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J Endocrinol Invest ; 30(5): 376-81, 2007 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17598968


Two different oral doses of oleoyl-estrone: 1 and 10 nmol/g a day were given once to male Wistar rats. The serum levels of free estrone, estrone sulphate, estradiol, and acyl-estrone were measured at intervals up to 72 h after the gavage. Oleoyl-estrone was rapidly absorbed; with the 1 nmol/g dose no changes were observed in plasma acyl-estrone but levels increased dramatically with 10 nmol/g, peaking at 6 h; high acyl-estrone levels were maintained up to 24 h, returning to normalcy at 48 h. With the 10 nmol/g dose, free estrone at most doubled its levels but estrone sulphate concentrations rose by one order of magnitude; in both cases, the increases soon (2 h) reached a plateau that was maintained for almost two days. Estradiol levels remained unchanged except for a transient peak at 2 h at the 10 nmol/g dose. The relationship between free estrone and its sulphate was linear, and those of estrone and estrone sulphate versus acyl-estrone showed the existence of an upper serum concentration limit for both molecules. The results hint at estrone sulphate being an important metabolite of oleoyl-estrone disposal, confirm the limited estrogenic response to oleoyl-estrone administration and agree with a rapid absorption and disposal of oleoyl-estrone, nevertheless maintaining high circulating levels of the ester for a time after its oral administration.

Fármacos Antiobesidade/farmacocinética , Estrona/análogos & derivados , Ácidos Oleicos/farmacocinética , Administração Oral , Animais , Fármacos Antiobesidade/sangue , Estradiol/sangue , Estrona/sangue , Estrona/farmacocinética , Masculino , Ácidos Oleicos/sangue , Ratos , Ratos Wistar
Med. U.P.B ; 37(2): 97-106, 22 de agosto de 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-912071


Objetivo: la reserva cognitiva (RC) se define como la capacidad cerebral de tolerar y soportar las neuropatologías antes de alcanzar el umbral que da inicio a las manifestaciones clínicas. Debido al aumento de la esperanza de vida, este concepto surge con el propósito de identificar factores que mantengan la funcionalidad e independencia de los adultos mayores, favoreciendo así la calidad de vida en este grupo poblacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre el tiempo de exposición a práctica musical dirigida y el rendimiento cognitivo de adultos mayores sanos. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo de 11 adultos mayores sanos con historia de práctica musical dirigida. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva, y se evaluó el rendimiento neurocognitivo con el test de capacidad intelectual K-BIT y la batería NEURONORMA COLOMBIA. Resultados: en personas con entrenamiento musical, la reserva cognitiva está relacionada con mejor desempeño en tareas de denominación, memoria de trabajo visoespacial y verbal, atención focalizada y alternante, fluidez verbal fonológica y rendimiento semántico. Por otra parte, el tiempo de exposición a práctica musical dirigida se asoció a mejor desempeño en lenguaje semántico y favorece la memoria de trabajo y a largo plazo. Conclusiones: el tiempo de exposición a la práctica musical dirigida, la edad y el nivel educativo, favorecen la reserva cognitiva en los dominios lingüísticos y mnémicos.

Objective: cognitive reserve (CR) is defined as the brain's ability to tolerate and support neuropathologies before reaching the threshold that gives rise to clinical manifestations. Due to the increase in life expectancy, this concept arises with the purpose of identifying factors that maintain the functionality and independence of the elderly, thus favoring the quality of life in this population group. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the time of exposure to directed musical practice and the cognitive performance of healthy older adults. Methodology: Observational, descriptive study including 11 healthy, older adults with a history of guided musical practice. The Cognitive Reserve questionnaire was applied and neurocognitive performance was evaluated using the K-BIT intellectual capacity test and the NEURONORMA COLOMBIA battery. Results: in people with musical training, cognitive reserve was associated to better performance in tasks of denomination, visuospatial and verbal working memory, focused and alternating attention, phonological verbal fluency and semantic performance. On the other hand, the time of exposure to directed musical practice was associated to better performance in semantic language and favored working memory and in the long term. Conclusions: time of exposure to directed musical practice, age, and educational level favor cognitive reserve in the linguistic and mnemonic domains.

