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Nature ; 607(7919): 474-479, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35859198


Electrical control of a magnetic state of matter lays the foundation for information technologies and for understanding of spintronic phenomena. Spin-orbit torque provides an efficient mechanism for the electrical manipulation of magnetic orders1-11. In particular, spin-orbit torque switching of perpendicular magnetization in nanoscale ferromagnetic bits has enabled the development of stable, reliable and low-power memories and computation12-14. Likewise, for antiferromagnetic spintronics, electrical bidirectional switching of an antiferromagnetic order in a perpendicular geometry may have huge impacts, given its potential advantage for high-density integration and ultrafast operation15,16. Here we report the experimental realization of perpendicular and full spin-orbit torque switching of an antiferromagnetic binary state. We use the chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn (ref. 17), which exhibits the magnetization-free anomalous Hall effect owing to a ferroic order of a cluster magnetic octupole hosted in its chiral antiferromagnetic state18. We fabricate heavy-metal/Mn3Sn heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy and introduce perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of the octupole using an epitaxial in-plane tensile strain. By using the anomalous Hall effect as the readout, we demonstrate 100 per cent switching of the perpendicular octupole polarization in a 30-nanometre-thick Mn3Sn film with a small critical current density of less than 15 megaamperes per square centimetre. Our theory reveals that the perpendicular geometry between the polarization directions of current-induced spin accumulation and of the octupole persistently maximizes the spin-orbit torque efficiency during the deterministic bidirectional switching process. Our work provides a significant basis for antiferromagnetic spintronics.

Nature ; 586(7828): 232-236, 2020 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33029000


An inductor, one of the most fundamental circuit elements in modern electronic devices, generates a voltage proportional to the time derivative of the input current1. Conventional inductors typically consist of a helical coil and induce a voltage as a counteraction to time-varying magnetic flux penetrating the coil, following Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The magnitude of this conventional inductance is proportional to the volume of the inductor's coil, which hinders the miniaturization of inductors2. Here, we demonstrate an inductance of quantum-mechanical origin3, generated by the emergent electric field induced by current-driven dynamics of spin helices in a magnet. In microscale rectangular magnetic devices with nanoscale spin helices, we observe a typical inductance as large as -400 nanohenry, comparable in magnitude to that of a commercial inductor, but in a volume about a million times smaller. The observed inductance is enhanced by nonlinearity in current and shows non-monotonous frequency dependence, both of which result from the current-driven dynamics of the spin-helix structures. The magnitude of the inductance rapidly increases with decreasing device cross-section, in contrast to conventional inductors. Our findings may pave the way to microscale, simple-shaped inductors based on emergent electromagnetism related to the quantum-mechanical Berry phase.

Nature ; 580(7805): 608-613, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32350469


Electrical manipulation of phenomena generated by nontrivial band topology is essential for the development of next-generation technology using topological protection. A Weyl semimetal is a three-dimensional gapless system that hosts Weyl fermions as low-energy quasiparticles1-4. It has various exotic properties, such as a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and chiral anomaly, which are robust owing to the topologically protected Weyl nodes1-16. To manipulate such phenomena, a magnetic version of Weyl semimetals would be useful for controlling the locations of Weyl nodes in the Brillouin zone. Moreover, electrical manipulation of antiferromagnetic Weyl metals would facilitate the use of antiferromagnetic spintronics to realize high-density devices with ultrafast operation17,18. However, electrical control of a Weyl metal has not yet been reported. Here we demonstrate the electrical switching of a topological antiferromagnetic state and its detection by the AHE at room temperature in a polycrystalline thin film19 of the antiferromagnetic Weyl metal Mn3Sn9,10,12,20, which exhibits zero-field AHE. Using bilayer devices composed of Mn3Sn and nonmagnetic metals, we find that an electrical current density of about 1010 to 1011 amperes per square metre induces magnetic switching in the nonmagnetic metals, with a large change in Hall voltage. In addition, the current polarity along the bias field and the sign of the spin Hall angle of the nonmagnetic metals-positive for Pt (ref. 21), close to 0 for Cu and negative for W (ref. 22)-determines the sign of the Hall voltage. Notably, the electrical switching in the antiferromagnet is achieved with the same protocol as that used for ferromagnetic metals23,24. Our results may lead to further scientific and technological advances in topological magnetism and antiferromagnetic spintronics.

Nature ; 566(7742): E4, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30670875


In this Letter, the formatting of some of the crystallographic axes was incorrect. This has been corrected online.

