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J Chem Phys ; 160(20)2024 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38775739


In the past decade, natural orbital functional (NOF) approximations have emerged as prominent tools for characterizing electron correlation. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches, which rely on natural orbitals and their associated occupation numbers, often require hybridization with other methods to fully account for all correlation effects. Recently, a global NOF (GNOF) has been proposed [Piris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 233001 (2021)] to comprehensively address both dynamic and static correlations. This study evaluates the performance of GNOF on strongly correlated model systems, including comparisons with highly accurate Full Configuration Interaction calculations for hydrogen atom clusters in one, two, and three dimensions. Additionally, the investigation extends to a BeH2 reaction, involving the insertion of a beryllium atom into a hydrogen molecule along a C2v pathway. According to the results obtained using GNOF, consistent behavior is observed across various correlation regions, encompassing a range of occupations and orbital schemes. Furthermore, distinctive features are identified when varying the dimensionality of the system.

J Chem Phys ; 160(7)2024 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38364005


This work combines for the first time ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation with a global natural orbital functional (GNOF), an approximate functional of the one-particle reduced density matrix. The most prominent feature of GNOF-AIMD is its ability to display the real-time evolution of natural orbitals, providing detailed information on the time-dependent electronic structure of complex systems and processes, including reactive collisions. The quartet ground-state reaction N(4S) + H2(1Σ) → NH(3Σ) + H(2S) is taken as a validation test. Collision energy influences on integral cross sections for different initial rovibrational states of H2 and rotational-state distributions of the NH product are discussed, showing a good agreement with previous high-quality theoretical results.

J Chem Phys ; 160(24)2024 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38920134


Within the framework of natural orbital functional theory, having a convenient representation of the occupation numbers and orbitals becomes critical for the computational performance of the calculations. Recognizing this, we propose an innovative parametrization of the occupation numbers that takes advantage of the electron-pairing approach used in Piris natural orbital functionals through the adoption of the softmax function, a pivotal component in modern deep-learning models. Our approach not only ensures adherence to the N-representability of the first-order reduced density matrix (1RDM) but also significantly enhances the computational efficiency of 1RDM functional theory calculations. The effectiveness of this alternative parameterization approach was assessed using the W4-17-MR molecular set, which demonstrated faster and more robust convergence compared to previous implementations.

J Chem Phys ; 160(21)2024 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38828812


CNDOL is an a priori, approximate Fockian for molecular wave functions. In this study, we employ several modes of singly excited configuration interaction (CIS) to model molecular excitation properties by using four combinations of the one electron operator terms. Those options are compared to the experimental and theoretical data for a carefully selected set of molecules. The resulting excitons are represented by CIS wave functions that encompass all valence electrons in the system for each excited state energy. The Coulomb-exchange term associated to the calculated excitation energies is rationalized to evaluate theoretical exciton binding energies. This property is shown to be useful for discriminating the charge donation ability of molecular and supermolecular systems. Multielectronic 3D maps of exciton formal charges are showcased, demonstrating the applicability of these approximate wave functions for modeling properties of large molecules and clusters at nanoscales. This modeling proves useful in designing molecular photovoltaic devices. Our methodology holds potential applications in systematic evaluations of such systems and the development of fundamental artificial intelligence databases for predicting related properties.

J Chem Phys ; 158(8): 084110, 2023 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859086


This work assesses the performance of the recently proposed global natural orbital functional (GNOF) against the charge delocalization error. GNOF provides a good balance between static and dynamic electronic correlations leading to accurate total energies while preserving spin, even for systems with a highly multi-configurational character. Several analyses were applied to the functional, namely, (i) how the charge is distributed in super-systems of two fragments, (ii) the stability of ionization potentials while increasing the system size, and (iii) potential energy curves of a neutral and charged diatomic system. GNOF was found to practically eliminate the charge delocalization error in many of the studied systems or greatly improve the results obtained previously with PNOF7.

J Chem Phys ; 156(21): 214102, 2022 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35676141


This work assesses the reliability of the recently proposed [M. Piris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 233001 (2021)] global natural orbital functional (GNOF) in the treatment of the strong electron correlation regime. First, we use an H10 benchmark set of four hydrogen model systems of different dimensionalities and distinctive electronic structures: a 1D chain, a 2D ring, a 2D sheet, and a 3D close-packed pyramid. Second, we study two paradigmatic models for strongly correlated Mott insulators, namely, a 1D H50 chain and a 4 × 4 × 4 3D H cube. We show that GNOF, without hybridization to other electronic structure methods and free of tuned parameters, succeeds in treating weak and strong correlation in a more balanced way than the functionals that have preceded it.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(23): 233001, 2021 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34936779


