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Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports ; 40: 100858, 2023 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37068867


Parasites of the Cylicospirura genus are known to affect domestic and wild carnivores by causing the formation of nodules within the gastric mucosa and pyloric region of parasitized animals. C. felineus is a specimen of this genus that has been reported in Brazil in animal species such as Leopardus geoffroyi and Puma concolor. However, as far as the authors of the present study are aware, reports of C. felineus in jaguarundis (Puma yagouaroundi) do not yet exist. This wild feline species native to the Americas is found only in a few countries - and it is possibly extinct in others, such as the United States. In Brazil, the P. yagouaroundi species is classified as vulnerable by government environmental agencies. Consequently, identifying the diseases and their relevance to this species is of utmost importance for P. yagouaroundi's preservation. This study aims to describe the histopathological lesions found in jaguarundis parasitized by the genus Cylicospirura, and to identify the parasitic species observed in these animals. Eight specimens of P. yagouaroundi necropsied between 2010 and 2020 in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) in Palotina, Brazil, were studied. Seven specimens were wildlife roadkills, and one was from the Municipal Zoo of Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil. Seven of the necropsied animals presented - in the greater curvature of the stomach, near the cardia - one or more parasitic nodules of 0.5 to 3.0 cm in diameter that contained several intralesional reddish filiform parasites. Histologically, these nodules were characterized as transmural parasitic granulomas surrounded by reaction with deposition of dense connective tissue. The parasitological evaluations by light and scanning electron microscopy identified morphological C. felineus' characteristics through the presence of unequal spicules in males, the position of the vulva, and location of the pedunculated papillae. Despite the gastric lesion caused by the parasite, the apparent low pathogenicity to the gastrointestinal system of the evaluated animals, massive infections or large nodules can lead to death - other members of the Spirocercidae family are known to cause organ rupture, esophageal obstructions, and mesenchymal neoplasms. Therefore, C. felineus should be included in the list of gastric parasites with pathogenic potential in the species P. yagouaroundi.

Carnívoros , Puma , Spiruroidea , Feminino , Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Estados Unidos , Puma/parasitologia , Brasil , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , Estômago
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(9): 991-994, Sept. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895531


A cistomatose de glândula apócrina é uma condição rara e não-neoplásica, que tem sido relatada em cães e gatos, e caracterizada por vários grupos de glândulas sudoríparas dilatadas, cuja distribuição generalizada raramente é observada. Uma fêmea de onça-pintada melânica (Panthera onca), com idade estimada de 16 anos e mantida em cativeiro, apresentou aumento de volume abdominal. Ao exame físico foram observados vários nódulos de consistência macia e flutuante, não aderidos, com tamanho de 2 a 15cm de diâmetro, na região ventral abdominal. Outras massas de menor diâmetro (0,5-1,0cm) estavam presentes na região cervical e no dorso do animal. Estas massas foram removidas em um procedimento cirúrgico. Dentro deste cisto havia conteúdo líquido, inodoro e translúcido. Microscopicamente, observou-se entre a derme média e profunda a formação de múltiplos cistos de tamanho variável. Esses cistos eram revestidos por uma única camada de células predominantemente cubóides. Em alguns focos eram observadas raras projeções papiliformes de epitélio glandular. O citoplasma estava levemente eosinofílico e com raras imagens de decapitação do ápice. O diagnóstico de cistomatose de glândulas apócrinas foi realizado através dos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos.(AU)

Cystomatosis of the apocrine gland is a rare condition reported in dogs and cats. It is a non-neoplastic condition, characterized by several groups of dilated cystic sweat glands. Rarely a more widespread distribution can be observed. A captive female about 16 year-old melanic jaguar (Panthera onca) presented increased abdominal volume. Physical examination showed multiple floating nodular masses ranging from to 2 to 15cm in diameter located in the ventral abdomen. Other masses of smaller diameter (0.5-1.0cm) were present in the cervical region and in the back of the jaguar. These masses were surgically removed. Within this cyst had a odorless translucent content. Microscopically, between the mid and deep dermis there existed multiple cysts of different sizes, coated with a single layer of cuboidal cells. In some foci, there were rare papilliform projections of glandular epithelium. The cytoplasm was slightly eosinophilic with rare images of decapitation of the apex. The diagnostic of apocrine cystomatosis was performed through macroscopic and microscopic findings.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Glândulas Apócrinas/patologia , Doenças das Glândulas Sudoríparas/veterinária , Panthera/cirurgia , Hamartoma/veterinária , Animais Selvagens