Objetivo: a reserva cognitiva (RC) se define como a capacidade cerebral de tolerar e suportar as neuropatologias antes de alcançar o umbral que dá início às manifestações clínicas. Devido ao aumento da esperança de vida, este conceito surge com o propósito de identificar fatores que mantenham a funcionalidade e independência dos adultos maiores, favorecendo assim a qualidade de vida neste grupo populacional. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre o tempo de exposição a prática musical dirigida e o rendimento cognitivo de adultos maiores saudáveis. Metodologia: estudo observacional descritivo de 11 adultos maiores saudáveis com história de prática musical dirigida. Se aplicou o questionário de Reserva Cognitiva, e se avaliou o rendimento neurocognitivo com o teste de capacidade intelectual K-BIT e a bateria NEURONORMA COLÔMBIA. Resultados: em pessoas com treinamento musical, a reserva cognitiva está relacionada com melhor desempenho em tarefas de denominação, memória de trabalho visoespacial e verbal, atenção focalizada e alternante, fluidez verbal fonológica e rendimento semântico. Por outra parte, o tempo de exposição a prática musical dirigida se associou a melhor desempenho em linguagem semântico e favorece a memória de trabalho e a longo prazo. Conclusões: o tempo de exposição à prática musical dirigida, a idade e o nível educativo, favorecem a reserva cognitiva nos domínios linguísticos e mnêmicos.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Reserva Cognitiva , Envelhecimento , Envelhecimento Cognitivo , Memória de Curto Prazo
Med. interna Méx ; 33(2): 291-295, mar.-abr. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894263


Resumen El hiperparatiroidismo secundario es una complicación frecuente de la insuficiencia renal crónica. Los tumores pardos son una variante de osteítis fibrosa quística raramente reportados en pacientes con insuficiencia renal terminal como consecuencia del incremento en la actividad osteoclástica.

Abstract Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common complication of chronic renal failure. Brown tumors are a variant of cystic fibrous osteitis rarely reported in patients with end stage renal failure as a result of increased osteoclast activity.

Med. interna Méx ; 33(2): 185-194, mar.-abr. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894251


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: existe incremento de la prevalência de diabetes mellitus 2 y del envejecimiento. Así, los riesgos asociados con control glucémico intensivo en esta población vulnerable se incrementan. Por ello, debe considerarse la posibilidad de un sobretratamiento en estos pacientes. OBJETIVO: determinar la prevalencia de control glucémico intensivo y sobretratamiento en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 mayores de 60 años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: estudio retrospectivo, transversal, observacional y analítico. De 2013 a 2015 se evaluaron pacientes mayores de 60 años de edad con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hemoglobina glucosilada (HbAlc) <7% y administración de hipoglucemiantes. Los pacientes se clasificaron en control glucémico intensivo (HbAlc 6.6-7%) y sobretratamiento (HbAlc <6.5%). Los porcentajes de ambos grupos y sus complicaciones cardiovasculares y no cardiovasculares asociadas se compararon utilizando una prueba Z. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 13,229 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 mayores de 60 años; en 2013, fueron 4,381, 16% (n=701) en control glucémico intensivo y 6% (n=256) en sobretratamiento; en 2014 fueron 4,383, 16% (n=697) en control glucémico intensivo y 6% (n=252) en sobretratamiento; en 2015 fueron 4,465, 16% (n=708) en control glucémico intensivo y 6% (n=260) con sobretratamiento. El control glucémico intensivo causó 5, 3 y 1% de complicaciones durante 2013, 2014 y 2015, respectivamente. En el grupo con sobretratamiento el porcentaje de complicaciones fue de 4% en 2013 y de 6% en 2015. Se obtuvo un valor Z de -2.90 (p<0.05), mostrando mayor número en sobretratamiento. CONCLUSIONES: de la población estudiada, 16% estaba en control glucémico intensivo y 6% en sobretratamiento, con incremento significativo de complicaciones en el grupo con sobretratamiento, la hipoglucemia fue la más frecuente.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Due to increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the overall aging of the population, the number of elderly patients with T2DM is continuously growing. Given the risks associated with intensive glycemic control of those patients, the possibility of overtreatment must be considered. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of intensive glycemic control and overtreatment in individuals >60 years with T2DM. MATERIAL AND METHOD: An observational, cross-sectional, retrospective and analytical study was done from 2013 to 2015. Individuals >60 years old with T2DM, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) <7%, and use of hypoglycemic agents were included. Patients were divided into two groups: intensive glycemic control (HbA1c 6.6-7%) and overtreatment (HbA1c <6.5%). Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular complications associated with treatment were compared by Z-test. RESULTS: There were included 13,229 patients older than 60 years with T2DM; 4,381 in 2013, 16% (n=701) was classified as intensive glycemic control and 6% (n=256) as overtreatment; 4,383 in 2014, 16% (n=697) as intensive glycemic control and 6% (n=252) as over-treatment; 4,465 in 2015, 16% (n=708) as intensive glycemic control and 6% (n=260) as overtreatment. By this period, adverse outcomes were reported in 5%, 3% and 1% during 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively; referring to intensive glycemic control group. Likewise, adverse outcomes were reported in 4% and 6% during 2013 and 2015, respectively; referring to overtreatment group. A value of Z-test -2.90 (p<0.05) was obtained, which was increased in overtreatment group. CONCLUSIONS: All data collected during the study highlights a significant increase of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular adverse outcomes in patients with strict glycemic management, being hypoglycemia the most frequent; 16% are in intensive glycemic control and 6% in overtreatment.