The current work presents a natural orbital functional (NOF) for electronic systems with any spin value independent of the external potential being considered, that is, a global NOF (GNOF). It is based on a new two-index reconstruction of the two-particle reduced density matrix for spin multiplets. The emergent functional describes the complete intrapair electron correlation, and the correlation between orbitals that make up both the pairs and the individual electrons. The interorbital correlation is composed of static and dynamic terms. The concept of dynamic part of the occupation numbers is introduced. To evaluate the accuracy achieved with the GNOF, calculation of a variety of properties is presented. They include the total energies and energy differences between the ground state and the lowest-lying excited state with different spin of atoms from H to Ne, ionization potentials of the first-row transition-metal atoms (Sc-Zn), and the total energies of a selected set of 55 molecular systems in different spin states. The GNOF is also applied to the homolytic dissociation of selected diatomic molecules in different spin states and to the rotation barrier of ethylene, both paradigmatic cases of systems with significant multiconfigurational character. The values obtained agree with those reported at high level of theory and experimental data.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(4): 2953-2963, 2021 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33480904


Spectroscopic properties such as equilibrium distances, vibrational constants, rotational constants, dissociation energies, and excitation energies are calculated for nine heteronuclear diatomic molecules (PH, NF, NH, NO, CS, AlF, ClF, BeO and CF) using an interactive pair model (PNOF7s), that has been generalized for spin multiplet states, and its second order perturbation variant, NOF-MP2, which was also generalized for multiplets. The results obtained are compared with Complete Active Space (CASSCF) and Complete Active Space Perturbation Theory (CASPT2). It is shown that the potential energy curves provided by the PNOF functional for open shell diatomic molecules are in acceptable agreement with those from CASSCF and CASPT2. The spectroscopic constants depending at most on the second derivative of the potential energy are in good agreement with experiment, while those requiring the evaluation of the third and fourth derivatives show larger deviations from experiment and from those predicted by CASPT2. Thus, it is shown that the PNOF functional extension to multiplets is an alternative approach in predicting spectroscopic constants of molecules where static correlation plays an important role, like the open shell heteronuclear diatomic molecules studied in this work.

J Chem Phys ; 154(6): 064102, 2021 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33588540


In this work, the required algebra to employ the resolution of the identity approximation within the Piris Natural Orbital Functional (PNOF) is developed, leading to an implementation named DoNOF-RI. The arithmetic scaling is reduced from fifth-order to fourth-order, and the memory scaling is reduced from fourth-order to third-order, allowing significant computational time savings. After the DoNOF-RI calculation has fully converged, a restart with four-center electron repulsion integrals can be performed to remove the effect of the auxiliary basis set incompleteness, quickly converging to the exact result. The proposed approach has been tested on cycloalkanes and other molecules of general interest to study the numerical results, as well as the speed-ups achieved by PNOF7-RI when compared with PNOF7.

J Chem Phys ; 152(6): 064108, 2020 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32061239


This work deals with the problem of strongly correlated electrons in two-dimensions. We give a reduced density matrix (RDM) based tool through which the ground-state energy is given as a functional of the natural orbitals and their occupation numbers. Specifically, the Piris Natural Orbital Functional 7 (PNOF7) is used for studying the 2D Hubbard model and hydrogen square lattices. The singlet ground-state is studied, as well as the doublet mixed quantum state obtained by extracting an electron from the system. Our method satisfies two-index necessary N-representability conditions of the two-particle RDM (2RDM) and guarantees the conservation of the total spin. We show the ability of PNOF7 to describe strong correlation effects in two-dimensional (2D) systems by comparing our results with the exact diagonalization, density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), and auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations. PNOF7 overcomes variational 2RDM methods with two- and three-index positivity N-representability conditions, reducing computational cost to mean-field scaling. Consistent results are obtained for small and large systems up to 144 electrons, weak and strong correlation regimes, and many filling situations. Unlike other methods, there is no dependence on dimensionality in the results obtained with PNOF7 and no particular difficulties have been observed to converge PNOF7 away from half-filling. Smooth double occupancy of sites is obtained, regardless of the filling. Symmetric dissociation of 2D hydrogen lattices shows that long-range nondynamic correlation dramatically affects electron detachment energies. PNOF7 compares well with DMRG along the dissociation curve.