Nature ; 565(7741): 627-630, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30651643


The spin Hall effect (SHE)1-5 achieves coupling between charge currents and collective spin dynamics in magnetically ordered systems and is a key element of modern spintronics6-9. However, previous research has focused mainly on non-magnetic materials, so the magnetic contribution to the SHE is not well understood. Here we show that antiferromagnets have richer spin Hall properties than do non-magnetic materials. We find that in the non-collinear antiferromagnet10 Mn3Sn, the SHE has an anomalous sign change when its triangularly ordered moments switch orientation. We observe contributions to the SHE (which we call the magnetic SHE) and the inverse SHE (the magnetic inverse SHE) that are absent in non-magnetic materials and that can be dominant in some magnetic materials, including antiferromagnets. We attribute the dominance of this magnetic mechanism in Mn3Sn to the momentum-dependent spin splitting that is produced by non-collinear magnetic order. This discovery expands the horizons of antiferromagnet spintronics and spin-charge coupling mechanisms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(21): 216702, 2024 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38856290


The antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Mn_{3}Sn has attracted wide attention due to its vast anomalous transverse transport properties despite barely any net magnetization. So far, the magnetic properties of Mn_{3}Sn have been experimentally investigated on micrometer scale samples but not in nanometers. In this study, we measured the local anomalous Nernst effect of a (0001)-textured Mn_{3}Sn nanowire using a tip-contact-induced temperature gradient with an atomic force microscope. Our approach directly maps the distribution of the cluster magnetic octupole moments with 80 nm spatial resolution, providing crucial information for integrating the Mn_{3}Sn nanostructure into spintronic devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(5): 056704, 2024 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38364117


Here, we report the observation of strong coupling between magnons and surface acoustic wave (SAW) phonons in a thin CoFeB film constructed in an on-chip SAW resonator by analyzing SAW phonon dispersion anticrossings. We employ a nanostructured SAW resonator design that, in contrast to conventional SAW resonators, allows us to enhance shear-horizontal strain. Crucially, this type of strain couples strongly to magnons. Our device design provides the tunability of the film thickness with a fixed phonon wavelength, which is a departure from the conventional approach in strong magnon-phonon coupling research. We detect a monotonic increase in the coupling strength by expanding the film thickness, which agrees with our theoretical model. Our work offers a significant way to advance fundamental research and the development of devices based on magnon-phonon hybrid quasiparticles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(19): 196701, 2023 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000412


Harnessing the causal relationships between mechanical and magnetic properties of Van der Waals materials presents a wealth of untapped opportunity for scientific and technological advancement, from precision sensing to novel memories. This can, however, only be exploited if the means exist to efficiently interface with the magnetoelastic interaction. Here, we demonstrate acoustically driven spin-wave resonance in a crystalline antiferromagnet, chromium trichloride, via surface acoustic wave irradiation. The resulting magnon-phonon coupling is found to depend strongly on sample temperature and external magnetic field orientation, and displays a high sensitivity to extremely weak magnetic anisotropy fields in the few mT range. Our work demonstrates a natural pairing between power-efficient strain-wave technology and the excellent mechanical properties of Van der Waals materials, representing a foothold toward widespread future adoption of dynamic magnetoacoustics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(17): 176701, 2023 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37955488


Phonons and magnons are engineered by periodic potential landscapes in phononic and magnonic crystals, and their combined studies may enable valley phonon transport tunable by the magnetic field. Through nonreciprocal surface acoustic wave transmission, we demonstrate valley-selective phonon-magnon scattering in magnetoelastic superlattices. The lattice symmetry and the out-of-plane magnetization component control the sign of nonreciprocity. The phonons in the valleys play a crucial role in generating nonreciprocal transmission by inducing circularly polarized strains that couple with the magnons. The transmission spectra show a nonreciprocity peak near a transmission gap, matching the phononic band structure. Our results open the way for manipulating valley phonon transport through periodically varying magnon-phonon coupling.

