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PeerJ ; 8: e8885, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32296607


Multi-use marine protected areas (MUMPAs) are a commonly applied tool for marine conservation in developing countries, particularly where large no-take reserves are not socially or politically feasible. Although MUMPAs have produced benefits around the world, the persistence of moderate fishing pressure reduces the likelihood of achieving the primary objective of these areas, which is the conservation of ecosystems. In this study we used traditional and functional metrics to evaluate how fish assemblages changed through time in a MUMPA, including shifts in species responses and in ecological processes. We conducted visual censuses of fishes at Espíritu Santo Island, México (MUMPA; N = 320; 24°N, 110°W) from 2005 to 2017 to assess fish richness, size-distribution and density. Three functional indices were calculated using six traits (size, mobility, period of activity, aggregation, position in water column and diet): functional richness (volume occupied by species), dispersion (complementarity between species) and originality (inverse of functional redundancy). We compared fish diversity among three management zone types (sustainable fishing, traditional fishing and no-take zones), through a 13-year period, assessing which species increased or decreased in occurrence, density, and biomass, and how indices respond over time. Despite a general increase in biomass and stability in density and originality, we detected a reduction in fish biodiversity in the form of declines in species and functional richness, which could imply the risk of local extinction and decrease in certain ecosystem processes. In addition, changes in functional dispersion showed that some functions are losing representation through time. Although no single cause is apparent, such factors as competitive interactions, habitat loss and persistence of fishing pressure potentially explain these decreases. The rise in biomass was associated with a general increase in the average size, rather than increased biomass of commercial species, as the latter remained stable during the study period. Expansion of no-take areas, enforcement of fishing regulations, and surveillance in core zones, should be implemented to reverse the decline in particular species and to promote conservation of fish functional diversity in this MUMPA.

Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.2): 221-232, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958170


Resumen Los estudios sobre los equinodermos de la costa del Pacifico de México se han enfocado en la taxonomía y biogeografía y hay escasos datos sobre ecología comunitaria o poblacional del grupo. En el presente trabajo analizamos los cambios estacionales de la densidad poblacional y la distribución espacial de cuatro especies de erizos regulares (Diadema mexicanum, Echinometra mathaei oblonga. Eucidaris thouarsii y Tripneustes depressus) en tres bahías de la Isla Socorro, Archipiélago de Revillagigedo, México. Las especie más abundante en la isla fue E. mathaei oblonga (3.96 + 0.83 ind m-2; promedio y error típico), seguida de D. mexicanum (2.13 + 0.59 ind m-2), T. depressus y E. thouarsii (entre 0.50 y 0.11 ind m-2, respectivamente). La Bahía Binners tuvo la mayor densidad con 15.98 + 0.43 ind m-2, en gran medida debido a la alta incidencia de E. mathaei oblonga en el sitio. Estacionalmente, T. depressus y E. thouarsii no variaron significativamente su abundancia durante el año, pero D. mexicanum fue más abundante en invierno-primavera, y E. mathaei oblonga en el otoño. En relación al patrón de distribución espacial, dos de las especies (D. mexicanum y E. mathaei oblonga) presentaron una distribución agregada a lo largo del año y en las tres localidades de estudio, pero los otros dos equinoideos se dispusieron de forma azarosa. Hay varias razones para explicar el comportamiento de agregación en erizos de mar, pero para el caso de Isla Socorro aquí se argumenta a favor de que es un modo de defensa contra los abundantes peces depredadores que habitan los arrecifes. En contraste, las especies que no muestran agrupaciones residen en refugios durante el día (E. thouarsii) o bien su morfología y tamaño dificultan su captura por los peces (T. depressus).

Abstract The studies on echinoderms of the Mexican Pacific have focused on taxonomy and biogeography, and there are limited data on their ecology. We used transect to study Diadema mexicanum, Echinometra mathaei oblonga, Eucidaris thouarsii and Tripneustes depressus at three bays in Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico (1989 and 1990). The most abundant species in the island was E. mathaei oblonga (3.96 + 0.83 ind m-2; average and standard error), followed by D. mexicanum (2.13 + 0.59 ind m-2), T. depressus and E. thouarsii (between 0.50 and 0.11 ind m-2, respectively). Binners Bay had the highest density with 15.98 + 0.43 ind m-2, mostly due to the high incidence of E. mathaei oblonga at the site. Seasonally, T. depressus and E. thouarsii did not significantly varied its abundance during the year, while D. mexicanum was more abundant in winter-spring, and E. mathaei oblonga in the fall. Two species (D. mexicanum and E. mathaei oblonga) had an aggregated distribution along the year and in the three study locations, but the other two echinoids followed a random distribution. This may be a defense against the abundant predatory fishes. In contrast, the species that do not aggregate inhabit in refuges during the day (E. thouarsii), or their shape and size makes them difficult to capture by fishes (T. depressus). Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 221-232. Epub 2015 June 01.

Animais , Ouriços-do-Mar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Densidade Demográfica , México