J Chem Phys ; 153(4): 044101, 2020 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752719


Analytic energy gradients with respect to nuclear motion are derived for non-singlet compounds in the natural orbital functional theory. We exploit the formulation for multiplets in order to obtain a simple formula valid for any many-electron system in its ground mixed state with a total spin S and all possible spin projection Sz values. We demonstrate that the analytic gradients can be obtained without resorting to linear response theory or involving iterative procedures. A single evaluation is required, so integral derivatives can be computed on-the-fly along the calculation, thus improving the effectiveness of screening by the Schwarz inequality. The results for small- and medium-sized molecules with many spin multiplicities are shown. Our results are compared with the experimental data and accurate theoretical equilibrium geometries.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(6): 063002, 2017 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949623


The current work presents a new single-reference method for capturing at the same time the static and dynamic electron correlation. The starting point is a determinant wave function formed with natural orbitals obtained from a new interacting-pair model. The latter leads to a natural orbital functional (NOF) capable of recovering the complete intrapair, but only the static interpair correlation. Using the solution of the NOF, two new energy functionals are defined for both dynamic (E^{dyn}) and static (E^{sta}) correlation. E^{dyn} is derived from a modified second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), while E^{sta} is obtained from the static component of the new NOF. Double counting is avoided by introducing the amount of static and dynamic correlation in each orbital as a function of its occupation. As a result, the total energy is represented by the sum E[over ˜]_{HF}+E^{dyn}+E^{sta}, where E[over ˜]_{HF} is the Hartree-Fock energy obtained with natural orbitals. The new procedure called NOF-MP2 scales formally as O(M^{5}) (where M is the number of basis functions), and is applied successfully to the homolytic dissociation of a selected set of diatomic molecules, paradigmatic cases of near-degeneracy effects. The size consistency has been numerically demonstrated for singlets. The values obtained are in good agreement with the experimental data.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(35): 24029-24041, 2017 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28832052


The energy usually serves as a yardstick in assessing the performance of approximate methods in computational chemistry. After all, these methods are mostly used for the calculation of the electronic energy of chemical systems. However, computational methods should be also aimed at reproducing other properties, such strategy leading to more robust approximations with a wider range of applicability. In this study, we suggest a battery of ten tests with the aim to analyze density matrix functional approximations (DMFAs), including several properties that the exact functional should satisfy. The tests are performed on a model system with varying electron correlation, carrying a very small computational effort. Our results not only put forward a complete and exhaustive benchmark test for DMFAs, currently lacking, but also reveal serious deficiencies of existing approximations that lead to important clues in the construction of more robust DMFAs.

J Chem Phys ; 146(1): 014102, 2017 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28063441


The analytic energy gradients with respect to nuclear motion are derived for the natural orbital functional (NOF) theory. The resulting equations do not require resorting to linear-response theory, so the computation of NOF energy gradients is analogous to gradient calculations at the Hartree-Fock level of theory. The structures of 15 spin-compensated systems, composed of first- and second-row atoms, are optimized employing the conjugate gradient algorithm. As functionals, two orbital-pairing approaches were used, namely, the fifth and sixth Piris NOFs (PNOF5 and PNOF6). For the latter, the obtained equilibrium geometries are compared with coupled cluster singles and doubles calculations and accurate empirical data.

Chemistry ; 22(12): 4109-15, 2016 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26822104


The bond order of the ground electronic state of the carbon dimer has been analyzed in the light of natural orbital functional theory calculations carried out with an approximate, albeit strictly N-representable, energy functional. Three distinct solutions have been found from the Euler equations of the minimization of the energy functional with respect to the natural orbitals and their occupation numbers, which expand upon increasing values of the internuclear coordinate. In the close vicinity of the minimum energy region, two of the solutions compete around a discontinuity point. The former, corresponding to the absolute minimum energy, features two valence natural orbitals of each of the following symmetries, σ, σ*, π and π*, and has three bonding interactions and one antibonding interaction, which is very suggestive of a bond order large than two but smaller than three. The latter, features one σ-σ* linked pair of natural orbitals and three degenerate pseudo-bonding like orbitals, paired each with one triply degenerate pseudo-antibonding orbital, which points to a bond order larger than three. When correlation effects, other than Hartree-Fock for example, between the paired natural orbitals are accounted for, this second solution vanishes yielding a smooth continuous dissociation curve. Comparison of the vibrational energies and electron ionization energies, calculated on this curve, with their corresponding experimental marks, lend further support to a bond order for C2 intermediate between acetylene and ethylene.

