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J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 38(7): 1041-1050, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34263760


The scattered light distribution of surfaces in the long-wave infrared (λ∼8-12µm) is measured using a small set of thermal camera images. This method can extract scatter patterns considerably faster than standard laboratory bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurements and is appropriate for passive homogeneous surfaces. Specifically, six images are used in this study, each taken with respect to a thermal light source at an angle ranging from 10° to 60° to the normal of the surface. This data is deconvolved with the shape of the light source to estimate the scattering pattern. Both highly specular (black Masonite) and diffuse (painted drywall) surfaces are tested. Errors between the estimated scattering distribution and a directly measured one using a goniometer stage and quantum-cascade laser (QCL) are less than or equal to 3% except for extremely specular surfaces where viable QCL measurements cannot be made due to the increased relative contribution of speckle noise.

Appl Opt ; 60(19): 5488-5495, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34263835


An aberrated wavefront incident upon an optical resonator will excite higher order spatial modes in the cavity, and the spectral width and distribution of these modes are indicative of the type and magnitude of the aberration. We apply this concept to atmospheric turbulence modeled by the Kolmogorov distribution. The spectral widths of the cavity transmission spectra are demonstrated via simulations to correspond to the structure constant that characterizes the variation in the optical index of refraction and thus the turbulence strength. Such a relationship can be harnessed to build a sensor for simply and quickly assessing optical turbulence strength.

Appl Opt ; 59(11): 3494-3497, 2020 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32400464


Germanium is one of the most commonly used materials in the longwave infrared ($\lambda \sim{8 {-} 12}\;\unicode{x00B5}{\rm m}$λ∼8-12µm), but ironically, its absorption coefficient is poorly known in this range. An infrared photothermal common-path interferometry system with a tunable quantum cascade pump laser is used to measure the absorption coefficient of ${ \gt }{99.999}\% $>99.999% pure undoped germanium as a function of wavelengths between 9 and 11 µm, varying between about 0.15 and ${0.45}\;{{\rm cm}^{ - 1}}$0.45cm-1 over this range.

Appl Opt ; 58(16): 4288-4299, 2019 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31251232


It is shown that an aberrated wavefront incident upon a Fabry-Perot optical cavity excites higher order spatial modes in the cavity and that the spectral width and distribution of these modes is indicative of the type and magnitude of the aberration. The cavities are purely passive, and therefore frequency content is limited to that provided by the original light source. To illustrate this concept, spatial mode decomposition and transmission spectrum calculation are simulated on an example cavity; the effects of various phase delays, in the form of two basic Seidel aberrations and a composite of Zernike polynomial terms, are shown using both Laguerre-Gaussian and plane wave incident beams. The aggregate spectral width of the cavity modes excited by the aberrations is seen to widen as the magnitude of the aberrations' phase delay increases.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(33): 335703, 2019 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31051485


This paper presents a theoretical and experimental investigation of photon diffusion in highly absorbing microscale graphite. A Nd:YAG continuous wave laser is used to heat the graphite samples with thicknesses of 40 µm and 100 µm. Optical intensities of 10 kW cm-2 and 20 kW cm-2 are used in the laser heating. The graphite samples are heated to temperatures of thousands of kelvins within milliseconds, which are recorded by a 2-color, high speed pyrometer. To compare the observed temperatures, differential equation of heat conduction is solved across the samples with proper initial and boundary conditions. In addition to lattice vibrations, photon diffusion is incorporated in the analytical model of thermal conductivity for solving the heat equation. The numerical simulations showed close matching between experiment and theory only when including the photon diffusion equations and existing material properties data found in the previously published works with no fitting constants. The results indicate that the commonly-overlooked mechanism of photon diffusion dominates the heat transfer of many microscale structures near their evaporation temperatures. In addition, the treatment explains the discrepancies between thermal conductivity measurements and theory that were previously described in the scientific literature.

Microsyst Nanoeng ; 2: 16037, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31057831


While there are innumerable devices that measure temperature, the nonvolatile measurement of thermal history is far more difficult, particularly for sensors embedded in extreme environments such as fires and explosions. In this review, an extensive analysis is given of one such technology: thermoluminescent microparticles. These are transparent dielectrics with a large distribution of trap states that can store charge carriers over very long periods of time. In their simplest form, the population of these traps is dictated by an Arrhenius expression, which is highly dependent on temperature. A particle with filled traps that is exposed to high temperatures over a short period of time will preferentially lose carriers in shallow traps. This depopulation leaves a signature on the particle luminescence, which can be used to determine the temperature and time of the thermal event. Particles are prepared-many months in advance of a test, if desired-by exposure to deep ultraviolet, X-ray, beta, or gamma radiation, which fills the traps with charge carriers. Luminescence can be extracted from one or more particles regardless of whether or not they are embedded in debris or other inert materials. Testing and analysis of the method is demonstrated using laboratory experiments with microheaters and high energy explosives in the field. It is shown that the thermoluminescent materials LiF:Mg,Ti, MgB4O7:Dy,Li, and CaSO4:Ce,Tb, among others, provide accurate measurements of temperature in the 200 to 500 °C range in a variety of high-explosive environments.