2010); M. Tuszewski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 255008 (2012)], measurements of DD fusion neutron flux are used to diagnose ion temperature and study fast ion confinement and dynamics. In this paper, we will describe the development of a new 3 MeV proton detector that will complement existing neutron detectors. The detector is a large area (50 cm(2)), partially depleted, ion implanted silicon diode operated in a pulse counting regime. While the scintillator-based neutron detectors allow for high time resolution measurements (∼100 kHz), they have no spatial or energy resolution. The proton detector will provide 10 cm spatial resolution, allowing us to determine if the axial distribution of fast ions is consistent with classical fast ion theory or whether anomalous scattering mechanisms are active. We will describe in detail the diagnostic design and present initial data from a neutral beam test chamber.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(10): 10D720, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23126894


A diagnostic technique for measuring the fast-ion energy distribution in a field-reversed configuration plasma was developed and tested on the C-2 experiment. A deuterium neutral beam modulated at 22 kHz is injected into the plasma, producing a localized charge-exchange target for the confined fast protons. The escaping fast neutrals are detected by a neutral particle analyzer. The target beam transverse size (∼15 cm) defines the spatial resolution of the method. The equivalent current density of the target beam is ≤0.15 A/cm(2), which corresponds to a neutral density (∼6 × 10(9) cm(-3)) that highly exceeds the background neutral density in the core of C-2. The deuterium fast-ions due to the target beam (E ∼27 keV), are not confined in C-2 and thus make a negligible contribution to the measured signals.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(10): 10D713, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23126887


A neutral particle bolometer (NPB) has been designed and implemented on Tri Alpha Energy's C-2 device in order to spatially and temporally resolve the charge-exchange losses of fast-ion populations originating from neutral beam injection into field-reversed configuration plasmas. This instrument employs a silicon photodiode as the detection device with an integrated tungsten filter coating to reduce sensitivity to light radiation. Here we discuss the technical aspects and calibration of the NPB, and report typical NPB measurement results of wall recycling effects on fast-ion losses.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(3): 033509, 2011 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21456739


An incomplete neutral beam capture can degrade the plasma performance in neutral beam driven plasma machines. The beam dumps mitigating the shine-through beam recycling must entrap and retain large particle loads while maintaining the beam-exposed surfaces clean of the residual impurities. The cathodic arc gettering, which provides high evaporation rate coupled with a fast time response, is a powerful and versatile technique for depositing clean getter films in vacuum. A compact neutral beam dump utilizing the titanium arc gettering was developed for a field-reversed configuration plasma sustained by 1 MW, 20-40 keV neutral hydrogen beams. The titanium evaporator features a new improved design. The beam dump is capable of handling large pulsed gas loads, has a high sorption capacity, and is robust and reliable. With the beam particle flux density of 5 × 10(17) H∕(cm(2) s) sustained for 3-10 ms, the beam recycling coefficient, defined as twice the ratio of the hydrogen molecular flux leaving the beam dump to the incident flux of high-energy neutral atoms, is ∼0.7. The use of the beam dump allows us to significantly reduce the recycling of the shine-through neutral beam as well as to improve the vacuum conditions in the machine.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(10): 105002, 2003 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12689003


In the axially symmetric magnetic mirror device gas dynamic trap (GDT), on-axis transverse beta (ratio of the transverse plasma pressure to magnetic field pressure) exceeding 0.4 in the fast ion turning points has been first achieved. The plasma has been heated by injection of neutral beams, which at the same time produced anisotropic fast ions. Neither enhanced losses of the plasma nor anomalies in the fast ion scattering and slowing down were observed. This observation confirms predicted magnetohydrodynamic stability of plasma in the axially symmetric mirror devices with average min-B, like the GDT is. The measured beta value is rather close to that expected in different versions of the GDT based 14 MeV neutron source for fusion materials testing.