J Chem Phys ; 144(20): 204108, 2016 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27250280


The molecular electric dipole, quadrupole, and octupole moments of a selected set of 21 spin-compensated molecules are determined employing the extended version of the Piris natural orbital functional 6 (PNOF6), using the triple-ζ Gaussian basis set with polarization functions developed by Sadlej, at the experimental geometries. The performance of the PNOF6 is established by carrying out a statistical analysis of the mean absolute errors with respect to the experiment. The calculated PNOF6 electric moments agree satisfactorily with the corresponding experimental data and are in good agreement with the values obtained by accurate ab initio methods, namely, the coupled-cluster single and doubles and multi-reference single and double excitation configuration interaction methods.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(27): 6981-8, 2015 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26065935


Radical formation through homolytic X-H bond cleavage in LiH, BH, CH4, NH3, H2O, and HF is investigated using natural orbital functional theory in its recent PNOF6 implementation, which includes interelectron-pair correlation, and the results are compared to those of the PNOF5 level of theory, CASSCF wave function methods, and experimental data. It is observed that PNOF6 is able to improve the estimation of the corresponding dissociation energies (De) with respect to PNOF5. When PNOF6 is combined with a better description of the electron pair, through the use of an extended number of coupled orbitals, we obtain further improvements of these quantities. The convergence of the corresponding De values with the number of coupled orbitals is also discussed, finding that a proper convergence of the results is attained with three orbitals. Next, we apply PNOF6 and its improved version PNOF6(3) to describe the thermodynamics of C-H homolytic bond cleavage for a data set of 20 organic molecules in which the C-H bond is broken in the context of different chemical environments. Finally, the radical stabilization energies obtained for such a general data set are compared with the experimental data, demonstrating that the inclusion of interelectron-pair correlation in natural orbital functional theory as in PNOF6 gives a resonable description of radical stability, especially as electron pair description is improved.

Hidrogênio/química , Teoria Quântica , Radicais Livres/química , Compostos Orgânicos/química , Termodinâmica
J Chem Phys ; 143(21): 214101, 2015 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26646863


A simple comparison between the exact and approximate correlation components U of the electron-electron repulsion energy of several states of few-electron harmonium atoms with varying confinement strengths provides a stringent validation tool for 1-matrix functionals. The robustness of this tool is clearly demonstrated in a survey of 14 known functionals, which reveals their substandard performance within different electron correlation regimes. Unlike spot-testing that employs dissociation curves of diatomic molecules or more extensive benchmarking against experimental atomization energies of molecules comprising some standard set, the present approach not only uncovers the flaws and patent failures of the functionals but, even more importantly, also allows for pinpointing their root causes. Since the approximate values of U are computed at exact 1-densities, the testing requires minimal programming and thus is particularly suitable for rapid screening of new functionals.

J Chem Phys ; 143(16): 164112, 2015 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26520503


The correct description of nondynamic correlation by electronic structure methods not belonging to the multireference family is a challenging issue. The transition of D(2h) to D(4h) symmetry in H4 molecule is among the most simple archetypal examples to illustrate the consequences of missing nondynamic correlation effects. The resurgence of interest in density matrix functional methods has brought several new methods including the family of Piris Natural Orbital Functionals (PNOF). In this work, we compare PNOF5 and PNOF6, which include nondynamic electron correlation effects to some extent, with other standard ab initio methods in the H4 D(4h)/D(2h) potential energy surface (PES). Thus far, the wrongful behavior of single-reference methods at the D(2h)-D(4h) transition of H4 has been attributed to wrong account of nondynamic correlation effects, whereas in geminal-based approaches, it has been assigned to a wrong coupling of spins and the localized nature of the orbitals. We will show that actually interpair nondynamic correlation is the key to a cusp-free qualitatively correct description of H4 PES. By introducing interpair nondynamic correlation, PNOF6 is shown to avoid cusps and provide the correct smooth PES features at distances close to the equilibrium, total and local spin properties along with the correct electron delocalization, as reflected by natural orbitals and multicenter delocalization indices.

J Chem Phys ; 141(23): 234101, 2014 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25527913


We suggest new strict constraints that the two-particle cumulant matrix should fulfill. The constraints are obtained from the decomposition of ⟨S(2)⟩, previously developed in our laboratory, and the vanishing number of electrons shared by two non-interacting fragments. The conditions impose stringent constraints into the cumulant structure without any need to perform an orbital optimization procedure thus carrying very small or no computational effort. These constraints are tested on the series of Piris natural orbital functionals (PNOF), which are among the most accurate ones available in the literature. Interestingly, even though all PNOF cumulants ensure correct overall ⟨S(2)⟩ values, none of them is consistent with the local spin structure of systems that dissociate more than one pair of electrons. A careful analysis of the local spin components reveals the most important missing contributions in the cumulant expression thus suggesting a means to improve PNOF5. The constraints provide an inexpensive tool for the construction and testing of cumulant structures that complement previously known conditions such as the N-representability or the square of the total spin angular momentum, ⟨S(2)⟩.