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Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 76716, 20240417.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566497


O foco deste artigo se dá na análise de mudanças na for-ma e nos produtos de consumo alimentar por parte de frequenta-dores de uma academia de musculação, localizada em Vitória/ES. Esta pesquisa parte do entendimento da academia como um local onde são engendrados vocabulários, códigos e rituais próprios. Toma-se a entrada e frequência na academia como o ponto gera-dor de mudanças comportamentais ­ e não apenas corporais ­ que acabam por ultrapassar o limite físico do espaço e reverberam em diversas práticas cotidianas dos frequentadores, tendo influí-do de maneira central em uma reformulação de práticas e pro-dutos de consumo por parte dos alunos. Foca-se, com base nos resultados, na importância dada à alimentação por esse grupo, o que acabou por se confluir em uma nova forma e mercadorias de consumo, provocando alterações relacionais desses com a comida que passou a ser aceita e consumida.

The focus of this article is on the analysis of changes in the form and/or products of food consumption by those attending a bodybuilding gym located in Vitória/ES. This research is based on an understanding of the gym as a place where its own vocabularies, codes and rituals are engendered. Entering and attending the gym is seen as the point that generates behavioural changes ­ and not just bodily ones ­ that end up going beyond the physical limits of the space and reverberating in various daily practices of the regulars, having a central influence on a reformulation of consumer practices and products on the part of the students. The results focus on the importance given to food by this group, which ended up converging into a new form and commodity of consumption, causing changes in their relationship with the food that is now accepted and consumed.

Este artículo se centra en el análisis de los cambios en la forma y los productos del consumo de alimentos por parte de los asistentes a un gimnasio de culturismo situado en Vitória/ES. Esta investigación se basa en la comprensión del gimnasio como un lugar en el que se generan vocabularios, códigos y rituales pro-pios. La entrada y asistencia al gimnasio se considera el punto que genera cambios de comportamiento ­ y no sólo corporales ­ que acaban traspasando los límites físicos del espacio y reverberando en diversas prácticas cotidianas de los asiduos, influyendo de for-ma central en una reformulación de las prácticas y productos de consumo por parte de los alumnos. Los resultados se centran en la importancia dada a la comida por este grupo, que acabó conver-giendo en una nueva forma y mercancía de consumo, provocando cambios en su relación con la comida que ahora es aceptada y consumida.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31357719


Ecosystem services (ES), as an interconnection of the landscape mosaic pieces, along with temporal rivers (IRES) are an object of research for environmental planners and ecological economists, among other specialists. This study presents (i) a review on the importance of IRES and the services they can provide to agricultural landscapes; (ii) a classification tool to assess the impact of IRES to provide ES by agricultural landscapes; (iii) the application of the proposed classification to the Caia River in order to identify the importance of this intermittent river for its surrounding agricultural landscape. The classification of the ES follows the Common International Classification of Ecosystem (CICES) classification that was adapted for the purposes of this study. Firstly, the list of ES provided by agricultural landscape was elaborated. In the next step, we assessed the potential of IRES to provide ES. Next, IRES impacts to ES within the agricultural landscape were evaluated according to observations from the conducted field monitoring in the study area. This study focuses on the relevance of the intermittent Caia River-a transboundary river in Spain and Portugal-and its ephemeral tributaries in the agricultural landscape. Our study estimates that each hydrological phase of IRES increases the ES provided by the agricultural landscape. However, the dry phase can potentially have negative impacts on several services. The intensification of the agricultural sector is the main provision of the water resource within the Caia River basin, but we were able to identify several other ES that were positively impacted. The present study is in line with the conclusions of other authors who state that IRES constitute a valuable resource which should not be underestimated by society.

Agricultura , Ecossistema , Rios , Recursos Hídricos , Hidrologia , Portugal , Espanha