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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 197-214, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448490


Resumen La agresión entre pares, sea un caso aislado o recurrente, se ha convertido en un problema cada vez más frecuente que socava el desarrollo psicoafectivo saludable en adolescentes y universitarios. Como en el caso de otras conductas de riesgo, la investigación sugiere que los aspectos emocionales son relevantes para su prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la posible relación entre la agresión entre pares, la agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de bullying, y la diferenciación del self, un constructo procedente de la perspectiva sistémica, vinculado con la autorregulación emocional y la madurez afectiva. Universitarios de entre 17 y 20 años (. = 365), completaron sendos cuestionarios autoadministrados sobre estilos de vida (Carlos et al., 2016) y diferenciación del self (Duch-Ceballos et al., 2022). En esta muestra, los análisis realizados indican que menores niveles de diferenciación del self en los varones se asocian con mayor probabilidad de agresión entre pares, tanto sufrida como ejercida. Además, uno de los componentes de la diferenciación del self, la reactividad emocional, predijo también las probabilidades de agresión (sufrida y ejercida) entre las mujeres. La diferenciación del self está recibiendo una creciente atención como variable relevante para explicar la conducta de los adolescentes y jóvenes emergentes, especialmente en lo que refiere a conductas de riesgo. Este sería el primer estudio sobre la relación entre diferenciación del self, agresión entre pares y agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de buylling. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados encontrados, se plantean futuras líneas de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas.

Abstract The socio-emotional well-being of children and adolescents is a subject of interest, both for academics and researchers, as well as for parents, teachers, and educators. Initiatives on this subject promoted from the scientific and social fields are constantly increasing, and tend to have multiple objectives, among which one is to understand the dynamics of violence and aggression (which can lead to harassment situations), in order to design more effective prevention and intervention programs. Research suggests that emotional aspects are relevant to the prevention of aggression. Within this realm, we have focused on Differentiation of self (DoS). The Differentiation of Self is the central construct of Bowen's (1978) systemic family theory, considered from the systemic perspective as one of the most comprehensive theories of human behavior. With multiple applications in various fields, DoS is a multidimensional construct, defined as the ability to balance emotional and intellectual functioning -intrapsychic dimension-, and intimacy and autonomy in personal relationships -interpersonal dimension-. Based on previous studies in which associations between bullying and socio-emotional competencies were found, the objective of this study was to find relationships between differentiation of self and peer aggression. The sample of this study was comprised of university students between 17 and 20 years old (. = 365; . = 18.3, SD = .7), who were studying the first or second year of different careers at a private university in Argentina. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires on lifestyles (Carlos et al., 2016) and the Spanish version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (S-DSI; Rodríguez-González et al., 2015). Considering that peer aggression does not represent bullying in all cases, the association between self-differentiation and peer aggression was first analyzed and, second, this same association was analyzed, but considering frequent aggression. Peer aggression was perpetrated by 54 % of women and 63 % of men (. = .043) and suffered by 72 % of women and 61 % of men (. = .124). Frequent peer aggression was perpetrated by 15 % of women and 21 % of men (. = .001) and suffered by 41 % of women and 24 % of men (. = .146). Both measures of DoS (Emotional reactivity and Emotional cutoff) were associated with a lower prevalence of both aggression and frequent aggression. This work offers two main findings. First, given the high incidence of peer aggression, the results of this study confirm the relevance of the research on peer aggression and, specifically, on frequent aggression associated with bullying. Second, present data suggests the existence of a relationship between differentiation of self and aggression. Since the idea and perceptions about aggression could be changing, new research is suggested, based around the cultural context and social changes that identify how the concept of bullying evolves should be promoted. Moreover, it would be positive to develop new research that can delve into the role played by the differentiation of self, since it is a factor that impacts the development and health of adolescents. The significant relationship between peer aggression and DoS found in this study contributes to the empirical corpus that affirms the relevance of the emotional factor in aggressive and bullying behaviors. In this sense, this study joins others that support the idea of intervening in aggression and buylling through the development of school intervention programs aimed at developing emotional competencies, involving students and also parents and educators.

Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 153-170, jul. 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984537


La docencia exige una estrecha relación entre el profesor y los estudiantes que requiere para su perfeccionamiento una adecuada explicitación y reflexión por parte de los docentes. Algunas investigaciones señalan la importancia que la forma de relacionarse tiene en el desarrollo de los alumnos y sus logros. El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue evaluar la validez y fiabilidad del Cuestionario sobre la Relación Docente (QTI, Wubbels, Brekelmans & Hooymayers, 1991), adaptado al ámbito universitario por Soerjaningsih, Fraser y Aldridge. Dicho instrumento está compuesto por 48 ítems y permite identificar la tipología de comportamiento predominante en el docente a partir de dos dimensiones: proximidad (cooperación - oposición) e influencia (dominación - sumisión). El cuestionario fue administrado a 256 estudiantes de primero y segundo año de carreras relacionadas con las Ciencias Naturales y las Ciencias de la Salud de universidades privadas y públicas de la Provincia de San Juan (República Argentina). Para evaluar la fiabilidad se aplicó el Alpha de Cronbach y se realizó un análisis factorial para estudiar la validez de constructo. Los resultados indican la existencia de una estructura bidimensional: el factor 1 está compuesto por ítems que evalúan la proximidad en la relación docente e incluye ítems positivos que corresponden a la subdimensión cooperación e ítems negativos que corresponden a la subdimensión oposición. El factor 2 está compuesto por ítems que evalúan la influencia con respecto a la dimensión dominación. Se obtuvo para el factor 1, un Alpha de Cronbach igual a.92 para cooperación y un Alpha de Cronbach igual a .84 para oposición. En el factor 2, el Alpha es igual a .61. El autoinforme muestra globalmente un nivel de fiabilidad aceptable.

As regards the education action, teaching is not only a merely technical activity, or an action without communication, bonds or social contact. On the contrary, it requires a close relationship between the teacher and the students, which -in order to be effectively developed- needs the teachers to be adequately conscious and reflective about the aims they want to achieve through the communicative action. During the last decades, relationships between teachers and students have become a central focus for theories and investigation, and many aproaches show the importance that the relationship has as regards the students' development and their accomplishments (Cohen & Amidon, 2004; Páramo, 2008). Indeed, it has been stated that the best education is a product of the best relationship or pedagogical bond. Teaching demands a close relationship between the teacher and the students, which requires an adequate explicitness and reflection on the part of the teacher for its effective development. Some research highlights the importance this relationship has for the students' development and achievements. This work aims at evaluating the validity and reliability of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) applied in higher education by Soerjaningsih, Fraser and Aldridge. This instrument includes 48 items and enables the identification of the teacher's predominant behavior according to two dimensions: proximity (cooperation-opposition) and influence (domination-submission). The questionnaire was applied to 256 students attending the first two years of courses of study related to Natural Science and Health Science at both public and private universities in the province of San Juan (Argentina). To evaluate the reliability, the Cronbach Alpha was applied, and the validity of the construct was studied by making a factorial analysis. The results indicate the existence of a two-dimensional structure: factor 1 is constituted by items that evaluate the proximity of the student-teacher relationship; it includes positive items that correspond to the cooperation subdimension and negative items that correspond to the opposition subdimension. Factor 2 is constituted by items that evaluate the influence in relation to domination. As regards reliability, when studying Factor 1, a Cronbach Alpha of .92 was obtained for cooperation and a Cronbach Alpha of .84 for opposition. Factor 2 had an Alpha of .61. The self-report globally shows an acceptable level of reliability. Summarising, favorable evidence was obtained about the discrimination of the items: factorial validity and the instrument's reliability. These results are important to understand the dynamics of the processes implied in the student-teacher relationship. Taking into account these results, it is considered that the QTI can be used as a guide to improve the interpersonal relationships and to help teachers in their professional development. Using this instrument can be a valuable tool, both for investigation and intervention and prevention programs. Good teachers should be able of empathizing with students, listening to them better and understanding their world. In this sense, there should be training plans for teachers to be conscious of the relational dimension of their education action and for them to receive the necessary courses to be able to optimize the great educational force that their practice has on students'development. Indeed, incorporating strategies to develop and strengthen relational capabilities in teachers during the teachers' training course will contribute to students, interpersonal relationships which will favor the academic performance, and it will enable teachers' accomplishments and professional success.