Nanotechnology ; 34(13)2023 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36571848


Reconfigurable magnonics have attracted intense interest due to their myriad advantages including energy efficiency, easy tunability and miniaturization of on-chip data communication and processing devices. Here, we demonstrate efficient reconfigurability of spin-wave (SW) dynamics as well as SW avoided crossing by varying bias magnetic field orientation in triangular shaped Ni80Fe20nanodot arrays. In particular, for a range of in-plane angles of bias field, we achieve mutual coherence between two lower frequency modes leading to a drastic modification in the ferromagnetic resonance frequency. Significant modification in magnetic stray field distribution is observed at the avoided crossing regime due to anisotropic dipolar interaction between two neighbouring dots. Furthermore, using micromagnetic simulations we demonstrate that the hybrid SW modes propagate longer through an array as opposed to the non-interacting modes present in this system, indicating the possibility of coherent energy transfer of hybrid magnon modes. This result paves the way for the development of integrated on-chip magnonic devices operating in the gigahertz frequency regime.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(16): 7302-7307, 2022 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35414173


Chirality-induced current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance (CPP-MR) originates from current-induced spin polarization in molecules. The current-induced spin polarization is widely recognized as a fundamental principle of chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS). In this study, we investigate chirality-induced current-in-plane magnetoresistance (CIP-MR) in a chiral molecule/ferromagnetic metal bilayer at room temperature. In contrast to CPP-MR, CIP-MR observed in the present study requires no bias charge current through the molecule. The temperature dependence of CIP-MR suggests that thermally driven spontaneous spin polarization in chiral molecules is the key to the observed MR. The novel MR is consistent with recent CISS-related studies, that is, chiral molecules in contact with a metallic surface possess a finite spin polarization.

Nanotechnology ; 32(39)2021 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34161940


We report here an experimental observation of dynamic dipolar coupling induced magnon-magnon coupling and spin wave (SW) mode splitting in Ni80Fe20cross-shaped nanoring array. Remarkably, we observe an anticrossing feature with minimum frequency gap of 0.96 GHz and the corresponding high cooperativity value of 2.25. Interestingly, splitting of the highest frequency SW mode occurs due to the anisotropic dipolar interactions between the cross nanorings. Furthermore, using micromagnetic simulations we demonstrate that the coupled SW modes propagate longer as opposed to other modes present in this system. Our work paves the way towards integrated hybrid systems-based quantum magnonics and on-chip coherent information transfer.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(25): 256401, 2019 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31347901


At interfaces with inversion symmetry breaking, the Rashba effect couples the motion of the electrons to their spin; as a result, a spin charge interconversion mechanism can occur. These interconversion mechanisms commonly exploit Rashba spin splitting at the Fermi level by spin pumping or spin torque ferromagnetic resonance. Here, we report evidence of significant photoinduced spin-to-charge conversion via Rashba spin splitting in an unoccupied state above the Fermi level at the Cu(111)/α-Bi_{2}O_{3} interface. We predict an average Rashba coefficient of 1.72×10^{-10} eV m at 1.98 eV above the Fermi level, by a fully relativistic first principles analysis of the interfacial electronic structure with spin orbit interaction. We find agreement with our observation of helicity dependent photoinduced spin-to-charge conversion excited at 1.96 eV at room temperature, with a spin current generation of J_{s}=10^{6} A/m^{2}. The present Letter shows evidence of efficient spin charge conversion exploiting Rashba spin splitting at excited states, harvesting light energy without magnetic materials or external magnetic fields.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(10): 107202, 2018 Mar 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29570344


We exploit an intense terahertz magnetic near field combined with femtosecond laser excitation to break the symmetry of photoinduced spin reorientation paths in ErFeO_{3}. We succeed in aligning macroscopic magnetization reaching up to 80% of total magnetization in the sample to selectable orientations by adjusting the time delay between terahertz and optical pump pulses. The spin dynamics are well reproduced by equations of motion, including time-dependent magnetic potential. We show that the direction of the generated magnetization is determined by the transient direction of spin tilting and the magnetic field at the moment of photoexcitation.

Rep Prog Phys ; 78(12): 124501, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26513299


Spin Hall effect and its inverse provide essential means to convert charge to spin currents and vice versa, which serve as a primary function for spintronic phenomena such as the spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance and the spin Seebeck effect. These effects can oscillate magnetization or detect a thermally generated spin splitting in the chemical potential. Importantly this conversion process occurs via the spin-orbit interaction, and requires neither magnetic materials nor external magnetic fields. However, the spin Hall angle, i.e. the conversion yield between the charge and spin currents, depends severely on the experimental methods. Here we discuss the spin Hall angle and the spin diffusion length for a variety of materials including pure metals such as Pt and Ta, alloys and oxides determined by the spin absorption method in a lateral spin valve structure.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(3): 036602, 2014 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484156