Med. interna Méx ; 33(2): 195-203, mar.-abr. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894252


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: el síndrome metabòlico agrupa factores de riesgo de diabetes mellitus 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular: obesidad central, hiperglucemia, hipertensión arterial, hipertrigliceridemia y colesterol de alta densidad (C-HDL) reducido. La obesidad y el síndrome metabòlico son afecciones en las que sobreviene inflamación subclínica crónica, factor de riesgo independiente de enfermedad cardiovascular y aterosclerosis. El índice neutrófilo/linfocito (INL) ha surgido como un marcador pronóstico asociado con un estado proinflamatorio que refleja el equilibrio entre la respuesta inmunitaria innata y adaptativa. OBJETIVO: definir la relación entre el índice neutrófilo/linfocito (INL) elevado y el síndrome metabólico en trabajadores activos adscritos al Hospital Central Norte de PEMEX. Los objetivos secundarios fueron establecer la relación entre el índice neutrófilo/linfocito y los componentes del síndrome metabólico individualmente. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: estudio retrospectivo, transversal y observacional en el que se evaluaron trabajadores activos de PEMEX de 18 a 65 años de edad y se clasificaron en dos grupos de acuerdo con la existencia o ausencia de síndrome metabólico y se calculó el índice neutrófilo/linfocito de cada uno. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 334 pacientes, 155 (46%) no cumplieron criterios para síndrome metabólico y 179 (54%) sí. De los pacientes en el cuartil más alto de índice neutrófilo/linfocito (>2.12) 57 correspondieron al grupo con síndrome metabólico (p=0.000). El coeficiente de correlación biserial puntual entre índice neutrófilo/ linfocito y síndrome metabólico fue de 0.235 (p=0.000); 69 de los 235 pacientes con obesidad central estaban en el cuartil más alto de índice neutrófilo/linfocito (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONES: los hallazgos sugieren que existe una relación significativa entre la elevación del índice neutrófilo/linfocito (>2.12) y la existencia de síndrome metabólico y obesidad central.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of factors that increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease (CVD): central obesity, elevated fasting plasma glucose, arterial hypertension, raised triglycerides and reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Metabolic syndrome and obesity are entities in which chronic subclinical inflammation develops, an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and CVD. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has emerged as a prognostic marker associated to a proinflammatory state, which reflects the balance between innate and adaptive immune responses. OBJECTIVE: To define the relation between an elevated NLR and the presence of metabolic syndrome in active employees that attend to PEMEX North Central Hospital. Secondary objectives were to establish the relation between NLR and each component of metabolic syndrome individually. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A retrospective, cross-sectional and observational stud was done including employees 18-65 years old and classified them into 2 groups according to metabolic syndrome criteria, NLR was calculated for every patient. RESULTS: Of 334 evaluated patients, 155 (46%) didn't meet the metabolic syndrome criteria, and 179 (54%) did. Fifty-seven patients in the highest quartile of NLR (>2.12) corresponded to the metabolic syndrome group (p=0.000). Point biserial correlation coefficient between NLR and metabolic syndrome was 0.235 (p=0.000). Sixty-nine of the 235 patients with central obesity were at the highest quartile of NLR (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that there is a statistically significant relation between elevated NLR (>2.12) and presence of metabolic syndrome and central obesity.