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(1): 79-93, jul. 2012. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-672013


Los acelerados cambios producidos en los contextos educativos de la enseñanza superior han generado mayor complejidad en el trabajo del profesorado universitario. Estos nuevos contextos nos enfrentan a un nuevo desafío: la formación especializada en la educación superior. Ahora bien, para brindar una capacitación pertinente se requiere detectar los aspectos neurálgicos que exigen una singular formación, conforme a las características particulares de cada disciplina, de los profesores que la dictan e incluso la cultura institucional a la cual pertenecen. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la validezy fiabilidad del Cuestionario sobre la Orientación Docente del Profesor Universitario (CODPU) de Feixas (2006) a la hora de considerar el estilo adoptado por el profesor universitario. Dicho instrumento está compuesto por 36 ítemes referidos a aspectos de la docencia universitaria y pretende conocer los estilos de enseñanza, esto es: la orientación o el enfoque docente (preocupaciones, concepciones sobre la docencia, dinámica metodológica y evaluación) del profesor universitario. El cuestionario fue administrado a una muestra de 238 docentes de universidades de gestión privada. Para evaluar la fiabilidad, se aplicó el alpha de Cronbach y se realizó un análisis factorial para estudiar la validez de constructo. Los resultados indican la existencia de una estructura bidimensional: el factor 1 está compuesto por ítemes que evalúan la orientación docente centrada en el estudiante y el factor 2, por ítemes que evalúan la orientación centrada en el docente. Respecto a la fiabilidad se obtuvo un índice de fiabilidad de .81 proporcionando un fuerte apoyo a la consistencia interna del instrumento.

The rapid changes produced in the educational contexts of higher education have generated a greater complexity of the teaching work of the university faculty. Under these new contexts, education must face a new challenge: specialized training in higher education. As a consequence, in order to provide a relevant training, the detection of the key aspects required in this unique training, according to the particular characteristics of each discipline, the responsible teachers and even the organizational culture to which they belong, is necessary. The term teaching styles refers to the specific, characteristic and unique ways of educating, configured by the teacher's personality, their own ways of doing and the means that enable to reach certain achievements. To investigate the teaching styles of teachers in the university require having adequate tools to study the various aspects related to higher education such as personal characteristics, concerns and ideas about teaching, methodological dynamics and teacher assessment in an specific subject. The objective of this paper was to assess validity and reliability of the Questionnaire on the Teaching Orientation of the University Professor (CODPU) of Feixas (2006) when the style adopted by the teacher is considered. This instrument is composed by 36 items on different aspects of university teaching and it seeks to understand the teaching styles, i.e.: guidance or focus (concerns, ideas about teaching, methodological dynamics and evaluation) of the university professor. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 238 teachers of private universities. In order to assess the reliability, the Cronbach alpha was applied. In order to study the construct validity, a factorial analysis was conducted. The results show that there is a two-dimensional structure, with a Factor 1 including items that evaluate teacher orientation focused on the student, and a Factor 2 including items that evaluate the orientation focused on the teacher. In this regard, the theory holds that each factor refers to the teaching concepts and strategies and teacher characteristics and concerns, according if it is student-oriented learning, or the teacher and his teaching (Feixas, 2002, Trigwell & Prosser, 2004). Regarding the reliability, an index of .81 was obtained, strongly supporting the internal consistency of the instrument. In considering the reliability of each factor the following results were obtained: for Factor 1 a Cronbach alpha of .81 and for Factor 2, an alpha of .76. The self-report shows, as a whole, an acceptable level of reliability. Similarly the coefficients obtained for both factorsmeet the conditions of reliability. These data allow us to develop an opinion of value of the instrument in the light of a specific purpose, as in this case to identify the characteristic teaching styles in college. Although additional psychometric studies are required, the results indicate that CODPU is an instrument initially valid and reliable for the use in our context. The knowledge of these psychometric properties is essential for the use of the instrument and the data obtained with it are significant. To assess the attitudes and predict the ability for change and to establish appropriate techniques for valid and reliable measurements are needed primarily. Also, among the most valued aspects of educational practices that promote effective learning, some studies point: concern for students, quality of educational relationships (Giles, Ryan Belliveau, De Freitas, & Casey, 2006) and attention to the particular needs of students (Mendes, 2003). From the identification of learning styles, we can generate changes in those approaches that promote effective teaching.