We demonstrate spin injection into superconducting Nb by employing a spin absorption technique in lateral spin valve structures. Spin currents flowing in a nonmagnetic Cu channel are preferably absorbed into Nb due to its strong spin-orbit interaction, the amount of which dramatically changes below or above the superconducting critical temperature (TC). The charge imbalance effect observed in the Cu/Nb interface ensures that superconducting Nb absorbs pure spin currents even below TC. Our analyses based on the density of states calculated using the Usadel equation can well reproduce the experimental results, implying that the strong spin-orbit interaction of Nb is still effective for the spin absorption even below TC. Most importantly, our method allows us to determine the intrinsic spin relaxation time in the superconducting Nb, which reaches more than 4 times greater than that in the normal state.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4305, 2024 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38862480


Antiferromagnets (AFMs) have the natural advantages of terahertz spin dynamics and negligible stray fields, thus appealing for use in domain-wall applications. However, their insensitive magneto-electric responses make controlling them in domain-wall devices challenging. Recent research on noncollinear chiral AFMs Mn3X (X = Sn, Ge) enabled us to detect and manipulate their magnetic octupole domain states. Here, we demonstrate a current-driven fast magnetic octupole domain-wall (MODW) motion in Mn3X. The magneto-optical Kerr observation reveals the Néel-like MODW of Mn3Ge can be accelerated up to 750 m s-1 with a current density of only 7.56 × 1010 A m-2 without external magnetic fields. The MODWs show extremely high mobility with a small critical current density. We theoretically extend the spin-torque phenomenology for domain-wall dynamics from collinear to noncollinear magnetic systems. Our study opens a new route for antiferromagnetic domain-wall-based applications.

Sci Adv ; 10(28): eado2504, 2024 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38985868


Surface acoustic wave (SAW) can carry phononic angular momentum, showing great potential as an energy-efficient way to control magnetism. Still, out-of-plane phononic angular momentum in SAW and its interaction with magnetism remain elusive. Here, we studied the SAW-induced magnetoacoustic waves and spin pumping in Ni-based films on LiNbO3 with selected SAW propagation direction. The crystal inversion asymmetry induces circularly polarized phonons with large out-of-plane angular momenta so that up to 60% of the SAW power attenuates nonreciprocally controlled by the out-of-plane magnetization component. The SAW propagation direction dependence of the nonreciprocity verifies the crystal origin of the phononic angular momentum, and a chiral spin pumping demonstrates that the circular polarization can control the spin current generation efficiency. These results provide an additional degree of freedom for the acoustic control of magnetism and open an avenue for applying circularly polarized phonons.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 36(36)2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565125


Magnonicsis a research field that has gained an increasing interest in both the fundamental and applied sciences in recent years. This field aims to explore and functionalize collective spin excitations in magnetically ordered materials for modern information technologies, sensing applications and advanced computational schemes. Spin waves, also known as magnons, carry spin angular momenta that allow for the transmission, storage and processing of information without moving charges. In integrated circuits, magnons enable on-chip data processing at ultrahigh frequencies without the Joule heating, which currently limits clock frequencies in conventional data processors to a few GHz. Recent developments in the field indicate that functional magnonic building blocks for in-memory computation, neural networks and Ising machines are within reach. At the same time, the miniaturization of magnonic circuits advances continuously as the synergy of materials science, electrical engineering and nanotechnology allows for novel on-chip excitation and detection schemes. Such circuits can already enable magnon wavelengths of 50 nm at microwave frequencies in a 5G frequency band. Research into non-charge-based technologies is urgently needed in view of the rapid growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, which consume substantial energy when implemented on conventional data processing units. In its first part, the 2024 Magnonics Roadmap provides an update on the recent developments and achievements in the field of nano-magnonics while defining its future avenues and challenges. In its second part, the Roadmap addresses the rapidly growing research endeavors on hybrid structures and magnonics-enabled quantum engineering. We anticipate that these directions will continue to attract researchers to the field and, in addition to showcasing intriguing science, will enable unprecedented functionalities that enhance the efficiency of alternative information technologies and computational schemes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(1): 016805, 2013 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23383824


We experimentally confirmed that the spin-orbit lengths of noble metals obtained from weak antilocalization measurements are comparable to the spin diffusion lengths determined from lateral spin valve ones. Even for metals with strong spin-orbit interactions such as Pt, we verified that the two methods gave comparable values which were much larger than those obtained from recent spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. To give a further evidence for the comparability between the two length scales, we measured the disorder dependence of the spin-orbit length of copper by changing the thickness of the wire. The obtained spin-orbit length nicely follows a linear law as a function of the diffusion coefficient, clearly indicating that the Elliott-Yafet mechanism is dominant as in the case of the spin diffusion length.