Rev. gastroenterol. Mex ; 82(4): 309-327, oct.-dec. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BIGG | ID: biblio-966188


Desde la publicación de las guías de dispepsia 2007 de la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología ha habido avances significativos en el conocimiento de esta enfermedad. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en PubMed (01/2007 a 06/2016) con el fin de revisar y actualizar las guías 2007 y proporcionar nuevas recomendaciones basadas en evidencia. Se incluyeron todas las publicaciones en español e inglés, de alta calidad. Se redactaron enunciados que fueron votados utilizando el método Delphi. Se estableció la calidad de la evidencia y la fuerza de las recomendaciones según el sistema GRADE para cada enunciado. Treinta y un enunciados fueron redactados, votados y calificados. Se informan nuevos datos sobre definición, clasificación, epidemiología y fisiopatología. La endoscopia debe realizarse en dispepsia no investigada cuando hay datos de alarma o falla al tratamiento. Las biopsias gástricas y duodenales permiten confirmar infección por Helicobacter pylori y excluir enfermedad celiaca, respectivamente. Establecer una fuerte relación médico-paciente, cambios en la dieta y en el estilo de vida son útiles como medidas iniciales. Los bloqueadores H2, inhibidores de la bomba de protones, procinéticos y fármacos antidepresivos son efectivos. La erradicación de H. pylori puede ser eficaz en algunos pacientes. Con excepción de Iberogast y rikkunshito, las terapias complementarias y alternativas carecen de beneficio. No existe evidencia con respecto a la utilidad de prebióticos, probióticos o terapias psicológicas. Los nuevos enunciados proporcionan directrices basadas en la evidencia actualizada. Se presenta la discusión, el grado y la fuerza de la recomendación de cada uno de ellos.

Abstract Since the publication of the 2007 dyspepsia guidelines of the Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología, there have been significant advances in the knowledge of this disease. A systematic search of the literature in PubMed (01/2007 to 06/2016) was carried out to review and update the 2007 guidelines and to provide new evidence-based recommendations. All high-quality articles in Spanish and English were included. Statements were formulated and voted upon using the Delphi method. The level of evidence and strength of recommendation of each statement were established according to the GRADE system. Thirty-one statements were formulated, voted upon, and graded. New definition, classification, epidemiology, and pathophysiology data were provided and include the following information: Endoscopy should be carried out in cases of uninvestigated dyspepsia when there are alarm symptoms or no response to treatment. Gastric and duodenal biopsies can confirm Helicobacter pylori infection and rule out celiac disease, respectively. Establishing a strong doctor-patient relationship, as well as dietary and lifestyle changes, are useful initial measures. H2-blockers, proton-pump inhibitors, prokinetics, and antidepressants are effective pharmacologic therapies. H. pylori eradication may be effective in a subgroup of patients. There is no evidence that complementary and alternative therapies are beneficial, with the exception of Iberogast and rikkunshito, nor is there evidence on the usefulness of prebiotics, probiotics, or psychologic therapies. The new consensus statements on dyspepsia provide guidelines based on up-to-date evidence. A discussion, level of evidence, and strength of recommendation are presented for each statement. © 2017 Asociacion Mexicana de Gastroenterologiia.

Humanos , Adulto , Dispepsia/diagnóstico , Dispepsia/terapia , Endoscopia Gastrointestinal , Helicobacter pylori/efeitos dos fármacos , Infecções por Helicobacter , Infecções por Helicobacter/diagnóstico , Infecções por Helicobacter/terapia , Dispepsia , Dispepsia/tratamento farmacológico , Dispepsia/epidemiologia
Phys Rev C Nucl Phys ; 48(1): 465-467, 1993 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9968848
Phys Rev C Nucl Phys ; 52(6): 3217-3223, 1995 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9970869